HomeMy WebLinkAbout19421109_REGULARXinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of
the Village of Edi na, duly held in Grange Hall on lilovember 9, 1942, at 8.00 o'clock P.X.
The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll
called and all members of the Courrcil were present.
The President stated that the reading of the minutes for the regular meeting of the Council held on October 26, 1942, mould be dispemed with at this time and read at the next regular
meeting of the Council.
The Village pay rolls upon being duly examined and found
correct, were on motion Willson, they be duly allowed and
ordered paid, seconded by Tiyatt, and carried, They are as
f olloas :
Earl C. Sharpe
Ben E, .'filloore
George A. Willson
A,S .;'Jyatt
L, &I. Gebo
J, J, Duggan
Dr Lo B3i. Campbell
Karl E. Cove11
Phil 17. Smith Phil J'. Smith
Cleo S. Vbeltp
John V.Lyon . Hilding Dah1
iJ. S . Hey-dt
R. J.- Jahnson
S, J. 3.oberts
2, Dahlgren
L, Stolzman
John Tracy
0. U0 Spande
E. J, Xerfeld Sam IZcCready
S. Herrett
He Jonas
&s Ruth Shilsorm Dale Green
A1 Young
Oscar Roberts
Er esid ent
Trustee Trustee Trustee
Health Officer
Tillage Attorney
Car Expense
Office Clerk Village Narshall
Police Officer
Police Officer Street Commissioner
Tractor operator
hsst Road Foreman
Truck Driver
Asst Truck Driver
Road Labor
Road Labor
?Road Labor
Road labor Truck hire
Truck hire
Road labor
Truch hire & supplies
450 00
35 .OO
30 . 00
300 : 00
185 . 00
160 . 00
160 .,OO
150 00
145 . 00
74 . 80
14 . 40
15 . 90
35 e 00
The &fiscellaneous Bills were duly noted and on being found to
be correct, Trustee Gebo moved, they be duly allowed and ordered
paid, seconded by Wyatt and carried. They are as follows :
Thompson Lumber Company PO-514
Killer-Davis Conpany 530-566
Bren Eardtvare Co 531
Berg & Barnham
Glacier Sand Ec Gravel Co Phillips Petroleum Go 542-575
Graybar Electric Company 547-557
Bsen Garage 559
Dahlberg Bros . 555-570
Jay '8?, Craigg Co 558
Eorthern States Power Co 562
Harris Eras 563 Alex, Creighton 567
Edina Harduare
J. fu, Johnson Village of Hopkina 572
;St Paul Hydraulic Hoist Go 573
Eina. Einnimg & &nfg Co 574
3. J. Fautsch 599-475
Victor Carlson & Sons 576
Y~ung Buel Company 577
Carl L. Xurrson Sign Go 581
Sub, Hennepin Co, Relief Ed, 583
ti iiJ3 I53
21 38
88 . 77
584 . 72
90 . 00
22* 70
Sears, Roebuck & Company PO-585
City or" Einneapolis 586
Gr egg * s Pharmacy 587
Arthur Petersen 588
E. U. Harris 591
Brook's Service Station 592 -Uinneapolis Gas Light Co 596
Chas Olson & Sons Go 605
Eugene B, Thomas 604
J. A, Danens & Son 600
Chas Johns on 603
E. C, Pfeiffer 606 Claude 2. aeidel C. R. Blackburn
J. iJ. Eevburn 2lection Booiths Ednard Port XlecLFon booths St Peter's Ussionary Society
3% Peter's Lutheran Church Rent Church basement
Xillian Lundquist Judge Election! Lee Jilliam I?
Alex Oreichton !I-
Albert Barmer Clerk Election Zes Gordon lToleen 11
J. J. Xer7burn Judge Election Agnes Sr7elzs en 11
Yathrine kldritt lt
Junis Iaipman Clerk Election Alma Duus I1
Virginia Beard 11
Lura Dirks Judge Election Kellie Strate 11
J. J. Duggan 11
Hilda Holter Clerk Election 2rancis Sonnenberg I?
J. €3. .Kammond Judge Election
Fko'r enc e Jea e t t It
Ethel KcCready t1
Louise Jesterberg Clerk Election
Or line Christopher Pt -
IS-J Bell Telephone Co 597
Spl Officer 22 Election booths
Rental Eq.
354 84
18 . 50
18 50
112 50
, 3000
10 0 00
12.85 .
Bills and Accounts of Sever District Eo. 8, were carefully noted
and Eere found correct, whereupon Trustee Jyatt moved, they be duly alloaed and ordered paid, seconded by Jillson and carried.
They are as folloas:
Berg 2 Farnhan Edina Hardware
Lynhur s t f=ur s ery
Hoyt Burs ery Gsczr Roberts Xm H. Ziegler Co (Assigned)
1.2s Herman Dirks
3inking Pund Sever District
Bumber 8
Charges against the Sewer Rental 2und aere noted, whereupon it
vas uoved by ITyatt, that they be duly alloned and ordered paid seconded by -'Tillson, and carried. They are as fo1lor:s:
Cammonvealth Electric Co 20-41
A. C. Stringer 42 Phil '2. Smith 43
Chairman Loore, reported on the status of payments and engineering
services of 8. H. Bradley, Bngineer for Seaer District 130. 8 and Joint Se17er District Eo.
be alloned the said B. H. Bradley, in full and final payment for
all fees and engin'eering services in connection 3eaer District
llumber 8, based on a 67: fee of Village expendiiures for constr-
uction, not including Legal, advertising, sewer -pipe on hand and
to include the Village being furnished nith all the plans, spec-
ifications, tracings, prints and cngplete-engineering installation
data to date, seconded by i'lillson and carried.
