HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430913_REGULARThe meetiqg vtzt3 called: to order, the roll, VIZS called and all ambers of 6he Council nere preaen&* 23.nu.t-es of the regulsp council meeting of AugusZ- 2T9 1943, vrere read and aiaproved P"~nth1y reports of road ai-d bridge, police and relief comi1it4iees Y ere read and approved Tptt moved approval and payment of the follaTfing bZlls, second& by Villson and carried; I ITrn . "cum Say PT. Craig Cfompau~y 844 Bsen Ear dw:are Oorupany a45 Borcy Shell Station 848 E:iller-Dari s Company 849 American Linen Corrpany 851 Young Fuel Company 846 Berg aid Farribm Coxpany 84 7 Eatioilal Buahing & Parts 85Q Phillips Petroleum Go e 852 COY!. Olson Efg. Co. 853 Le310 Todd 85 4 ZYni1eaEolis Iron Store 855 Ea r. Harris 856: John Lyon 85 T Helinepin County XeiJiev 858 Gzaybar Electric ffo e 859 BOA. Rogers Company 860 men's Garage 861 @y.Club District Service C0~862 League of lEnr,.EunicipaliGies 863 ETpls e City .Treasure2 864 Kpls City Treasurer 865 Vicrtor Carlso n & Sons 866 357 Bell Telephone COO 867 Ghcier Sand adild Gravel Co, 868 Republic Creosot-ing Coo 869 Zdina Ilardmre Co 6 870 Dale Green 871 Bud Brooks Pure Oil Stn, 872 Thompson Lumber Co. . 873 Reinbard. Brothers Co e 874 Dahlberg 3rothers, Inc. 875 Edve. Ihtual Casualty Coo 876 Lynnhumst Bur sery 877 17orthcrsz States PmeP 878 Arthur 2. Peterson 879 Jorn 3. Shy 907 Epls. Blueprinting Coo 908 SoJo FaUtSCh 9x7 * General Fun& .&lIOUET! TOTAL j-0 moo 12.38 96 049 61.46 . 74.86 95e52 3097 10'75 14, 3.8 10 000 2.00 78e1'2 99.25 3056 19 048 3.46 4e82 1925 11.00 70000 78.70 150 087 739 0 80 34 D 90 966 e 50 1,023 087 48 0 90 3.00 157 o 74 14.41 1.01 24.40 15 021 3,OO 598 o 14 480 . 90 10 eo0 18.34 240 70 $6 ,143 9 9 PO03 m1m Subuxban HennoCy.Relief Bd, 880 202 028 Dr. Jmes Blake 881 13 050 13s. Laura Dirks SXf?Z$R DISTRICT $8 90 8 5.00 .- 8 215078 I 8 5 000 f7ilhoxi!moved approval and payment of the folloving payrolls bz TyzLt and carried: seconded .L :>.-. . . Council Office Phil I?, Snit41 Phil 8. Sm$tih Xvelyn Ejos Gretchen Schussler JQ~ Q. Lyon Hilding Dah1 Tm. $3. Zeydt Street €to 3. Johnson 0. E. Spande P. H. BhQren So 5. Roberts Soh Tracy Harry Jonas E. J. E'esfeld Geo Jens en Chzs. Johnsa n Sam. PIcCready Silas Berrett Kenneth Elorse Geo. Shilson XJ* 13. Gpegg Job Costello avid Roberts S. Jo FauEsch Eilcizr Hosg 883 884 885 866 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 893 898 899 9001 901 902 903 904 905 909 9 10 911 912 913 9 15 916 918 917 914 $25.00 17 050 17.50 17050 17.m 15.00 15.00 37.50 105600 90 000 850 00 80.00 80.00 - 75 00 92 50 62. 50 80 060 91.00 83 020 22.00 50 000 124 00 155.00 75.40 181 . 50 1.75 $2,291.95 ';le TAX $ -0- -0 - -0- -0- -0 - -0- -0 - a30 17.00 -0- 5.60 8.80 6 040 50 00 7.60 11.60 7.60 5 eo0 1.90 1.90 1.30 5.00 1.30 5.00 76 60 1.90 -0- -0- 20 80 70 60 8.80 25 000 -0 - $161.00 133 6 00 25eOO 58 90 53,. 70 98.60 92 05 0 84090 93 040 82.40 80.00 78.10 78 0 10 73. 70 87.50 61.2Q 75.60 I 83.40 8103Q 22*00 50 000 103 20 147.40 66. GO 156e50 1.75 $2,130.95 ID?. GottsP;ein, representative of Roto-Rooter Go. , appeared to proposed that his coqrzny r:ould clean village serLers at a rate of 35 cents per lineal foot. a demonstrati on. The proposal vas referred Eo Engineer Smi%h to arrange for Xr. Schrreider, gastor of St. Peter's Lutheran church, appeared to discnss location of a church sign on Fiftieth street new France Avenue. Engineer Smith vas directed to designate the location. President Sbrpe preaenked a letter from David R. Thorns, 5749 Blaisdell Avenue, Enneapolis, complaining that a member of the Edina police force had been discourteous to *he driver of a car in which Thomas was a passerger and stating that he had heard numerous complaints about emduct of the Edina police. Mter discussion9 Preside& Shwpe said he vo~il6 request Thomas to famish specific information on conplaints he had heard and it vas decided the police committee should meet in the nap future to consider a code of conduct for police officers. I Presidenf; Shqe presented a letter from T.E.Tilly, requesting e=r.l;ensi on of his leave of absence as village marshal for the &ration of the ~wx=~ After discussion, Hauthorne sms directed to inform Tilly th& ik is the policy of the council to gran% leaves