HomeMy WebLinkAbout19420914_REGULAREinutes of the regular meeting of the
Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Rall on September 14, 19429
at 8,OO o'clock POX,
The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll
called and all rnerabers of the Council mere present,
Xinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on August
24, 1942, avld the recessed poxtion of the same meeting duly
held on September 89 1042, were read, Thereupon Trustee Gebo
stated that with the understanding the Recorder instruc-l; the Assessor to assess any stocks of liquor under Statue of Limit- ations, he would move that the minutes be approved, .seconded
by Trpstee 7yat'c and carried.
The Village Pay Rolls having been carefully noted and found
carrect, Trustee VJillson moved they be duly allowed and ordered
paid, seconded 'by Trustee 'vTyat-t. and carried, They are as
follows :
Xarle C. Sharpe
Ben B. Eoore Re corder 90.00
George A. ilillson Trustee 35.00
A. 5. Vyatt Trustee 35.00
L. X..Gebo Trustee 35.00
President (sept) 5 ?50 .OO
5. J. Duggan Treasurer 30aOO
Dr L. X. Campbell Health Officer 30,OO Karl H. Cove11 Village Attorney 75.00
Phil 'J, Smith Village Engineer 300,OO
Phil i*i, Smith Aut o Allovanc e 50,OO
Cleo S. ihelarn Office Clerk 75'00 T. E. Tilly Village &rshall (%a 8/31) 9'7,50
170,oo Zohn Ti. Lyon Police Officer
Hildirmg Dah1 Police Officer 170,oo
SrJ. 9. Heydk Police Officer 110.00 R, 3. Jahnsonn Street Commissioner 195.00
3. 3. Roberts Utili-ty ma= 160,OO
P, DahPgren Trae t ar Operat ar 160 .OO
150,OO L. Stolzmz,a Asst Road Foreman
0. E, Spande Asst Truck Driver 145,OO
John Tracy Truck Driver 150,OO E. J. Xerfeld Road Labor @ 60g 154 , 90
Sam EcCready Road Labor @ 556 118.25
E. Ensley Road Labor Q 55p 117.70 Silas Herret Road Labor-weeds- G 65p
plus 140 miles use auto 65p 139.60
H. Jonas Road labor @ 55p 115 . 50
J, P. Co.stella Labor with team Q $1.25 95.00 John Tracy Jr. Road Labor 55g 24.20
Elm e r bUa 1 ke r Road Labor @ 55p 98080
George Jens en Sidewalk repair 8.75
E. C. 2feiffer Shovel operator-Village Hall 7.50
Chaa . Johns on Labor 0 658 I1 It
Elmer Valker Labor 43 65p' ti n
The Ifiscallexlous Bills were examined and found carrect whereupon
Trustee Gebo moved they be duly allawed and ordered paid, seconded by Trustee Wyatt, and carried,
Lyle Signs, Inc
Thompson Lumber Company
Glacier Sand & Gravel Ca
Xdina Garrage
Eiiller-Davis Co Enneapolis Blue Printing
Huskad Company
Dahlberg -0s. W. H. ZiegZer Ca
Edina Hardware
Phillips Pe'croleum
Einneapolis Iron $tore
Arthur Set erson
Suburban Hennepin County
Henvlepin County Surplus
Re lief Baar d
Road signs
Sand - Gr av e 1
Service Office-election supplies
ReiPnforcing rads
PczPice car
Ear dmar e - s uppli es
Garbage Galleetian
August direct relief
August services
$20 .oo
233 . 64
Northmestern Bell Telephone Co 5% 1666 326,20
J. A. Danens & San Trucking 10 moo
Elackburn ,Ilichols&Smith Insurance 10.00
E. i'T. Harris Gas and Oil 99.88
Brooks Pure Oil Station Gas and Oil 69:56
Sammis Sales Service 160,OO
Hennepin C aunty ,E.nne s ota Poor Farm Servfce 92,OO ,
League Ennesota IIunicipalities Eembership dues 70,OO
northern States Power Electric Service 645,17
Carl Olson Grocery Supplies 2.26
The Butts Agency Insurance 4.28
Pred L. Gray Company Insurance 15,Oo
S. J. Pautsch 50.74 Uex. Creighton
J, E. Hamrnon Insurance 16 . 12
Blaclrburn ,h'ichols&3mi th Insurance 78 . 93 J, h. Danens Gc Son Contract -R oad Grad ing-1125 . 00
Kvalston Electric Co 'Jiring Bire Siren 137.91 B. E. Bradley Engineering Services 115,OO
