HomeMy WebLinkAbout19431011_REGULARClwence Holten rzppecred a8 reyresentn-biae af Douglas Rees Associetes 1 to inquire xhen he might expec€ the council's decision on Reest application for rezoning of proprty a,-& the sou'khwest corner OS Fiftieth Streefi and 1Tomazhle Road. Shrpe infomed Holten the rilatter rrovlci be referred to the nev plannix conmission and an effort nould be made to decide the matter by the end of the current yearo President Sharpe presected a letter from American Automobile kssociatlon inviting the village to participate in the association's annual traffic safety contest. The letter =as referred to Police Chief &yono Earthorne moved to adjourn at 11 porn., sewnded by Vya3.r; mci carried, E~IXUTZS OF T3I.E SPECIAL LEETIKG OF TKE EDILX VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD 3E VILLAGE WLZ AT 7:30 P.L OCTOBZR 6, 1943 The meeting ms called to orderp the roll callec? and all maxbers of the council aepe presento Budgee requirertente far various village purposes during 1944 vere considered item by item. Vyatt moved that budgee estimtes tot-alling $90,000 be approved, second by Utley. f0110~s: Utley, YlilXson, ',7yatt, Ea~~fihorne, Sharpe, and the motion 178s carried. The roll being called, there Tiere five ayes and no mya as Bnthorne moved to adjourn a% 11:15 porn., seconded by ';Tillson as6 carrieda The meeting was called to order, the rollcalled and all manbem of the council ere presentr Xinutes of the regular council meeting of September 21, 1943, and the special rneetipg of October 6, 1943, were read and ayproved. Eonthly reports of mad and bridge, police, fire, selief and sever committees =ere read and approved. Villson moved approval and paymen% of the fol1o';ring payrolls, seconded by \?ptt and carried: 3ITHHOSDTlG BmED 3!7m CLAIE NO. GROSS Al33'tJl?T TAU DXDUCT IEGT .!ET, Council Earl C. Sharpe 954 825.00 -0- -0- $25 .OO Bover Hmthor ne 955 17e50. -0- -0- 17*50 Geo . A. Tills on 956 17.50 -0- -0- 17.50 Dr. k. S. \7yatt 957 17 050 -0- -0- 17050 Harold C. Uiiiey 958 11.50 -0- -0- 17 o 5U J. Jo DUggU 959 15.00 -0- -0 - 15 e00 Karl E. Cove11 961 37 .50 . 30 -0 - 37.20 Dr. L. E. Campbell 960 15eOO -0- -0- 15.00 I Phil Tv Smith 962 Phi1 V. SmiLh 983 Evelyn Kjos 964 Gpotchen Schus slep 965 John a. Lyon 966 HildinG DahX 961 S. Heydfi 968 Street R. Jo Johnson 969 P. H. Dahlgren $3. 5. Roberts John Tracy Harry Jonas E. 5. Uerfeld Chn. Johnson Sm XcCreedy Silas Herrett O. E, Spande 970 971 9 72 9'13 9 74 975 976 977 9 78 150eOO 25.00 62.50 62.50 97.50 105.00 920 50 105.00 90 000 85.00 80 e00 80.00 '75.00 92.50 57 e 20 63 70 58 o 50 J.7000 -0 - 3.60 8.80 6 -40 5 000 7660 11.60 7060 5.00 1v90 le90 1.30 5.00 0 90 3-60 090 -0- 133aOO -0- 25.00 -0- 58.90 -0- 53 070 -0- 98v60 -0- 92.50 -0- 84.90 -0- -0- 5.00 4.00 4 000 3.75 5.00 5 072 -0- -0- 93 040 82 040 75.00 74.10 74.10 69 095 82850 50 . 58 60,lQ 57.60 Xi R e el lane o us Clifford 17ilcax 980 20.25 -0- -0- 20 025 V. IT. Gregg 981 92.00 12 80 -0- 79.20 Geo . Jensen 982 20000 -0- -0- 20.00 John Costello 983 20 .oo -0- -0- 2Q e00 S. J. Fau€mh 10 19 138.00 13600 -0- 125 000 David S. Roberts 1028 51 e 2Q 5e8Q -0- 51.40 Totals $1,891.85 912u .oo $27.47 $1,144e38 ?'Tillson moved agproval a& payiienfi of the follox?ing bills, seconded by TTyzt% and carried: General Fund __I_ 1Txr-E CLArn IT00 AITOUITT TOW'L GBO~ ShilSon 979 43 075 Glacier Sand & Gravel Coo 985 705 035 Eo TI. Harris Service Station 986 135.36 John R. Borey- 987 59.40 - Dale Green Ed-ilia Hardvare Company 990 23.02 958 6.00 VicTior Carlson 2~ Sonss Inc. 989 19554e65 XOP the m Stat e s Pom er C o 991 604.64 Xorthvrestern Bel1 Telephone Go, 992 36 050 Ginnerzpolis City Treasurer 993. 143 . 70 Country Club District Service Go. 994 16.93 K~rl H. Cove= 995 15 e SO Linde Air Products Coo 996 5.81 Ty-genrit er Zxchwg e Co e 991 10 o5Q Uinnerxpolls Blue Printing Co. 998 090 Berg and Farnham Company 999 173 e 74 Thompson Lumber Co, 10 00 42 028 Republic Creoso%iIIg COS 1001 768.22 Jay !7. Craig Cfornpany 1002 340 .OO 3rd L. Gray Company 1003 15.00 PInne sota Pir e Equipment 00 3.0 04 106 92 Bud Emaks Pure Oil Seation IQO 5 66 035 Dahlberg Brot hers Inc . 1006 54 095 Phillips Petroleum COO 1007 14 v18 1311 er-Dsv is Cofnp any 10 68 gel7 Yh. H. Ziegler Cornpany 10 09 26.13 Harry Peters 1018 2-50 j3tandard Un2-I; Parts Co. 1011 le16 American Linen Curlpany 1012 1.75 Young Fuel Compmy 1013 . 