of absence for only one year except Lo persons en'&eriq the armed farces$ the Unfted States. A letter FBS received from J. G. Skaaren, 5000 Arden Avenue, requesting that the villzge fill md grade the space be-i;Y:een the sidexTalk and curb along Fiftieth stree'i; adjoining his property. to Engineer Smitho The letter x:as referred 171\ Trillson moved ko aacept bid of Republic Creosoting Go. to furfiish tar for road work at 11s per gallon and to authorize the clerk to sign a contract, seconded by Vyatt and carried. Ben E. Parks, representing Hansen-Parks Go., appeared to inquire h0i-t assessments mere to be spread for oiling of the nes% end of Golf Terrace and. Lakevieyt Drive and Unity Avenue from Fifty-fourth to Fifty-fifth 8treetEiB, stati~g %risen-Parks owns a majority of the abutting property bui; WLS not consulted before the wxek was done, Parks naa inforned assessments for the srork have not been spread- bat the improvemen% of Lakevievz Drive and Uni'cy Avenue was requested in a petition signed by owas of a majority of improved property in the area. Clarence Holt en, represenBing Douglas Rees Associates, appeared %o request imnediate considerakion of rezonirtg; of 16 lots a'c %he southvest corner of Fiftieth EI treet and Normndale road for commercial development, Xempers of the council expressed belief any eonsi deration of rezoning proparpy at that' location should include study of possible rezoning of all prope ty notice of intention to introduce i%, resolution for establishment of a' village planning cornmission at the next regular neeking and it ms decided to postpone any action on Holt;ents zequast until the emmission might be esfxtbl ished. Attorney Covell presented the following letter fmm the Eilinnesots attorney general's office: I in the vicinity of Piftiekh street and normandale roadb Haathorne g f ve August 26, 1943 ''I&* Karl H. COVell Edina Village Attorney First ITational So0 Line Building Kiane ap oli s Xicne sot a Dear Sir: Facts "There has been presented to the Village Council of the Villa& of Edina itemized claims by the Village Assessor and two other deputies. One of the deputies is the wife of the Village Assessor. "The Village Council states that at or about the beginning of tho calendar year the Village Assessor made an oral agreement with the Village Council that he mould submit all names for deputy assessors to the Village Council for approval of his appoinpents. (See Eason's Einnesoka Statuiies Section 1988. I I I Question 1 , 9Iay the Village CDuncil legally pay the claim of the deputy ' as6essor for services as such where the deputy is $he 17ife of the as s es s or? tb Answer The mere fact that the EtssessorCs deputy is his wife aould nat, st-anding alone, in my opfnion make it illegal to pay her for her wadi 8s Question 2. ftJ!&y the Village Council legally pay the claims of deputy assessors rrhose appointments were not submitted to or approved by the Council under the oral arrangement stated above?tL Answer I The statule does not; require that the appointment- of a deputy assessor by approved by the village council. the county auditor, Einnesota Statutes 1941) . Such appointments mast be approved by See Seetian 1988, Nason$.s Statutes 1927 (Section 273.G) If the appointment of the deputy received the "approbation of the counky auditoP, the omission to secure the approval of the appointment by the council 179uld not make it illegal or improper to pay the compensation earned by the deputy. I am assuming that the deputy qualified in the manner pre- scribed by lax$. For your further information I enclose copy of opinion Yours very truly, ' 2943." 3.A.A. BURfTC?UIST dated April 19, RhS-sn Enc Attorney Gerieral (Signed) Ralph A. Stone Assi stant Attorney Genera 1 Cove11 presen%ed a letter from Oscar Gaarden, president of Country Club DishricP; Service Co,, in response tor& letter in which Cove11 had demanded payment of court cosiis in conr,ection with the case of Country Club District Service COe VS. Village of Edina. Gaazrden skdied provision for settle- men% of the court, costs had been included in ct prlilposal for sale of the company*s interest in the water systemp which had been presented to President Shape. Eathorne moved that a specialmeetixg of the council be held at 7:50 