HomeMy WebLinkAbout19421214_REGULAREinutes of the meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in the nevi Village Hall on December 14, 1942, at;i8.00 o'clock P.E. The meeting vas called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the Council vere present. liinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on Movember 23, 1942, and the recessed portion of the same meeting duly held on Bovern'oer 30, 1942, ivere read, On motion 3yati; they be approTed as read, seconded by Gebo, and carried. I The Village and Road bills were carefully noted and found correct, whereupon Villson, moved they be duly alloved and ordered pais, seconded by 7yatt and carried. They are as follows for period ending as of December 21, 1942. Earl C. Sharpe Ben 3. Eoore Lo LT. Gebo George A. i7ilLson A. S. Tyatt J. 3. Duggan Dr L. E. Campbell Karl Cove11 Phil V. Snit& Phil ?!. Smith Cleo S. '?&elan Johpl v, &yon Hilding Dah1 V. S, Heydt R. J. Johnson S. J. Roberts P. Dahlgren John Tracy 0 .E Spand e H. Junas Is. J. Herfeld Sam EcCready So Herrett Charlie Johnson Job Pierson 3. Sf;rand UPS R. Shilson Pr e s i d ent Recorder Trustee Trustee Trustee Treasurer Health Officer Village Attorney Village Engineer Auto allowance Office Clerk Village Earshall Police Officer Police Officer Street Commissioner U&iPitymaay Tractor Operator fEilck Driver Asst Truck driver Asst had foreman Road labor B caretaker Road labor Road labor Road labor Road labor Carpenter labor Truck hire Total :so . 00 90.00 35.00 35 00 35.00 30.00 30.00 450,OO 75,OO 112.50 292. 50 277.50 262.50 292/50 240.00 240 ,OO 225.00 217.50 195. 00 256.40 190 000 150.70 108.35 75 a 00 I 93e50 5.00 22.50 The Eiscellaneous bills, including pay of Judges and Clerks for Village Election and pay of Volunteer Fire Dept to date, JTere carefully examined and found correct. moved they he duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by 'Jillson and carried, They are as follovs: Thereupon Trustee Gebo Borey's Shelf Station Edina Hardrrare Thompson Lmiber Go Uptonn Iron Store E=iinrmeapolis Blue Print Go Dale Green Edina Peed Stare Rural Eennepin Surplus Corn Cam Jay 1'7. Ckaigg CO Berg EC E'arhham Glacier Sand B Gravel Co National Bushings & Parts Co EilLf,er-Davis Co Ralph Eollingswarth Os car Roberts J, A. Damens 6: Son L. E. Gebo Eugene B. Thonas Xorthern S;trates Porrer Co Suburban Hennepin Co, Relief Bd Your@ Fuel Company PO No. 523 582 590, 613, 637, 629,632 593, 631 595 611, 670 612 615 617 618 619 620 621, 623, 625 622 624 626 630 636 643 644 645 ,332 a 02 12,72 74,47 26.28 , 16 e 62 151e20 1.20 21-51 2.25 25,45 10.45 9.64 32.50 2.80 16.50 6x2 . 42 228.43 12-70 B. H. Bradley 647 Brooks Service Station 649 E. V. Harris 651 Einneapolis Gas Light CO 652 Zarnham Stationary Co 654 Northwestern Terminal Co 656 So J. Fabtsch 657, 660 International Harvester Co 658 Graybar Electric Co 6 61 Narthwestern Bell Tel Co 6 62 Village of Hopkins 664 City of Kinneapolis 671 Gust Olsan 672 Arthur Petersen 673 Erick J. Bjorkman. 6 74 Plehal Heating Co 675 &ma Tedman 683 Var ner Hardware Co 614 Ernst 8 Ernst 679 City of Xinneapolis 681 J. A. Schmahl, Secy-State 682 Dave &glolld Firerrran Cauntry Club Dist Ser Go Albert Andersoa II Philip Bacon It Harry Bright ft 8. 'if. Carlson It Russell Cade I? S o J.Bautsch n- E. V. Hanson W H.C .Hanson 11 Al, Huber 11 A .B . Johns on Keme t h Johns on R Donald Jens en 11 Stanley Lee It Roy Lindgren I! Carl Love It James EcNePlis n E. J.Xerf eld 1* Jack Xerfelt tt Chris Kitchell W Joseph Rush 0 Kenneth Schulz ?t Richard Ssnnenberg 1) Clarence Sitzer t? Rudoplh Vesterberg R Leslie V. TSiller It Philip Bailey H C. R. BLackburn J. V. LTewburn Election Booths Edviard Port tt It Alex Creighton 659 E. C. Halter It 11 John V. Nerjburn n Ronald Port n Spl Election Officer SP, Peters Church St Peters Eissfonary SOC Bellie Strat-e Laurs Dirks Hilda Holker Francis Sctnnenberg Jo J. Duggan Ers D. C, Beard . Ers Alma Buus &s Philip Aldrett &pes Swens en J .!7 .Newburn 21 or enc e Je we t .t; %the1 EcCr eady Urs LOR .Blackburn Louise Testerberg J. B. Hammond Junis Lampman I Rent fi Judge Election CI&rk Clerk n 11 Judge I1 Clekr It II It Judge n 1) n 1) 11 11 n 11 Clerk It p1 Judge Clerk 1) It It 735.00 90.17 133 . 35 33.05 94.78 67.05 116 . 00 159.31 4.00 1,96 45.92 45 . 00 157.40 470.40 32.00 38 . 