HomeMy WebLinkAbout19421012_REGULAREinutes of the regular meeting of the Council
of the Village of Ediria, held in Grange €€a12
on October 12, 1942, at 8.00 otclock P.Eo
The meeting x%m called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the Council were present.
Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on SeptemEer
28, 1942, were read. Om motion T'Jillson, they be approved as
read, seeonded By GeBa and carried.
The Village payrolls having been duly examined and found correct, Willson moved, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded
by Gebo and carries, They are as follows:
Earl C. Sharpe
Ben 23. Eoore
George A. 'Jillson .
A. S. '@at%
L. E. Geho
J. J, Duggan
Dr L. E. Campbell
Earl E. Cove11
Phil 17. Smith
ail I'J. Smith
Cleo So Jaelan
Hilding Dah1
R. J. Johnson
So J. Roberts
Po D&lgren
L. Stof-n
John Tracy
0. IL. Spar&e
&I. J. Eerfeld
Sw HcCready
S. Herrett
S. Herrett Jonas J. I?. Casteffo
E. Ensley
Dale Green
Jo~ W0 Lsron
V. Sm Heydt
, -.. .-- _.
Recorder Trustee
+ I Trustee Treasurer
Health Officer
' Village Attarrrey
Village Engineer
Auto Allowance
Office Clerk Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Street Comissioner
Utility man
Tractor Operator
Asst Road Foreman
Truck Driver
Asst Truck Driver Road labor
Road labor
Road labor (needs)
124 miles use aanto
Road labor Nan and team. Road labar
Truck hire, - ' ??Q'b&l--'' C.
35 000
30 00
300 00
110 . 00
195 00
160 00
145 0 00
85 e80 I 6.20
98 a45
13 20-
$2893. : 3 5
Payrolls and accounts of Sewer District lfo, 8, were carefully
examined and found correct, whereupon UDore,.-moved they Be duly
allowed and ordered paid, seconded 'Ery Willson and carried. They are as follows:
A. C. Stringer, Supt-Boreman 175 00 Samuel Dorrling labor 46.15
John Lo Cream labor 72.35
E0 Le Ell_ingSon labor 30.55
A. C, Kingstrum labor 35 .?5
Herman ColLemaxz labor 98 15
Frank Sckinitzyki Labor 46.15 Adrien Dussere labor 30.55
Alfred E&mrdson 1aRor 103 035
Charlie Johns on labor 113 0 35 Fred Krolzick labor 81.20
A. I?. KleschoLd labor 111 066 Louis V. Hansen labor 40.10
Jeff ersm Lamas ter labor 39.96
Charles Eenson labor 11'2066 Einer G. Smnson labor 1x1 37
Andrev Eokteason lahar 65 069
Walter E. Harvey lahor 96020
Carl E'. Nelson labor 143 e10
Edward nickerrson labor 143 10
E. C. Pfeiffer Shovel Operator 225 e00
Henry Lo Bell Sewer Inspec tor 115.00
Henry Lo Bell Sewer Inspec tor 39.18
Total \,2147,57
< It was moved by Xoore, that bill of Eiller-Davis Company in
amaunt $1ogOlo, for new Sewer Rental forma and filing cabinet
as per recommendations of Public Examiner, be dauly allowed
and ordered paid, seconded by Willson and carried,
Miscellaneous Bills of Sewer District Bo. 8, having been care-
fully noted and found correct, Eoore moved they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Willson and carried. They are
as follows:
Vf.H.Ziegler Co, assigned Shovel Rekrtal
W. 33. Ziegler Company Parts-Supplies
Landers-Norbloom-Christensen, Supplies Oscar Roberts Cs Sand-Gravel Ninneapokis Equpt Co Supplies-parte
Dahlberg Ems, Inc Servi oe- repairs
Northwestern Be91 Tel. Co 'f?a@mt 6567
Edina Feed Store Rent-storage Bewer pipe
S. A. Danens & Sun Gas e%c
117 074
44 e 11
14 67
8 a25
15 eo0 133 e00
Xrs Herman Dirks Rent stwage lumber 5000 Total ij790 e 60
Village Miscellaneous Bills were duly exmined and found correct
