HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430712_REGULARA petition signed by a majority crf affected property owners was presented, requesting that the alley behind 5012, 5016, 5020 and 5024 Indianola . Avenue ad 5011, 5015 qnd 5019 Juani€a Lane and between Biftieth and FifQ - first Streets be vacated. Villson moved a hearing be held on said petitim at the VilXage Hall July 26, X943 at 8:00 P.X. and notice thereof be pub- lished according to 1aV. Seconded by Vyatt and carriede There being no further business to come before the council, President Sharpe declared the meeting adjourned at Ut30 P.lI. , 7ffiTUTES OB THE REGULAR BlEETING OF TIlE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL J3EXD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 PoEo JULY 12, 1943 President Sharpe called the meeting to order and four members of the council were present; Villson, Vyatt, Hawthorne and Sharpe. Xinutes of the regular meeting of June 28, 1943, vmre read and approved. Villson moved approval and payment of the folloving bills, seconded br T&att and carried: GENF)RAL FUMD mame Claim & - XorEon Salt Coo 670 Stinchfield, ESackall, Etc. 673, Hardware Elutual Casualty Co. 672 Dale Green 6 73 \?alter F. Brown 674 CounP;ry Club Dist. Serv. Co. 675 Borey's Service Sta%ion 6 76 Bhlberg Bros. Inc. 677 Berg & FarnhEun Co. 6 78 International Harvester Co. 679 Lampert Yardss Ince 680 Phillips Petroleum Co. 681 Bud Brooks Pure Oil Stam 682 E, XL Harris 683 Thompson Lumber Co. 684 Edina Ifardware Corn 685 Jus%u s Lumber Conipany 686 William Fisman 687 Bren Hardware 688 Einneapolis Iron Store 689 Lundin' s Garage 690 Amount $ 26.22 269.19 67.17 19e5O * 1.00 3.08 3.3% 23.12 13,53 43.50 27.23 12.15' 160.54 86.60 17.46 2.47 46.80 3.00 21~90 4.15 -. 3.50 159 Bills (Cont . ) Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. Graybar Electric Co., Inc. Eiller-Davis Company Christ Larson Northern States Power Company American Linen Company Burrougha Adding Machine Co. City Treasurer Hennepin County Review Northwest ern Bell Telephone Co. S. J. Fautsch W. .So Mott Company Geo. Jensen JGirst Nat'l. Bank & Trust Coo John Costello Arthur Peterson Typewriter Exchange Co. I 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 700 705. 70 2 703 704 705 706 (V.X.1. #1) 665 668 $ 236.47 20 . 77 6088 3.00 602e13 1.75 9.80 10.50 61.59 28.50 34.80 256.85 267.69 24.00 2,183.40 92.50 479.50 Total General Fund #5,1?5 62 POOR PUND Suburban Hennepin County Relief 699 Total Poor Bund SEWER RENTAL FlBKO * Northern States Power Co, 695 166.77 1660 77 1.34 1.34 SEKER DIST. #8 First Natll Bank & Trust Co. 639 Mrs. Laura Dirks 669 2,706.75 5.00 Total Sever Dist #8 Fund 29701.75 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $8,055.48 Willson moved approval and payment of the following payrolls, seconded by Vy,at t and. carried: Name Claim # V'ithholding tax Net Amount Gross Mount Counail Earl C. Sharpe 640 Bower Hawt horne 641 Geo. A. Willson 64 2 Dr. A. S. Wyatt 643 9. J. Duggan 64 4 Dr. L. XI. Campbell 645 Karl H. Cove11 646 $ 25.00 17.50 17.50 17.50 15000 15.00 37.50 $25.00 17.50 17.50 17.50 15 00 15.00 37.20 -0- - 0- -0- -0- - 0- -0- 30 , Office 64 7 648 649 650 651 652 653 150 00 25.00 62.50 62.50 105oOO 92.50 97.50 P 17.00 -0- 3.60 8.80 6.40 5.00 7.60 133.00 25.00 58 e 90 53 70 92.50 98.60 84.90 9hil W. With Phfl'W. Smith Eyelyn Hjos Gretchen Schussler John W. Lyon Hilding Dah1 Win. S. Heydt Street - R. J. Johnson Po H. Dahlgren S. J. Roberts 0.E. Spande John Tracy Harry Jonas &f. J. Merfeld Chas. Johnson Silas HerretQ 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 1050 00 90.00 85.00 80.00 80.00 75.00 92.50 57e20 57120 11.60 7.60 5.00 1.90 1.90 1.30 5.00 1.40 V. Tax 1.40 V. Tax 93.40 82.40 78.10 78.10 730 70 80.00 87.50 55.80 55.80 Sam EcCready . 