HomeMy WebLinkAbout19421123_REGULAREinutes of th.e regular meeting of the
Council of the Village of Edina, held in New Village Hall on November 23,
1942, at 8.00 o'clock P.l!lH.
The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll
called and all members of the Cauncil were present.
Xinutes of the regular meetings of the Council duly held on
October 26, 1942, and ltovember g9 19429 were read. On motion Geba, they be approved as read, seconded by Tfyatt, and carried.
The Village pay roll advances were carefully noted in Time Book
and found correct, whereupon Yyatt, moved the be duly a23owed I
and ordered paid, seconded Villson and carried.
It was moved By Gebo that labor for Sewer Rental check up for period ending as of Xovember 7, 1942, be duly allowed and ordered
paid, seconded by ilyatt and carried.
€ir Jackson, appeared before the Council to suggest that the Stop
sips on Brookview Avenue be either taken down or changed to
Sloa signs, leaving the Stop signs on Jest 54th Street at that
location. After discussion the matter was referred to Engineer
Smith, for study and report.
Mter discussion, Trustee Gebo moved that the President write
each committee chairman and foreman, including Chief Bailey of
the Fire Department, that hereaf3er all orders, reports, work
orders and purchases, be made through the Office of Village Engineer. The motion was seccnded by Eoore and carried.
Discussion was had on the state of repair of street car stations
and Broandale and Jest 44th Street and Booddale and illest 44th St.,
now used by a considerable number of persons on account of gas and tire rationing. Engineer Smith, submitted.estimates on both materials and labor and President Sharpe read letter from Thorpe
Bros., who originally built both sta%ions , dated November 13, 1942, wherein said Thorpe Bros. relinguished any and all rights to the
Village of Edina, of both stations. Thereupon Trustee Geba, moved that Engineer Smith contact the Councils of 3% Louis Park
and Uorningside to the end they also assist in the matter of
placing these stations in order and that the sum of not aver
$100.00 be appropiated therefore by and on behalf of the Village
of Edina, seconded by Eoore and carried,
President Sharpe, read letter by County Chairman C.D.Bilkinson, under date of Bavember 20, 1942, to Village Chairman Vic Lrgens, instructing everyone holding scrap metals in Edina that such scrap must nat be deverted to personal useand that all sales must
be made to regular serap dealers where it can be assoraed and
shipped to war industries.
. President Sharpe, read.letter by J3.r Do 5. Ymapp, tendering his
resignation as member' of the Board of Park Commissioners of the
Village of Edina. Thereupon Boore moved that the resignation be accegted and the President requested to express the Council's
thanks and appreciation to IJr Knapp for his many years of service, s-econded by Jyatt, arnd carried,
A vacancy now existing on the Board of Park Commissioners by
Todd, be duly appointed a Eember of the Board of Park
Comissioaersto serve the unexpired term of I;Ir Knapp, seconded by 17yaj;t and carried.
the resighation of Xir D. 3. Knapp, Xoore moved that
Chief Bailpy, presented reports on fires and practice drills for the periad E'ebruary 2$ 1942 to November 18, 1942 and advised "chat
the present force consisted of 29 members, who attended 28 fire calls and 15 practice drills in the above period. After discussion
Gebo moved that the report be duly accepted and the sum of $308,35 be duly allowed and ordered paid for the said services as provided
by Village ordinance, seconded by *2yatt, and carried.
The new forms as suggested by Elk Sherman, of the Public Examiner's
office 17ere displayed and studied, $?hereupon Recorder Eoo~~,
moved that Engineer Smith obtain competitive bids on all forms
for a nev accounting system, seconded by Gebo and carried,
Discussion vas had on the assessments for Lhe so called Deaey
Eill Road and Ieft for hearing on December 14, 1942, to determine benefits.
Eo further business to come before the meeting at this time,
the President declared the meeting recessed, k5Lmee-t again at .
the same time and place on IJovember 30, 1942, at 8.00 o'clock.PK,
Village Recorder,
Lketing of the Board of Review, Village af Edina, held in Xew Village Hall, on Xovember 30 ,, 1942,
at 8.00 o'clock PX.
Called to order 73y President of the Council Sharpe,
the roll called and all members of the Board nere
present .
The matter of personal property taxes of the Hay and
Stenson Company, first came before the board. The
question being the amount to be assessed. Hay stated that his company's stock was approximately one quarter to one third of the stock carried by the
larger Kinneapolis stores and was willing to pay taxes
on basis of what other dealers pay and be assessed on the same basis as all other property in Edina is taxed,
L;r Gebo moved thavthe 1942 assessment, collectable in .
1943, be set at $3O000O0O0, for full and true valueo
. seconded by €k Vyatt and lost, After further discussion L.Fr ;'lillson moved the assessment for 1942, payable in
1943, be set at $21,875,00 full and true value, assessed
at 33-1/3 percent, seconded by LToore and carried,
Lk Sharpe, read le.t;ter by Xr Stillvell of State Tax
Commission, dated November 24, 1942, concerning omitted
taxes and cited Section 34 of the Assessor*s &nuel,
After discussion the Assessor vas requested to contact the State.Tax Commission and prepare statement of omitted
taxes by the Country Club District Service Company for
as far back as the stature provided.
Bo further business to come before the board at this
time, the chairman declared the meeting adjourned,