HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-04-03 City Council Work Session Minutes MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2018 5:30 P.M. Mayor Jim Hovland called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Members Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart and Mayor Hovland, Edina City staff attending the meeting were: Ross Bintner, Engineering Services Manager; Ann Kattreh, Parks & Recreation Director; Debra Mangen, City Clerk; Chad Millner, Engineering Director; Chante Mitchell, City Management Fellow; Scott Neal, City Manager; Luther Overholt, City Forrester; Lisa Schaefer, Assistant City Manager; Tom Swenson, and Jessica Wilson, Water Resources Coordinator. Renae Clark, Planner-Project Manager, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Staff COMPREHENSIVE WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PLAN —IMPLEMENTATION DISCUSSION Jessica Wilson, Water Resources Coordinator, Ross Bintner, Engineering Services Manager and Chad Millner, Engineering Director made a presentation to the Council regarding the implementation of the Comprehensive Management Plan (CWRMP). They reminded that the CWRMP helps to identify issues, define policies, and plan projects/activities to improve surface water outcomes. The plan assists city staff and decision makers in considering impacts from variances and enables development and redevelopment in a systematic, orderly manner while managing water resources. The CWRMP, along with other plans, informs the water resources chapter of the local comprehensive plan. It describes delivery for three core services related to surface water; runoff management, flood control, and clean water. Staff outlined the steps taken to date preparing the draft CWRMP and the next steps before the Council considers the plan for adoption and inclusion in the City's local Comprehensive Plan. The Council discussed with staff the proposed plan implementation: • Infrastructure and capital investment; including street projects, park improvements and standalone flood mitigation • Development/Redevelopment (Permitting) design standards am to 1) provide 1% annual chance flood risk level of protection in detention area, where feasible; and 2) provide 10% annual chance flood risk level of service, where feasible • Operations and Maintenance, of a system containing more than 2000 structures and about 80 miles of stormwater mains installed in the 1950s and 1960s. Challenges include keeping in mind that the Plan calls for incremental changes that might take a generation to become evident but the Council and staff must still react and assist with immediate issues, i.e. Lake Cornelia, Biscayne Boulevard. It was noted that the Flood Risk Reduction Strategy and Clean Water Strategy would include: • Identify focus geographies • Engage stakeholders • Define the service target • Evaluate strategies (infrastructure, programs, O&M) • Implement (through capital investment, partnerships, private redevelopment, risk management) JOINT WORK SESSION WITH PARKS & RECREATION COMMISION—ARDEN PARK UPDATE Park& Recreation Commissioners attending: Chair Greg Good, Matt Dahlien, Rick Ites, Eileen McAwley, Brenda McCormick, Michael Miller, Koen Hawk Nelson,Julie Strother, and Student Member; Brendan Kiely. Work Session Minutes/Edina City Council/April 3, 2018 Director Kattreh, Planner Clark and Manager Bintner updated the Council on the Arden Park Project. The Arden Park design team has been working toward the 60 percent design feedback coming up in May. Ms. Kattreh noted on Saturday, May 5 staff will hold an open house. Staff outlined the proposed storm water plan, explained the location and design of the needed bridges and stairs, and showed examples of the possible North Arden Park creek access and nature trail. They presented more details of the proposed Brookview Trail and the possible ADA trail from Minnehaha Boulevard to the creek planned to have an accessible landing. The cost of the ADA upgrade would be the City's responsibility. Staff noted that based on the current pre-60 percent design, 68 of 457 trees will need to be removed for construction. Twenty-four ash trees were among the 68 trees slated for removal. Of the 457 trees within the project area, 77 were ash trees. Staff recommended injecting the three significant ash trees in the park to prevent Emerald Ash Borer and hopefully save the trees. Of the significant trees, one sits along Minnehaha Boulevard, one on Brookview Avenue and the other close to the playground. Staff recommended the Council consider removing all 77 ash trees and replacing them with a higher quality tree during the Arden Park project because the trees would be accessible to equipment so removal and replanting could be completed more efficiently. Forrester Overholt explained the difficulty getting equipment in to remove and replant trees once the steps and bridges have been built. Council and the Park & Recreation Commission discussed the design to date, the situation with the trees and the entire Arden Park Project. Council generally was supportive of the design to date but did not have a consensus on the removal of the ash trees and asked for a recommendation from the Park & Recreation Commission. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hovland adjourned the meeting at 6:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted, D bra A. 9ngen, City Clerk Minutes approved by the Edina City Council, April 17, 2018. James ovland, Mayor 2