HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430801_REGULAREngineer Smith reported. Eotor Power Equipment Coo has offered to buy various pmps and motors owned by the village. Hawthorne moved that the 1 engineer be authorized to sell the pumps and motors at the highest possible price but not less $ban $200, seconded by layatt and carried. Engineer Smith reported the federal government has approved use of 24,000 gallom of road oil by the village this year. Hawthorne moved that the engineer be instructed to prepare. a -schedule of imprctvement projects which might be undertaken by t hevillage immediately after the mar ends and that the park board be requested to study future park developments in the village, seconded by Villaon and carried. Annual financial report of Firemen * s Relief Association, for 1942, shoving receipts totaling $260.00 and no expenditures, vas received. moved acceptance and zpproval of the report,seconde6 by Utley and carried. The hearing on the petition heretofore filed for the vacation of thealley described in the resolution hereafter set forth vas had pursuant to published and posted notice of said meeting. At the conclusion of the hearing it 178s moved by Harrthorne and seconded by Villson that the folloving resolution be adopted, to wit: I Bmthorne SrKEREAS, a majority of the owners of the land abutting on the alley hereinafter described in the Village of Edina Hennepin County, E'finnesota, have petitioned for the vacation of said alley; and YFKEREAS, one (1) weekls published notice and posted notice of a hearing to be had on saiu petition on July 26, 1943, at 8~00 o'clock P.E?., has been given and made, and a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council; NOFl, THEREPCRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hermepin County, ITinnesota, that = 1. That certain alley running in a northerly and southerly direction and lying between the easterly line of Lo9 Four (4) and Pive (5), Block trro (2), Steven's Pirst Addition to lfinneapolis, and the Kesterly line of Lots Six (6) and Seven (71, Block Two (21, Steven's First Addition to Eiinneapolis, is hereby vacated. 2. That it is to the best interests of the public so to vacate said alley. On the adopgion of the resolution Utley, Willson, Vya$t, Hawthorne and Sharpe voted aye and so the resolution was adopted. Utley requested Attorney Cove11 to investigate and make a report con- cerning bonds required for constable, marshal and patrolman. Eavthorne moved that the meeting be adjourned at 10 p.m., seconded by 17illson and carried. I:INUTES OB THE REGULAR IBET?NG OF TKE EDIBA VILLAGE COUTTCIL IlELD 13 VILLAGE HALL 4T 8. P.X. AUGUST 4, 1943 Eresideat Sharpe called the meeting to order and four members of the council nere present : Villson, Vj7att, Havthorne, Sharpe. Uinutes of the regular meeting held July 26, 1143, aere read and approved . gillson moved that the folloming payrolls be aoproved and paid, second by Qatt and carried: 1 I I 1 Council Earl C. Sharpe Bower Hawthorne Geo. A. Willson Dr. A. S. Wyatt Harold C. Utley J. J. Duggan Dr. L. I!!. Campbell Yarl E. Cove11 Off ice Phil 'vi. Smith Phil Ff. Smith Evelyn K.ios Gr et; hen Sc hus sle r John W. Lyon Wilding Dah1 Vlm. S. Heydt Street R, J. Johnson I?. E. Dahlgren S, J. Roberts 0; a. Spande John Tracy Harry Jonas I;. J. Uerfeld Chas. Johnson Sam HcCready Silas iierrett Kenneth Iiorse Y. N. Gregg David S. Roberts John Costello Geo. Shilson S. 5. Fautsch CLAl!N NO. 741 742 743 744 ,745 746 74 7 74 8 74 9 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 $00 GROSS ANOUNT - $25 .OO 12: 50 17.50 ' 17.50 17 . 