663 Kenneth Eorse 664 Geo, Shilson 665 Hilda Hoag 667 62.40 1.90 V. Ta 60.50 44.00 ,90 V. Tax 43;l.o 7. 50 -0- 7.50 2. 00 -0 - J 2. 00 $1,577 80 $88.60 $1,489.20 Eonthly reports of roads and brfdges and relief committees =ere read and approves.;: Villian J. DeWnter, 4630 Edgebrook Placet appeared to inquire vhat action the oouncil had taken or contemplated concerning removal of wings on the Edina Xi11 dam. DeWinter suggested the council should be cautious about making any changes. Hawthorne reported he had made an investigation regarding legal height of the Edina Hi11 dam, with the following findings: file in the Hennepin county engineer’s office shotv that the present dam was built in 1906 to replace a previous woodsn dam rrhich vas built about 1860 and washed out in 1902; the present dam was built at the cLassumed level” of the previous dam and the plans shon the distanoe from the crest of the dam to the highest point of the underside of the bridge arch to be 8* feet; measurements taken by Erzgineer Smith a fev days ago showed the distance from the middle portion of the darn to the arch is 8* feet; no record of authorization for construction of the wing8 vas found among records of the P-illage, the county highvay engineer nor the state conservation department: the quit claim deed by which Thorpe Bros. transferred the Xinnehaha Creek bed property to the village in 1933 stipulates flonage rights Uto the height of the old dam,” shich deed is referred to minutes of the village council. meeting of Feb. 19, 1933. plans on L/’ , Ha?&horne moved that, in view of the fact that some property adjoining the Edina Eill pond is being damaged by high water and vings on the Edina Ei11 dam apparently mere constructed without procurement of flcmage rights and that the village apparently doesnot om flonage rights for rrater held back by the wings and may be liable for damage caused by such water, the village engineer therefore be directed to remove the wings from the Edina Xi11 dam; seconded by 17illson and carried without dissenting vote. Ben B. Eoore, former village recorder, vas present and explained the niugs on the dam mere constructed by Thorpe Brosc about 1932 vi%hout the knowledge of the village council. Xoore further stated that flomage rights onned by the village apply only t3 the dam without the wings. R. A. Schmit% and Xelvin Petrie appeared to complain of speeding on Brookside avenue and Division street and requested installation of nslowlt or “20 mphn signs on those streets. Sharpe instructed Engineer Smith to install appropriate signs if the village has any on hand, Hbnthorne moved that the council accept mith regret the resigation of Leonard E* Gebo as trustee, effective June 30, 1943; seconded by Tfyatt and carried. ’Villson moved that Harold C, Utley, 4604 Browndale avenue, be appointed to fill the unexpired tern of Leonard E* Gebo as trustee; seconded by Wyatt. Rollcall vote vas Willson, aye; I’iyatt, age; Hawthorne, aye; Sharpe, aye, and the motion was carried. A letter from IT. C, Hudson requesting installation of a streetlight at Porty-fifty street and Xorth avenue mas referred to the lighting committee. Letters from E, F. Eattaon and Edward D. Van Rhee thanking the council and lhgineer Smith for co-operation in cpnstimction of curb and gutter at Fifty-second street and Halifax avenue mere read and filed. Harold C. Utley was sworn in and assumed his duties as trustee. / .J Engin er Smith presented two estiaates of cost of construction of a storn sewer in the vicinity of Forty-fourth- street and Browndale avenue, one proposing constEuction of the sever partially on village property and partially on private property at cost of $769 and the other proposing construction entirely on village prctperty at cost of $815. Smith recommended the latter propoaal, He pointed out the proposed sewer would elhimte