38.38 John Lyon 10 14 1-05 I 1015 (Continued) (Continued from Page 181) 2. TP Disek Ds; Laura Dirks 1018 984 1008 , 217.90 122000 B pet&tion signed by 10 residents of the village requesking adoption of an ordiixmce or resolution controlling erection of commercial signs vas received. A large advertising sign currently being erected on the r.?es% side of Highrrray 100 near Einnehal& Creek vas discussed. H217-t.home moved that the council secure from League of ?Iinnesotc?, Euni- cipslitiea a copy of 8 model ordinance con-trollirg commercial signs and %hati oanersbip of property on vliich a sign 2s being erected near HighFay 100 be investigated, seconded by Utley and carried, i7yatt moved approval and certification $0 the couney auditor of special ysessxen-b rolls for road oiling and curb and gutter constmetion totalling ~3,994.18: seed moniq totalling <)46.95, and delinquent sei?er rentals in the =sun% of $629.90, as per copies on file in $he clerkfs office; seconded. by Tillson md carried. A petition, signed by o':Iners of all affected property, requestin2 improve- meik and oiling of Halifax -ne vas received. Ha&horne moved approvzl. of the petition, seconded by Villaon and carried. A pei;i%ion, signed by 6mers of seven of 20 affected lots, requestins iurproveaent and oilin2 of Oaklwm Avenue from Fifty-f 22th 'i-o PifQr-sizth Streets was received. Hwtksorne moved that public hearing on the petition be set for 8 pa. XoTmber 22, 1943, ad that all sffected prgperty omers be notified of said herzring, seconded by 17illson and carried. A petition, signed by o-mers of 10 of 21 affec-beeli lots, resuesting irnprove- men% an4 oilins 02 Kinnehahz Boulemrd from Fir'%y-second Go Fifty-Po urth Streets cas recciyed. Tillson moved. th...t public hewixg on the yetition be sef for E p.m. ITovember 22, 1343, and that all zffec-bed property orrneks be notified of said hearing, secoiided by Vptt and carried. Xnsirreer Slilith reported Lhe city of ELnneapoLia levies assessnents of six cents per fmnf Boot- par yeer for oiling streets end that such assessmen%s are cixuged both for the frmts and sides of corner Lots. Utley inquired nhz.t policy the c:,vmil desired to Bo11oiY is the matter of residents of the -vi3.kage buraing lezves and rubbish in streekso discussion, Sharge suggested members of the police deprtnerit be instructed to instruct residents sot to nx&e bonfires in streets. E. T. E"ontggcrme~y appeared before the council as attori?ey for 8 nmiber of ' - Isroperfg oimers in Serer Di&xic% Bo, 8 to request cancellation of a gortia of special EtssesmeYTi-s on properties in the district for which 2.a-bers.l seQers have not yet- been provided. seGes district, it cas agreed L'ontgomery should meet nith Xngineer Siit h to drdt a possible plan for adg'unf2nen.e; of assessmentso Tillson reported reosipt of several reques'cs i3r construction of i?, foot bridge across I'linnehaha Creel; at Bifty-sccand Street inc"tructed to prepme an estimate of cost of such a bridge. After I After discussion of finallces of the Ensj neer Snith nas &€IlNEE$ OF THE REGWR XEBTI?% OF THE BDI1sCp; VILLAGE CO'UXCIL FIELD IB VILLAGS ailpLL AT 8 P.M., OCTOBER 25, 1943 ~ The meeting was called Bo order, the poll called and a12 members of the aounci 1 mere presen€. Xinutes of the regular comncil meeting of October 11, 1943, were read and approved, WilXson moved approval and payment of the folloxing pay~olls, seeonded by Wyat€ and carried: Phil W. Smith Evelyn Kjoos Gretchea Schussler So& v. Lyan EiLding Dah1 FBno So Reydt P. H. Bahlgren S. J. Roberts Om BB. Spande John Tracy Harry Jonas M. Jm Merfeld Sam. lllrcCre&dy Silss Herrett Geo. Shilaon ChS. Johnson Dayfd S. Roberts NiacelZaneoua Hilda Hoag cum BO. 1021 1022 1023 1024 -1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 30'31 105 2 1033 1034 1035 1036 103 7 103% 1039 1040 104 1 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 RITHHOLDIEG BOND DEDUCTION'S BET BfT. GROSS AXTO TAX $ 25000 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 15.08 15.00 37.50 15uooo 25.00 62.50 185. 00 62m50 97m5Q -92.50 105 00 9OmOO 85,OO €30,. 00. 80.00 ?5, 00 92.50 5?m26 62.40 57.20 12.50 111.00 26.00 -_ 3063 $1 9 694.93 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0 -0- -0- 030 17.00 -0- 3.60 8m80 6.40 5.00 '7.60 11.60 7.60 5.00 1.90 1m90 1m3Q 5m00 90 3.60 . 90 -0 - 9.00 -0 - -0 - mQ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0 - -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0 - -0- 5.00 4.00 3.75 5.00 5.72 -0- -0- -0- 4,OO -0- -0- -0- 'gFm7 $ 25.00 17.50 17.50 17m50 17.50 15.00 15,OO 37.20 133.08 250 OO 58.90 53.70 98.60 84.90 92m50 93.40 82,4a 75mOO 74 10 74.10 69.95 82.50 50m58 58m80 56.30 120 50 102000 26.00 3.63 '-6