HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430628_REGULARSEYJXR :DISTRICT #6 d 1, Northwestern Nat'l Bank 59% 24.96 SEWER DISTRICT #7 Northwestern Nat '1 Bank 592 It It 593 t? Nrs. Laura E. Dirk? &rie Scott Dale Green SEmR DISTRICT #8 544 547 550 SEWER DISTRICT # 9 Nort.hwestern Hat '1 Bank 594 JOINT SEWER DISTRICT #I Northwestern Nat '1 Bank 596 I? 597 11 11 182.25 26.25 208 50 5.00 200 .oo 257.04 136.47 691.73 828.20 TOTAL ALL FENDS $4,993.22 Price quotations on cutback asphalt by Jay W. Craig Co. at 10 cents per gallon and by Ashmorth-Hawkinson Co. at 10.25 cents per gallon were received and referred to Engineer Smith. There being no further business to come before the council, President Sharpe deciared the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. I MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD 03' REVIEW.OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 6:00 P.M. 5umE 28, 1943 President Sharpe called the meeting to order and four members of the board were present: Willson, Wyatt, Hawthorne and Sharpe. Alex Creighton, Village Assessor, appeared and reported assessment rolls of the village were not ready for presentstion to the board. Wyatt moved the meeting be recessed until the same hour on the fourth Eonday of July, being Noonday, July 26, 1 carried. I XINUTES aF THE REGULAR KEETI~CG cn THE EDIEA VILLAGE COUNCIL EEZD IN VILLAGE KALL AT 8:00 P.M. JUNE 28, 1943. President Sharpe called the meeting to order and four members of the council were present: Willson, Wyatt;, Hawthorne and Sharpe. Xinutes of the regular council meeting held June 14, 1943, mere read and appraved . flillsom moved petition of residents of Edina Court for installation af curb and gutter be approved and the clerk and engineer be directed to advertise for bids on. the vork, seconded by Vyatfi and carried. rJ 'Pillsonmoved petition of residents of Edina Court for planting of trees be approved and the village engineer be directed to proceed with the project when weather is suitable, seconded by Vyatll; and carriedo Villson moved petition of residents of Edina Court for street oiling be approved and the village enginem be directed to proceed aith the project when 'oil is available, seconded by Wyatt and carried. A letter from Trustee Leonard E. GeBo submitting his resignation as trusgee effective June 30, 1943, because he is operating a farm in Corcoran tornship in Bddition to his regular businessms received and read . E. F. Ikttson, 5201 Halifax Avenue, and Edward D. Van Rhee, 5137 Halifax . Avenue, appeared to request instalxation af curb and gutter on Ealifax Avenue and Fifty-senond Street along the frontages of their property. After discussion, Xattson and Van Rhee agreed they would negotiate directly mith a contractor for instalXation of the curb and gutter, The cou-ncil agreed %o pay cost of curb at corners of the intersection and the village engineer was directed to establish grades for the curb and gutter, John C. Thill, 4911 Sunnyside road; Harold J. SnelXer, 4617 Cascade Lane, and Eanl!ey E. Perry, 4800 E. Sunnyslope Road, appeared to complain about high vater in the mill pond above the Fiftieth Street dam and behind the cascade in EIinnehaha creek. Perry said scater was seeping into his basement although he had raised the basement floor five inches last winter and applied iz waterproofing material to the walls. He further stated the village engineer had run levels rrhen he built his home and had assured him the basemenk was above the high water mark of the pond. Sneller said the creek had seriously damaged his lavn and that the water level receotly was within 13 inch of a doorvay into his home. Thill said he already had filled a portion of his lavn to prevent flooding a-nd e,xpressed the opinion middle section of the mill dm mas the legal level. and the so-called wings on either side of the dam had been in- stalled without legal authorization. Perry sad Sneller said they were considering suits against the village if they were not granted relief from the high water. 