HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430111_REGULAR119 KINTJTES OF THE REGULAR EEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUXCIL HELD IN VILLAGE BALL AT 8 P,M, JANUARY 11, 1943, The meeting vas called- to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the council were present -- Preszdent Earl C, Sharpe, Trustee George A, lL%llson, Trustee Dr, Alvin So Wyatt, Trustee Lo M, Gebo and Clerk (Recorder) Bower Hawthornea liifnutes 0% the regular meeting of the council held December 14, 1942, and the recessed portion of the same meeting held December 18, 1942, vere reado Eyatt moved. a-pproval, second by Gebo smd. carTS_ed.o President Sharpe called for monthly reports from codtee cbalrraen, Wyatt reported for relief committee; Gebo, police corrm9ttee; ?".Ellson, road and bridge conmiittee, Franlc Garrison appeared to prcrtest the method of spreading special assessments for cost of opening the Dewey Hill roada President Sharpe explained the assessments had been clm ed and any com2Xa2nt conce-ming the 'assessments should be settled betveen Garrfson and Dewey Hill, A, R. Stenson appeared to present application of Ray & Stenson Coo for reneval of off-sale liquor license for one year commencing Apr2-1 1, 194SP accompa&ed by $1,000 surety bond, Wyatt moved. the applkcation be referred to police committee for action at the next meetfng, seconded. by Gebo and carried.e Leo Quist appeared to present a lePlter from Harold E. !:Toad Co,, pohting out the villagels credit standing is end.mgered by default on interest and. principal payments past-due on bonds of Sewer Dfstrict No, 8, After considerable discussion, Village Attorney Covell vms 3nstmlcted to secure opfnson of liiinnesota Atbomey Geners-1 as to whether the village can legallg drm from funds remaining from sale of Sewer Distrfct No, 8 bonds to pay hterest and. princfpal obligations on the same bondse President Sharpe advised @-is% the v5lla.ge vi11 make the past-due payments From the bond pr0ceed.s 5.f the attorney general approves such actgone PresSdent Sharpe recommended the follow%ng committees be appointed for 1943 : Road and Bridge -- Wl1lson9 chairman; I:'ya.tt, Sharpe, Police -e Gebo, chairman; ?/yatt; Sharpe, Relfef -- Hawthorne, chairman; Wyatt; Sharpe Sewer -- Xyatt chairman; Viillson, Sharpe, Ordinance -9 Sharpe, chairman; Hawthorne; Gebo , Lightring -w IVillson, chairman; ?,Vya.l;t; Sharpea Fire Protection -- Gebo, chairman; YJyatt; 71:illson; Hawthorne ; Sharpe e Gebo moved approval, seconded by Hawthorne, Rollcall vote vas Gebo, aye; Villson, aye; Wyatt, aye; Hawthorne, aye; Sharpe, aye, and the motion was carriede President Shame recommended appointment 02 Dr, Lowell ICe Campbell QS Village Health Officer for 1943 at sZ1!2ayg OF $SO per month, I7yatt mooed app~oval, seconded by Gebo and carried, Presfdsnt Shwpe recommended appo9ntment of Karl Covell as VSlla.ge Attorner for 1943 at salary of $75 per month, seconded. by UTllson and carried, Gebo moved approval, President Shame recormended appointment of So J, Fautsch as Vrillage Plumbing Inspector for 1943 on a fee basfstr Y!yatt moved appraoval, second-ed by Willson and carriedo President Sharpe recomflendec? qpointrnent of Alex Crefghton as Village Euildtng Inspector fnr 1943 on a fee basis, Billson moved ~.pproval, seconded by Gebo, RolLcal1 vote vas Gebo, aye; I:'il-lson, age; ?:ya-bt, no; Hawthorne, not voting; Sharpe, aye, and the motion VB.S camTed., ';:yet% explained he h.ad understood the vorlr of b~..lil-d.:ing !;'fllson moved. nppolntment of RSrJ-ph Johnson as street cormlssioner an6 road- fctrenl~n for 1943 nk sPl.8.ry of' (j3.95 per month; S, J, Roberts, ~kfl5kpe.n~ 316C; Pe&er Dah$~rsn, m~chine aperator, $160; Jo1m Tracy3 tmck O~WQ~QP, $3.50; 0, I,?