p.m. Sept-ember 21 to consider matters relating to future aperetion of the nater system, seconded by Vyatt and carried. T&ai;P, moved that the clerk he instructed to arite a letter to Gaarden,mquesE- ing that he appear at the special meeting and submit at that time the f inaocial statement of Country Club District Service Co for the year 1942, or a preliminary statement, seconded by Ha~rthorne and carried, Tyatt reported he had received cmplaints of rats and cockroaches in the neighborhood- of a dumging grounds on property ovmcd by Axel Larmn on highvray 169. Tyati; noved that' Dr. Lonell. E. Campbell be requested to inspect the premises and order Larson to take whatever steps are necessary to elimirute any nuisance mhich may exist, seconded by Hanthorne and carried, . I Hai?thorne moved to adjourn, seconded by i'lyatt and carried. The meeting mas called to order, the roll mas called and all members of the council =ere presenl. Oscar Gaarder;, president of Coun.P;ry Club Diistrice Service Coo, appeared and read the follouing proposal: COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT SERVICE CO. PROSOSALS %So THE VILLAGE OF BDITJA J7.llD3, 1943 *'E&. Zarl Ce Sharpe, Presidaat, Ediiza. Village Council, 4612 Edgebsook Place Citg "As requested by the Council there is attached hereto €no propo- sitions covering future operation of our water and sewer utilities -in Ediura, These are (1) continuance of operation by the Country Club District Semice Co. and (2) sale of all utilityphysical assets in Edina to the Village. 873 "In this connection it might be mentioned here that several apgarent misunderstandings should be cleared up. Our mater rate, except 28 consumers in the Hidden Valley district, is below that of other villages adjacent to Minneapolis and belou that charged by J!3inneapolis to coq- sumers outside of the city limits. In the Bidden Valley district ~tj purchase water from the City of Einneapolis at a wholesale rate higher than our regular retail water rate. Our minimum charge is considerably less than any of the municipal water systems in the Twrimz City area, In fact our water rate is one of the lowest in the State of Xinnesota. "In recenti years we have repaired water ineters free of charge vlhere the universal custom is to charge consumers for this service. liOur net, income on the basis proposed for operation, includir,g hy- drant rental, will be considerably below the allowance of 6-$$ by the 5* Federal Pover Commission for electric and gas utilities. Without hydrant rental the return has been in the neighborhood of I-&$ on th portion of the water system allocated by the court to the Country Club District Service Co. No prefemed or common stock dividends have been paid since final acquisition of all the stock by the present oimer. e "Operation by the Village would have a tremendous advantage from the standpoint that no taxes would have to be paid and also from the standpoint that the Village vmuld have no investment in nevJ distri- bu-kion lines. YJith the Village personnel setup as it now existsp with a Village Zngineer, an office clerk and street and sewer maintenance crews, the additional labor item mould be small. A separate sheet attached hereto shovts an estimate of the revenue available for bond payments. 900 consumers. future grovrth. off the bonds in relatively few years. These vary from $12,000 to $20,000 per year, with the present It varies from $16,800 to $35,000 per year with probable "At the price of $140,000 the proceeds from opma-t;ion should pay "At the price quoted the amount remaining for the present omier, after all obligations and liquidating taxes are paid, will be very anall. In fact, it is not sufficient for the Hsweat and bloodk1 expended in getting the utility on its feet during the past eight years4 "If the owner were to ask a price which would pay him a reasonable profit, the purchase might not appear attractive from the standpoint of the Village. The owner recognizes the complexity of the present operations of,this utility and is willing to make what he regards as agenerous concession in order to help sork out a practical solution. I "The ormer is perfe.ctly willing to carry on the operations of this propes'cy but is convinced for the sake of the tuaterr users in the Village, as