surface drainage of storm waters from Fourth-fourth street acro88 the':Pzop5Ety of H. H. Watson,4520 V. Fourth-fourth street, Edina, and across another lot in St. Louis Park, Smith explained much of the water involved flows into Edina from St. Louis Park but that the village of St. Louis Park is unwilling to share expense of the sewer and that owners of affected private property do not want to pay cost of the work. After discussion in which Wyatt and Hawthorne pointed out a stora sewer to correct a similar drainage: problem at the corner of Fifty-second street and Halifax avenue was consgructed by 'special assessment and that the council's policy should be uniform in such matters, Sharpe instructed Smith to notify Watson that i.t; is the policy of the council to leyy special assessments against bsnefitited property for construction of storm sewers. Policies and procedures of applying oil and calcium chloride to streets and roads in the village were discussed. Hawthorne: moved that the chairman of the roads and bridges committee and the village engineer be directed to proceed with the oiling projects approved by the fedeEal government as rapidly as possible and that they be empowered to use their discretion as to the order in whgeh th6 various projects should be started. There was nct second. I - .- - Willson pointed out he countilts previous policy of furnishing calcium chloride free of charge was unfair to owners of property in rural sections of the village unless theywere given the same consideration as urban residents. G Willson moved that an. assessment of 3 cents per Prone foot henceforth be levied against properties fronting on streets or roadej to which calcium chloride is applied, seconded by Haythorne and carried. Engineer Smith Bported that opening of bids for.constructioa of curb and guteer in Edina Court must be postpbried until early in August because Hennepin.Counj7y Review through error failed to publish advertisement for bids two weeks in succession. Smith reported a privately operated dump on higigas 169 has been cl6sed and that the village, with an area of 17 square miles, now is without a dumping grounds for refuse. piece of tax-fc~rfeited property or an abandoned sand pit for use as a public dump mas discussed but no action was taken. Possibility of acquiring a &pith reported that Frank and John Garrison had moved one or more small buildings .into the village without permits. hith to file complaints against the Garrisons in justice court. &pith reported that he had made an arrangement vith Tred T. Paul, Uinneapolia cityengineer, for the village t 3 make semi-annual payment to Uinneapolis for the village's one-half share of the cost of operating traffic signals at the c3rner of Fiftieth street and France avenue. Sharpe said he mould write a letter tct Paul, expressing the council's satisfaction with installation and operation of the signals and thanking Paul for his co-operation in the project. Sharpe directed (Official Publication) VJ!LLAGE OF EDINA Hennepin County, Minnesota NOTICE FOR BIDS ON CURB AND GUTTER Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Village of Edina, at the meeting to be held in the Village HalL 4801 West 50th Street, on August 9, 1943 at 8:00 P. M. will receive sealed bids, plainly marked-"Bid oa Curb and Gut- ter" on outside of envelope, for furnish- ing materials and constructing curb and gutter in Edina Court. Plans and specifications are now on file in the Village Hall. Bids must be accompanied by a cer- tified check payable to the Village of Edina in the amount of ten (10) per. cent of the bid. Payment to be on the basis of cash on completion and ac. ceptance of work. The Council reserves the right to ac. ceut or reject anv and all bids. By order- of the Village Council. BOWER HAWTHORNE, Village Clerk. (July 22, 29)