HomeMy WebLinkAbout19421026_REGULARIEnutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, duly held on October 261 1942, in Grange Hall, at 8.00 POX. The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the Council mere present. Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on October I$, 1942, and the recessed portion of the same meeting duly held on October 13, 1942, were read. Thereupon Trustee 3illson, moved they be apBroaed with the understanding the Assessor mould advise the Council of the Hay tk Stenson and other personal property levies for 1942, seconded by Trustee . Gebo, and carried, Village Attorney Cove11 advised the Cauncil concerning the matter of pay for the 1942 assessment of real eatate, personal praperty and money and eredite, the power of the Council to add any omitted property to the tax rol3s beyond the current year and the amount of license fee rjhich may be charged for and Off-sale Intoxicating Liquor License. The Village Payroll advances having been carefully noted and found correct, thereupon Xllson moved they be duly alloned and ordered paid, seconded by Eoore and carried. It was moved by Xllson, .that bill3 for paymant of the 1942 assessment, as covered by orders numbered 430, 549, 550 and 551, togather with items for labor in favor of George Jensen and E. C, Pfeiffer, be duly allomed and ordered paid, s econded by qyatt and carried. Trustee Zillson, moved that the payroll for Sener District #8, €or period errding October 24, 1942, be duly allowed and ordered paid, togather nith pay to A.C.Stringer for period October 16, 1942 to October 31, 1942, on account of Sener Rental Survey, seconded by i7yatt and carried. I;i: Quist, of Harold E. Yood and Company, appeared before the Couvlcil at the request of President Sharpe, vith reference to the matter of purchase for Sinking Bund investment of Special Assessment ‘:farrants of Sewer District No. 80 L;r Quist advised that he had ~15,000000 of such warrants at the present time, nhich he would sell at par and acrued interest @ 4-$$ from January 1, 1941, After discussion, Trustee Gebo moved to accept the offer of Harold E. i7ood and Company, to sell Special Assessment 3arrants of Sewer District Xo. 8, of the Village 02 Edina, in the amount of $15,000.00, at par and acrrred interest @ $4-$ from January 1, 1941,, in total amount of $15,659,45 and agree to take an additional ~20,000,00 of the same narrants at the same price, if available on or before Bavember 10, 1942, both for investment of Sinking Fund Sor Sewer District nmber 8, of the Village of Edina, The motion was seconded by LIoore and carried mithout descenting vote and so ordered. Discussion Qas had OB the matter of Tax Levy for &he ensuing year and vherein Full and True assessed valuation for Agri- cultral lands assessed at the rate of 33-1/3$ and Non-Agri- cultral and Personal Property assessed at 40$ nith $100.00 exemption for each householder deducted on personal property, amounted to .>4,379,679.00. to re-consider the matter of Tax Levy for the ensuing year and that notion heretofore setting the Levy at %89,500.00, be amemded and the amount be changed to 287,500,OO for all Village purposes and complying vith the 20 mills as provided by Statue, seconded by Uoore and carried, . Thereupon Trustee Gebo, moved Recorder read letter dated October 23, 1942, from General Inspection BureauS setting forth recommendations for Fire Department Service mherein Class 9 rates mould be available in %he area Horth of Vest 66th Street and duly referred to Chairman Gebo/ 103 The Council having studied the Special Assessments for Curb and Gutter in District #5, in Auditor’s Subdivision No. 172 and in GBenvLew Addition, Villson moved they be confirmed and turned in to County Auditor far collection secanded by :Jyatt and carried. .The various items of expenditure for the ensuing year, after careful consideration were agreed upon as follows and wherein Recorder Xoore had suggested that the pay for Recorder for the ensuin.g year be set @ 4335.00 per month, the same as for Trustee. COUNCIL Salaries of Council ?2520 .OO A. B. Salary Treasurer c. Salary Health Officer 360.00 D. Salary Village Attorney 900.00 Pay of Assessor 1200.00 E. B. Legal Expenses Pe-ading 5000.00 G. Village Engineer 4500.00 H. Qffice Help 1500.00 1. Furniture, Fixtures etc 1500oOO J. Heating & Uaintenance 800.00 360 000 H. Telephone Service 100.00 Total ...... J18,740*00 POLICE DEPABTKLENT A. Salaries of Officers $7000 . 00 B. Gasoline & Oil 1000.00 Q* Repairs eC Service cars 400.00 D. Reserve for new car 400.00 E. E3scellaneaus Expenses 300.00 Total ...... $9-,100.00. $5,500.00 ELECTRIC SERVICE A. Overhead Street Lighting .$5000.00 e. Cascade-Ell Pond Pumping 500.00 13. Orrzameltal Street Ltg. 2200.00 ~ De Xi s c e 1 lane ous 350 .OO Total ....... %3,050.00 FIRE - DEPARTEEHT SERVICE A. Outside Service Expense $2000.00 D. Compensation Bfre33ervice 1500.00 Total........ d6,200.00 B. New Equipment 1500.00 C. Xaintenance eC Supplies 1200 . 00 PARK BOARD ‘31,000.00 - ELBGTIOX EXPEmSE $500.00 IITSURMJCE , BOKOS ETC - $1,500 .OO PUBLIC KOTICES $500.00 lJ32.BmSETIP KEAGUE LT-SOTA IllUJ!TICIPA.LITIES 370.00 UXCLASSIBEED E2Z3BJSE $1,000.00 PUBLIC ;NELFm ‘5 A. Poor Farm Service $600 . 00 B. Direct Relief 4500 . 00 c.. Emergency Relief 200.00 D. Administrative Expense 1000.00 Total.....,... $6,300.00 J A* B. c. D. E. Po G. EO IO J. L L, L", 320,000 0 00 Salar i e s Sand & Gravel ~2500~oo Culverts none Equipment Rental 30OeO0 Snoa Fence 8 Accessories 100,oo Eiscl. supplies, tools-Eqo 1,200.00 Repairs t a Equipment 800000 Gasoline & Oil 1,800.00 Heating Gc aintenance 500.00 Ei s ce llane ous 200 0 00 Road Oiling & Patching 3,500mOO Xea Equipment 1,500 e00 Telephone Service' 200.00 Total e*0.880 $3126OO.OO TO02 HOUSE SITE 6 IXTBiEST (4th payment] :$550 8 00 Grand Total a11 items $90,610.00 Xo further business to come before the Council at this time, President Sharpe declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time and place at the call of the President. Village Re corder .