50 15.00 15.00 37.50 150.00 25.00 62.50 62 . 50 105.00 97.50 92 . 50 105.00 90 000 85.00 80.00 80.00 75.00 92 . 50 58.50 63 . 70 58.50 49 . 50 20 .oo 19 e 80 106 25 55.00 147.00 ,. '8'. TAX e -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 0.30 225 .OO 17.50 17 . 50 17.50 17 50 15000 15.00 37.20 17.00 133.00 -0- 25.00 3.60 58.90 8.80 53 . 70 6.40 98.60 5.00 92.50 7.60 84 . 90 11 . 60 7.60 5.00 1.90 1.90 1.30 5.00 0.90 3.60 0.90 3.80 -0- -0- 0.90 -4.90 -0- 17.00 93.40 82.40 , 80.00 78.10 78.10 73.70 87 . 50 57.60 60.10 57.60 45.70 20,oo 19.80 105.35 55.00 130.00 -4.90 $19 943.25 $l05,20 $1,838.05 Wyakt moved approval and payment of the followting bills, seconded by Willson and carried g Name Harry .Peters Dale Green %Tiller-Davis Company Einneapolis Blueprinting Co. Dahlberg BroS, Inc. Lundin s Garage Korthern States Pover Co International Harvester Company C,R, & WONo Cooper Greenhouse Xinneapolis Iron Store Northwestern Bell Telephorie Go . Vl. E. Lshr Company Hennepin County Review Phillips Petroleum Company American Linen Company Bren Hardware Standard Sidewalk Company Kokesh Hardware Coo Justus Lumber ? ompany E.. I?. Harris Herin. County Civilian Defense Council Berg and Parnham Company Wm. H. Ziegler CoGpany Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. S. J. Eautsch T. J. Thompson - . Young Fuel Company Claim No. 713 774 775 776 777 . 778 779 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 ,792 793 794 795 796 798 799 800 801 Amount 445 024 75.00 5.65 9.27 28 43 24.85 79 -20 599,76 0.38 37 . 50 9.36 54 . 90 6.40 6.75 12.15 1.75 4.37 51.65 2.25 8 -96 83 . 80 2.80 5.16 51 . 51 960 . 57 53 . 35 96.25 Alex Creighton Arthur K. Peterson 804 772 649.50 480 . 90 Total General zund $3 42 7.66 POOR, FUIED Suburban Henn . County Relief Board 780 186.53 Total Poor Bund 186.53 lfihneapolis City Treasurer F. T. Smisek ms. Laura Dirks Xorthern States Pou:er Go. ILinneapolis City Treasurer I Joint Sever Dist. $1 Zund 803 1,503.68 771 PO2 Sewer Dist. #8 Pund 15,OO 5 .OO Total Sewer Dist. #8 20 000 Seser Rental 3und 781 797 1,oo 1,870.60 Total Sewer Rental Fund 1,871.60 Total - All Funds 7,009,47 Uonthly reports of police, roads and bridges and relief committees aere presented and approved. Bids for construction of curb and gutter in Edina Court, in accordance with published notices, sere received and opened. The bidders vere Victor Carlson and Sons, at 21.08 per lineal foot and 80$ per foot for curb radius, and 3. J. Nyvall Co., at 21.25 per lineal foot, $1;10 per foot for curb radius and 30p per souare foot for drivesay approaches, Hawthorne moved that the bid of Victor Carlson atid Sons be accepted, seconded by 7illson and carried. Petition signed by 14 of 16 affected property owners, requesting in- stallation of curb and gutter on Abbott Place from Bifty Bourth street to Eeard avenue, 57as receixed. Mter discussion, Hawthorne moved to direct the clerk and engineer to advertise for bids for construction of curb and gutter on Abbott Place if the property owners do not desire to proceed aith the vork on a private basis, seconded by -3’yatt and carried. Uillson reported receipt of a check in the amount of 2364,lO from nrnneapolis Gas Light Co. in payment for repairs to village streets ngcessitated by gas company installations and repzirs up to July 1, 1943. I --. George B. Gorgas, 5132 Brance avenue, appeared to recuest that the vill.age take steps to control dust on Fifty-second street from E’rance to Halifa-r