HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430614_REGULAR652 may at its option proceed to collect such cost by an action against the applicant for such perm&%, pd his sureties if a bonk edsts, Seckfon 7, Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of tMs ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than One Dollar and not more than One Hundred Dollars, besides the costs, and In default of payment, shall be imprisoned in the County Jail until papent is made, not exceeding 90 days in all. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense and be punished accordingly. Section 8. If any sectlon or part of this ordinance shall be held by any court having jurisdiction to be invalid, the remabbg valid portions thereof shall be and remab in full force and effecte 3 Section 9, Thls ordinance shall %&e effect and be 4n force from and after its passage and publication according to law. Passed the Village Council th3.s twent ATTEST: Truskee Gebo moved adoBtion of the above ord2nance, seconded by Clerk Hawthorne and carried unanfmously. Letters from Ralph Johnson requesting pay raises for Charles Johnson, Sam NcCready and Silas Herpet* and from John Lyon, requesting a pp3,raise for hhself were rece2ved and laid over for action at the next meeting. mere bebg no further business Pro come before the comcfl, President Sharpe declared the meeting adjourned at 11t30 p.m. 3INUTES OB THE REGULAR BEETING OF THE EDIJJA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD IN VILLAGE lwLL -4T 8 €'.&I. JUNE 14, 1943 President Sharpe called the meeting to order and all members of the council vere present. Zinutes of the regular council meeting of Eay 24, 1943, mere read and approved , Eonthly commit%ee reports mere read and approved, George C, Christopher, 5656 Wooddale Avenue, appeared to inquire -hat might be done to relieve drainage of mater into his basement. Because of the difficulty of undertaking a storm semer construction Christopher, President Sharpe instructed Engineer Smith to open a sanitary sewer pipe near Christopher's property, A delegation of residents in the vicinity of Fifty-second street and Halifzx avenue appeared to reauest oiling of Pifty-second street, improvement of drainage on Fifty-second street east of lialifax avenue and moving of meeds on vacant lots in that vicinity, The delegation vias assured Fifty-second street from Halifw to Arden avenues would be oiled to the e-rtent allorred by the federal govern- ment and Engineer Smith \vas instructed to determine what should be done-to improve drainage east of HalifaP avenue. I . project during wartime and to provide temporary relief for i An easement for road purposes 30 feet wide, extending along the south line of Government Lot 7, Section 33, Township 117, Range 21, and extending 603.8 feet in a westerly direction from the southeast corner of said lot, was received from Sivert Knudsen. Clarence 0. Holten, attorney for Yaudsen, esplained in a letter that an easement given the village in 1924 and intended to cover the same ground mas defective. Trustee Villson Tnoved that salaries and wages for members of the street crew be increased to the following schedule: Ralph Johnson, $210 per month; S. J. Roberts, $170 per month; Peter Dahlgren, $180 per month; John Tracy, $160 per month; 'Orest Spande, $160 per month; Harry Jonas, $150 per month; Eatt Herfeld, $160 per month; S. T, UcCready, 6t cents per hour; Silas Herrett, 65 cents per hour; Charles Johnson, 65 cents per @our, to be effective June 16, 1943. The motion mas seconded by Trustee Wyatt and it was carried by unanimous rollcall vote. I Trustee Gebo moved that the following salaries be established for members of the police department, effective June 16, 1943: John Lyon, $210 per month; Hilding Dahl, $195 per month; W. S. Heydt, $185 per month, with the stipulation that any outside work performed by a'member of the police department must be approved by a member of the police conmittee. Clerk Hawthorne seconded the motion and it mas carrried by unanimous rollcall vote, A letter mas received from E, A. Xontgomery, attorney for one or more owners of property in the area of Sewer District No. 8, threatening court action unless the council cancels or revises assessments for the sever district. The letter was referred to Attmney Covell for an opinion to be presented at the next council mebting. Trustee Gebo reported he has purchased a farm in Corcoran township and now is residing at the farm. He explained he owns property in Edina and intends to return to Edina.in the fall. He requested a ruling by Attnrney Covell regarding his eligibility to continue to serve as trustee. I - Petitions from residents of Edina Court requesting installation of curb and gutter, street oaling and planting of trees were received and referred to Engineer Smith. Trustee Gebo moved approval and payment of the following bills and e_ payrolls, seconded by Trustee Willson and carried, Name Council Earl C. Sharpe Bower Hawthorne L, M. Gebo Geo. A. Willson Dr. A. S, Vyatt J. J. Duggan Dr. L. M. Campbell Karl Cove11 Office Claim # 519 5 20 521 522 523 524 525 526 Phil W. SmiAh. 