HomeMy WebLinkAbout19420810_REGULAREinutes af the regular meeting of the Cauncil of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on Augpst *10,'1942,'a€,8;00 o 'clock P.I. The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the Council were present. Ninutes of the regular meeting of the Cauncil held on July 27, 1942, were read. On motion Gebcz, they be approved as read, seconded by Vyatt, and carried. The Uiscellaneous bills upon having been duly examined and found correct, were on motion Trustee Gebo, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, secanded by Trustee Vyatt, and carried. They are as fallows t Campany Purchase order Amount '2. Y. Bosholt Company 136 Dale Green 140, 381 Reiahard Bras Company 141 Oscar Roberts & Go 262, 268,331 Landers-Norblom-C1istensen 185,272, 273y274,275, Thampsaa Lumber CO 279 Graybar Electric Ccmpamy 285 Berg & Farnham 286 276,323,330 Phillips Petroleum Go 302, 353, 359 S. J. Fautsch 318, 352, 384 Glacier Sand 8c Gravel Co 321, 212 Hennepin County Review 324, 333 Bud Brook's Station 326, 367, 368 Dahlberg Bros, Inc 334, 303, 363, 319,329 Itiller-Davis Co 337, 351 Edina Hardware e 338, 375 . Wnneapolis Typewriter Exc. 336 Ninneapolis Gas Light Co. 341 John Shay &tap Company 348 Boreyts Shell Station 349, 371, 318 Phil \To Smith 350 Sammis Sales Service 355 Blackburn ,Nichols Smith 361, 362 Bren Hardware 366 Say W. Craigg Campany 370 E. 1'. Harris 372 ha Tedman 376 Clerk District Cam% 382 Eimeapolis Iron Store ' 386,387,388,389,390,391 Einneapolis Blue PrLnting 392 Hus t ad Company 385 Am. Brake Shoe &Fdry Co 320 Eks R. Westerberg &Asscts. J. A. Dannens eC Son 402 Sub. Hennepin CQ Relief Bd, 411 Northwestern Bell Tel, Co 4 10 Hemepin Co Su-r.Cotnrm.Comm. 409 Arthur Petersen 408 Alex Crsighton 412 V?. E. Cooper & Sans 373 Total $13 . 75 272.35 1.80 24.39 180 . 69 4.71 14.40 36.43 33 . 68 31 . 50 378.44 22.90 122 . 56 231 . 21 54.20 10 . 94 7.50 . 33 9-75 186.7'7' 10-94 74.00 84.46 5,30 2,857.13 106.86 134.15 3.33 1000 34 . 11 96.32 320.25 23.20 251.95 27.75 454 . 30 15.00 $6217.85 41.46 15.00 23.04 The Bills and accounts of Sewer District Humber 8y were duly checked and found correct, including pay roll for period August 1, to August 15, 1942, whereupon i7illson moved they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by &ore, and carried. They are as follows Company Purchase order Amount AO'A. Skalski Supply Go 126 $ll7.87 ' Landers-IFlorblom-Christ ens en 258 41.00 J. A. Danems & Son 403,404 167.60 Oscar Raberts 264 37.63 Vm E. Ziegler CQ - 159,313,328,369 206098 Company Purchase order Thompson Lumber Ca . Edina Eardvare EIEime;zpolis Iron Store agneto Service 00 17 .E. Ziegler -E. dland Eat Bk Epls ITorthfield eC So. m. Bren H&rddt.tare - A, C. Stringer E. C. Pfeiffer Ers Eerman Dirks A. C. Stringer, Supt. Samuel Dsnling ViLLliarn Caok John L, Cream a. L, Ellingson A ,C .Kingstr om Fred L. Stoffels Eerman Colman John B. Laurie Frank C. SchmiLyzki Adrien Dussers Elmer So 17alker Alf Edrrardson Charley Johnson Valter Eo Harvey VUliam Sletten Kike Burton Pred Krolzick Antan F. Kleschold Lemis V. Hanen Jefferson Lancaster Charles Benson Russell Rudolph Einer S , Swans on Andrea Uortensen Carl P. Nelson Edaard Dickenson (Total for labor 2 78 271, 277,356 327, 254 332, 357 339 340 365 397 400 401 1/2 month 40 hrs 40 It 40 Ik 40 40 tt 40 * 40 40 t, 24 I‘ 16 I’ 40 40 tt 40 It 44 t* 40 tt 40 40 tk 40 * 40 * 40 * 40 * 40 ‘? 32 tt 40 It 40 tt 39* It- Tot a1 as above $793.81) haunt $27.05 19.46 41-73 27,43 43T058 2e20 1,14 12.50 112 . 50 10000 87 e 50 26,OO 26,OO 26,Oo 26,OO -26.00 26,OO 26eOO 26000 15060 10.40 26.00 26,OO 25-67 29 0 60 32e56 29 . 60 29.60 29-60 29 e 60 29e60 29 60 29.60 23.68 36.00 29e60 36.00 $20 56 0 48 The Village and Road Crew payrolls having been carefully noted and found correct, Trustee Villson, moved they be duly allawed and ordered paid, seconded by Trustee Vyatt, and- carried. They are as f allovs : Earl C. Sharpe Ben B. Xoore George A, VilLson A. S. Vyatt 3. E, Gebo 3ojn 3. Duggan Dr L. EI. Campbell &rl Cove11 Phil i7, Smith Phil 57, Smith Glee, S, Yihelan T. E. Tilly ELldirng Dahl Til. S. Heydt John WO Lyon R, J, Johnson S, 3, Roberts 2, Dahlgren Jahn Tracy I;. Stolzman 0, E. Spande X. Lferfeld President, August Recorder Trustee Trustee Trustee Treasurer Health Officer Village Attorney Village Engineer Auto allowance Office Clerk Village mrshall Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Street Commissioner Utilitynan Tract or aperat or Truck driver Asat Road Fareman Asst Tractor operator Tot a1 350.00 90.00 35.00 35,OO 35.00 30.00 30,Oo 75.00 c ..* 300,OO 50 .OO 75,OO * 195,Oo .* L 1’10.00 *. .. I 170 eo0 170 eo0 193 . 00 160,OO 160 -00 150 .OO 150.00 145.00 $2470.00 The recessed Eaard of Review meeting continued by Council actian on the fourth (4th) Eonday in June, to August 10, 1942, was held as scheduled Between the hours sf 10.00 AJL and 6.00 PeUe and wherein PO person appeared before the Board. President Sharpe called for reports from the several committies of' the Council, wherein Chiliman Villson, reported on Road and Bridge, Chairman Gebo, on Police and Pire, Chairman Vyatt on Relief and Chairman Emre on Sewers and Sewer construction. Discussion was had by the Council and Village Attorney Covell, on the advisability of revising and,cbdFfying various ordinances af the Village and the enactment of new ordinances such as Bill Board, Valunteer Fireman's Relief, the moving of buildings and Sanitary Sewer Connecting. Bo further business to come befare the meeting, the President declared the meeting recessed to; meet again at the same time and place at the call of the President. Village Recorder.