HomeMy WebLinkAbout19420824_REGULARUinutes of the regular meetjing of the Council of the
Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on August 24,
1942, at 8.00 o 'CEock Pa%
The meeting vas called to order by President sharpe, the roll called and all members of the Council 'i7ere
present e
Elinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on
August 10, 1942, were read. Vhereupon Trustee Gebo moved the minutes be approved as read, subject to the following omission being added pertaining to the Board
of Review meeting: "At the conclusion of the meeting the members of the Council constituting the Board of Revien, duly approved the Assessor's record and there-
upon signed same and instructed the Assessor to levy a
Tax Assessment on any stock of liquors and liquor
stamps, '*seconded by ;'fyatt and carried
The Payroll advances having been carefully noted and
found correct, were on motion Tillson, they he duly
allowed and ordered paid, seconded by llyatt and carried.
Payroll and accounts of Sewer District Humber 8, were duly examined and found correct, mhereupon Trustee Gebo
maved they he duly allclmed and ordered paid, seconded by Trustee 'Zillsan, and carried e
ZIr E. 3, Ebrmer, appeared before the Council to protest against the parking space in front of his stare being
constantly used by Taxi-cabs, which vas referred to the
Palice Conmittee,
Several residents of Tawer Street were present to inquire
nhen Taver Street nould be graded and were assured that
every effort mould be made to get the grading done before
the Pall veather set in.
Ulderico&riani, advised the Council that any streets
dug up by reason of his contract to install sanitary
severs in 'District Number 9, were restored to their
former condition and requested his final payment be made
at this time, Engineer Smith advised that the Village
had done road grading at a cost of $42.00 and Uariani stated he mould be milling to pay this amount. Thereupon Trustee SJillson moved that final payment be made Ulderico
mriani, under the contract to install sanitary severs in Sewer District llfum'ber 9, in the amount of 3458.00, seconded.
by Trustee YJyatt, and carried,
Eessrs Xaegele and Cates, appeared before the Council to request that the License Regulating BovJling Alleys, be
changed to permit slot machines, which was discussed and &he suggestion was not agreeable to the Council,
Communication of the U.S, Department of the Interior,
Office of Civilian Defense, requested a survey of coal
aeeds of governmental units in Edina, and referred to
Engineer Smith, far reply,
The matter of appointing Judges and Clerks for the September
Caunty and State Primary Election, duly came before the
Council, vhereupon Eoore moved the following Ifessrs. ad,-
Eesdages, be,duly appointed as such I
"lilliams E'armer Strate Jevett Cr eight on Saens en Dirks Chris topher
hpiuan Aldritt Sonnerrberg Jesterberg Lunrdquist Beard Hammand Noleen Kernburn Duggan EcCr eady Xolter
all of whom having served in previous elections, seconded
by Trustee Uyatt and carried,
Chairman Gebo;, read letter dated August 15, 1942, to the
Council by Village Earshall T.E.Tilly, requesting a one year
leave of absence an account of the National Emergency, After
discussion, Chairman Geba moved that the request be granted
without pay and in the hope that conditions may be such that
the future Camcil can re-employ on present basis, seconded by Wyatt, and carried. ‘
Chairman Gebo, moved that in the absence of Village Earshall
T. E. Tilly, absent on‘ leave on account of the National
Emergency existing at this time, that Police Officer John 7,
Lyon, be appointed Acting Village Earshall during the interim,
seconded by YJyatt and carried,
Eo further business to come before the Cauncil at this time,
President Sharpe, declared the meeting recessed to meet again
at the same the and place at the call of the President.