527 Phil V. Smith 528 Evelyn Xjos 529 Gretchen Schussler 530 John W. Lyon 531 Hilding Dahl 532 Wm. S. Heydt 533 Street R. J. Johnson P . H. Dahlgren S. J. Roberts 0. 119. Spande John Tracy Harry Jonas E. J. Merf eld Chas. Johnson 534 535 536 537 538 539 54 0 541 Gross $25.00 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 15.00 15.00 37.50 150.00 25.00 62.50 62.50 97.50 92,50 87.50 97.50 85.00 80 .OO 75 .OO 75.00 70 . 00 9 5,:Q 5'. 68.20 V. Tax -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 0.40 6.20 -0- 1.90 1.90 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 2.40 2.40 2.40 1,90 3.20 i.90 $25 00 17.50 17.50 17.50 17',50 15.00 15.00 37.10 143.80 25,OO 60 . 60 60.60 94 . 30 89 . 30 84 . 30 94 . 30 81 . 80 77.60 72 . 60 72-60 68.10 91 , 85 66.30 y. Silas Rerrett Sam EScCready Don Cariieron Simen Strand Hilda Hoag 542 68.20 543 74 . 80 599 2.75 546 16.00 4.00 600 $1,551.50 - Name Phil i7. Smith Arthur I(. Peterson Valter 3'. Brown Brank Natoli Dale Green Young Puel Company League of Einn, Xun. Dahlberg Bras. Garage Christ Larson Eugene B. Thomas John C. Thill, Jr. Gregg Pharmacy E. W. Harris garner Hardaare Co. The Saterlee Company Phillips Petroleum Co . Paper Cahnenson Co . Village of Hopkins Village of St. Louis Park Hennepin County Reviev Pockrandt Lmbr, 8: Fuel Co. Epls . Blue Printing Company John B, Hammond, Ins. - GElERAL FasD Claim # 518 54 5 548 549 550 551 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564' 565 567 568 569 570 Northmestern Bell Telephone Co 571 - Xpls, Gas Light Co. American Linen Company Graybar Electric Company Xational Bushing eC Parts Co. Lynnhurst Nursery s- Plehal Heating Co. Eidwest Cap Wg. CO. Pm. E. Ziegler Go. Blackburn, Nickels c% Smith Edina Pardware CO. Thompson Lumber Co, Xinneapolis City Treasurer Ju s t u s Lumber Company Tor0 Uanufacturing Co. Northern States Poaer cos Hinneapolis Iron Store Bilm Previen Co. Bud Brooks Pure Oil Station Borey Shell Station 7Jalter F, Brown S. J, zautsch Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. Suburban Henn, Co. Relief 573 5 74 575 5 76 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 598 601 603 604 5'72 602. 566 -0- 16.00 -0- 4.00. - $44.90 1s 506 060 Xorthvestern Xat v1 Bank 595 Henn, Co. Revien 567 Northern States Power Go. 587 SEYBR DISTRICT #S Northwestern Hat '1 Bank 589 fl 11 It 590 1*90 2 -40 -0- 66.30 72.40 2.75 I 50.00 476.00 1.50 10 .oo 166.96 4.13 17.50 51.97 6.00 5.00 30 .OO 69 . If 2.45 6.61 14 . 18 22.08 45.00 247.35 96.80 1 I 'i' 1.75 18.85 35 ,.20 6.70 6.20 45.00 9.40 3.21 33 . 00 15 . 30 9.00 15 . 71 26.80 L36 . 29 174.81 157.40 32.49 5.33 607.04 3.14 1.50 85.05 17.00 21.40 98.35 207,36 $3,006 . 68 I 188.47 61.62 73.00 1.00 74 .oo SEYJXR :DISTRICT #6 d 1, Northwestern Nat'l Bank 59% 24.96 SEWER DISTRICT #7 Northwestern Nat '1 Bank 592 It It 593 t? Nrs. Laura E. Dirk? &rie Scott Dale Green SEmR DISTRICT #8 544 547 550 SEWER DISTRICT # 9 Nort.hwestern Hat '1 Bank 594 JOINT SEWER DISTRICT #I Northwestern Nat '1 Bank 596 I? 597 11 11 182.25 26.25 208 50 5.00 200 .oo 257.04 136.47 691.73 828.20 TOTAL ALL FENDS $4,993.22 Price quotations on cutback asphalt by Jay W. Craig Co. at 10 cents per gallon and by Ashmorth-Hawkinson Co. at 10.25 cents per gallon were received and referred to Engineer Smith. There being no further business to come before the council, President Sharpe deciared the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. I MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD 03' REVIEW.OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 6:00 P.M. 5umE 28, 1943 President Sharpe called the meeting to order and four members of the board were present: Willson, Wyatt, Hawthorne and Sharpe. Alex Creighton, Village Assessor, appeared and reported assessment rolls of the village were not ready for presentstion to the board. Wyatt moved the meeting be recessed until the same hour on the fourth Eonday of July, being Noonday, July 26, 1 carried. I XINUTES aF TEE REGULAR KEETI~CG rn THE EDIEA VILLAGE COUNCIL EEZD IN VILLAGE KALL AT 8:00 P.M. JUNE 28, 1943. President Sharpe called the meeting to order and four members of the council were present: Willson, Wyatt;, Hawthorne and Sharpe. Xinutes of the regular council meeting held June 14, 1943, mere read and appraved . flillsom moved petition of residents of Edina Court for installation af curb and gutter be approved and the clerk and engineer be directed to advertise for bids on. the vork, seconded by Vyatfi and carried.