HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430726_REGULAREIlmXS OF THE Rli'CESSED PORTIOF OF THE IZETII'TG 03' THE BOARD OF REVIEYJ OF Ti33 VILLAGE OF ZDINA HELD IK THE ViUGE HALL AT 6 Per. JULY 26, 1943 Presiden2; Sharpe called the meeting to order and all members of the board vere presenQ: Utley, t'lillson, Fiyatt, Eawthorne and Shrpe. 1,"inutes of the meeting held June 2S0 1943, were read and approved. Alex Creighton, Village Assessor , appeared and presented personal property an6 supplwental real esta%e tax assessment rolls of the village for 1943. Eembers of the board inspected the rolls. Billson moved the board accept the assessor'is findings of perscJnal property an6 subplemental real estate tax assessments for 1943, seccmded by T37at-t and carried. President Sharpe declared the meeting adjourned at 8 p.m. EINUTES OF THE RXGBAR ETEETIEG OF T?XE EDIITA TJILLAG% COU3JCIL HELD IT;: VILLAGX HALL AT 8 P.K. JULY 26, 1943. President Sharpe Called the meeting to order and all members of the council vere present. Einutes of the regula council meeting held July 12, 1943, mere read and asproved. 'Zyatt moved approval an6 payment of the f ollo~ine; payrolls, seconded by Tlillson and. carried: EaEe Council Earl C. Sharpe Bover Ha17t hor ne Geo. A. t3illson Dr. A. S. Vyatt Harold C. U%ley J,UI Duggan Dr. L. E. Campbell Karl E, Cove11 - Office Phil Tf. Smith phi1 B. Smith X~elya Kjos Gretchen Schussler John f"i, Lyon Eilding D&I.I. G3.n. S. Hey&& Street Re J. JDhIiSon P. E. Dahlgren So J. Roberts 0. E, Spande John Tracy Harry Jonas E. J. Eerfeld Chzs. Jdixsm Sam. EcCreaciy Silas Herrett Kerineth EQrse Ges. Shilson Geo. A. Jehsen. John Costello Cldim # Gross Ahount 707 70 8 709 710 711 712 7 13 714 $ 25,OO 17.50 17.50 17.50 35 0 00 15.00 15 00 37.50 715 150 . 00 716 25.00 71'7 62e5O 718 62.50 719 105.00 720 97.50 721 92.50 722 723 7 24 725 726 72 7 726,. 7 29 73 0 731 73 2 733 73 4 73 5 1GT5.00 90.00 85.00 80.00 80.00 75.00 92.50 5'7.20 62.40 57.20 49.50 41.25 6.25 110 . 00 v. @ax -0- -0- - 0.. Q OD -0- -0- 0- 0.30 17.00 -0- 3.60 8 e80 6 e40 5.00 7.60 110 GO 7.60 5.00 1.90 1.90 5.00 1830 0890 3.60 0.90 3.80 -0- -0 - 5e.80 Net Azllount 25.00 17.50 17 50 17.50 35.00 15 00 15 -00 37.20 133.00 25.00 53,70 98.60 92.50 84.90 58.90 93 040 82.40 80.00 78.10 "78.10 87.50 56.30 58 60 56.30 45.70 41.25 6.25 104 . 20 73 70 S* J. Fautxch 73 6 156 000 Hilda Hoag 73 7 3.00 17.00 139.00 -0- 3.00 $1,925*30 $115.00 $1,810.30 Villson molred appproval and payment of the following bill, seconded by Ylyatt and carried., Hardvar e Diltstual Casual% y Company $74 00 ?hilip Bailey, chief of the volunteer fire department appeared and re- ported the Edina fire department won second place in a district fire scliool competition' July 25- at Chaska, completing the four competition evolutions i.n 202 second-s. President Sharpe read a letter from Family Welfare Association of Einneapolis notifying the council that the association is extending its . service &o rural Hennepin county with an office in HopBins to serve the area; including Edina . President Sharpe presented for file a copy of a report by A. J. Chesley of the Einnesota department of health covering an inspection of the facilities of Country Club District Service Co. and recommending sme changes in the 1va.t er system' to protect health. Utley moved the council acknomled-ge with thanks the reportm&e.by A. S. Chesley on the water system and thattke village engineer be instEucted to avs2qt;vith Country Club District Service Co. in carrying out the recommendations of the report, seconded by Willson and carried, Attorney Cove11 reported Oscar Gaarden, president of Country Club District Service Coo, had. advised him that the company would have a proposal ready for council consideration in the near future in connection with the * r.ecent N&nnesota supreme court decision det erminbg that the village owns a portion of the water system operated by Country Club District Service Co. Hawthorn4 read the following letter from Xinnesota conservation department granting permission for renlova.1 of wings from Edina, mill d-am: Village of Edina 4801 W. Fiftieth Street Edina, Xinnesota Attention; I&* Bower Haw*horr,e, Village Clerk Re: Permit Application Wo. 332 Dear Sir: Receipt is acknowledged of the Village of Edina's application for a permit to remove certain portions of the weir frm the so-called