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Eiarntes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Tillage of Edina, held in Grange Hall on
July 27, 1942 at 8,OO o'clock PN, {
The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll
called and all members of the Council were present.
Uinrutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on'July 13,
2942 and the recessed portion of the same meeting duly held on July 3.5, 1942, were read. On motion Trustee Gebo, they be
approved as read, secoeed by Wyatt, and carried.
.- .
Attorney Bradley on behalf of Harold and EthelLHasselgren,
presented a Completion Bond, running to the Village of Edina, regarding the dwelling recently moved to 5913 Ashcroft Avenue,
The bond having been approved by Village Attorney Cove11 with
completion date of one year and asked that a building permit be issued to his client. After short discussion, Xoore moved
that the bond be accepted and building permit ordered issued, seconded by Tillson, and carried.
The Village Payrolls having been carefully noted and found
correct, Trustee Zillson moved they be duly allqwed and ordered
paid, seconded by Vyatt, and carried.
\ \7
Pay rolls and accounts of Sewer District No. 8, hading been
examined and fowd correct, Eoore moved they be duly allormed and
ordered paid, seconded by Gyatt, and carried,
Bids as advertised, for the first wit of the new Edina Village i Hall, were received and read aloud before the interested bidders,
the architects and others, bidding on base bid as follows:
w, B. H, S'cahr ............. 86750.00
E. P, Eadsen ............ 5864.00 Edwest Contracting Co .. 5403.00 Kraus-hderson .......... 5500.00
E. M. Garrley ............ 7733.00 Devereau-Olson .......... 7400.00
mhereupon Recorder Xoore, moved that all bids be received and referred to Lang &Raugland, architects, for tabulation and recommendations to the Council and that the certBied checks
of all but the two lowest bidders be returned, seconded by Trustee
Ylyatt, and carried.
Xessrs Vielip and several other residents appeared before the Council reprding the oiling of West 1i58nd Street in Glenview .
Addition, --fn.the discussion which followed Chairman Jillson and Engineer Smith advised that road oil was frozen and that the
Pederal Oil Administrator had advised that no new roads nere to
be oiled.
Llr Horthey and several residents of Thielen Avenue, advised the
Council they were concerned over the shutting dom of the Sanitary Sewer work in Sewer District No. 8, by the Federalgorks Progress
Administration, as their neighborhood was greatly in need of sa- itary sewerse CrErairman Boore, stated that the sewer committee
had'carefully studied the matter and would recommend to the
Council later in the meeting, that the two cannedtions, one on
, 3est 44th Street and the other on Borth Avenue, be cmpletad by
the Village out of funds of Sewer District No. 8, by either day
labor and using Village owned equipment, or by a suitable contraet
whichever best, and which would complete the main Trunk Sewer its
entire llenght from West 54th Street and Uptan Avenue, Einneapolis, to the Horth Village Limits of Edina on Thielen Avenue, which was
agreeable to the residents,.
Mesers Anderson, Berlin and Erause, requested that Tawer Street
south of J7est 56th Street, be graded, which was puly referred to Engineer Smith.
Uessrd Brank Kerston and Jack Stratton, advised the Council in
regard to the proposed assessment of Storm Sewer District No, 10,
that as their property was high land that they did not feel it
should be assessed, They qere advised tha% the Cauncif had
proceeded on a petition by the residrnts and that the land lying in the drainage area, as computed by the Village Engineer:, was
that to be assessed, Trustee gyatt, thereupon offered the
following Resolution and moved its adoption:
I115 STORE SEE;U”IER DISTRICT NO. 10, I BE: IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Eennepin Go.unty, Einnesota, as f olloss :
I, The engineer heretofore? duly selected by this Council far such purposes, has, with the assistance of Alex Creighton,
calculated the proper arnouats to ’be specially assassed for %he
construction of severs in Strom Sewer District Eoe 10 of said
Village against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land nithin said District, in accordance with the provisions of lam,
and has prepared and filed with the Village Clerk tabulated
statements, in duplicate, showing the proper description of each: and everylot, piece or parcel of land to be specially assessed and the amount calculated against the same,
2, .Notice has been duly published, as required by lav, that
this Cauncil vould meet in regular session at this time and
place to pass on the proposed assessment,
3, Said proposed assessment has, at all times since its filing,
been qen to inspection and copying by all persons interested and
the opportunity has ’been given to all interested persons to p
present their abjections, if any:, to auch proposed assessment, or
to: any item thereof, and, no objections have been filed,
4. This Council finds thai each of the lots, pieces or parcels of land enumerated in said praposed assessment, was, and is,
specially bebefited by the construction of said sewer in Stom
Sewer District go, 10, in the amount in said proposed assessment da
set opgosita the description of each such lot, piece or parcel
of land, respectively, and that said amount so set out is hereby levied against each of the respective lots, pieces or parcels of land therein described.