trIell as the Village itself, that a definite concrete understanding should be had concerning every phme of the operation as to the charges and costs vtherever they apply. tkThanlcing you for your decision in the mat-her, beg to remain Yaurs very truly, (Signed] Oscar Gaarden Presidenl "As requested by the Edina Village GounciS, there are submitted herewith tno propositions in connection with its water and sewer utility properties in the Village of Edina, bel os< The tno propositions are outlined Proposition No. 1 - Continuance of Operation by present omer. Proposition No. 2 - Sale of Utility Properties to the Village by present o-ane~. 'IComplying with the above requests the Company proposes the f ollovring : I Proposition 3To. 1 - Continuance of Operation "The Corri-pany will continue operation of the vratesl utility fcm doi-aestic service at the present rate of 17.lg gross and 15.39~f net per 100 cubic feet per quarter, subject to adjustments as provided for in the franchise. The Company proposes also to continue its policy of repairing water meters without charge for the time being but reserves the right to make charges on a cost basis at any time it deems this course ad-visable. 174 It( In this connection it might be mentioned here that rates in other neighboring villages are higher and they all make charges lor meter repairs on a basis similar to that of the City of Tfinneapolis. The Company now has miniram rates considerably belon that of EEnneapolis and neighboring villages,) IfThe Company further proposes to continue Lo furnish fire protection hydrant service for a period of five years,at the folloning rates: For 9 new hydrants installed by the Village south of 54th St. $3.75 per hydrant per quarter year For 35 hydrants in Country Club District $4.50 per hydrant per quarter yeax For 62 hydrants installed by Coriipany $10.00 per hydrant per quarter year tLHydranf; rental at above rates to be made retroactive to "It is ftzrther proposed that the Company lease to the Village its portion of the sadtary and storin severesystems on the basis of seven per cent (7%) per annum on the estimated original cost thereof to cover degreciation and return on the investment, the amount to be payable quarterly. On computations made by the Company this will amount %o $422.15 per quarter year, This charge to begin Jan. I, 1943. January 19 1943, "In the deterztination of water rates the basis of calculation slid1 be at the rate of six and one half per cent (6%$) on the original cost of utility property after allovances for cost of operation and depreciation If original cost is not fully available an estimate thereof shall be made on a basis alloved by the Federal Power Gomission. UIn comection Qith Proposition No. 1 it is understood that the Village Couneil shall use its influence and shall cooperate sith the Comgany in the securing of desirable sites for the location of jFuEme sells and pump houses deemed necessary to maintain proper uater supply and pressure for both domerjtic consumption and fire protection, ttIt will be noted that the proposed rate for the hydrant rental is a li-itle nore for %he old type hydrants in the Country Club district than for the nerr type installed on the more reoent extensions, This is explained by the facti that valve seats frequen-t;ly stick so tightly that nev leather seats cannot be replaced vithout digging up the hydrant and chipping out the bronze seat with a cold chisel. The cost of servicing the old hydrants is therefore somenhat more than that for the never type hydrants I Proposition Nob 2 - Sale of Utility Properties to the Village Vhe Country Club District Service Corrpany proposes to sell all its physical assets in the Edina uater and se~er systms, together aith any claims it may have for past adjustments and for services, for the cash sum of $140,000.00. cmbzances. The property is to be delivered fsee or" all en- ltIn the offered prices the compsny has allowed the Village-credit for contributions in aid of construction. If the cumpny is obligated, though csurt action or othernise, to return any of these cmtributions it requests as a part of the purchase contract, that the Village assume payment of such reimbursements in addition to the price offered above. It is believed by the compny