1, and moved that the sm of ~1,197.10 4
I 07
1 Chairman Eoore likewise reported on the status of paymen%s
and engineering services of 5. E. Bradley, Engineer for the
extention of Soint Sewer or Trunk Sewer from ffoaddale Avenue and Jest 50th street, to the terminus of the trunk sewer in
the Sumyslope Section and moved that the sum sf $568.649 be allowed the saidt B. El. Bradley, in full and final papent for all fees and engineering services in connection with the
extention of Join% Set-Jer'of Trunk Sever, based on a 6% fee of Village expenditures, not incEuding Legal, advertising, materials
purchased but not used and to include the Village being furnished
vith all the plans, specifications, prints and complete engineer- ing installation data, seconded by '~lillson, and carried.
President 3harpe , requested monthly reports, whereupon Chairman ;TilZson, reported on Road 6" Bridges, Chairman Gebo on Police and
Fire, Chairman Jyatt on Relief and Chairman Noore on Severs,
Fire Chief Phi1 Bailey and some 15 members of the Edina Pire Department, were present to discuss with the Council the recent
recommendations of the General Inspection Bureau, in order to
obtain Class 9 Irrsurance Rates in the present Class 10 area
Xorth of Vest 66th Street, The matter of installing a 1000
gallon tank on a present village owned Pord V8 chasis for fire
f ighting purposes vias also discussed and ref erred to Engineer
Smithh, for investigation and report at the next meeting of the
Go uylc i1 a Pkoceeas from the sale of scrap me%als collected on
the last Village wide salvage program mas also discussed without c
agreement as to if and how the money might be divided,
Trustee iTyatt, submitted renewal of contract with the Suburban
Hennepin Ceunty Relief Board for t he administration and super-
vision of poar relief in the Village of Bdina for-the ensuing
year and "thereupon moved the same be renewed and the Eresident of the 'tillage Cauncil and Village Recorder, be duly authorized
and empowered to execute the same for and in behalf of the Village
Cauncil, seconded by N~ore, and carried.
President Sharpe, read reply to bis communication in letters
by Xorthernr States Power Company dated October 26th and October
Z8th., and vherein President Sharpe indicated the willingness of the Council to take over, the ownership of Ornamental Street
Lighks 5.9 furnished free to the Village which vas the same basis
as the 2aver Company obtained them from Thorpe Bras. reply suggesting the matter go. over until after the Duration or
present contract exgired ,
The Company
Letters dated. Oc&,ober 24th and Oaeobgr 27th. by the Earold za:vaod
Company, regarding the purchase of $r5,000 of Sevier District ~JO, 8
Special Assessment Warrants for investment of the Sinking Bund .:> for Sewer District No. 89 were read and.duly referred to Preside&
Sharpe to handle.
A dozen residents of Brookside and Ruthlege Avenues were present to request that lateral sewers be i~s~alled~.ih~thei~~.str~~~~.
After lengthy discussion they were advised that it was hoped %hat
completion of the laterals in Sewer District would be the first
'13a%;5:tvould have to await the War developments ,
Application received accompanied by license fee of $5,00 from Xrnst Bucket%, to sell cigatettes at retail for 5 raonth period ending on Brch 31, 1943, at 5354 France Avenue, whereupon Trustee Geha, moved the license be granted, seconded by Villson and carried,
t/VFllage Attorney Coyell, advised the Council, that the SO called
Dewey Hill Road could be assessed on the basis of special benefits
c onf' ere d
Resolutiolz and moved its adoption: Thereupon Trustee Villson offered the- f ollawing
Resolved that the Village Council of the Village
of Xdina, Henaepin County, Einnesota, hereby
fixes December 14, 19429 at 8.00 o'clock p.lXa,
as the time and the Village Ball as the place,
nhere the said Village Council will ascertain the
amount of special benefits received by any property
aithin said Tillage by reason of the improvement, including grading, of the so called Dewey Hill Road, extending ;‘lest from the Cahill Rosd, Lo the Jest
from the Cahill Road, to the Yest line of Section 8,
Township 116, Range 21, at vhich time and place..said
Cauncil sill .hearthe testimony of all. persons ,inter-
ested or nhose property is affected and the witnesses in their behalf. I The motion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Uoore and
the vote YJaS upon the question of the adoption of the resol-
utiion aherein there were five ayes and no nays as follanst Gebo aye, Jillson aye, ’iJyatt aye, Zoore aye and 3harpe aye,
and so the resolution t7as declared duly adopted.
e d
he opened at S p.m. Nonday for
a meeting of the tillage council,
Earl p. Sharp@, Edim mayor, an-
nounced SaturdaY.
Village Kecorder
$ 1-
1, ,
:- p
The President statedthat as the first section of the nea
Edina Village Ball nould be ready for occupancy before the time of the-hept Council meeting, that the nexd rdeeting of
the Council vould be held therein and thereupon declared
this meeting adjourned.
Because of r:artime building
restrictions, the ne17 hall is only
the basement of the gtructae
viuage fathers planned. Cost of
t? structure was $4,950. It pro- 1
wdes a meeting room for the council and offices for village 1
police, engineer, recorder and I
assessor. The hall is on W. Fif-
tieth street, across from Country 1
After the mar, the temporm :
roof of the bullding will be FE- (
Club. *
\ Village Recorder
$1 :I- Edina to Open ‘Rationed’
C‘ al* Meeting House Mondqy
moved and another story mill be .
The council previously has mek in the Edina Grange hall.
L I * -- -- - -- -
Kinneapolis Star- JournqJ,
Xovember 22, 1942,