5, That such proposed assessment is affirmed, adopted and c~nfir~ted, and that the sum fixrd and named in said proposed
aasesament are affirmed, adopted,’ and confirmed as the,proper
special assessment for each of said lots, pieces or parcels of
land respectively.
6, That said assessment so affirmed, adopted and confirmed
shall be certified to by the Village Clerk and filed in his office and s&llthereupon be and constitute the special assess- ment far the construction of severs in Storm Sewer District Bo I.08
that the amount assessed against each lot, piece or parcel of land shall bear interest from the date hereof until same has been paid,
at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum.
?;,--,That such assessment shall be payable in five (5) equal.
annual installments, payable an the first day of June in each year:, beginning in the year 1943, and continuing Until all of the
said installments shall have been paid, each installment to be collected with taxes collectable during said year by .the County Auditor,
fife i~ the office of the County Auditar of Hennopin County, a
certified statexemt of the amount of all of such unpaid assess-
ments, and the amount ahich will be due thereon, an the 1st day
of June in each year.
That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to make up and
The motion to adapt was seconded by Trustee W'illscm, and the vote
vas upon the question of the adaption of the resolution, wherein
there were five ayes and no plays, and so the resolution was adopted.
Village Clerk.
Application accompanied by check in the amount of $12.00, by
Hay and Stenson, for Cigarette License for periad ending &rch
31, 1943, was on motion Gebo, be granted, seconded by &ore
and carried,
Chairman Gebo, reported on the advisibilty of carrying liabilty
and property damage insuramc an Village Pire,truck in the
amount af $10,000.00-$30,000.00, at an annual premium of $78.93
and thereupon so moved, seconded by Vyatt and carried.
The matter af completing the two cannectixg links of Trunk Sewer
af approximately 100 feet on Vest 44th Street, east af Thielen
Avenue and 225 feet on HQrth &QeZlUt?, was presented to the! Ccruncif
by Chairman Eoore and discussed by the Cauncil, Village Attorney - daQEtzn and Wr Stringer, fomner superintendent for WA. After
discussion Noore moved, that tho Village proceed to install the two connecting links of Trunk sewer out af funds of Sewer District
Ha. 8, on a day labor basis and using present owned Village Equip-
ment, paying not to exceed 70 cents, 90 cents and#1,05 per holur
for the several classifications of labor and to engage A.C.Stringer
to supervise this wakk and to also make a survey of all the sari-
itary and storm water connections throughout the Village on basis of pay of $175.00 per month!, with Henry L. Bell to continue as
befare as Village Sewer Inspectar and to assist Kr Stringer as
Fareman, the motion was seconded by IilPson and carried.
Architect Raukland, reported on bids Car the first section of
Village Hall, as folxows:
Eid-Vest Coptracting Go. , base b'id less cement floor $4978.00
Erause-Anderson, base bid using new lumber 5500.00 mause-Anderson, base bid using old lumber 4990.00
and recommended award to the Nid-Vest Contracting Company, as the
~Qw bidder
dation. of the architects and award the contract for the first unit
of new Edina Village Hall to the Kid-Vest Contraction Company, in
the amount of #4978.00, according to plans and specifications by
Lang and Raugland, Architects & Engineers, secaladed By Eoora and
carried by unamimus vat0 of all members of the Council.
Thereupon Trustee Gebo moved to accept the rocommen-
Comunicathn dated July 13th, from County Auditor, referred to
deliquent tax property in the VilHage of Edima, whereupon Trustee
Gebo offered the following Resolution and moved its adriptiont
lrmEREAS, the VilPage Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin
County, Xinnesota, has received from the Land Cormmissiomes of
Hennepin County, a list of Land in said Village of Edina, which
has become the absolute property of the State of Ninaesota undes
the provisions of laws deElaring the forfeiture of lands to the
State for taxes, which lands have been elassffie& by the County
Board of said Hennepin County as non-conservation and for sale,
pursuant to Laws of Ninnesota for 1935, Chapter 386, Section I,
as amended, which list of lands is designated as List 384,
July B3,$942, and
'NfEEREAS, this Council has made a complete examination of all facts
am% circumstances relating to suoh parcels,
SQW TEEEREBORE, acting pursuant to said Section it$, Chapter 386,
BE IT II%SQLWDl, that the Village Council crf said Village of
Ediaa, approve the classification of the said County Boar&
of said lamb as non-coaservatian and for sale.
The question was upon the ques.t;ion of the adaption of the
resolution, and the roll being called there were fiye ayes
srrd no nays, as followst
Gebo aye, Willson aye, Wya%t aye, Egoore, aye Sharp aye.
An8 so the resolution ma aaopted.
Clerk of the Village of -%ins.
No further husiness to coxe before this meeting, the President
declared the meeting recessed ta meet again at the same time
am3 place at the call of the President.
Village Recordei. - -.