that the only requests for reimbursement vrould come from 42 contributors in South Harriet Park. 41 of these nere billed 050.00 for contribution in aid of construction. One paid $100 because of extra cost for extension of water main in frozen ground, extensign beins made at his request. One consumer, Ezr, Karl Houschild, of. 5200 Oaklavn Ave. , Brought suit against the coupmy for return of a $50, payment in aid of con- stiruction. The District Courti has not yet handed dovn its decision thcrught hearing uas held msny rmnths ago. It is believed by the ,coapany that all. the horileorrners or the contractors constructins the homes had full under- starmding regarding the charge for aid of construction before any connection aas made to the nater main, It is believed, therefore, that reimburseiilents, if any, muld be small. schedule of actual and estima'ted original costs, together uith 175 certain services not yet paid for by the Village, is Sttached hereto. This vi11 show the metod of arriving at sale price as it effects property cost and value of serviceso VALm OF PROPERTY MTD SERVICES TO B3 DZZIVERED TO VILLAGZ UKDXR PROPOSITIOI!T XO. 2 (SD) It en Original Cost 1% em IT0 . Construction Before Octo 1, 1935 Tank and 50th St. !%%er Lines $23,388035 1 30$ of Brown and E'airqay Vater Lines 30% of Brotvn Stom and Sanitary Severs 12,029 a86 3 50th St. Sanitary Se%er Line 11,632.92 4 $ 63,843.92 5 16 , 793.13 2 Engineering and Refinancing Services Complete revamping of uater system to put it on an earning basis, including plane far new wells, rate investigations, replacing personnel, nen layouts, ete. See explanation under Item No.6 on follow- Construction Since Octo 1, 1935 10,oo 0 I) 00 6 in8 page) Pump Bouse, Land and Equipment Distribution Lines 57,270.28 ' . Office equip. Tools, Supplies, Keters 2,270.98 s 9 7 8 10 11 11 9 954 OO .- 460.50 Sewer Dept. Additians and Tools ' Total 71,955.76 Adj usImen-6 E Conai dered Fair Frmchi se Xxpendi tur es (Xst . 1 7,000.00 12 Ilydrant Rental 0ct.l 1935 to 17,996.30 13 Operating olzly-storrn Sever 10 14 1,400e00 15 Council Request of 4/16/37-Donation to Total 30,146030 17 Grand Total $175,945.98 18 1,750 000 Ecklund with In%. OgeratinG 8snid;ary Sever During 1941 2,000.00 16 Offered Sale Price $140 , 000 e00 19 Roto - See following pages for full explanation of each item. Eote - Original Cos% shown'Above Original Cost portion granted to Vil. by Court Total acquired by'vil. mith Prop. No. 2 $175,945 . 98 98,784.41 $274 , 730.39 ZXPLAMTION 03' ETEE!E3 TINDER PROPOSITION FOR SALE Ifiems 1 Zo 5 Inclusive - Old Construcftion ing to the Graber report for the physical assets of the portion of the system belonging to the Country Club District Service Company and con- structed before October 1, 1935, 'lThe values given in these items represents theooriginal cost accord- I Iten Eo. 6 Vrior tc~ Oct. 1, 1935, the system was losing money and lacked proper records. Considerable planning had to be done to revamp the systeq ar?d put it on an earning basis and to install proper records. gel1 locations and bids had to be planned. to be made, buildings had to be erected, pressure improved, valve layouts, tank and pup house, piping layouts and financing had to be planned. Plans for serving future loads had Tktese projects hd to be instrlled viliile existing c3nsumers vere supplied mithrsater. years are conservatively valued at $PO,OOO.OO but has never been paid for or charged into the czpit-a1 account The many details -bo be rmrked"ou% over a period of three Items 7 to 11 Inclusive - ITev Construction. "These figures represent the neat construction nork since Octo l3 1935, 1% is believed that the 071,955.78 represented by these items is con- siderably less than the averace cost as a great deal of effort vas put forth to get the lovest cost for firsfi-cUss material and aorlcriinship. Judging by the cost of similar norlc done by the Village it aould have cost 30% to 40$ nore if every effor~ had not been made to keep costs Item Xo. 12 - Pranchise Eqenditure Vhis item represents the estimated cost for lcgal services, office expense, etc. in preparinc the franchise and its extension, prorated for the 10 years the franchise 1m.s to runo Such cost has not been included in any of the prqerty appraisals. In mse of purchase it is only fair that this iten should be included. I c oTm 0 "This represents the value af $18.00 per hydrant-year for the 35 hydrants oi-rned by the Village in the old rortion of the s3r~Plem, they being much nore difficult to service and reyair than the new hyarants. The 9 ne17 Village-oaned hydrar,ts are Picured at $15.