* Spande, %w-& operator, $145; Harpy Sanas, ass%is.l;8n% Gru.ck operator, $30; 1;- 6 Kerfeld, weed inspector, 65 cents per how? and allocance of 95 per month as caretdxer, and. further moved pm rate for cornon Lkbor be fhed at 55 cents per hour and pay rate for 8. man and. team be f%xed at $1 per hour, seconded by Gebo ,md carried,, Gebo offered the folloaing resolution and. moved Lts adopt5on: RESOLUTIOIT DESIGEATIRCr OFFICI& BEP OSITORY FOR FUITDS OF VILLAQE OF EDTlTA A??D CBTTSOLIDATING BANI; ACCClrTSITTS OF THE VILLAGZ OF EDETA , 121 Ninneapolis (hereinafter ref erred to as the Bank) such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name OF this Vll,lsge, from tbe to tfme and unt5l wrltten notice to the contrary to the Benk, to open an accoun% alth the Bank, to slgn checks a.gainst said BCCOUX~, which shall be signed by the President of the Council, VJ-llage Clerk and Villa-ge Treasu-rer, The Bank is hereby a.uthorlze8- d-irected to honor and. pay any check against such account 17M.ch is signed as above authorized whether or not said check 5s payable to the. order Of', or deposited to the cred-ft of', any officer of officers of this Vfllage includ-ins the sfper or signers of the check, ATJD BE IT FUZTBIER RESOLVED, khat all checks dram on the above listed eccounts and. dated. on or prior to Janimry 11, 1943, sha.11 be charged. by ss3-d- Bank to the account o~"VIL.LAGE; OF ZDIITA, J, J. DUGGAIT, 1 TTIEASUFSR, 'I after such transfer and consolidation, i%tfi.b15sIment of equEtsble serer rental rates for busi-ness bui3.d'tn~ss StQi*+S and offices was discussed md Smith as 1nstzv.cted to securr; Tmtcr meter read-fngs from Country Cbinb Dfst-skt Service Go, to be stud.ied*, 7 Presfdent Shsrce brou$xk up the matter of requests for village snowp3,os:rs to cl~ar snow from private roads and drivev:ays. It nas the sen2.s of %be c,ovncil village equ.%plpent shou-ld. not be used for such worko IJr, Pollock sppeared and urged permanent voters' ,registry be established in the vlllage, Phfl pg.ileS, chief of the voluxteer fere department, appeared and otitlhed. needs of the fire d.epa-rtment for hose and. equipment; Smith vrss 5,-nstiwcted. to secure prices on the various articles, Balleg reported on tao recent fires apparently caused by faulty constmction of fireplaces and suggested the bualding inspector be hwlxucted. to check constmctfon of f Ireplaces, President Sharp requested Smith to prepare a report on Insu-rmce coverine village propertyo Gebo inquired as to the zoning of property occu.pfed b; ThOrPe Ek'Osc tract ofPfce at r'fftieth street and ',:ooddal-e avenueo TIfllson explained the offlce aas established under a temporsry pem.2to Sznith presented a bfll from Hemspin County Xevievr total-ing 22060% for oTficfal publications and printing checks, fmm ih.3 9, 1%03 to October 16, 1941. Havthorne ~8s 1nst:mcted to check 'the bill apinst files of the Revfen. There befng no further business to come before the council, President Sharpe declared the meeting recessed at 11:45 porne 1mtj.1 2:3Q porno ::'ednesSLa.;r, January 13, OF THE RECESSED PORTION OF THE LiEETIITG OF THE EDIPJA VILLAGE - OF JAUUARY 3.1, 19439 HELD IN BALL AT 7~30 P.13, JAXU-ARY 13, 1943, The meetfnz ras called to order by Presfdent Sharpe, the m1l called and dl members of the councfl vere presento President Sharp declared the meeting resolved fnto a committee of the Tihole sessfon to hear a report by Perry R, 1810.0re, attorney, regwdbg the 1:ifnnesota Supreme Court deci-sion in the ca-se of Country Club DListrfct Serv5ce Coo VS. Village of Edfnao President Shave; declared the cmm5ttee of the vhole session adjourned and the meeting vas opened fos regular luslnesso Bills and payrolls mre noted. and found correcto Gebo moved approval and payment, seconded by Wyatt, as f ollo~m : I GENERAL ??"I) XAIilE CLAIEJ PrCrIJBER Bren Hardware 1 Glacier Sand 2 Gravel 2 Kine Ho Ziegler Go, 3 Jv.staxs Lmber Co, 4 ~ DWberg Fros., Bc, 5 Berg & Fariihmx 6 IJorthern States Pomr Coo 7 City of IiinneQpoZis a -Albert 0, Frmsr . .9 Rud Brooks LO Edina BoalZng Center 11 Hennepfn Count7 32 Alex Creizbton 13 Se Jo FaUtSGh 14 1Jortks::estern EelE Tel, Coo 15 4merican Linen Coo 16 Country Club DIs%, Sertz. Co, 17 Arthur Peterson 18 Bogey Service Statfoxn 19 E, 'Je Earrfs 20 ~~aller-Da17Zs Co, 21 1.Enneapolfs Gas L.