whereupon Wyatt moved they be duly allowed and ordered paid,
seconded by Vfillson, and carried, They are as follows:
W. E. Ziegler Company
Dale Green Hennepin County Review
Flour City Body Carp
S. J. Xautsch
Lyle Signs, fmc
Glacier Sancl-Gravel Co
Dahlberg Bros Thompson Lumber Ce,
Gardner Hardware; Co Edina Hardware
Pkkiklips Petroleum Co
Bren Hardware Co
Xinneapolis Iron Store Hpls, Blue Printing Ca
Borthern States Power Ca
Berg & Farnham
Hennepin Hardware
Northfield Iron Co Neenah Foundry Co
®' s Shell Station
Northwestern Be11 Tea Co Rural Herrn Co Surplus
Corn0 Committee Sub, Henn Co Relief Board
Arkhur Petersen
Brook's Service Station
E. V?. Harris
Jay VI. Craigg Company Phil Bailey
City sf Uinneapolis
Diamond Signs
Lang & Raugland
Yidwest Contracting Cs
APex. Creighton
Mat eriaBs
Pub. Notices
Tire Dept
Labor lowering manholes
Road signs
Road sand-gravel
Service and parts
Hardware & Supplies
Parts XIies EEectriv Service
Supplies Covers Supphi es
ER-1666 & 7
17 60
119 049
95 039
9 020
2'1 e 25
Service 24 02 Relief 266e84
Garbage Removal 467.60 Gas-oiQ 78 0 63
Gas-oil 91e46
Road oil 1355 e25
Refun6 for cash adv. 1000
Oiling boarder street 124.80
Sign8 2000
Acct plans & specs Village
Per contract 1st section Hall 631.34
Tillage Hall %978eOO
$96 0 5 e 20
President Sbarpe called for reports By the sereral chairmen
covering the preceeding month, with Messra Willson, Gebop Wxatt
and Moore, reporting on Roads, Police & Fire, Relief and Sewers. 2kesi;i.ben.t Sharpe advised the Council woth refe.rence to Street
Assessor Creighton, appeared before the Council concerning matters
of assessment and which he advised had now been mzde clear by the
State Tax Commission, with any stock of liquor not beretafore
assessed, to be taxed according stocks on hand and Statue of Limit- ations.
Eessrs Reinertsen, Pause and Baker, advised .the Council of their
objections to fnstallation crf Curb & Gutter on Eaple Road, unless
such an improvement extended the full length of &fiy:c%ty block.
After discussion it was agreed that any hots not having the! Curb
& Gutter installed by next summer, that same could be ordered in
by; the Village Council.
49r*anc3 Eks V.E.Code am3 Ers Dornblazer, appeared in behalf of
Ers Harry Van Atta, aged about 55, and promised to give her employ-
ment to the extent of about $9.00 per week, if the Cmncil 570Uld,
m&e up the difference and thus keep her from being comitted to the Eennepin Cauarty Home. After discussion the matter w&s referred to 'the Relief Commi$tee.
Architect's final, es%hate- on first unit of Village Hall mas
presented in favor of Udt-rest Contracting Company, in the amount
of ,$49?8.00, per contract. the same Be duly allowe6 and *ordered paid, seconcled By Y&att and
Application having been duly made in the form prescribed by
Robert 0. Ibegele, President, on behalf of Edina Village .*Bowling
Center, Irac., for license fee ta operate 16 bowling alleys at 5030 France Avenue, Sauth, for period beginning as of this date
aad ending Earch 31, 1943, duLy came before the Council vhereupon
Ckairmrm &go, moved the application be granted and licemse be
issured, seconlfed by T7illsox1, and carried.
After diseussion Willson moved that
! carried,
Bills of Assessor for the 1942, Reamstate, Pearsonal Property'
armd Eoneys and Credits Tax, were referred to Village Attornry for opinion and/or recommendation.
