HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430422_SPECIALEngineer Smith reported Alex Creighton, building inspector, is
employed nights in a war plant and cannot be reached daytimes
because he is sleeping,
Smith bel appointed builang inspector. The motion was seconded by
Trustee Gebo but was not put to a vote,
Trsutee Willson moved that $5 paid by Mrs. I;. D, Buckett for a permit
to more a small building be refunded, seconded by Trustee Wyatt and
carri ea.
Trustee Wyatt n%fered a motion that Engineer
Clarence Holten, former village attorney, appeared at request of
President Sharpe to discuss responsibility of Country Club District
Servlce Co, to pay the city of Minneapolis for sewage disposal service
during the time sewer rentals were collected by Countgy Club District
Service Co, Holten referred to minutes of April 22, 1940; June 10,
1940; Oct. 28, 1940, and March 10, 1941. Holten recalled that Oscar
Gaarden, president of Coun-bry Club District Service Co,, had said at
one time that he expected he would be required to make an accounting
of sewer rental charges collected by him and would have to make a
settlement &Lp the village should prev&%tl in the litigation then
pending ,
Holt en alsa appeared as representative of Douglas Rees to request rezoning of eigh%;residentlal lots at the southwest corner of the
intersection of W, Fiftieth street and Normandale road for commercial
use. Ee described plans for landscaping the property immediately in
pryparation for construction of a market center after the war.
President Sharpe requested Holt en tosecure approval of nefghboring
property owners for the rezoning and it was the sense of the muncil
rezoning of other property at that corner also should be considered,
There being no further business to come before the council, President Sharpe declared the meeting adjourned at 11:45' p.m,
HALL AT 8 P.M. APRIL 22, 1943
President Sharpe'called the meeting to order and three members of
the council were present -- President Sharpe, Trustee Wyatt and
Cle& Hawthorne. Also present for discussion of matkers relating
to fwbure operation of the water system and portions of the sewer system in the village were Village Attorney Karl H. Covell, Attorney Perry Lo Noore, Attorney Thomas Vennwzz and Oscar Gaarden,
president of Country Club Dfstrict Service Coo
Mr. Moore explained the villagets interpretation of the supreme
counrt decision recentlyGrendered in the case of Country Club District Service Co, versus Village of Edina. He said the effect
of the decision is that Country Club District Service Co. does not own any part of the original complete water system installed by
Thorpe Brothers,
Gaarden contended he does own whiitever portion of that original
water system was not paid for by property owners (which he placed at
30 per cent), the Fiftieth street main, the water tank and the land
on which the tank and pump house stand. Gaarden said he is willing to continue to operate the system or to sell his interest to the village.
Vennum. said there is no dispute that, to the extent that ld; owners reimbursed Thorpe Brothers, the system does not belong to Country
Club District Service Co, and that the portion owned by the village
could not be used by Gaarden as a rate base. ,He said the burden of showing to what extent Thorpe Brothers have been rapid rests on the
village and that further court action will be necessar if the vi1 a e contends it wons all of the system which was not actuaby construc $8 B
144 a y Gaarden.
Gaarden presented various tentat5ve valuation figures totaling
$147,950 on portions of the system he claims to ovm.
all of his records ape open to the village for examination.
It 17as agreed Gaarden should prepare definike valuation figures
and another meeting would be held in the near future.
President Sharp declared the meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m.
He said
Village Clerk I.
HALL AT 8 P.IL APRIL 26, 1943
President Sharpe called the meeting to order and all members of
the council were present,
lirZnutes of the regular council meeting of April12, 1943, and the
special meeting of April 22, 1943, were read and approved.
V. Illm Steinke and T. L. Todd, members of the village park board,
appeared to discuss matters relating to the park board and presented
the following report:
Itp,k. J, J, Louis, Mr. W. &Im Steinke and I&. T. L. Todd,
present members of the Park Bard, met on April 14, 1943.
UP. J. J. Louis was named President and I&. T. L. Todd
Secretary of the Board. .
'lThere vas a general discussion of the relationship of
the Park Board to the Village Counctl, the manner in
which the work 'sf-.the Board had been conducted inthe
past and probably should be conducted in the future.
policy forming and planning committee to work closely
with the Village Council in the supervision and performance of any work which should properly come nith-ln the functions of the Park Bard, It was further
decided that the members of the Board should plan to
attend the next regularly scheduled meeting of the
Village Council to confer with the Council members
concerning plans for the summer season immediately
approaching, and further that the members of the
Board should endeavor to keep closer contact wlth the
Village Council by attendance more frequently at Council meetings,
"It was decided that the Board 170Uld ascertain from the
records of the Village the mount of work which was performed
on behalf of the Board last year in order that the
present Board might be better qualifted to determine
the amount of 170Pk and the cost of the rrork to be
undertaken this season. It vias the consensus of
oplnfon that there should be a continuation of much
the same program and work that has been undertaken during the past fevi years, with such further work as,
in the interests of economy and preservatLon of nakural
assets of the VLllage, might be undertaken now or in the immediate future,,
"It was agreed that the Park Brar rd should serve as a
"!The meeting adjourned with plans to get together at the
next Council meeting, April 26,, and at such other tbes
.as necessary. Respecefully submitted, T. L. Todd,
Secretary. .
lilir. Stelnke an& MI?. Todd expressed satisfaction with the manner in which the village road crew has performed ark work and re uestgd that flower beds be planted this year in t E e Country Club 8fstrxct.