HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430510_REGULARTrustee Gebo moved that the fire protection contract with the village of Bopkins, with an additional clause as recomaended by Attorney Covell, be accepted and signed and papent of $400 be made for the year beginning October 1, 1942; seconded by Trustee Vyatt and carried, President Sharpe reported he had talked to Alex Creighton and learned Creighton is employed temporarily by Twin Cities Ordnance plant and President Sharpe expressed the opinion Creighton would be willing to turn over the work of village bdlding inspector to Engineer Smith. .D Trustee Gebo moved that Ward Levis and E, IB, PJontgomery be advised the council feels no adjustment of Sewer District No, 8 assessments should be made at the present time, based on the opinion of Attorney Covell; seconded by Trustee Wyatt and carried, Bngineer Smith reported Iilssrs. Sneller and Gutterson, owners OF property adjoining the I?llinnehaha creek cascade requested a channel be cut around the cascade to carry off excess water, Attorney Covell was instructed to investigate property lines in that area. Trustee Killson moved that the first street west of France avenue in the village be named "Gorgas avenue," seconded by Trustee Gebo and carried. Trustee Gebo moved application of Country Club for licenses to operate two mechanical amusement devices be approved, seconded by Trustee IVillson and carrigd, -Trustee Eyatt moved approval and payment of the c3.af.m of ,%;he Zat.r_ffPm or OppenheZmer, Hodgson, et& in the amount of $83 for expenses in connection with the case of Country Club District Service Co. OS. Village af Edina; seconded by Trustee Gebo and carried, There being no further business to come before the council, President Sharpe declared the meeking adjourned at 10:30 p.m. n /zz&a< Village Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNGIL HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8-P.N. MAY 10, 1943 President Sharpe called the meeting to order and all members of the council vere present. Ninutes of the regular council meeting of Aprfl 28, 1943, were read and approved, Trustee Wyatt moved approval and payment of' the following payrolls, seconded by Trustee Willsonand carried: Name - C0"CIL Claim # Gross V, Tax Earl C. Sharpe Bower Hawthorne L, E* Gebo George A. Vlillson Dr* A. S, Wyatt Dr, L, Id. Cazpbel1 Karl Covell 3. J* DU~Z;~ 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 $25,00 27.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 15.00 15.00 37.50 Net - $25.00 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 15.00 15.00 40 37.10 (continued) (Payrolls, continxjed) OFFICE Phil llr. Smith 439 150.00 Phil Vb'. Smith 440 25.00 Evelyn Kjos 442 62.50 Gretchen Schussler 442 62.50 John Vd. Lyon 443 . 97.50 Hilding Dahl 444 92 . 50 Vh. S. Heydt * 445 87.50 .. STREETS R, J. Johnson S. J. Roberts P. H. Dahlgren John Tracg 0. N. Spande Harry Jonas N. J. Merfeld Chas. Johnson Sam McCready Silas Herrett , George Shilson 446 448 447 4 50 449 452 4 53 454 , 455 4 56 4 57 Q 97.50 80.00 85.00 75.00 75.00 .70.00 72.30 51.15 53.35 48.40 48.75 Elmer Walker 458 a 21.45 Ronald Port 4 59 82.00 Simen Strand 460 72.00 M. 5. Merfeld 488 12.50 Total $1,684.40 Trustee Willson moved approval and payment seconded by Trnstee Gebo and carried: Name Claim # - GENERAL FUND Ar $bur Peter son 461 J. H. Garvey 463 Phil VI. Smith , 464 Phillips Petroleum Co. 465 American Linen Co. 466 Wm. H. Ziegler Go, 467 Bud Brooks Service Station 468 Village ,of Hopkins 469 Young me1 Coo 470 Edina Hardware , 471 E. Til. Harris 472 Miller-Davis Co. 473 A. E. Dick Coo 474 J, N. Johnson Supply 475 Thorman W. Rosholt Go. 476 Julius Schm-, State Treas. 477 Minneapolis City Treasurer 478 Justus Lumber Co. 479 Typewriter Exchange Co. 480 Earl Robbins 481 Minneapolis Gas Light Go. 482 Northern States Power Co. 483 Glacier Sand 5 Gravel Co. 484 Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. 