It vas moved by €loore, that the following items for expense,
and pay of Judges and Clerks of holding the September State
and County Primary Election, be paid seconded gillson and carried:
C. .R .f;lackburn Spl, Officer & Booths $8.00
J.TP7.Xewburn Setting up & 90-m boaths 3.00
Edward Port Setting up E: Down booths 5.00
St Peter's Ess. SQC. Rental Equipment 2.50
St Peters Luth, Church Rent Church Basement 7.50
J .?7 .Eewburn 32 ?as Judge Election 15.35
It 11.85
It 14.85 Albert Farmer 25 Q It Agnes Swens en 30 tt 11
3Xathrine Aldritt 30 I* Clerk I1 14.85
Ers Virginia Beard 30 1) tt 14.85
Ers R'ellie Stratc 24 w Judge n 11.35
UPS Laura Dirks 24 tt ir
E3.x Francis Somenberg 24 If tt 11 lf,35
l&s E. C. Halker 24 tt Clerk n 11,35
13s Ethel LTcCready 31-i- Ir Judge Election 15,10
. &s Florence J'ewett 24 " It tt 11,35 I.ks OPline Christopher 24 * 11 lr 11.35
9=rs Carl Vesterberg 24 Clerk f* 11.35
lks Lillian Lundquist 24 n I1 11.35
EIrs Lee VilEans 24 I' Judge Election 11.35
J'. J .Duggan 24 '' It tt 11.35
Alex Creighton 24 It il tr 11,35
Ers Phil Smith 24 tt Clerk '' 11.35
Lirs Junia Lampman 24 w tr ir 11.35
Pay for labor construction sanitary sewer District Ela. 8, for
periad August 10 to September 14, as shown by payroll, vas on
motion Xllson be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by dyatt
and carried, as follows:
$4278, EO s T0.f;aa.
I It 11.35,
L;rs Gordon Xoleen 24 It It 11.35 -
\jz 71 d 7 5
A. .Go Etringer
Henry Bell
E.C.Pf eiff er
Samuel Domling
17illiam Cook
John Lo Cream Brvin Ellingson
Arthur Kingstram
Fred L. Stoffels
Herman Colman
Jahn B. Laurie!
Prank Srnitzyki
Adrien Dussere
Elmer \Talker
Alf . Edvardson
Chs, Jahnsan
'iialter E. Harvey
Villiam Sletten
Zke Burton
Pred Erolzick
Anton F. I42eschold
Ilasp e c t ar
Shave1 Operatar
Labar 0 65g
t? tt It
ir tt tb
II' It It
It 1b R
1P It It
n m It
It 1) tF
1) # tt
1) tt It
11 I? It
ri it ir
1) I) tr
tk Tt 74g n It It
rr tt lt
I1 I? tt
11 It tr
1x5 . 38
120 . 58
120 . 58
31 . 20 320 . 58
123 . 83
120 0 58
Lewis V. Hansegli Jef .fer.son L, ndcast er ct tt '1:
Charlie Benson Russell Rudolph ft * tr
Einer S, Swanson Andrev Eoktensen n It 1)
Carl B. Eelson It b tt
Labos @ 74p
a WR
11 tt ir
Edward Dickenson
166 , 95
$3754 0 03
45 * Bills and accounts of Sewer District No. 8, were examinid and found
corzect whereupon Trustee Willson, moved they lie duly alllovted and
ordered paid, seconded by Trustee Vyatt, and carried, They are I as f ollqtvs :
3, E. Ziegler Company (Pur. orders 2691476)
Oscar Raberts Sand & Gravel
&gnat0 Service Ca Service
KinntiapoPis Equipment Ca Parts
Berg & Bar&am if405 8c 422
Hemanepin County Review Pub. notice
~~~-ers-Norblom-Christ.Ccr 413-417-455
Boxe;lt !s Shell Station
Ws Herman Dirks Rent for equipment
** TI .EE,Ziegher Ca 15-13 shovel-Assibned
Borthwestern Bell' Tel Pa. 6567
Kers aaeae
p J. A. Danens & San Gas
Ediha Hardware Hardware SC SuppILes Total
$230*78 *
71,34 I
7.11 '
3.90 \
12'00 '
16.37 *
5 a00
President Sharpe called for the regular monthly reports "by Corn-
ittet Chakrmerr as follows :
Trustee Gebo on Bire and Police, Chaikmn Vyatt on Relief and
Chairman Xoore on Sewers and Sewer csnstrucGion, The latter
stating that the Xain Trunk Intersection Sewer, started at %'est
54th and Upton in Einareapolis in August 1939, and extending some three (3) miles to north Village limits on Thielen Avenue, togather
with Lateral Sewer Districts nunbered Five, Six, Seven, Part of
Eight and Sewer District Eo, Mine, were MOW completed.
