HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430927_REGULAR178 a OPPi c e 9 20 921 822 923 928 925 9 2s 927 928 2 26 930 931 932 933 919 $25.00 17.50 lY.50 17 50 17 50 15.00 15.00 37 .50 $ -0- -0- -0- -0 .- -0 - -0- -0- 030 150 .oo 17aOO 25 a 00 -0- 62050 3060 62.50 8.80 105mOO G .40 97.50 5.00 .92,50 * -7.60 105 m00 90 000 85.00 80 a00 r5 000 60 045 58.80 69-55 96 000 61.25 94 a 50 36.25 Sl.85 40 000 413.00 3.00 ao =oo 9,1050 11.60 7.60 5,oo 1.90 1.90 1.30 5.00 1-30 . 00 3.60 12080 -0- 5.00 . YO 1*60 -0- a GO -0- -0- Qzs.00 -0- 17.50 -0 - 17 50 -0- 17 0 50 -0- 15 000 -0- 15 000 -0- 37.20 -0- I.7 0 50 'I -0- 133 -00 -0- ~25.00 -0- 5s . 90 -0- 53 0 70 -0- 98.60 -0- 92 50 -0- 84 . 90 -0- 03.40 -0- 52.40 5.00 75.00 4.00 74.10 4.00 5'4.10 3.75 69.95 6.00 82.50 *-6-05 53.90 -0- 57 060 -0- 65.95 -0- 83.20 -0- 61025 -0- 5e . 50 -0- 35e95 -0- 50 e405 -0- 40 .a0 -0- 41 040 -0- 3000 $27 80 19 827 o 25 ','J:~&-kt njoved- a special meeting of the council be held. at 7:30 p.m, 'Xeclnesdzy, October 6, to consider budgeks for 1944 aid the 1943 tm kvy$ seconded by r;7ills.sn and carrieda President Sharpe offered the folloving Res3 lution: 'tTmAS9 the village council of %he villiige of Edimz3 Hennepin County, Tlinneso tag has received from the Lmd Cozmiaxioner of Hennepin Countyy, a list af la,nd. fu said .rillage of Edina t?i?ich has becDlue the absolute property of the State of IIinnnesota under the provisions of 1~~:s declarins %he forfeiture of 1and.s to the State f6s taxes, rhich lands have been classified. by the county board of mid. Hennepin Boun"cy as non-conservation and for sale9 pursuazt to la~s of T5.nnesota for. 1835, chapter 326, seetioil 1, 3,s zrleildeci, nhich list of land is designated . I- as list 84 Septi. 13, 1943, and ~~TL€E!XEAS9 this board has made a cmplete exmination of all. facts and circmstances relating to such parcels c'EO-t*f9 Tf-%mF0RE9 acting pursuant to said section 1, chapter 366, ES emendeb ltEE IT R3SOLlZIE9 that the village corriicil of said village txZ Edina approved the classifications of *he said. county Board of said. lands as -.. 1-79 gyatt mo&d SIillson and HatI%horne be desigGted as co~incil represdiiEti-.- os on the village planning commission, seconded by Ukley and carried. Ezwthorne offered. the folloving Reso1u"l;on aid mclved its a.d-opti on: IT FGSOLVZD, Thai; under and by virtue of the Frovisions . or" Bms of 1937 Chapter 287, being Einrreaota Stataa&e SecGioms 471.26 to 471.33 inclusive, there is hereby created a. planninz coiiuirissisn of the Village of Bdina to 'be advisory to the VilB-ge Council. Siad commission shall have the pover to carry on the duties conveyed to the Village by said Chapter 287 under the direction of the Village Council. Said comuissian shall consist of the folloaing members mho are resident citizens of the Village, -ko-W.-k g D. C, Yoerks I' AJL Rggjneaa T.L. Todd EdITin r;7. Qafft ;:rc.':, , ; ' :.".' hl101d I, RaUglC5E1&&?.;)? ~i- i- George Yillson Boner Bmt'ho me "Each of said members shall continue as such menbers for a tern of three (3) yeers from the date hereof tinless such membership is terminated by resignation, rerr,ovz51, or losx of residenceo Tlie pos'ler to remne zny aember without cause or notice and the ~uwer Po add. adclitionftl members is hereby reserved- to the Village co UklCil Q tQo expenses shall be incurred by isaid- Cocimission tinless fir& authorized by the Village Council Y!yatt seconded the resolution. The 'question vas on adoption of the resolution and. the roll being called there nere f2ve ayes and no nays, EN follorfst Utley, 7illson, Vyatt, Hawthor r esolut i on 'cias adopted. Clwence Holten rzppecred a8 reyresentn-biae af Douglas Rees Associetes 1 to inquire xhen he might expec€ the council's decision on Reest application for rezoning of proprty a,-& the sou'khwest corner OS Fiftieth Streefi and 1Tomazhle Road. Shrpe infomed Holten the rilatter rrovlci be referred to the nev plannix conmission and an effort nould be made to decide the matter by the end of the current yearo President Sharpe presected a letter from American Automobile kssociatlon inviting the village to participate in the association's annual traffic safety contest. The letter =as referred to Police Chief &yono Earthorne moved to adjourn at 11 porn., sewnded by Vya3.r; mci carried, E~IXUTZS OF T3I.E SPECIAL LEETIKG OF TKE EDILX VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD 3E VILLAGE WLZ AT 7:30 P.L OCTOBZR 6, 1943 The meeting ms called to orderp the roll callec? and all maxbers of the council aepe presento Budgee requirertente far various village purposes during 1944 vere considered item by item. Vyatt moved that budgee estimtes tot-alling $90,000 be approved, second by Utley. f0110~s: Utley, YlilXson, ',7yatt, Ea~~fihorne, Sharpe, and the motion 178s carried. The roll being called, there Tiere five ayes and no nqja as Bnthorne moved to adjourn a% 11:15 porn., seconded by ';Tillson as6 carrieda The meeting was called to order, the rollcalled and all manbem of the council ere presentr Xinutes of the regular council meeting of September 21, 1943, and the special rneetipg of October 6, 1943, were read and ayproved. Eonthly reports of mad and bridge, police, fire, selief and sever committees =ere read and approved. Villson moved approval and paymen% of the fol1o';ring payrolls, seconded by \?ptt and carried: 3ITHHOSDTlG BmED 3!7m CLAIE NO. GROSS Al33'tJl?T TAU DXDUCT IEGT .!ET, Council Earl C. Sbrpe 954 825.00 -0- -0- $25 .OO Bover Hmthor ne 955 17e50. -0- -0- 17*50 Geo . A. Tills on 956 17.50 -0- -0- 17.50 Dr. k. S. \7yatt 957 17 050 -0- -0- 17050 Harold C. Uiiiey 958 11.50 -0- -0- 17 o 5U J. Jo DUggU 959 15.00 -0- -0 - 15 e00 Karl E. Cove11 961 37 .50 . 30 -0 - 37.20 Dr. L. E. Campbell 960 15eOO -0- -0- 15.00 I