Village Recorder ,
(Official Publication)
Hennepin County, Minnesota
The village council of Edina do or- dain as focows: Section 1. Definitions. As used in this ordinitnce and in regulations adopt- ed thereunder, the following phrases shall have the meanings given to them below:
(1) “Air raid warning signal”: a sig- nal to indicate the beginning of a blackout or air raid alarm prescribed by the Adjutant General of Minnesota or other appropriate military authority, or in the absence of such prescription, by the president of the village coun-
(2) “All-clear signal”: a signal to indicate the end of a blackout or air raid alarm prescribed by the Adjutant General of Minnesota pr other appro- priate military authority, or, in the absence of such prescription, by the president of the village council.
(3) “Alarm period”: the interval of time between an air raid signal and the following all-clear signal.
(4) “Blackout structure”: any area so enclosed that any illumination main- tained or existing therein is not vis- ible from any point outside such en. closure.
(1) Illumination within a blackoui structure. (2) Illumination maintained by thf armed forces of the United States 01 the state in the course of duty. .
(3) Illumination authorized by thf president of the village council through regulations adopted under Section : of this ordinance.
(4) Illumination maintained pursu ant to permission granted in individua cases by the chief of police. The chie of police may grant such permissio1 only when he finds it necessary for thl ureservation of th% public safety 0 ihe maintenaqce of order or when hl has been specifically authorized tc grant such permission by an office of the United States or the state actin1 within the scope of his authority.
If an alarm period is confined to I part of the village, the restrictions 0 this section shall apply only to tha part of the village.
Sect,n-4. -Traffic During Alarm Per-. ods. Except as hereinafter provided, no rehicle shall be moved on the Streets
)f the village during an alarm period inless*directed to be moved by a reg dar or awiliary police officer or fire- nan displaying his official identifica- .ion When a blackout signal is sounded, .he operator of every vehicle in motion )n the streets shall immediately bring be vehicle to a halt at the side of the ;treet off the travelled portion of the aadwas: but evew such vehicle Sliall )e halied clear of intersections, fire itation entrances, fire hydrants, hos- )ita1 entrances and other emergency treas. This section shall not‘apply to be emergency operation of vehicles Of ,he armed forces of the United States )r of the state emergency vehicles as lefined in thk Minnesota highway .. .rn.ffic remlation act. or vehicles whose ____-_ --D ...... !mergemy movement is authorized by be chief of police or otlier appropriate iuthoritv and which display identifi- :ation ghowing the character of their ise and the authority under which ,hev are operated.
:all during alarm periods except in’ :ases of extreme emergency.
Section 9. Disobedience of Orders. ‘To person shall disobey any direction )r order given during an alarm period )y a regular or ausiliary policeman or ireman displaying his official identi- rication.
Section 10. Prohibited Illumination a ’ublic Nuisance. Any illumination con- xary to the provisions of this ordi- lance or any ordinance Dertainina to var emergencies or of aiiy regula’tion tdopted thereunder or of any federal )r state law, regulation, or order shall )e deemed a public nuisance. Ans ‘egdar or aulliary policeman ma? tbate such nuisance summarily or may ;ake any other action necessary to en- ‘orce provisions, including entry on xivate property and the use of what- :ver force is necessary.
Section 11. Suspension of Inconsis. ;ent Provisions. ESceDt for war emer-
iuspended and inoperative so far as ;here is any conflict therewith.
Section 13. Penalty. Any person who riolates any provision of this ordinance
Ir of any-rigulation adopted thereun- ier shall be guilty of a misdemeanor tnd upon conviction shall be punish- xl by a fine of not more than $100 or 3y imprisonment for not more than 90 lays.
Section 14. Effective Time. This or- linance shall take effect upon its pas- ;age and publication. This ordinance tnd every regulation adopted thereun- ler shall expire on the termination of a state of war unless sooner repealed or rescinded. . __. ._ .. . ..
Passed by the council this 8th day Of
September. 1942. EARL C. SHqRpE,
Published in The Hennepin County Review on Thursday, September 10, 1942.
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Section 8. Telephone Use Durin Alarm Periods Restricted. No person other than authorized military or civi personnel engaged in military or civi protdction, shall make any telephope 1