-LCi.h_t Coo 22 Sub. Hem, Co, Relief Ed, 23 Edina Hsrdvsre 24 Thompson Lumber Coo 25 Pamhzim Stationery & Supe Co,26 Rural Hem. Co. Sur. Coma 27 Internstfond I-Imsester Co-, 28 Young h.el coo 29 Alden, County A1~ditorts Off, 30 Hennepln Coun-tg Revfew 32 - +r Aagard Sgn Coo 31 Blda Ee HOS.G 33 Jasperson DaZrg 34 TOtP.1 $ z090 2 50 06 179,85 5,220 1,oo 63OeO8 29,15 74.90 12 0 40 122000 4,50 11035 33095 . l4:,01 471045 €3; 50 64,46 4,40 40 3U 202 50 38,56 86,96 27077 4045 3000 10,2a 21054 a,io 54,8O L40000 2000 65,20 4,50 5a.20 . $z9 410 e 68 SEZER RENTAL c 1 PMl Smith I”Jm. He Ziegler Co. Edina. Peed Store (assigned to EIid-land so 17‘IcCresc3.y John Pearson Jab-n. Fesrson S. Herrett S, EIerretl; J, IdcNell5.s C. CzldTLTell Do Jensen A, Hansen Re Steensgapd Bert Tracy Bert Tracy Albert Young Albert Soung Joseph Garrison JO s eph Gaxr 3. son Gsor~e Shzflsour Don:? 1-d Haeg Donald Eaeg J, Neviburxl Le Smzone L. 3anzon.s Chase Johnson CkL8-s e Jo~,so~ KO J, Nerfeld RI, J. XerPeld. Harry Jonas 0, &le Spende John Tracy Pa H, Dahlpen D B LlJnd-ql1-T s t Se J, Roberts Total 35 pooo Total . +I4 0 00 SEWER DISTRICT NOe 8 ’ 37 38 39 Bank) Total GENERAL FUND (PAYROLL) c OmTC IL 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Gross Vfc, Tax $!5,00 17-50 17e50 17e50 17,53 l5,OO 15000 57950 $ 040 $162 QL “0 $ 040 - OFF ICE 52 $!.75.00 $7Q20 48 62,EO I09Q 43 91,50 3020 SO 92 e 53 3Q20 51 870 50 3,20 tj515,OO $18,70 RO’AD & ERIDGE 86 $ 97,50 53 37,40 54 28,6O 55 37 40 56 22 e 00 57 37e40 58 22,oo 59 14,,00 60 4040 61 $e25 62 24,ZO 63 13,20 64 18 a 70 65 18oL5 66 11 0 00 67 8,80 68 19 , 80 69 26,OO 70 26 * 00 71 43 a 00 72 16 e 50 73 31e35 74 6,6O 75 8,80 76 24,20 77 35e75 78 49650 79 60,60 80 28,60 81 66,OO a2 72,50 83 75,OO 84. 8000’0 85 80 * 00 $1,1,, 0 20 $3 20 o 40 0 40 e 40 o 40 1,90 1*90 2040 2040 2040 2040 $.8,20 $437.58 15,OQ 5eOO $45’7 0 58 Net $167 80 QOOGO 04,30 89030 28 . 60 37 00 22000 37000 22000 l.4 0 00 4040 8,25 24020 23020 L8,70 18,15 8080 13 €?O 26,OO 26 , 00 43 * 00 16050 31e35 6e60 11 Q 00 8.50 24020 35035 4.99 50 58o70 28,60 64.10 70010 72,60 7’7 e 60 I24 1 SB,'.'ER DISITRICT TTOo 3 Sm%t'o. repOPtt2d. need for equipment t0 Clem SiX-hGh seraers tn the vlllnge, advertise for blCis on such tools zwd equfpment, seconded- by 1'i5.11son and carrieda Easithorne reported exLm:ine"con of records for 3.942 shoverlt costs of offfc-ial publZcPtions for the full gear totaled $1,72,98 md the largest. cost for R single month vc?s $?7,90, Villson moved to desicna-h Hemepin Cou-ntg Revleu as off5.icia.l pnblfca'cion of the village for 1943, seconded. b$ Havthorne and carried, 6yatt moved the clerk ~Xrrj engfneer be authorized to I There bebg no furthsr buslness to om@ before the council, President Sharpe declr,a.rad the meetins cl.djourned at U:45 porns "he neeking vas cd.led- to order b3 President Sbarpe ad all members' ansvered- to ro11ca.7,10 LIAnutees of the regular meePI2ng of the councll held January 11, 1943, and the recessed portion of the sfme meeting held January 13, 1943, t'lere reada Gebo moved approval, seconded by Kyatt and carriedo I Kr. Sherman and. Ih Vrrrlre-b .of fXnnesota Public ExWnerts staff 3.ppemed before bhe council to presenk 3. budget summry for the year ,endins Deee 31, 1943, -,and. to mke recommendations that the vEllage bu2ld.inz and plumbbg ordfnances should. be amended LS all oillap pemrita are to be i.asv.ed ai; that village hall ~nd that a second stenopapher or book?ceeper be emplozed- by the covl?cfl. vd%;kl salaq of one of the afi"kce employes to be cbrg;ad to the &eve17 rental fund., Wya.-tt, mowd all. asplfcatlons for licenses ,and perm2-b;~ henceforth must be Fller?. 8-4; the vS1lage hall, seconded by G-ebo and carried.,