HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430823_REGULAR16.7 Attorney Covell presented a report on recuirements for posting of bonds by constables, marshalls and policemen and recommended the council pay village peace officers an annual salary sufficient to cover cost of bond premiums, in addition to the regular pay. Attorney Covell recommended the council purchase a copy of Xinnesota Revised Statutes at cost of approyimately $15. Hawthorne moved that the e,.gineer be directed to purchase a copy of Kinnesota Revised I Statutes, seconded by millson and carried. Xawthorne moved to adjourn at 10 p.m., seconded by 1Tyatt and carried. EfINUTES OB TEE REG-ULAR ICEBTING OB THE BDINA VIZLAGB COUETCIL EZLD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.F. AUGUST 23, 1943 President Sharpe called the meeting to order and all members of the council were present. Minutes of the regular council meeting os" August 9, 1943, were read and approved. Uya%t moved approval and payment of the following payrolls, secocded by ':$illsort and carried: Council 6 Ea,rl C. Shame 808 I Bower Haw% hoke 809 Geo. A. ikillson 810 Dr. A, So '8yatt 811 J. J. Duggan 813 Dr. L. 1:. Cangbell 814 Karl Bo Cove11 815 M-arold C. Utley 812 $25 0 00 17.50 *'.17. 50 17.50 17.50 15.00 15.00 37.50 -0 - -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 0.30 I $25.00 17.50 17 50 17.50 15.00 15.00 17 0 50 37.20 o'ffice Phil 8. Smith 817 25 00 -0- 25.00 Phil U. Smith 816 150 . 00 17 00 13LOO Evelyn Kjos 818 62 50 3. BO 58 90 Gret dhen Schusxler 819 62.50 8. 80 53.70 John 'Z. Lyon 820 105,OO 6.40 98.60 Hilding Dah1 821 97.50 5.00 92.50 31. $3. Heydt 822' 92.50 7.60 84.90 Street R. J. Johnson 8 23 P, R. lahlgren 8 24 S. J. Roberts 825 0. 2 0 Spallde 826 John Tracy 8 27 Iijrry Jonas 828 TI. J, 1:erfeld 8 29 Cfias . Johnson 830 Sm I.kCreaciy 831 832 oilas KerreLL I;enneth I.:orse 833 W. IT. Gregg 834 BiLX Ryerse 83 5 John Costello 836 David $3. Roberta 83 7 Geo. Sliilson 838 Hilea 1loa.g 83 9 S. J. Fautscli 841 0' TOTAL 105 a00 90.0~ d5,OO 80.00 30,oo 75.00 92.50 57.20 62.40 57.20 48,40 80.00 2. 20 120 . 00 44 e 00 338.75 5.38 132.00 $2,012.53 11.60 7.60 5,oo 1.90 1.90 1.30 5.00 .0.90 3.60 0.90 3.80 12.80 -0- 3.60 3.80 -0- -0- 93 b40 82.40 80 . 00 78 . 10 78.10 73.70 E7 ' 50 56 030 58.80 56.30 44.60 67.20 2.20 116.40 40.20 38.75 . 5.38 13 . 00 110.00' $125 40 $1 887.13 17'llson i moved qproval and pqment of the follouin~ bill2 seconded by Zhatt and carried: kcme Awning Co. 85 b 75 Clain 1:o 840 Hary Bright, 5821 ljrev &venue S., ZFpeared to aPp1y for perEit to move a building from the vicinity of Sixtieth Street and Xerxes Avenue to a lot aajoining his midence. V37att moved a perflit be issued to Iiarry Eright for moving said building tc~ the re?r of the lot adjoiniq 3ri~ht's residence and that the bui16ing shall be used as a garag,e, seconded b,y Wavthorne an6 carried. I Sharpe instructed Attorney Covell to prepare a nea statement sf the amount onedi to the village by Country Club Zistrict Service Co. $or sever ren'ca.1 charges paid to the City or" ZTinneaplis by the village vith interest to Sept. 12 1943, and to gresent the statement to Oscar Gaarden, presid.ent of Country Club District Service Company. Claims presented by PJinifred Creighton and Roy Arntson as deputy village assessors rere discussed.. exaainers liad criticized appointriient of the assessor's vife as a deputy and that Assessor Creighton had agreed last rrinter to subrJit names of Lis deputies t~ the council for approval pri2r tc~ their appointment . Attorney Covell read statutes a:rplying t o apyaintTnent of deputy assessors ana expressed the opinion the statutes do not bar the wife of an assessor from serving as a deputy and that the statutes do not provide far council approval of appointments of deputy assessors. Eaathorne moved that in viev of the comments by the public exminer regarding appointment of fieputy assessors, the village attorney be directed- to request an opinion of the attorney geueral as to vhether it is.proper for the village assessor to appoint his nife as a deputy and whether an agreement by the assessor to sub- mit nmes of deputies to the council for approval is binaing, seconded by ';lyatt and carried. i'Jyatt pointed out L'innesota public Petition signed by a majority of affected property owners requesting oiling of Unity Avenue and Lakeviem Drive from Fifty-fifty to Pifty- seventh streets vms receivedo seconded by 'Xyatf and carried. Eawthorne presented a report fr3a the Hennesin county auditor sLDuing June quarterly tax receipts for the village totaled 469,307.61. Eaxthorne moved. payment of Dah1 as salary for service as constables, seconded by Utley and cai-ried I Willson moved approval of the petition, $10 per year each to Jokm Lyon and Kilciing There being no further business tcJ come before the cmncil, Hawthorne moved. to adjourn at 9t30 p.m., seconded by t and carried-. LIIXUTES 03' THE SPECIAL TSi=ETIEG OF THE EDIEA VILLAGE COUNCIL .WELD IX VILLAGE FLGL ~LT 8 P.1:. AUGUST 27, 1943 Eanthorne called the meeting to order and three members of the council mere present : Utley, Yiillson and Hawthorne. Willson moved Utleg be designated as remporary presiding officer, seconded l12 I3as:thorne and carriea. HaYJthorne rea& the advertisement calling for sealed bids for con- struction of curb and ptter on Abbott place from Yifty-fourth Street to Beard Avenue, published August 12 and 19 in the Hennepin County Reviem. Bids were received and opened from Victor Carlson and Sons, Inc., offering to furnish labor and materials for approxinately 1,200 Tee% of curb ana gutter in accordance nith specifications at Cl-18 per lineal Zoos1 ar,d curb radius at 806 per foot , and from T. 5, Eyvall Cos offering to furnish labor and materials for approximately 1,200 feet of curb and gutter in accordance vith specifications at ~1.35 per lirieal foot and curb radius at $1-3.0 per foot. Hawthorne moved that the loa bi6 of Victor Carlson and Sons, Inc., be accesed, seconded by Uillson and carried. Hawthorne moved to adjourn, seconded by villnrm