'mi11 said he had made measurements which shaved wings on the dam vere 20 inches higher than the middle section and that level of water in the pond vas three or four inches higher than the wirge Sneller said water behind the cascade mas about four inches higher than - belora the cascade, Villson said it mas his recollection the dam was bu.ilt about 1904 and the wings mePe added in 1933. Sharpe said the wings mere on the dam when he moved to Edina in 1932. Sharpe said he was opposed to any alteratioras of the dam lslr cascade because numerous and install a pump, and the village had spent ab0u.E; $125 a month for a considerable period to maintain a water level in the pond, Hawthorne moved that the council determine legal height af the Fiftieth Streek dm in LlEinnehaha creek and make all of the dam that height, seconded by Villson and carried. I citizens of the village had contributed funds to construct the case ," Havtliairne moved that the village-engineer be directed to cut a spill- vay or channel around the Einnehaha creek cascade so that the cascade nil1 present no obstruction to flow of water in the creek, seconded by Tyatt and carried. Willson moved appropal and payment of the following bills and payrolls, seconded by Tlyatt and carried: xa.me Claim # Gross GOLUIC~S. Earl C. Sharpe' 605 $25 .OO Bme r Haw thorne 606 17.50 L. EI. Gebo 607 17.50 Geo;, A. Willson Dr, A, S. Tlyatt J. J. Duggan Dr, L. Elf. Ca;mpbell Ilarl Cave11 Off ice Phil T?. Smith Phil W. Smith Evelyn Qos Gr et chen Sc hus sl er John V. Lysn sst 608 609 6 10 611 612 6 13 614 615 616 617 17.50 17.50 15.00 37.50 15eOO 150 . 00 25.00 62.50 62.50 105.00 Net V. Tax - -0- $25 00 -0- 17.50 -0- 17e50 -0- -0- -0- -0- 0 040 6.20 -0. 1090 1.90 4.20 17I50 17.50 15.00 15 . 00 37.10 \ 143 . 80 25.00 60 . 60 60.60 100.80 HOW kIGH iq R dam? Wrlnn villagc officials today WPCF mliinZ: thc nnswer to that ilutl41icln tn an offort to solve a rnnt ovcrsg about the amount of water going over the hlipne- haha crccli dam at Fiftieth rtrmt and Brawndale avenue. Thc controvcrsy came to a hmd when three owners of prop. rrty bordcring on the pond abova the dam appeared before the ~illag0 council to complain their property already is being damaged by high water and would bo more seriously dam- aged if tho flow from Lake &fin- nctonlrct were increased to lower the l~lio level. *** The property owners - John C. Thill, 4911 Sunnyside road; Manley N. Perry, 4800 E. Sun- nyslopo road, and HaroId J. Sncller, 4617 Cascade lane - blamed thdr troubles an 10-inch- high wings on the old Edina mill dam and demanded removal of tho wings. Thay D o 11 t e n d e d tho wings wore inghlled savcrnl years ngo wlthnnt proper nuthorizntion. *** C n 11 n r.i 1 m c m b I? r s were filumprd whw thy tried to dis- Cnwr who put thc wings on the dim, nnd mhrn. Gcnrjin Willsnn, life-long resi- rlrril, ctf Edina and rrtrran nirnihrr nf the villago pouncil, nnhl ilin wings were built in 1933 nr Xfl34. Miiynr Earl C. Sharpa insisted thpy wcre thcra when he moved to Edina in 1932. Rrcords in tlia county cngi- necr’s office today revealed the tsm was built by tlie county in 1906, replacing a wooden dam which had hren built about 1870 mid wai waslied out in 190% Cranstl’uction plans for the tlm spccifiud it should be the :-nmc. hdghl: as the previous itaodcn dam and the measure. mcnt from the top of the dam tn thc mch of the bridge over it PHIL W. SlWI’H AND RALPH JOHNSON RIEBSTJRING EDINA RzLlLL DAM Plans for bridge and dam specified 8% feet from spillway to arc5 nTJNGS ON DAM ARE 10 INCHES HIGHER !THAN ORIGINAL High water lms flooded laws and basements ’ STRUCTURE -- rtown Stores offer 8. (Payroll af Jme 28, Contd) 1. I* -?-5 7 met Eame 'Claim # Grbs8 TT. Tax _I Hilding Dah1 618 @97.5u 3.20 $94.30 < s' - Office k. S. Heydt 619 ,I 92,-50 3.20 89.30 Street R, 3. JohBson P. H, Dahlgren 6, J. Roberts 0. ad, Spgnde Harry Jonas John Tracy E1E. 5. Merfeld Chas. Johnson Silas Herrett Sam. NoCready Kenneth Eorse I 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 105.00 90 . 