HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430412_REGULARThere being no further business to come before the coum 51, President Sharpe declared thepleeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. ?: illage C erk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.M. APRIL 12, 1943 President Sharpe called the meeting to order and all menibers of the council were present. Minutes of the regular meeting of the village council held March 22, 1943, and the special meeting held March 30, 1943, were read and approved. Trustee Willson moved approval &d payment of the following bills, . second by Trustee Wyatt and carried: GEIERAL RTND Name Claim No. Arthur Peterson 3 59 Henry Gust 360 Hilda Hoag 361 S. J. Fautsch 362 Bud Brooks 364 Edfna Hardware 365 Bren's Garage 366 Win. H. Ziegler Co. 367 International Harv. Go. 368 H. A. Rogers Co. 369 Carl Olson 370 Northern States BOW. Co.371 Shay Nap Co. 372 Glacier Sand & Grav. (20.376 NW Bell Tel. Co. 378 Plehal Heating Co. 380 Young Fuel Co. 381 Uptomn Iron Store 382 Farnham Sta. 8c Sup. Co. 383 Countrg' Club Dist. S. 384 L. L. Foss 385 Phil W. Smit.h 386 Thompson Lumber Co. 387 Blackburn, Nickels & S. 388 Federated Hdwr. Mut. 389 Hdwr. Nut. Cas. Co. 390 American Linen Co. 391 Iaagneto Service Co. 392 E. W. Harris 393 Dahlberg Bros . 394 Graybar Elec. Co. 395 John W. Lyon 396 Bower Hawt ho rne 397 Simen Strand 398 State Treasurer 399 Mrs. L. D. Buckett 400 Henn. Co. CD council 401 - I Phillips Pet. Co. 373 Mpls. Gas Light Co. 379 I Tot a1 Amount $471.10 12.00 5.13 66.00 92 . 07 4.39 1.50 9.50 I 6.80 1.14 615.02 9.55 16.20 125.14 34.05 341.65 11 . 88 6.66 90.00 1.70 3.00 1.00 28.95 959.97 23 67 233 . 71 1.75 76 . 47 36 . 21 8.32 1.96 1.60 32.00 288 . 20 5.00 2.24 148 37 8.50 25.40 $3,807.80 BILLS continued -0 POOR FUND G1al.m No. Amount Suburban Hem. Rlf . Bd. 37 5 $178 . 13 Eenn, Co. Bd, of Poor 377 Tot a1 SEV!ER DISTRICT NO. 8 Mrs. Laura Id. Dirks 3 58 Edina Feed Store 363 Tot a1 SETJER REMTAL Northern States Pover Co. 371 Phil W. Smith 386 ItEdwest Equipment Co. 374 Tot al 90.00 '$%KT3 5.00 15.00 g20.00 1.28 591 e 87 20.00 $613.15 Total all fund$4,709.08 Tmstee Wyatt moved approval and payment 0% the following payrolls, secoded by Trustee Gebo and carried: Name COUNCIL Earl C. Sharpe Bower Hawthorne L. E. Gebo George A. W5llson Dr. A. S. Wyatt J. J. Duggan Dr. L. E. Campbell Karl Cove11 OFFICE . Phil E. Smiith Evelyn Kjos Gretchen Schussler John IT. Lyon Ellding Dahl \Fd~. S. Beydt Phil YS-8 Smith Claim # 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 842 343 344 345 346 347 Gross $25.00 17.50 17 . 50 17.50 15.00 15.00 37.50 17.50 f5o000 25.00 62.50 62.50 97050 92.50 87.50 V. Tax 40 6.20 1.90 1.90' 3.20 3.20 ' 3.20 Net - $25.00 17e50 17 8 50 17.50 27.50 15.00 15.00 37.10 143 . 80 25.00 60.60 60 60 94.30 89.30 84.30 STREET R. J. Johnson 348 97.50 3e20 94.30 S. J. Rqberts 349 8O.OO 2.40 77.60 P. E. Dahlgren 3 51 85*00 3e20 81 . 80 0. Xi. Spande 3 52 75.00 2.40 72.60 Harry Jonas 353 70.00 2.40 67.60 Cbas. Johnson 3 54 74.25 2.40 71.85 E. J. Uerf eld 355 104.15 4.20 99.95 Sam TJIcCready 3 56 44.00 .90 43.10 Silas Eerrett 3 57 46.20 . 90 45.30 Tot 61 $1,491.10 $44.40 $1,446 . 