Chairman 'r"illsor? on Roads and Bridges,
I,& Riley, living on Minnewawa Avenue, requested some grading and
graveling OM His road nead %est 50th Street, which was referred
to Chairmagh of Road &Bridge Committee.
Uessr6 Gustafson and Dudek, requested that BulXcr Street be widened,
graveled and graded from France Avenue to Abbott Avenue. the dis-cussion it was found that the Viest end sf Fuller Streek was
but one half of the required width and that Right-of-way mould
have to be acquired;iixer the prsperty lying at the Sauth-East corner of France Avenue and Fuller Street, befatre wark could be
Petition having 'been received from all of the interested property owners for Curb and Gutter, Trustee Tillson moved that Messrs Lee
Chester, Nay and BrowD, be-authorized to construct at their own
expense, Curb and Gutter, in and along the qcst side of Arden Avenue
from Bruce Place to the end of ArBen and fronting on numbers 513.0 to 5il16rsdrden Avenue, both inclusive, according to grades to be set
by EEmgLneer Bradley and according to Village Specifications, the
motion was seconded by Eoore and carried,
Blrs Coburn, requested permission to install a 6'' tile pipe sanitary
sewer in and along the Parkway and at her own expense, from 5540
St Jahns Avenue, to connect with sanitary ewer on Xest 56th Street.
Af'ter discussion Chairman Eoora suggested that the Village Attorney
be requested tp prepare a suitable contract to apply in such cases
as whkre residents within a Sewer District and withaur prospect
of it lateral sewer, be accorded temporary sanitary sewage disposal. It being understoad that any such work or installation, would be
of the property holder and that any such temporary sewer would be
Village owned, operated and maintained.
4 according to Village standards and regulations, at tho entire expense
f Urs Co’rcy, appeared before the Council to request that weeds on
Beadow Road in the vincinity of 4611, be cut, vhich was referred to
Engineer Smith.
Application of Edina Village Bonleng Center, Inc., by Robert 0. Naegele, President, was read, for license to operate five (5)
mechanical amusement devices which in no way remitted chips, money
or free games and were for musemeat only, said application vas
accompanied by the usual fee of 350.00 license fee for eachmachine.
M-ber discussion, Gabo moved, that the application be granted and
licenses issued to Edina Village BonPing Center, Inc,, to operate
five (5) mechanical amusements devices on premises located at
5030 France Avenue, vith definate provision that no machine remit
any chips, money, free games os pay off anything of value, for
period as of this date and ending on Elarch 31, 1943, seconded by Villsan, and carried,
President Sharpe, read a communication of Xinnehaha Grange, by
Lillian XI Lundquist, Secretary, in regard ta honoring the citizens
of Edina serving in the EiPitarry Service of the United States, and offering any possible service in that respect. President Sharp$,
stated he thought ne11 of the idea, vhereupon Eocrre moved that the President be empomered to appoint such a Committee on behalf
of the Council, secoaded by VilXson and carried, Thereupon the President duly appointed Trustee Tyatt,
Chairman Gebo, presented letter by Chief of Einneapolis 3ire
Department dated August 19, 1942, setting forth new charges for
Tire department services i.tz Edina, as plrovided for in Ammended
City of Einneapolis Ordinance dated August 14,,1942, nhich mas
referred to Engineer Smith.
The matter of By hns and Articles of Incorporation of Edina
Volunbear 3ire Department was discussed by the Cauncil and refered
,to Village Attorney Gavel1 for study and reconendation/
The hour of 12.30 A.E. having arrived, President Sharpe declared
the meeting recessed, to meet again at the same time and place
at the call of the President,
Village Recorder. \