HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430208_REGULARU8 / is hereby desiL-nated as depository for the funds of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County., Ilinnesota., for the year 19,13. The motion to adopt the resolution was seconded by --. 0 FLO-1.1ce-11 tut' -)-s .-" pted. vote uas five ayes and no nays and the re U Council President ATTEST: Village Clcrl,. Havithorne -was instructed to vrite to the Le-,A.Sue of li!.innesota T,:ianicipalities requesting information on what insurance the village should carry and vihother the village could carry its ov.-a :;orlmen's compensation insurance. Engineer Smith reported he had interviewed Gretchen Schlicsler as an applicant for eni plow rent in the villacre office and that T,'iss Schu-s-sler had excellent reco?r-riendntiono. I.'.'-,att moved thot Gretchen Schussler be employed as secretary to SyrLith at sal7_r- of ;;'105 per month, seconded by ''.'illson and car ed' -'4 '. ' Vi a -e (-'71- e-fk- T-1177TTES, OF T= REGULAR 1J17EETrITG OF TYM ED-r,TA VILLAf.-xE COTTTICIL HELD TIT VILLAGE EILLL AT 0 P.T% FEERUAlff 8 1.11 1 t , l0-?3e President Sharpe called the meetinC to order and !-711 ri-riibers an!r",'ered to rolleall, i':i-013tes of tIlp re�-Ijlar nectins of the council held JP'n13-ry 2�E;2 19�3., ' nd. the held ?L01, 19-4--3, ' :ere, ro-.-_ej, nnd -?ppro-7,ed., Prrm-a70ent 311nrpe cpllpd for re - monthly rorts of committee chairmen. '0 - -x, '.'.11'Alson reported on rods and brides; Gobo., pol-fice and fire; 'I'- rerortc, npprolT(-�f . .a,.-.tborn4-- rel'I-e-f thf:- 1 3 v - - B. H. JE�wettp 50?/i Ilnlif ax svoniie., arr-rw, appeared to about opeecll-nr- of vehicles on Dllifa:7 jr"wett staters. worst offenders are tsI--ifci,13s., towt-rucl-'s and. '-'rorer- clelivor-�r trvol'-s'. After C , Geb o assured the t'-hRt the council and police would correct the condit-lon, De,:.'ey Hill and Fr�n!-' Garrison appeared to dicculss thy Trn-t'horl of snreadln- PsTe-srnents for cost of openinc-, the D�7e- Hill road. Garr. ision REnIn reanested the council to re-spreRd the Rsc.esonents for tbr-, purpostz: of of reducin,7 the amount of property fornerly ot.-ned. by h1n, President Sharpe ad-lrlsed-ral!?�rrison the cou-neil co nsilrler reoperin-,-, - the a ^^ ti ^meri3 if Garrison secured. -?,7rcr-nert of other affected prop-,rty ov.ners, I ' ,,,ssrs. G. L. Holm, Broclzneyer and Robert representing Hardware Co. of Stevenv Point, and L. R. Blnac�burr, repro -,-t7-ntIInr- B-IL.qc,!<burn, ITicIrels Z;: Sraitn Incur-nce Co.., appeared beforc- the council to present proposals for .',orlvmenls con-perFsti ears 'Unc,-Lir-ince policies. Representati7es of the HiFtrd,..,are 1,7-atual pointcd, of -it premiums on such insurance are set by the 17 inne.Eota �Tidi-i.,'!trial coi71--,--,iIssion but tb(z,,,.r corapnny currently pays U a dividend of qO per cent on such Insurance, representing a reduction of '20 per cent in the net annual cost of the. insurance. 