HomeMy WebLinkAbout19420908_REGULAR88 "' Uinutes of the recessed partion of the regular August 24, 1942, meeting af the Cauncil of the Village of Eldina, duly held in Grange Hall on September 8, 1942, at 8.00 o'clock P.E. The meeting vas called to order by President Sharpe, the roll Galled and those present -ere Sharpe, Gebo, Jyatt and Eoore, Absent Trustee ;fillson, President Sharpe advised that on account of the National Zhtergency, that a V31ack-outr* Ordinance was necessary at this tinre and mhereupon Trustee Gebo offered the following ' Resolution and moved its adoption: The Village Council of Edivla do ordain as fallams: Section 1. Definitions. As: used in this Ordinance and in regulations adepted thereunder, the following phrases shall have the meanings given to them belom: (I) ]'Air raid warning signal": a signal to indicate the begin- ing of a blackout or air raid alam prescribed by the Adjutant General or" Eianescata or other appropiate military authority, or in the absence of such prescr$ption, by the President of the VLllage Council. (2) tiAll-clear signal": a signal to indicate the end of a blackout or air raid alarm prescribed by the Adjutant General of Ennesota or other appropiate military authority, or, in the absence of such prescription, by the President of the Village Council, (31 "Alarm periad": the interval of time betveen an air raid signal and the follorring all-clear signal, (4) %lackou-k structurett: any area so enclosed that any ill- umination maintained or exis-king therein is not visible from any point outside such enclosure. Section 2, SoundizEg Signals, The President of the Cauntcil shall Cause the sounding of an air raid a and of an all-clear signal mhenever the village 6r the district in nhich the village is located is directed to da so by the Adjutan% General or other appropiate military authority, ar in the case of practice alarm periods, mhenever he deems it advis- able and is permitted to do ssby such authority, Section 3, Illumination During Alar1 Periods Prohibited, Except as athernise provided in this section, no person in an alarm period shall maintain any illumbatian or permit any illumination under his control to be maintained at aay phce within the Village of EdiYta during the hours of ,darkness .I shall not apply to the follomiw types of illuminations (1) (2) (3) The foregoing provision Illumination within a blackout StrucPIure. IlluminaLion maintained By the armed forces of the United States or the State in the course af duty. Illumination authorized by the President of the Village Council through regulations adopted under Section 5 of this Qdrinance, (4) Illumination maintained pursuant to permission granted in individual cases by the chief of police. police may grant such permission only nhen he finds it nec- essary for the preservation of the public safety or the mainteename of order or when he has been specifically authorized to grant such permission by an officer of the United Jtates or the State acking within the scope of his authority, The chief of If an alarm period is confined to a part of the Village, the restrictions of this section shall apply only to that -- part of the Village. Section 4. Traffic During Alarm Periods, Except as hereinafter provided, noi vehicle shall, be moved on the streets of the Village during an alarm period unless directed to be moved by a regular or auxiliary police officer or fireman displaying his official indemtification, ;'Jhen a blackout digml is sounded, the operator of every vehicle in motion on the streets shall immediately bring the vehicle to a halt at the side of the street off the traveled portion of the highway; but every such vehicle shall be halted clear of intersections, fire.station ent- rances, fire hydrants, haspital entrances and other errmergemy areas. This section shall not apply to the emergency oper- ation of vehicles of the armed forces of the United States or of the State, emergency vehicles as drfined in the Einnesota highvay traffic. regulation act, or vehicles whose emergency movement is authorized by the chief of police or other approp- 'riate authority and which display indentificatiom shaming %Be character of their use and the authority under which. they are operated, If an alarm period is confined to a part of %he Village, the restrictions of this section shall apply only to that part of the Village. Section 5. Ehergency Regulations, menever necessary to provide adequately for public health, order , and safety, the President of the Village Council may by proclamation promulgate regul- ations respecting illumination and vehicular traffic during alarm periods and other air raid precaution measures to supplenent the provisions of this Ordinance, In framing regulations the President of the Village Council. shall consider suggestions and proposals made by the federal and state agencies concerned. Every pracalamation of emergency regulations shall be in writing, shall be dated and shall be filed in the office of the village clerk, where a copy shall be kept pasted and available for public inspection during business hou~~ A copy . of every such procalamation shall also he conspicuously posted at the front, of the village hall ar other headquaters of the municipal government and at such other places as the President of the Village Council shall designate in the procalamation, Thereupon the regulation shall take effece immediately or at such later time as may be specified in the procalamation, Regulations affecting any practice alarm period shall be pro- mulgated at least me week before the day on which the practice is held. The President of the Village Council may modify or rechd any such regulation by procalamation. The Village Cccuncilmay recind any such regulation by resalution at any time. If not sooner recinded, every such regulation shall expire at the end of thirty days after its date except so far as its provisions may be embraced in Ordinance regulations adopted by the Village Council, Section 6, Simulating Signals, No unauthorized person shall operate a siren, whistle or other audible device so as to simulate an air raid marrzing signal or an all-clear signal. Section 7. hterf erence with Light Switches, 310 wautharized person shall interfere with the operat-ion of electric lighting units by 'engaging or disengaging electric blackoufi swi-tches constructed in connectiaur with air raid precautions except where shch action is necessary far civilian protection in an emergency or mhen it is ordered by law enforcement authorities, Section 8. Telephone Use During Alarm Periods Restricted. No person, other than autharized military or civil personnel engaged in military or civil protectian, shall make any telephone call during alarm periods except in cases of exkreme emergency, Section 9, Disobedience of Orders, Uo person shall disobey any direction or order given during an alarm period by a regular or auxiliary policeman or fireman displaying his official indentffication, *< Section 10, Prohibited Illumination a Public hisame, Any illmination contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance or any Ordinance pertaining to var emergencies or qny regulation adopted thereunder or any federal or state law, regulation, or order shall be deemed a public nuisanceo Any regular or auxiliary policeman may abate such nuisance smarily or may take any other action necessary to enforce prouisions, including entry on private property and the use of ahatever force is necessary, Section 11, Suspension of Inconsistant Provisions, Except for var emergency ordinances and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, the provisions of every ordinance and regulation of this Villgge requiring illumination to be maintained in conflict with this ordinance shall be deemed suspended during any alarm period, Section 12, Conformity with Federal. and Staa.Ee AuthoriPly, The provisions of this Ordinanree and of all regulations promulgated hereunder shall be subject to all applicable and controlling provisions of federal and stake lavs and of regulations and orders issued thereunder from time to time and shall be sus- pended and inoperative so far as there is any conflicrt therenith, this Ordinance or any regulation adopted thereunder shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100,00 or by imprisonment for not more than 90 days, Sectian 13. Penalty, Any person who aiolates any provision of I Section 14, Effective Time, This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication, This Ordinance and every regul- ation adopted thereunder shall expire on the termina%ion of a state af var unless sooner repealed or recinded. The motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded Trustee 7yat-i; and the vote was upon the questian of the adoption of the Gebo aye, Tyatt aye,-&Eocare aye, Sharpe aye; and $Q the Reso1u"ton vas declared duly adopted, ._ a Resolution aherein there were four ayes and no nays as folloua: ATTEST : llage Becorder e XCI further business to come hefare the Coukcil the President declared the meeting adjourned, I Village Recorder, \