15 1.00 19.90 112.50 743.05 1626.46 1L.00 5.50 6.50 10.50 3.00 3.00 7.50 11000 18.50 15;50 12.50 2.80 0.50 2.00 15.50 11.00 9.00 10.00 9.00 24 ,, 00 7.50 12.88 5.00 13 . 50 9.50 7.00 4,80 12.50 2.50 18.75 32.00 8.00 3.00 10.00 7.50 2.50 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 76Pf Ers Gordon Ualeen Clerk Election $7,35 Lillian Lundquist Judge tt 7.35 Lee Billfams rt n 7,35 Albert Garmer tt tt 7.35 Lr Bills and Accaunts of Sewer District No. 8 and Sewer Rental. Account, were carefully noted and found correct, mhereupon Trustee Gebo, moved they Be du3.y alloved and ordered paid as f ollons : V, E. Ziegler Go, assigned &idland Bank #634 €irs Herman Dirks 639 E. A. Rogers Company A, C. Skringer labor Builders fron Boandry 663 668 589 3437a58 I 5.00 2,6O 262.50 9.48 Eregiden'c Shape, called Tor mon2;hly reports from the several Committee Chairman, vhereupon Chairman Villson, reported on Raads and Bridges , Chiarman Gebo, on Fire and Police and Chairman :&att on Relief Pursuant to both posted and personal notices dated llovember lo9 1942, that the Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Liimesota, rrould meet on the 14th day of December, 1942, at 8,OO o'clock FaE. at the Village Hall, to. ascertain the amount of special benefits received by any Broperty ai$hin said __ yflPags by reason of the improvement, including grading, of the so called DcrJey Bill Road, extending YIest from the Cahill Road, to the qesk Pine of Section 8$ Tomnship ll6, Range 21, at ghich time and place the Council would hear the testimony of all persons interested or nhose property @as affehted and the aitncsses in their behalf, duly came before the Council. Hellie V. GiXbersonS Einnie Si. Eastiha~en, Prank Garrison, Deney Hill and others, duly discussed the proposed assessment with the Council, after vhich Trustee 3illson offered the folloning resolution and moved its adoption t , I RE~OL~IOX BOR mrm-Imm m~m. QP SEZCIAL 33amITs COlZ~ BY IU€ROrnlE Am ASSESSIXG BBlEETT'itED €BOPEW!Y FOR TKEl COST 03' SAID IE"Ip;zOVEEETE, . YlHZBEAS, the Tillage Council of the Village of Edina met at the . . time and place appointed in its Resolution dated Eovember 9, 1982, I for the purpose of determining the izmomt of special benefi'ks . 'conferred by the improvement of a street to be extended, opened and graded upon and along the East and ;Test Quarter Line of Section 3ight (8 1, To-snship One Hundred Sixteen (116 1, Bange Twenty-one (21), fron the Horthwest cornBr of the Xorthvest Quarter (E-V*] of the Southeast Cparter (%E&) of said Section Eight (6) to the Vest line of said Section according -Lo plans and specifications therefor o on file in the office of the Village Recorder, md, T/m, said Village Council heard all the kestimony by and on behalf of all persons and parties interested, or vihose property is affected by said improvement, desiring to be heard, and 'being fully advised in the premises, . BE 12 RESOLV%3i) by the ViLlage Gouncil of the Village a9 Edina that the folloning described lots, parts of lots and parcels of ground are specially benefitted by siad improvement in the amounts 02 money set opposite the respective descriptions, and such special benefits are determined to be tihe amounts so specified, . BE IT &FURT= RIGSOLVED that each such lot, part of lo*, piece or parcel of ground as hereinafker described, is hereby assessed the amount of money set opposite it, far said special benefits conferred by the making of said improvement , to-nit : hie of- hner of Praperty Assessment Assessment . .I - 2. Description Date o$- Amount of Descrfpt $on Date of Amount of / &,me of Omner of property Assessment Ass e s sment Section 89 T-116, R-21 road, 646 ft 8 19p' Earl Gerard S* of of E@ and SI%$ of TRI* and SI@ of SV% of exc road, C .C .Bellack %'* of STf* of IF@ ex. 12/14/42 G122.74 386.46 2034 lineal ft 0 19g It Eellie V.Gilberson of ml/& of SU+ em. 'filinnie 3E.Easthagen E$ of of lPi'f* of ST@ Leon P.Pederson n.13 acres of E.60 acres road, 325 ft @ 19g f1 exc road, 323 ft @ 19$ 11 I of of Sf* exc road, 440 lineal ft @ 19@ 11 C. Dewey Hill 17.7 acres of Ea47 acres of E* of ST!% em road , 237 lineal ft G 19g . It G. Dewey Hill Vf.28 acres of E.40 acres of E& of SV4 exc. road, 949 lineal ft 0 19p tt Lean Zeuthen 3.12 acres of X+ of SU$ exc. roado 408 I. ft 6 19fl tk Oscar Grant 31.79 rods af SYl& of EE* exco road, 1340 lineal ft, G! 98 n Hellie V. Gilberson h Einnie E. Easthagen ff.30 acres of of SW4 except road, 1340 lineal ft 0 9p n 61.37 61.37 83.60 45.03 180.31 77.52 127.30 Section 7, 'T-116, Range 21. 300 . 00 300,oO &rlen Realty Co s* of n Earlen Realty Co SE- 1/4 11 ied 78 And that the Village Recorder shall forthwith deliver a , co y hereof of all unpaid assessments which may be spread over a three (37 year period with interest at six (6%') percent, to ,the County Treasurer for collection of said unpaid assessments. The motion to adopr the resolution was seconded by Trustee 't'Jyatt, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the Resolution wherein there were five ayes and no nays and so the resolution vias declared duly passed and adopted, h ATTEST : 00 c Village Recorder. uw-- ATTEST : - Application by Xorthwestern Bell Telephone Company to set one pole on 'u7atekmala Avenue East of Blake Raad, was on motion TJillson, be granted, seconded Xoore and carried. Camplaint on sewer by 382 Disaey, 4605 Bruce Avenue, was referred to Eng in e e r &ai t B . After discussion, Eoore moved that the Village Treasurer be instructed to purchase ($!O,OOO.OO of United States Treasury 1-3/4$ bonds due in 1948, for investment of Sinking Fund of Sever District Roo 89 seconded by Billson, and carried, Trustee i’TiEBson, offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption : X3EU?AS, Ben B. Eoo~~, has been Recorder of the Village of Edina, for the past fifteen (15) years, during vhich time the large increase in population has added to the duties of the Recorder to a great extent AID WKERElkS, Be% €3. Itloore, has always been a leader in planning inpravements for the Village of Edina, as vel1 as giving much of his time in carrying OU~ these inprove- ments , TEEREFORE, be it Resolved by the Council of the Village of Edina, that we extend to Ben B. E~OOIX, our thanks and appreciation for his efforts to make the Village of Edina, . a better place in which to live, The motion to adopt the Resolution mas seconded by Trustee Vyatt and hesident Sharpe thereupon declared the Resolution tmanimously adopted, . Vilhge Recorder I Advertised bids for Police car called for opening as of December 14, 1942, but in error appearing for opening on aecem’ber 15, 1942$ vere held to be opened on E’riday December 18, 1942, at the recessed portion of this meeting, Air Varden Rossiter and Civilian Defense Chairman Co.vel1, confered vith the Council on problems confronking air raid aarnings Mer discussion the matter of arranging equipment for a Pirst Aid Past, was referred to Trustee Vyatt to take up t7ith Dr Jensen of 3939 i7est 50th Street, + The matter of having Village Tracings corrected and braught up ta date \7as discussed, vhereupon Trustee 17illson moved that Eo Clare Alden, be su engaged mith cost for labor not to exceed ‘:140.00, .seconded by Igoore, and carried* Trustee Ui.13son9 offered the follorring Resolution and moved its adoption : lTKEREAS, the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Xennepin County, Xinnesota, has received from the Land Commissioner of Hennepin County, a list of land in said Village of Edina, which has become the absolute property .- of the State of Einnesota under the provisions of lam declaring the forfieture of lands to the State for taxes, ghich lands have been classified by the County Board of : . said Hennepia County as non-conservation and for sale, pursuant to Lam of Einnesota for 1935, Chapter 386$ Section 1, as amended, vthich list of lands is dieipated as List 50-C, November 23, 1942, and I XEIEREAS, this Council has made a complete examination of all facts and circumstances relating to such parcels, N?TBT‘I TKEFtEZORE, acting pursuant to said Section I, Chapter 386, as aglemded, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Council of said Village caf Edina, approve the classification of the said County Board of said lands as nan-conservation and for sale. The question vas on the adoption of the resolution, and the roll being called there vere five (51 yeas and ?So (0) nays , as follows : Gebo aye, VilLson aye, Iflyatt aye, Eoore aye, Sharpe aye, and SO the resolution was adopted. ATTEST : Village Kecorder . I The hour being late, the President declared the meeting recesses to meet again at the same place on Friday December 18, 1942. Village Recorder