70 Ward ZewSs appeared before the council as representative of Thorpe Bros., Inc., and E. A. Kontgomery appeared in behalf of several property ovners in 6he Sunnyslope section to urge that the council consider adjustment of Bpecfal assessments for Sever District No. 8 as allowed by a new state. lam. Nonthly reports of road and bridge, police and fire and relfef committees sere presented and approved. A letter from blrs. A. C. Reinhard9 reporting Qction of 'CVomanrs Club of the Country Club requesting the council to adopt a special ordinance to restrain dogs from damaging victory gardens, vas received .and discussed, Job Tracy 3 50 75.00 2.40 72860 Engineer Smith reported Alex Creighton, building inspector, is employed nights in a war plant and cannot be reached daytimes because he is sleeping, Smith bel appointed builang inspector. The motion was seconded by Trustee Gebo but was not put to a vote, Trsutee Willson moved that $5 paid by Mrs. I;. D, Buckett for a permit to more a small building be refunded, seconded by Trustee Wyatt and carri ea. Trustee Wyatt n%fered a motion that Engineer Clarence Holten, former village attorney, appeared at request of President Sharpe to discuss responsibility of Country Club District Servlce Co, to pay the city of Minneapolis for sewage disposal service during the time sewer rentals were collected by Countgy Club District Service Co, Holten referred to minutes of April 22, 1940; June 10, 1940; Oct. 28, 1940, and March 10, 1941. Holten recalled that Oscar Gaarden, president of Coun-bry Club District Service Co,, had said at one time that he expected he would be required to make an accounting of sewer rental charges collected by him and would have to make a settlement &Lp the village should prev&%tl in the litigation then pending , Holt en alsa appeared as representative of Douglas Rees to request rezoning of eigh%;residentlal lots at the southwest corner of the intersection of W, Fiftieth street and Normandale road for commercial use. Ee described plans for landscaping the property immediately in pryparation for construction of a market center after the war. President Sharpe requested Holt en tosecure approval of nefghboring property owners for the rezoning and it was the sense of the muncil rezoning of other property at that corner also should be considered, There being no further business to come before the council, President Sharpe declared the meeting adjourned at 11:45' p.m, j?dINUTES OF SPECIAL BEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.M. APRIL 22, 1943 President Sharpe'called the meeting to order and three members of the council were present -- President Sharpe, Trustee Wyatt and Cle& Hawthorne. Also present for discussion of matkers relating to fwbure operation of the water system and portions of the sewer system in the village were Village Attorney Karl H. Covell, Attorney Perry Lo Noore, Attorney Thomas Vennwzz and Oscar Gaarden, president of Country Club Dfstrict Service Coo Mr. Moore explained the villagets interpretation of the supreme counrt decision recentlyGrendered in the case of Country Club District Service Co, versus Village of Edina. He said the effect of the decision is that Country Club District Service Co. does not own any part of the original complete water system installed by Thorpe Brothers, Gaarden contended he does own whiitever portion of that original water system was not paid for by property owners (which he placed at 30 per cent), the Fiftieth street main, the water tank and the land on which the tank and pump house stand. Gaarden said he is willing to continue to operate the system or to sell his interest to the village. Vennum. said there is no dispute that, to the extent that ld; owners reimbursed Thorpe Brothers, the system does not belong to Country Club District Service Co, and that the portion owned by the village could not be used by Gaarden as a rate base. ,He said the burden of showing to what extent Thorpe Brothers have been rapid rests on the village and that further court action will be necessar if the vi1 a e contends it wons all of the system which was not actuaby construc $8 B