HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430426_REGULAR144 a y Gaarden. Gaarden presented various tentat5ve valuation figures totaling $147,950 on portions of the system he claims to ovm. all of his records ape open to the village for examination. It 17as agreed Gaarden should prepare definike valuation figures and another meeting would be held in the near future. President Sharp declared the meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. He said Village Clerk I. XINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE CODNCIL HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.IL APRIL 26, 1943 President Sharpe called the meeting to order and all members of the council were present, lirZnutes of the regular council meeting of April12, 1943, and the special meeting of April 22, 1943, were read and approved. V. Illm Steinke and T. L. Todd, members of the village park board, appeared to discuss matters relating to the park board and presented the following report: 'I Itp,k. J, J, Louis, Mr. W. &Im Steinke and I&. T. L. Todd, present members of the Park Bard, met on April 14, 1943. UP. J. J. Louis was named President and I&. T. L. Todd Secretary of the Board. . 'lThere vas a general discussion of the relationship of the Park Board to the Village Counctl, the manner in which the work 'sf-.the Board had been conducted inthe past and probably should be conducted in the future. policy forming and planning committee to work closely with the Village Council in the supervision and performance of any work which should properly come nith-ln the functions of the Park Bard, It was further decided that the members of the Board should plan to attend the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Village Council to confer with the Council members concerning plans for the summer season immediately approaching, and further that the members of the Board should endeavor to keep closer contact wlth the Village Council by attendance more frequently at Council meetings, "It was decided that the Board 170Uld ascertain from the records of the Village the mount of work which was performed on behalf of the Board last year in order that the present Board might be better qualifted to determine the amount of 170Pk and the cost of the rrork to be undertaken this season. It vias the consensus of oplnfon that there should be a continuation of much the same program and work that has been undertaken during the past fevi years, with such further work as, in the interests of economy and preservatLon of nakural assets of the VLllage, might be undertaken now or in the immediate future,, I "It was agreed that the Park Brar rd should serve as a - "!The meeting adjourned with plans to get together at the next Council meeting, April 26,, and at such other tbes .as necessary. Respecefully submitted, T. L. Todd, Secretary. . lilir. Stelnke an& MI?. Todd expressed satisfaction with the manner in which the village road crew has performed ark work and re uestgd that flower beds be planted this year in t E e Country Club 8fstrxct. President Sharpe recommended that Engineer Smith be delegated- to work with the park board in planning and performing pa& work. ( C. F. Coyer, representative of American-LaFrance .Fumite Corp., appeared to request consideration of Anerican-LaFrance products ' when additional equipment is purchased for the fire department. He suggested the council secure the advioe of Sanford Herberg, National Insurance Underwriters representative, on what type of equipment is needed. Trustee Gebo moved approval- and payment of the following payrolls, seconded by Trustee Willson and carried: NMilE COUNCIL Earl C. Sharpe Eo wer Haw tho me L. M. Gebo George A. Willson Dr. A. S. Wyatt J. J. Duggan Dr. L. N. Campbell Karl Cove11 OFFICE Phil W. Smith Phil W. Smith kTelyn Kjos Gretchen Schussler John W. Lyon Hilding Dd Vlilliam S. Heydt STREETS R. J. Johnson S. 5. Roberts P. H. Dahlgren John Tracy 0. M. Spande Harry Jonas Charles Johnson Sam DIcCready fill. J. Merfeld Silas Herrett Ronald P. Port Simon Strand Elmer Walker Claim # Gross 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 $2 5,'OO 17.50 17.50 17.50 1'7.50 15.00 15.00 37.50 410 150000 411 25.00 412 62.50 413 62.50 414 97.50 416 87.50 41 5 - 92.50 417 418 420 419 421 422 423 424 425 426 97.50 80.00 85.00 75.00 75.00 70.00 48.40 48.40 61 . 10 48.40 427 10 . 00 428 64.00 429 33 . 00 $1,535.80 V. Tax 40 6.20 1.90 1.90 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 . 90 . 90 1.90 . 90 $zmE Net - $25.00 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 15.00 .15.00 37 . 10 143 . 80 25.00 60;60 60.60 94.30 84.30 89030 94 . 30 77.60 81 . 80 72.60 67.60 47.50 47.50 59.20 47.50 10.00 64.00 33.00 $1,495.20 72.60 Trustee Gebo moved approval and payment of the following bills, seconded by. Trustee Wyatt and carried: Trustee Gebo moved that the fire protection contract with the village of Bopkins, with an additional clause as recomaended by Attorney Covell, be accepted and signed and papent of $400 be made for the year beginning October 1, 1942; seconded by Trustee Vyatt and carried, President Sharpe reported he had talked to Alex Creighton and learned Creighton is employed temporarily by Twin Cities Ordnance plant and President Sharpe expressed the opinion Creighton would be willing to turn over the work of village bdlding inspector to Engineer Smith. .D Trustee Gebo moved that Ward Levis and E, IB, PJontgomery be advised the council feels no adjustment of Sewer District No, 8 assessments should be made at the present time, based on the opinion of Attorney Covell; seconded by Trustee Wyatt and carried, Bngineer Smith reported Iilssrs. Sneller and Gutterson, owners OF property adjoining the I?llinnehaha creek cascade requested a channel be cut around the cascade to carry off excess water, Attorney Covell was instructed to investigate property lines in that area. Trustee Killson moved that the first street west of France avenue in the village be named "Gorgas avenue," seconded by Trustee Gebo and carried. Trustee Gebo moved application of Country Club for licenses to operate two mechanical amusement devices be approved, seconded by Trustee IVillson and carrigd, -Trustee Eyatt moved approval and payment of the c3.af.m of ,%;he Zat.r_ffPm or OppenheZmer, Hodgson, et& in the amount of $83 for expenses in connection with the case of Country Club District Service Co. OS. Village af Edina; seconded by Trustee Gebo and carried, There being no further business to come before the council, President Sharpe declared the meeking adjourned at 10:30 p.m. n /zz&a< Village Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNGIL HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8-P.N. MAY 10, 1943 President Sharpe called the meeting to order and all members of the council vere present. Ninutes of the regular council meeting of Aprfl 28, 1943, were read and approved, Trustee Wyatt moved approval and payment of' the following payrolls, seconded by Trustee Willsonand carried: Name - C0"CIL Claim # Gross V, Tax Earl C. Sharpe Bower Hawthorne L, E* Gebo George A. Vlillson Dr* A. S, Wyatt Dr, L, Id. Cazpbel1 Karl Covell 3. J* DU~Z;~ 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 $25,00 27.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 15.00 15.00 37.50 Net - $25.00 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 15.00 15.00 40 37.10 (continued)