HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430125_REGULARI24 1 SB,'.'ER DISITRICT TTOo 3 Sm%t'o. repOPtt2d. need for equipment t0 Clem SiX-hGh seraers tn the vlllnge, advertise for blCis on such tools zwd equfpment, seconded- by 1'i5.11son and carrieda Easithorne reported exLm:ine"con of records for 3.942 shoverlt costs of offfc-ial publZcPtions for the full gear totaled $1,72,98 md the largest. cost for R single month vc?s $?7,90, Villson moved to desicna-h Hemepin Cou-ntg Revleu as off5.icia.l pnblfca'cion of the village for 1943, seconded. b$ Havthorne and carried, 6yatt moved the clerk ~Xrrj engfneer be authorized to I There bebg no furthsr buslness to om@ before the council, President Sharpe declr,a.rad the meetins cl.djourned at U:45 porns "he neeking vas cd.led- to order b3 President Sbarpe ad all members' ansvered- to ro11ca.7,10 LIAnutees of the regular meePI2ng of the councll held January 11, 1943, and the recessed portion of the sfme meeting held January 13, 1943, t'lere reada Gebo moved approval, seconded by Kyatt and carriedo I Kr. Sherman and. Ih Vrrrlre-b .of fXnnesota Public ExWnerts staff 3.ppemed before bhe council to presenk 3. budget summry for the year ,endins Deee 31, 1943, -,and. to mke recommendations that the vEllage bu2ld.inz and plumbbg ordfnances should. be amended LS all oillap pemrita are to be i.asv.ed ai; that village hall ~nd that a second stenopapher or book?ceeper be emplozed- by the covl?cfl. vd%;kl salaq of one of the afi"kce employes to be cbrg;ad to the &eve17 rental fund., Wya.-tt, mowd all. asplfcatlons for licenses ,and perm2-b;~ henceforth must be Fller?. 8-4; the vS1lage hall, seconded by G-ebo and carried., Eng:fneer Smith requested a.ppointment of an insurwce conmri"r,tee to ad.viise h.lm on imsurnnce matters, Eavithorne reported invest,ig8tion of the bill presented by ISennepfn County RevLew 5n the amount of $206,93 for ofF%cfal piiblications and print5.n~ from I5a-g 9, 1!?400, to October 16, 1941, showed -the services vmre rendered. by the Review aad the bill had not been pfd. previously, Hnnthorne moved the bill be paid in fulb, second-ed by Pyatt and camled,, t'iyatil; moved approval and payment of the follonriing bills ad pag3?0llS, seconded by Gebo and carrfed: GElTERAL PUXD NAXE COUTJCIL Earl C. Sharpe Bower Hawthorne Id. ICe Gebo Georp A. Ibifllson J. J, kg~an Dr, Le LI, Campbell Ksrl Cove11 TQtd Dr e ne s e :;:ga.tt Total ROAD 2 ERIDGE R, J. Johnson S. J, Fioberts Po E, DDhlgren Jolm Trscy 0. Li. E3pand.e Ha my Jonas jcf,. IJ'erf'eld S, IbcCready S, Eerrett 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 $ 25,Oo 17.50 17050 17.50 17.50 3-5000 15,00 96 3 62.50 $1,90 $ 60,60 920 50 3,20 I 89.30 98 99 87,50 3020 84,250 97 97 , 50 3020 . 94.30 100 150,OO 5,20 102 $ 97050 . 103 80 . 00 104 80.00 105 75.00 106 72050 107 65,OO 108 73,60 109 5g040 110 59 e 40 Q 94,30 2,40 77,60 2,40 77.60 2040 72,60 2.40 70,10 lo90 65,10 2040 71,20 1.40 58 e 00 1,180 58.00 (continued) $3 20 w (€3211~ and payrolls contfnued) John Person 111 €3, Tracy 112 L. Sanzone 113 Chas, Jo'l?nson 114 George SHlson 115 J, Ga.rr5.son 116 Ae YOWE 117 De Jensen 118 C. CaZdvell 119 0, ForslSn 120 Hilda Hoag 122 Total r;;; 41.SO 5e 50 6,60 40.70 30eOO 13 . 20 1065 de40 5000 23,Oo 50 50 $339.75 ;I;; .90 2 40090 6,50 6-60 e 90 39 .,SO e 40 29,60 29 * 00 13,20 5e50 1,65 40 40 There behg no further buafness to come bei-ore the counc5.1, Pres-ld.en% Sha-rpe declnred the meting adjourned. at 11:30 pone .\..>'.>'- .. a. ,. President Shax-ye called the merst%.ng to order and all members ansvered tu rollcall, PresLdent Sharps read the folloc9ng letter from Chp-rLes a, Hovmrd of %he law fhn of Fletcher, Dorsey, Barker, Golmm snd Barber, dated Jan. 27, 1943: Iff 1.5.r. Earl, Sharpe President, Vfllage Gouric If Vl?.t~gs of Er3fna, K:S.nnesota