HomeMy WebLinkAbout19420713_REGULARIlinutes 022 the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hjll on July 13p 1942, at 8rOO ofclock P,IL Anmering rall call President Sharpe, Gebo, Tli-llson, 'r'Cyatt. Becarder Bore having telephoned he muld arrive. late on account of tire trouble. The President declared that the minutes of the former meeting of the Council held on June 22nd would he deferred until arrival of the Recorder. nates of the meeting pending arrival of the Recorder. Vyatt report accepted, Report Road & Bridge by Villson accepted Report ox1 Police 6 Pire by Gebo accepted, &he Fire chief's recommendation on federal 7-& HePo siren and recommended to order a 7-5 HOPe Pederal Siren for trial at the Coo expense . Engineer SmiGh vtas delegated ko take I Chairman Gebo.reported on Roy Anderson 46th and Tower near 56th & Vooddale, complained of poor drainage, finished. from Xinnehaha Blvd. to Halifax, thence north on Arden Ave. to 51st St., nhich ail1 be oiled if possible- before the deadline july 22nd, Referred to Engineer to check after oiling program is Petition with several signers for oiling on 52nd St, Ere Campbell, 56th &Beard presented a petition signed by 12 property owners to extend foot bridge at Beard & LSinnehaha Creek. Referred to Smith & Villson for attention after July 22nd when oiling is completed. Petition presented by Edward I?., Schmidt t'o prevent the Ifasssl- gren building being moved by Garrison back to Lat 15, Block 8, South Harriet Park, He mgs assured it would not be moved to above lot. %re Veasner, corner of KePlogg PZ 55th, Qanted to knov if 55Trh St, will be oiled. ID, Arnott of 4620 Arden was present, inquired vhat Is te be done about additional starm sever capacity in his district. Referred to Engineer Smith who vi11 make a study of present storm sen& 6 Cauncil advised him it mould not be done this year. - system. L.lr Gund of 56th & Vooddale inquired abaut oiling Vooddale & was informed it i'lould be oiled. Architect Xangland explained. proposed elevations for Village Hall and Council advised Jhngland to established the ultimsb ground b mrade araund Bldg,at Elevation 219,00, After study.and discussion by all, the architects plans and recommendations vere accepted and Recarder Eoore authorized to advertise for bids for first unit of Village Hall according to plans and specifications by Lang & Rangland, Architects &lZngineers, to be received at the regular meeting of the Council to be held on July 27, 1942, mmutes of the regular meeting of the Council duly held an J-me 229 1942, mere read, On motion Wyatt, they be approved as read, seconded Villson and carried . The miscellanebus Bills upon having been duly examined and found correct, were on motion Bills~n they be duly alloved and ordered paid, seconded Vyatt and carried, They are its follovst: Landers-Uorblom Christenson Go, Prattts Express Coo OIson% Grocery- 3, E, Ziegler Coo Berg Q Farnham Co. Simon Strand Jay V, Craigg Co. Dale Green 8 802,42 35,OO 2,69 40.77 3.85 8.00 1653,40 186.10 75 Axel Xielson L. Jasperson Dahlberg Brothers, Inc. Glacier Sand 8 Gravel Company Edina Hardware Phiillips Petroleum Company Enneapolis Iron Store Dahlberg Brothers , Inc . Bren Hardware Store Eiller-Davis Go. Hennepin County Blackburn, Xickels, & Smith, Inc. H. V. Johnston Do. City of Xinneapolis E. W. Harris E. I?. Harris Os car Roberts ITorthern States Power Co . Cery E. Crake €&men A. Priesman Gordon R. Craig Elmer S. Valker Frank V. IIiller Henry Y. Turman Lee E. Wilsow Char ley Johns on Hinus P. Knodson Axel Eielsen mthias Beversdorf Enneapalis Gas Light Berg &Parnhavn E. H. Bradley Sudmban Hennepin County Relief Board Thompson Lumber Co ,, Gardner mrdware Go. Borey Shell Station J. A, Danens 6% Son Edina Garage Ed ina Hardware Joseph F. Auel Go. Chris Larsen Horthwestern Bell Telephone Co, Bud Brook's Station Hardviare Eutual Insurance Go, The Butts- Agency Rural Hennepin County Surplus COG 'Commission Ben B. Eoore Ed. EcDevitt George Jensen Graybar Electric Go. Phi1 \iJ. Smith Eennepin Caunty Review Phil W. Smith J. N. Jahrtson Lyle Signs Total 8 4.50 2.95 36.38 14 . 65 34.80 44.63 37.07 11.94 88.40 116 .OO 365 . 