@0 per hy6rw.nt-year and those onned by the Coiiipany at $40.00 per hydrant-year. The ezrnings represented by this hydrant rental added to the net profit from dmesfic service nould be considerably less than 3 fair return, on tke property investment owned by the Coapay and even less thnd s fair return on the actual investment by the present oimer. It is therefore only fc-ir tfmt this itelil shotlld be included in a sale as the Yillage IZLS Faid nothing for this service and residents are saving about four times the cost of this service each year in insurance rates. TC1.ien donestic rates cere determined in 1936 full allowance for collection of hyd..rant rentals t7as depended ono Item fSo. 14 - Onerating: Storm Swer act. 1, 1955 to Dec. 1942 after being told by the Council that it sliould do so, no p-y was received. The charge of $250.00 Fer year is low for Bhc ser-rice sild in all fairness Sh3Uld be iacluded in a sale. 'Quring this 7-year perio2! the Cozyany opcrated the storm sever systen, Item Eo. 15 - Council Request for Donation *;On April 16, 1937, the COi:ipany paid J. Frank Eckluna of 8 Bridge &ne, Edina, the SLI~ OB ,>l,OOO.OO at the request 02 the Village Cov.ncil. This vas in settlement of a law suit between flre Ecklund and the Tillage in ~hich the Coiipany ';:as n3t involved in any nayo The sum s~as peid is? far of reprisal as the Company vas to ask far a byear exten- sion of its fraizchise seton thereafter. The SLIM vifh interest a~ounts to about $1,400.00. It is o-dy fair that the Cor;.~jany sI1ouI.d be reimbursed for this SU. The sever puq at Arden Ave. and 3riee Street, 'rrhich was relieved by tile 'Jhi%c Oaks seiTer, vas not the property of the Compny though opera'ced- by %lie Gorapany at Village request e Iten Eo. 16 - Operzting Sanitary Sever Burint;' 1941 in ~hich the Company asreed to discontinue serving the sanitary swer systm in the Country Glub District and- to discontinue billings to reaidents for this service. This nas to prevent a cmflict cith bills the Village t'!m sending 9u-t in esnnection uith Ketropolitan Singe Dis-brict charges e *'lis of Jatuary 1, 1941 the Village and the Coripany signed a contrack "The Village failed. to live up to the contrect and cdls corithnued The Coupany should be rein3ursed for this to cone to tihe Co:.,paiiy Bo service the sei-:er rmins. The Villace crem did not perform the service until about Deceziber 1941, service vas about' $29000.00. serviceo The value of the (Revenue Schedule Fext Fase) I-' 0 th 0- 0) UI 0 0 u 4 0 -3 cn I -3 03 4 cn u 4 co 0 0 -4 u) en 4 cn u u) cv 4 cn -4 w 4 cn 0 -4 I-' 0 a, a, 0 u t-' I-' 4 cn 0 * (End of 0 n F 'd =w u l-J u- uN cncncnCNON* oooocncno 00000000 I 0 0 07 4 0 01 0 oooocnooo oocnoocno I 00000000 OQOcnrn--30 I oooooocno cn03-3cn*+u) 000-3encnO oooocnooo 6: N 1--' w u* rn\.ococnJ*OI oooouloo cT0000000 03ww03cocncn I 00'00000 ooagoooo E 0 Gaad-en s%a%ed tlie financial report of the coxpaany for 1942 was not completed- because he did not knov the reputation of the supreme court decision in the litigation betweep the cmpsny and tlie villagee In discussion during and follouing reading of the proposal, Gaarden limiiit-aiiied that the coupany sei11 orrns 30 per cent of the vater and seuer systems in the Brom and Fairuay sections of the Country Club c?.istric;% and &me other portions of the system wliicli merabers of %be council coiitended were found by *he suprevile court- to be the property of the village. Gaardei? stated all recorda 33 the compiny axe -Lopu;n for icspection by the village e Ka'rrtlriorne moved that Utley and Engineer Efiiith be delegated to study the proposal offered by Gaardei? and to investigate costs of operation of tlie nater systea and $ha% Gaard-en be requested. to furnish figures on numbers of customers served by the system each year .and am estb'mke .of the nwiber of usere i-Jhicli might be served in the future by the ljresen-k ~ystai~, seconded by ';Tillson and carried. *