Chief Thil Bailey and others of the Edina Volunteer Fire Dept . ,
appeared before the CaunciL and wherein it was agreedehat
the Fire Dept, members, and Council arrange to. meet with E1Er.
Herberg, of Pire Undenvritera Inspection Bureau, at the fire
station of October 21st., at 8.00 otclock p;?I
Bids as called for, were opened for used hot ais furnace With blower to be used for temporary heating of first sention of the
Village Hall, as follows:
. Plehal Eeating Company bid $335 .oo
' KnovEes Air Condg Company II 435 00 4OOoOO Twin City Turnace & Appl Co 18
whereupon ViELson, moved ta accept the recommendation of the
architects and amrd the oraer to the low bidder, the P1eha.l . Heating Company, according to plans and specifications of the
Application of Einneapohis Gas Light Company, for permission to
lay 4" gas main in and along Oaklam and Kellogg Avenues frm
55th to 56th streets, was on motion Villsoln 'Ere granted, z?con&ed
'by Xoore and carried.
The matter of increasing the pay of Village police officers,
no57 working about 3 hours per diay more than t7hen 4 officers constituted the force, was discussed at* Length by the Council. Thereupon Chairman Gebo moved that the 'psy of John ?7. Lyon. he set at $195.00 per month, that of Hilding. Dahl, set at $lSS,OO per month and that of 77. S. Keydt, be set at $175.00, effective
as of October 15, 1942, secolcrEted by Yyatt and carried.
1 afcbitects armd engineers, seconded by Eoore and carried.
Trustee 3711Iisorm, offered the following Resolution and moved its
Thereas, Sever District 15mber 8 has heretofore been createdl
by the Village of Eaina, and the construction of smer in =ai$
Sewer District DmEer 8 has been halted by reason of War
conditions; and
Vhereas, there is in "EZznd df Sewer Dlistrict Bmber 8" the
sumof $ , . , remaining unexpendedfor the construction
of said! sewer;
Be it Resolved that 'Sinking Fund for Sewer Distriat Number 8{#
is hereby created and estabLished0:
Be it Further Resolved, that &he sum of $42,500.00, is Bereby
transferred fram lfl?und for Sewer District Nm0)er 8" to "Sinking
Bund far Sewer District Number 811, and the proper officers of the Village are hereby authorized and directed to make such
The motion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Noore, an&
the vote was upon the question of the &option of the resolution
wherein there were five (5) ayes and no (0) nays 8s follows:
GebD aye, WikPson aye, Wyatt aye, Xoore aye and Sharpe aye,
and SQ the resolution was declared! duly carried.
Trustee Villson, offered the following resohtion and moved
its adoption.
Vhereas, there is ita ttSinIfing Fund $or Sewer District Number 8"
the sum of $42,500.00, and
Whereas, the same is not invested in any interest-bearing
securities, and it is approptiala and proper that the funds
in said %inking Puna for Sewer District Saber 8" should Be
immediately invested.
$e It RespBveiE, that the Treasurer id hereby authorized and
directed to invest the sum of $42,500.00, in I'Sinkixkg Bund for
Sewer District Hmber 8" as follows:
In any interest-bearing band or other evidence of indebtedness of the United States of America:
In any interest-bearing bond or other evidence of
indebtedness of the State of Minnesota:
{ 3) In any band, certificate ovf indebtedness, warrant, order or interest-bearing obligation issued pursuant to law
by this minicipality or by-.anx other municipality in
the State of Einnesota, except its own vmrrants or orders
which have no defilzate or fixed mturity.
The motion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Bhoore and
the note was upon the question of the adoption of the ReaoLutim wherein there were five (5) ayes and no (0) nays as fo3Lawst
Gebo aye, Tilltson aye, Wyatt aye, lkotpre! axe, Sbrpe aye, and so
the resolution was declared duly ado
The hour Being late, President Sharpe declared the zzeetinz
recessed to meet again at the same time and place on Tuessay
Octcrlcrer 13, 1942, for the purpose of conferring viZh those
e€ the Ftr'Erlic Examiner's office and fox setting and estab- lishing the Village Tax Levy for the ensuing year.
TrilEage Recordier \