00 80.00 75.00 80.00 98.35 .57.20 58.50 62.40 85.00 24 020 4.20 3.20 3.20 2 040 2.40 2.40 3,20 1.40 1.40 1.90 -0- 100.80 86.80 81.80 77.60 72.60 77.60 95.15 55.80 57.10 60 50 24+&20 Ge 0: Shi 1 son 631 65.0'0 -0- 65.00 John Costello 632 100.00 -0- 100.00 Simen Strand 633 24.00. -0- 24.00 S. 5. Fautsch 6 34 84.00 -0- 84.00 Hilda Hoag 637 2.25 -0 - 2.25 $3 , 848 . 40 846.70 $1 , 801.70 St. Paul Fire & &rime Imsurance Co. 635 83.00 83.00 Village Attorney Cove11 read a letter which he had written in reply ta a letter received from E. A. Xontgomery at the last previous meeting regarding adjustment of assessments for Sewer District No. 8. Cove12 said Montgomery had a plan for adjustment whichmight be feasible. He recommended the council make an analysis of all Sewer District Bo, 8 bonds and said that it would not be improper to cancel assessments for portions of the district where seqers had not been completed if such action mould not reduce funds of the district beyond the amount necessary to pay warrants and if warrank holders approved the action. Sharpe directed Engineer Smith to make the analysis suggested by Covehl, I Ihwthorlae offered the folloving resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by Vyat.1;: RESQLUTIQM : -=- ViHEREAS, the village council of the village of Edina, Hennepin County, Einnesota, has received from the Land Commissioner af Hennopin County, a list of land in said village af Edina which has become the absolute property of the State of Einnesota under the provisions of laws declaring the forfeiture of lands to the state for taxes, which lands have been classified by the Ccrunty Board of said Eennepin Caunty as non-conservatian and for sale pursuant to laws of Xinnesatafor 1935, chapber 386, section I., June 7, 1943, and WHEREAS, this board has made a complete examination of all facts ' as amended, which list of land is designated as list 7LC, .. and circumstances relating to such parcels, . NQV TH1%REFOBE, acting pursuant to said section 1, chagkr 386, as amended , BE IT RESOLT&R, that the village council of said village of Edim approve the classification of the said county board of said lands as non-conservation and for sale. me question mas on the adoption of the resolution, and the roll being called there were four (4) yeas and no: (0) nays as follows: Villson, yea; Wyatt, yea; Hawthorne, yea; Sharpe, ye?. ~ And so the resolution vas adopted. 0 . A petition signed by a majority crf affected property owners was presented, requesting that the alley behind 5012, 5016, 5020 and 5024 Indianola . Avenue ad 5011, 5015 qnd 5019 Juani€a Lane and between Biftieth and FifQ - first Streets be vacated. Villson moved a hearing be held on said petitim at the VilXage Hall July 26, X943 at 8:00 P.X. and notice thereof be pub- lished according to 1aV. Seconded by Vyatt and carriede There being no further business to come before the council, President Sharpe declared the meeting adjourned at Ut30 P.lI. , 7ffiTUTES OB THE REGULAR BlEETING OF TIlE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL J3EXD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 PoEo JULY 12, 1943 President Sharpe called the meeting to order and four members of the council were present; Villson, Vyatt, Hawthorne and Sharpe. Xinutes of the regular meeting of June 28, 1943, vmre read and approved. Villson moved approval and payment of the folloving bills, seconded br T&att and carried: GENF)RAL FUMD mame Claim & - XorEon Salt Coo 670 Stinchfield, ESackall, Etc. 673, Hardware Elutual Casualty Co. 672 Dale Green 6 73 \?alter F. Brown 674 CounP;ry Club Dist. Serv. Co. 675 Borey's Service Sta%ion 6 76 Bhlberg Bros. Inc. 677 Berg & FarnhEun Co. 6 78 International Harvester Co. 679 Lampert Yardss Ince 680 Phillips Petroleum Co. 681 Bud Brooks Pure Oil Stam 682 E, XL Harris 683 Thompson Lumber Co. 684 Edina Ifardware Corn 685 Jus%u s Lumber Conipany 686 William Fisman 687 Bren Hardware 688 Einneapolis Iron Store 689 Lundin' s Garage 690 Amount $ 26.22 269.19 67.17 19e5O * 1.00 3.08 3.3% 23.12 13,53 43.50 27.23 12.15' 160.54 86.60 17.46 2.47 46.80 3.00 21~90 4.15 -. 3.50