485 Sub. Hem. Co. Relief Bd. 486 Thompson Lumber Co. 487 To tal SEWER DISTRICT #8 Mrs. Laura Dirks 462 SETfJER RENTAL FUND Phil In;. Smith 464 Northern States Power Co. 483 Tot a1 Total all funds 6.20 143.80 25.00 1.90 60.60 3.20 94.30 3.20 89.30 3.20 84.30 1.90 60.60 3.20 2.40 3.20 2.40 2.40 .90 2.40 1.40 1.40 i 90 , 50 ,g4a,lo 94.30 81.80 72.60 72.60 69.10 69.90 49.75 51.95 47.50 48.75 21.45 82 . 00 72 . 00 77.60 12.00 $1,643.30 of the following bills, Amount $473.90 1.50 50 28.35 1.75 9e42 84.69 90 . 00 9.17 22404 72 . 79 2.80 2.45 24.85 3.48 815.80 79.60 18.36 3.50 179 . 00 19.53 653.06 74 . 02 121 . 83 36 88 172.35 $3,001 . 62 5.00 20.00 2.00 $223, . OQ $9;028;'62 pllr. Gordon, ovner of property at Forty-ninth street and Highway 100, appeared to complain about dumping of clay on his property by sever construction creas and stated he would not accept the $75 damage pgyment tendered by the council last December. After discussion, President Sharpe directed Engineer Smith to arrange for re-grading of the property in question and Mr. Gordon stated he Vould accept the $75 payment if the ground was put in condition ko enable him to use the ground for garden, A delegation of residents from the vicinity of Fifty-ninth street and Abbott avenue appeared $0 object to excavations being made in that &rea py a Lk. Gibbfsh for removal of black dirt, G, J, Patseg said holes left by the excavators create a hazard and are detrimental to property values. from a village street and he had ordered the excavating stopped in so far as the street is conperned. Attorney Cove11 stated the vI1lage apparently has no authority at the present time to control such excavating on private property but he said he vas drafting an ordinance to control such activities in the future, Mrs. H. T. Grabos presented a petition signed by 36 residents, requesting adoption of such an ordLnance. William K. Hall, attorney for ldr. Gibbibh, said Gibbish was not planning further excavations in the area "bd Hall said he would advise G€bbish to refill. holes, Er. Fred N. Goughnour, 5512: Kellogg avenue, appeared to request establishment. of street grade in his block to permit improvement of drive?rays. and Smith said he would place markers. ) I' Ehgineer Smith reported some dirt had been removed Engineer Smith explained the grade already is established ' 1 only Extinguisher holder for 2!5 2 only 12 foot pike poles-woad and 4 only pike pole mounting brackets. 1 6-pound pick head fire axe. gallon extiiguisher. steel. 2 only llOSe and ladder ShPS. Nr, Jbhn Garrison appeared to request a permit to move a house into the dllage from ?:old-Chamberlain airport. directed to inspect the building and to issue a perlllit if the building conf ohs with the village building code. Ehgineer Smith vas Phil Bafley, chief of the volunteer fire department, appeared to request the council purchase various items of equipment for the fire department. engineer be instructed to advertise for bids on 300 feet of double-jacketed l+II fire hose and the other items requested by Bailey, seconded by Willson and carried, I Trustee Gebo moved the village clerk and village The matter of landscaping the village hall grounds. and erecking a flag pole and servicemenfs memorial vas discussed. 17as instructed to confer with park board members regarding the project, and was authorized to purchase a wooden flag pole. Presldent Sharpe requested the council ko provide funds to defray expenses of the nenly-established Edina charter co~ss~on, Willson moved %he sum of $250 be appropriated for the charter commission, seconded by Trustee Gebo and carried. Ehgineer Smith Trustee mere being no further business to come before the council, President Sharpe declared the meeting adjourned at 11 p,m. Official Pnblicrrtion 1 VILTAGE OF WINA I i HENNEPN COUNTY, BIINNESOTd NOTICE FOE BIDS FOR FIRE EQUIPMENT x