avenues, Gorgas pointed out that he gave the village a portion of said street by easement in 1941 and a condition of the easement was that the vilhge oil and maintain the street. Villson e:.plained that the village had desired to oil Bifty-second street this year but government rep- lations do not allov oil for ne77 workr Havthorne moved that calcium chloride be applied to Jifty-second street from Srance 60 Halifax avenues without assessment against abuttinc property, seconded by -Tillson and carried . I 57, D. Herrick, 5537 Brookviem avenue, and Donald B. Siefken, 5600 ’Brookviea avenue, appeared to reruest grading and oiling of Brookvieg avenue from Zifty-fifty to Bifty-siTrth streets, pognting out that a petition far such *.:ark, signed by a majority of affected property onners, had been filed with the council in April 1942. Engineer smith explained that oiil is not available for nev work this year but that the federal Government might approve application of tar for Brookvien avenue, Kavthorne moved that the engineer and road and bridge committee be directed to apply tar to Brookviev avenue from Fifty-fifth to h’ifty sixty streets and bo do the vork this season if the road crew is available seconded by Y?illson and carried. 16.7 Attorney Covell presented a report on recuirements for posting of bonds by constables, marshalls and policemen and recommended the council pay village peace officers an annual salary sufficient to cover cost of bond premiums, in addition to the regular pay. Attorney Covell recommended the council purchase a copy of Xinnesota Revised Statutes at cost of approyimately $15. Hawthorne moved that the e,.gineer be directed to purchase a copy of Kinnesota Revised I Statutes, seconded by millson and carried. Xawthorne moved to adjourn at 10 p.m., seconded by 1Tyatt and carried. EfINUTES OB TEE REG-ULAR ICEBTING OB THE BDINA VIZLAGB COUETCIL EZLD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.F. AUGUST 23, 1943 President Sharpe called the meeting to order and all members of the council were present. Minutes of the regular council meeting os" August 9, 1943, were read and approved. Uya%t moved approval and payment of the following payrolls, secocded by ':$illsort and carried: Council 6 Ea,rl C. Shame 808 I Bower Haw% hoke 809 Geo. A. ikillson 810 Dr. A, So '8yatt 811 J. J. Duggan 813 Dr. L. 1:. Cangbell 814 Karl Bo Cove11 815 M-arold C. Utley 812 $25 0 00 17.50 *'.17. 50 17.50 17.50 15.00 15.00 37.50 -0 - -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 0.30 I $25.00 17.50 17 50 17.50 15.00 15.00 17 0 50 37.20 o'ffice Phil 8. Smith 817 25 00 -0- 25.00 Phil U. Smith 816 150 . 00 17 00 13LOO Evelyn Kjos 818 62 50 3. BO 58 90 Gret dhen Schusxler 819 62.50 8. 80 53.70 John 'Z. Lyon 820 105,OO 6.40 98.60 Hilding Dah1 821 97.50 5.00 92.50 31. $3. Heydt 822' 92.50 7.60 84.90 Street R. J. Johnson 8 23 P, R. lahlgren 8 24 S. J. Roberts 825 0. 2 0 Spallde 826 Jolm Tracy 8 27 Iijrry Jonas 828 TI. J, 1:erfeld 8 29 Cfias . Johnson 830 Sczlll I.kCreaciy 831 832 oilas KerreLL I;enneth I.:orse 833 W. IT. Gregg 834 BiLX Ryerse 83 5 John Costello 836 David $3. Roberta 83 7 Geo. Sliilson 838 Hilea 1loa.g 83 9 S. J. Fautscli 841 0' TOTAL 105 a00 90.0~ d5,OO 80.00 30,oo 75.00 92.50 57.20 62.40 57.20 48,40 80.00 2. 20 120 . 00 44 e 00 338.75 5.38 132.00 $2,012.53 11.60 7.60 5,oo 1.90 1.90 1.30 5.00 .0.90 3.60 0.90 3.80 12.80 -0- 3.60 3.80 -0- -0- 93 b40 82.40 80 . 00 78 . 10 78.10 73.70 E7 ' 50 56 030 58.80 56.30 44.60 67.20 2.20 116.40 40.20 38.75 . 5.38 13 . 00 110.00' $125 40 $1 887.13