Bdina Ifill am in Einnehaha Creek near Fiftieth Street ai2d Brcmnbale Avenue in Ediaa, under Laws 1937, Chagter 468, as amended. Based upon the data contained in the permit application and the accompanying letter and sketch, the application is approved add the per- mission sought is hereby granted, subject to the following express terms and c ond i t i oils re (1) The extent of the permittee's operations hereunder shall be confined solely to the removal of two side weir Sectionsp each six feet in length, nos in place ten inches above the established height of the said dam at its pEesent crest elevation, as shown on the ketch attached. to the permit ayplication. Neither this permit nor any part of it shall under any conditions or for any purposes whatsoever constitute a release of &;be Village of Edina from any claims c3r cause of action arising therefrom wkch may at any time result frm the ef€ect of its operations hereunder. However, no greater liability is imposed upon the Village of Edina by the issuance of t16s permit than the liability ordiharily imposed by law. approval of the Division of Water Resources and Engineering, who may temporarily susp.end the work at any time if in its jud-gment the interests of public health and welfare sct require. (2) (3) The worg shall at all times be subaect to the supervision and Yours very truly, Ealter 8. Olson, Director &PROVED: Division of viatier Resources Cha-tmr S- ?if7 er)n. CnrnirlianinnPr of Cnnnmrvntion Engineer Smith reported. Eotor Power Equipment Coo has offered to buy various pmps and motors owned by the village. Hawthorne moved that the 1 engineer be authorized to sell the pumps and motors at the highest possible price but not less $ban $200, seconded by layatt and carried. Engineer Smith reported the federal government has approved use of 24,000 gallom of road oil by the village this year. Hawthorne moved that the engineer be instructed to prepare. a -schedule of imprctvement projects which might be undertaken by t hevillage immediately after the mar ends and that the park board be requested to study future park developments in the village, seconded by Villaon and carried. Annual financial report of Firemen * s Relief Association, for 1942, shoving receipts totaling $260.00 and no expenditures, vas received. moved acceptance and zpproval of the report,seconde6 by Utley and carried. The hearing on the petition heretofore filed for the vacation of thealley described in the resolution hereafter set forth vas had pursuant to published and posted notice of said meeting. At the conclusion of the hearing it 178s moved by Harrthorne and seconded by Villson that the folloving resolution be adopted, to wit: I Bmthorne SrKEREAS, a majority of the owners of the land abutting on the alley hereinafter described in the Village of Edina Hennepin County, E'finnesota, have petitioned for the vacation of said alley; and YFKEREAS, one (1) weekls published notice and posted notice of a hearing to be had on saiu petition on July 26, 1943, at 8~00 o'clock P.E?., has been given and made, and a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council; NOFl, THEREPCRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hermepin County, ITinnesota, that = 1. That certain alley running in a northerly and southerly direction and lying between the easterly line of Lo9 Four (4) and Pive (5), Block trro (2), Steven's Pirst Addition to lfinneapolis, and the Kesterly line of Lots Six (6) and Seven (71, Block Two (21, Steven's First Addition to Eiinneapolis, is hereby vacated. 2. That it is to the best interests of the public so to vacate said alley. On the adopgion of the resolution Utley, Willson, Vya$t, Hawthorne and Sharpe voted aye and so the resolution was adopted. Utley requested Attorney Cove11 to investigate and make a report con- cerning bonds required for constable, marshal and patrolman. Eavthorne moved that the meeting be adjourned at 10 p.m., seconded by 17illson and carried. I:INUTES OB THE REGULAR IBET?NG OF TKE EDIBA VILLAGE COUTTCIL IlELD 13 VILLAGE HALL 4T 8. P.X. AUGUST 4, 1943 Eresideat Sharpe called the meeting to order and four members of the council nere present : Villson, Vj7att, Havthorne, Sharpe. Uinutes of the regular meeting held July 26, 1143, aere read and approved . gillson moved that the folloming payrolls be aoproved and paid, second by Qatt and carried: