HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430223_REGULARIiIIIJUTES OF TEE REGULAR 'hlEET'SNG OF TEE - EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT $ P,M. FEBRUARY 239 1943. President Sharpe called the meeting to order and all members answered to rollcall. Hinutes of the regulaF couvlcil meeting of February 8 were read and approved. Gebo moved approval and paGent of the following bills ad payrolls; seconded by Villsop and carried: B PAYROLL Name COUNCIL Earl C. Sharpe Bower 3avrthorne ' L. No Gebo George A. 'STlillson Dr. A. S. Wyatt J. J. Duggan Karl Cove11 - I OFFICE Evelyn Hjos Gretchen Schus sl er Job VI. Lyon Eilding Dahl Wm. So Seydt Phil '61. Smith Phil V. Smith G@REET R. J. Johnson So J, Roberts P, H, Dahlgren John Tracy 0. I. Spande Harry Jonas Bo J. Herfeld Chas. Johnson Albert Young . Sam €fcCready John Person Silas Herrett George SMl son mlda Hoag Ers. Laura Dirks Net - Claim #, . Gross V. Tax 205 206 1 213 62.50 Lo90 215 * 97.50 3.20 216 ' 92.50 3.20 214 62.50 1.90 217 87.50 * 3.20 219 ~ 25.00 218 150.00 6.20 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 234 SEWER DISTRICT #8 233 $5. 00 $25.00 17050, 60.60 60.60 94.30 89.30 84.30 143 . 80 25.00 94.30 77060 77.60 72.60 70 . 10 63.10 71.20 46.95 4.40 58.00 29.60 29.60 6025 Do D. Ryerse and Charles C, Pardee appeared to request re-oiling of Bruce avenue from Fiftieth street to Arden avenue this year, Willson advi.sed them that project is contemplated if it is possible to secure 05.1. Ashley Brooks, operator of Edina Auto Livery, appeared in response to request of the counc5.1 for discussion of complaints of speeding by his taxicab drivers. Brooks assured the council he vould remedy all cond2tions which had brought compJ.aints. Brooks was instructed to present eo the council public liability insurance policies covering his taxicabs. Willlam Sheman and A. D. Verket of Einnesota public examiner's office appeared to discuss new accounting proceedures being set up for the vLllage, Sherman recommended that definite -appropriations should be made by the council whenever it is necessary to provide additional money for any of the various village funds and that such appropriations should be recorded in the council minutes. Sheman also suggested it would be good policy to have records of the vfllage assessor kept in the village hall. Representatives of Eardware Ivlutual Casualty Co, of Stevens Point, Tfis,, appeared to present a proposal for a comprehensive insurance policy to cover all accident risks of the village. Action on the proposal was deferred pending further study by the council. Phil Bailey, chief of the volunteer fire department, appeared and reported the fire department would be willing to contribute $500 toward purchase of a new fire truck on condition members of the department be pernj-tted to examine specifications for the new equipment. Sharpe advised Bailey he and Gebo would inv'estigate availability of new fire equipment and requested Bailey to make a study of what equipment the department needs. Attorney Cove11 reported Stinchfield, Mackall, Crounse & Moore had agreed to accept a bonus payment of $1,000, instead of $2,500, for services in connection with securing a favorable verdict in the case of Country Club District 'Service Coo vs Fillage of Edina. Willson moved approval and payment the Stinchfield, Idackall, Crounse and Moore claim in the amount of $lO,O86,8l as final settlement to 'date in the cash of Country Club District Service Co% vs Vtllage of Edina and that recapitulation of the bill be incorporated in the dnutes; seconded by Yfyatt. and the motion was adopt,ed. . 3 Rollcall vote was five ayes and no nays RECAPITULATION OF BILL OF STINCHFIELD, UCKALL, CROUNSE & MOORE FOR SERVICES IN CASE OF' COUNTE CLUB DISTRICT SERVICE CO. VS VILLAGE OF EDTNA: t 4 Gebo moved the Village of Hopkins be requested to subdt 821 up-to-date invoice of charges for fire service rendered to the Village of EdZna and a copy of the fire service contract fn effect between the trjo villages; seconded by Willson and carried. Gebo moved transfer bP $8,000 Prom the serdces fund; seconded by Willson and Ryatt moved purchase of sewer cleaning Equipmept Go, at bid price of $580.70, received February 8, 1943; seconded by general fund to the legal carried , equipment from PIltdPrest in accordance with bid V?illson and carried, Gebo moved that application of Hay eC Stenson Go. for renewal. of ap1 Off Sale Liquor llcense at 3922 W, Fiftieth St, for the period Prom April 1, 1943, to April I, 1944, be granted, and that Hay & Stenson Co, be advised the license is issued on. condition they live up to the agreement contained in A, R, Stenson's letter of February 8, 1943, and on condition they pay all taxes due on their Broperty, Seconded by Willson and carried. Gebo moved the clerk be instructed to write to Thorpe Bros., Inc,, requesting removal of the Country Club Tracfi office located on residential property at Fiftieth St, and Woodtiale Ave.; seconded by Vyatt and carried. There bein Uarch 1, 1943p no further business to coae before the council, President Sharpe dec ff ared the meeting adjourned at llr45 p,m. untfl 7t30 p.m. i HINUTES REGULAR COrnCIL VILLAGE OF TRE ADJOURNED PORTTOR OF THE HEETIPTG OF TIEE DXNA VILLAGE OF FEBRUARY 23,: 1943, HELD IN HALL AT 7t30 P.N, MARCH 1, 1943, I President Sharpe called the meeting to order and all members answered to rollcall. George E. Johnson and Ray 33, Copley, representatives of Bl5nneapol5s Gas Light Go,, appeared to notify the council of a reduction Zn the general service rate for domestic ConsUzlEers of gas fn Edina and other coimub?ties served by the Suburban division of the company, as follO~7s: first 300 cubic feet or less furnished to one customer at one location for one month, $1.00; next ,31,200 cubic feet, $1.00 per 1,000 cubic feet; all over 31,500 cubic feet, 96 cents per 1,000 cubic feet, Elza Ball, 4225 W, Forty-ninth St,, appeared to request a pernit for construction of a pigeon loft to house racing pigeons at the rear of his property. Ball expldned the pigeons vrould be released from the loft only for exercise and would be no more nuisance than a dog. The council advSsed Ball to secure approval of his neighbors n5thiin a reasonable distance before erecting the loft, Gordon Noleen appeared to request the c0unci.l establish a polling place in the northvest corner of the vill*age, 1% vias the sense of the council that a new polling place should be established in that area and Havthorne vas directed %o secure Sllromnation from League of 3iinnesota Nmicipal5ties regarding locatLon of p0lZS;ng places. Attorney Cove11 advised the council a bill 5s pending before the IEnnesota legislature which would permat vacation of all or part of special assessments levied against redl estate for improvement projects which have been abandoned and re-levy of new assessments for portfons of such projects which have *been completed. the sense of the council that legislators fro= rural Hennepin county should be requested to support the bill, It was 'Uillllson presented for discussion a tentative road improvement program for 1943, &ncluding oiling of Indfanola avenawand Juanita avenue from Fiftieth to Fifty-seoond streets, Bruce avenue and Bruce place from Fiftieth street to Arden avenue, Arden avenue from Bruce place to Fifty-second street, Theilen avenue, Abbott place from Fifty-fourth street to Beard avenue, Fifty-second street from Halifax to Arden avenues, west end of , Interlachen road; seal-coat oiling of Brooks, Mackey and Coolidge avenues from Forty-fourth street to north village limit? and Browndale avenue from Fiftieth to Forty-fowth streets; impovement of Belmore lane from Blake road to Eighth avenue, Halifax avenne from Fifty-second to Fifty-fourth. streets, Fifty-second street from Halifax to France avenues, Seventieth street west one block from Cahill road, Fuller street from France to Beard avenues; pendtng preparation of detailed estimates of costs and determination Of whether oil will be available this gear. Willson moved Dament of 80 cents Der hour to va$;io.Us members of I Action on the program was deferred .." village road crews &m for a total-of 197 hours of overtime work performed during 1942; seconded by Wyatt and carried. Alex Creighton, village assessor, a-pgeared and suggested description of the "protected area" in the fire service contract between the village-and City of Einneapolis be changed to include "all OF that territory in the Village of Edina north of Fifty-eighth street, west of Xerxes avenue and east of HighwaylOOtf to secure adjustment of insurange rates for pr0pert.y owners in a portion of the area. Creighton was questioned concerning the address of V. A. Doty, who was emplpyed as a deputy assessor in 1942, and 'he explained Doty was residing at Creighton's home during the period she worked but gave the address of a friend to avoid criticism. Wyatt informed Creighton the person who assessed property in the northwest section of the village was discourteous. of deputx assessors to the council for approval in' the'future. Vfillson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED, that the Village of Edina make applhation for conveyance to the village of the following tax-forfeited land situated in Hemepin-county, to wit: The South one rod of the Southwest % of,the Northeast of Section Eight (8), Township One Hundred Sixteen (1161, Range Tikenty-one (Zl), to be used as a public street and the officers of the village are hereby authorized to execute said applZcation for and on behalf of the village, all pursuant to Laws of Minneso$a 1941, Chapter 511. solution was see llage Clerk cers be authorii ge for the sum o Crezghton'agreed to submit names I the tractor is obsolete and of no use to the village; seconded by Gebo and .carried, Gebo movid to accept the offer of Hardware Mutual Easualty Co. to provide Sire insurance.for the village hall 9n the amount of $5,400 for the huilding and $1,000 for cormtents at 'a total cost of $52.29 Over a five-year period; seconded by Willson wd carried. There being no further business to come before the council, President Sharpe declared the meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. I