81 240.89 '76.90 109.51 BO . 50 18.24 187Xt,87 3.84 3,84 3.84 3.84 3 0 84. 4,SB 22.80 25.19 2.00 19.20 1.86 48.331 123 . 00 339.90 77.15 2.80 18 . 00. 40 .OO .60. 17.90 11,75 7.25 26 . 60 78 . 46 45,80 ' 37.40 319.20 7.00 28.08 21.40 27,75 $55oOO 6.36 19.11 931. 75 3.46 90.50 57.70 $7363,8L Bills and accounts of Sewer District #8 were carefully noted and found correct, whereupon Xaore moved they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Trustee Geba and carried. They are as follows : Lznders- orbl low-Christens~n Ca. 3$ 810.08 Vm. H. Ziegler Go. 644.02 Kagneto Service Co. 8.07 U. Eariani 53.00 Eorthwestern Bell Telephone Co, 8.25 Diat. Boiler Insp. for Henn. Go. 6.00 Edina Hardware 3.04 Bscar Roberts 169.59 E. C. Pfieffer 112.50 finneapolis Equipment Co. 9.70 Dahlberg Brothers, Inc. 2.00 Borey Shell Station 68,58 Lewis Bolt & Hut Co. 292.50 { Edina Feed S-bore S*andard Unit Parts Co. Thompson Xumber Co . J. A, Danens & Son Ck.larles Qlson & Sons Vorthley Concrete Co. 16.80 22.40 392.00 6.50 18 . 19 Tohl $2672,82 29.60 The Village 45 Road Bills upon examination vere found correctp vhereupon Gebo moved they Se duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded Villson and carried. They are as follows: Earl C. Sharpe Ben B. Thore L, E. Gebo George A. Rillson Dr. A. S. Vyatt J. J. Duggan Dr. Lo E. Campbell Ilarl Cave11 Phil 8, Smith Cleo S, Vhelan T. E, Tilly Hilding Dah1 I?. So Heydt Jo Ti. Lyon R, J, Sahnson S. Jo Roberts P, E. Dahlgrea John Tracy I;. 5. Stolman 0. E, Spande R, Port E, J. Xerfeld S. UcCready H. Ensly S, Herrett E, Jonas . Jolvl Tracy Jr, John, Lindberry J. Costell- A, 0. Stringer 58 Eerret'c Phil yf8 Smith President -July Re cord er Trpstee Trustee Trustee Tress mer Health Officer Village Attorney Engineer Auto Alloaance Office Clerk Village Ihrshall Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Street Commissioner Utility &n Tract or Operat or Truck Driver Asst. Rd, 3oreman Asst. Tractor Operator Asst. Truck Driver Road labor Park labor Lab017 124 Hrs. Weed Inspection 7% I-Irs Labor 101 Hra; Labor 55 Hr, Truck Labor 64 Rrs &n &Team Village Supplement Weage 158'Ei.les 8 ,05 To-kaf 4 50.00 90.00 35.00 35.00 35 .OO 30,OO 30.00 150 . 00 25.00 37.50 92.50 80.00 80-,00 92 , 50 75 a00 75,oo 70.00 70.00 67.50 67.50 87,OO 72.00 74.40 50.50 55.00 80.00 25,OO 75.00 80.00 64000 39.00 7-90 $1997.30 Amard to Village of Edina received from 3Ennesota Sta'ce.Safety Council jlyl recognition of T.%aving achieved a ?NO Traffic Accident Fatality Record* for the entire year 1941, and turned cder ta Chairman Gebo. Eresident Sharpe read letter dated July Y9 19429 advising that July 17th had been designated as Umerican Heroes Daytp for purchase of Var Bonds and S%mp and referred to Trustee Wyatt t%o gut cJvert! in his usual way, Camunfcatian read aherein I!&. John C, Cornelius offered to present to the Village that portion of Lot 1, Block 1 Sumyslope Section, undermater vhen vater reaches the top of the old Vest 50th Street Dam8 After discussion it \?as agreed to withhold reply until the Council could viem the property and decide the matter. The matter of the Country Club District Service Goo9 continuing to furnish liability bond in favor of the Village of Edina duly came before the meeting, the matter 'be referred to Tillage Attorney Covell, with instru- Eoore and carried. After discussion Trustee Gebo moved I ctions to insist on the reneval of present bond, secanded 77 Check in the amourit of $233.00 was received and turned over to Treasurer Duggan from Rural Hennepin County Surplus Commodities Committee, covering Village of Edina proportionate share in the reduction of Food Stamp Revolving Pund from $20,000 to $~15,000, leaving a balance in said Fund of $700 to the credit of the Village of Edina. The matter of increased pay for Village EmploEees came before the meeting. After a short discussion President Shappe declared this Lo be a matter for special consideration at a future meeting of the Council. The hour being late, President Sharpe declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time and place an July 15, 1942, at 8 :00 o tclock P. a. Vi lfage Recorder