1^ F F L U 129 they also presented a statement to shoe: their company is financiraily sound, and pointed out their company would be v:ill i ng to :.,rite va.riotis other forms of insurance for the vi lla."e. Blackburn urged that the council continue to write all of its inourrAnce with stock insurance companies, clac'm .ng that all mutual insurance policies are assessable under some conditions and that mutual companies are not so safe as stock companies. J. Etraile Reir(lann of Fred L, Gray Insurance Co,, representing Standard Accident Insu-ratace Co,, also appeared to urge continued purchase of stock corapany insurance. After discussion, Gebo , moved. that the counoll t s worl:mien l s compensation .ins .,) oance be placed. vi'th Hardware T:iutual Ca.sulty Co. of Stevens Point, ,Uis., for a on -year period in the interest of saving money for village taxpayer and that the Hardvrare Tilutual Co. be requested to vv ke a study of then insurance needs of the. village and to make a report on such n eds at the next regular meeting of the council; seconded by Havitho ne anal. carried_, S Chester TTichols ,%eared as attorney for Hay w Stenson Co. and inquired wh.�,t action the council had trj7,,en in rt1ga.rd to Hay &'Stensonts application for renewal_ of their Retailer's Off Sale Intoxicating Liquor licenses President Sharpe advised Nichols no action had been taken. Gebo stated the reason no action had been taken v:a.s that Hay L Stenson had not agreed to furnish the council or the village assessor ?_n inventory of its stock as of Llay 1 for the purpose of deterxtining personal property tax assessment. Nichols said the company vas willing to furnish such -inventory and would make a v.ritten agreement to that effect. TTicholsrhen left the meeting and returned later with a letter signed by A. R, Stenson, treasurer of Hay & Stenson Co., stating: "I,A. R. Stenson, of the firm of Hay w Stenson Co,, applicants for the renewal of our off -sale liquor license, do hereby agree that on 14 ay 1st, 1943, r e• Y.111 give to the assessor of the Village of Edina an inventory of our entire stock of merchandise on hand as of that date, sworn to by us, and that we will co-operate fully v:d th the assessor in checking this inventory and determining the full a:n.d. true value of such stock," Gebo moved the letter presented by Nichols be made a part of the Hay w Stenson Co. application and be referred to the police o mYnittee for further study; seconded by Myatt and carried.. M`�ya.tt moved. that ;133000 be transferred from Sewer District Yo. 8 fund to Sinking Fund for Sewer District No. 8; seconded by Gebo mad carried. Bids were received f r6m MiLdwest Equipment Co, and ' Gopher Equipment and Supply Co. to furnish sewer cleaning equipment, pursuant *to advertisement published in Hennepin County Review. • .Myatt moved the bids be referred. to Engineer Smith for tabulation and study; seconded by Mlillson and carried. M:'ya.tt moved approval of application of Tiinneanoli s Gas Light Co. for perraission to construct an, extension of a gas main at Fiftieth street and Arden avenue, in accordance with a. plan submitted to Engineer Smith; seconded by 7illson and carried. _ M`tiyatt rr.ovrd approval and pa`ynent of the following bill's- and payrolls; seconded by Gebo and carried: GETTERAL FUND TTATZ CLAILI A WIRER lTptovm. Iron Store 164 Farnham Stnt. ,,- School Sup. 165 Ytidwest Contracting Co. .nzr, oun; lqv.e?_ Co. Dahlberg Bros. J,T r! t sOta r'rr`tI1 e x'398 Joyce Insurance Co. Arthur Peterson Lu`ene B. Thomas Crr'lborrr H ^rnes;s, Store IYzeri cnr Viper Co. Ilennerwi n Couty Rev3 ey:,. 1'.71n(tea_pol_'i s Gas L7 mrht Co. H, A. Roger^ Co, H. Zieglor Co., Inc 166 167 168 169 170 1.72. 173 174 7.75 176 177 178 179 AI.1OUNT 32.2 3 w 86.92 1,175.6 5 36.35 29.45 226.00 75.00 ?71.20 6.25 x.00 .75 X4,5, 2Q (c tint i nu ed. ) 130 11,LS ATM. PA713 LLS., C07TT T11 7-M-- D 1,7' Ere1l, Telerbt --oqS CO, 160 -, 1can Fri A -rr n ��7 C 191 Henrepin Colanty i82 v I T-* i, _Is I', S-reLth _t 131i 185 IT ortbwesterr Terml-nal Co. 186 TbonrF6n Lr7,-,bp-r Co. 187 Ylller-Davis Co. lo-0 - - Ale,---, Creirliton I S° Bud Broo!,:s 3.90 S. J. Fqi1tTcb 3-01 H. 0. Alcler 192 H. C. Alclrm T�arry S7,:erF�Orl '01? 17evrberC, 194 'Dr. E. L. Fiteb 192 Glecler Sirr3 GrnN!n:3. 200 IT ,torthern StP,tes Pon',-r CO, Pol Henry HRee 202 Total � "AMEM, T,,�AITN 171*1PROVET-7,77T -'I # 11- i 'i r�- �t j7lqtjon of 1,1*njg, 163 Hennepin Couunty Rev ILeta 182 Tot.91 RET'TTAL nPTD City Of 1,7irmespoiis 195 I'llortbern Stlp,tes P07-rl- Co. 201 Tot -31 S7-.':EP, DISTRICT ;�-45 Hennepin County arvLew 182 To t r- 1 DIST11-1-ICT "S Hennepin County Re era. et, 182 TotP.1 SZ.MTR DISTUICT rYS Hennepin County flevlev.r 182 Y-innf:,91)olis Blue PrintinS Co.196 Lm. H. "ief-ler Co, (to bsn1k) 197 Tot al SE'-*,—T,R DISTRICT „9 Hennepin County Reviev 182 Total JOFITT SE-7-TIR DISTRICT ,'1 Hennepin Col-knt,r r. -r , , R %. L evr 1,92 POOR F M-TD !Mra-1 Henn Co Sur Con 198 Sub Henn Co. R,-1:7-ef Ed 203 T6 t ^i 37.85 720.Z5 29.25 6 2 0 10- . IS ZI 2,�. 10 2 9 . 116 11.00 03. C0 87,38 3100 35.00 110,00 550.00 32,00 125.10 01.00 15100 376. ' 58 11.00 43.95 i,8d3.OA- 1�). so I q, I so 40.0-5 40905 2.20 9.90 I 1S. Sty 10-6.910, 1 2'1.3.84 First ITIP-tional Bnnllc of 1.,p1s. 1241 1. zli 180.00 IT7.7 Heationg-1 Panl< 125 -L. -,I 129 ir First ITationtal Bank of YpIs. 126 SD ;,'48 Sin-Icing 20,070.35 Total 20$251.34 Grand total, bills X272612.41 PAYROLLS ITAME, CLAIJ,u J1 GROSS V. TAB YET !,-'o,70VTjTT Earl C. ,",hq.rpe 127 725.00 PILLS AT�TD PAYROLLS., COtvTII`xLTLD Bower Ha:•rthorne 128 17.50 17.50 L. 1% rebo 129 17.50 17.150 reor�r_:A. ? :` :illson 130 17.50 17.50 Dr. A. S. . ","yatt 131 17.50 17.50 J. J. Dxq -an 132 15.00 15.00 Dr. L. Y. Car?pbell 133 15.00 15.00 Karl Covell 134 37.50 .40 37.10 Office ' x Evelyn Ijos- 135 62.50 1.90 60.60 Johan :'!. Lyon 136 97.50 3.20 94..30 Um. S. Ileydt 137 87.50 3.20 84,30 Hildinc, Dahl_ 138 92.50 3.20 89.30 Phil_. Y1. Smith 139 150.00 6.20 143.80 Phil W: Smith. 140 25.00 25.00 Street R. J. Johnson 141 97.50 3.20 94.30 S. J. Rob ertu 14:2 80.00 2.40 77'.60 P. H. Dphlgren 14.3 80.00 2.40 77.60 John Tracy 344 75.00 2.40 72.60 0. M. Spand.e 145 ^ 72.50 2."z0 70.10 Harry Jonas 146 65.00 1.90 63.1Q Ta . J. TTerf eld_ 147 71.00 2.4:0 68.60 Chas. Johnson 148 47.30 .90 46.40 S. T; cCrendy 149 59.40 1.40 58.00 Sil?as He-rrett 150 55.00 1.40 53.60 John Person 151 .55.00 1.40 53.60 D. Jensen 352 5.50 5.50 D. Haeg • 153 5.50 5650 L. Sanzone 154- 5.50 5.50 A. Hansen 355 5.50 5.50 J. I,IcNellis 156 17.50 17;50 B. Tracy 157 6.60 6;60 0, Po-rsl'in 158 11.00 11.00 J. Ga r r son 159 13.00 13.00 G. ShIlson 160 12.50 12.50 R. Steensga_r_ d 161.E 2.20 2.20 HiId.a. Hoag 162 �7.00 7.00 YTOtqlpa_yroll 1, 52'7.00 ., 40.30 ;;J., a 36 'Total bills and payroll . "29,099.11° There being no farther bv.siness to come before the coon i �,, President Sharpe d "ecltired the meet1n� a.djo�arned at 11x55 p.ra. _ Vi11a_ge C erY 1 1.31