HomeMy WebLinkAbout19431108_REGULARPresidentt Shame c&ed the meeting %o order, We roll %as called and all members of .the council were present, Hinuties of the regular council meeting held Oct. 25, 1943, were read and approved, I Wgatf; moved approval and payment of the folloming.payrolls, seconded by. Fillson and carried: 3arl Go Shrtrpe Bmer BaWihorne @eo. 6. TRillson Dr. A. s* Wyatt Hasold Oe Utlefr Dr. L. E. Campbell Ksrl H, Cove11 Office Phil P. Smith Phil VZ. Smith Zvelyrr Kjos Gretchen Sc hu s sler Job W. Lyoa Hilding Dah1 Wjn. S, Heydt 3, Jo DUggm Street Ralph Johnson P. H. Dahlgren S. 5. Roberts 0. BtT, Spande John Trpy Earry Johas Hif, J. Eerfeld chas. Johnson Silaa Eerrett Eilda Hoag Sizm- NCCre&dy 10 79 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 10 90 3091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 10 98 1099 1100 13.01 1102 1103 1106 1105 1101 1102 1103 TOTAI;S $ 25.00 17.50 17.50 17*50 17* 50 15.00 37-50 is. 00 150.00 25.00 62.50 105,OO 97.50 62e50 92.-50 105.00 90.00 85.00 80000 80.00 75.00 92.50 23.40 18.85 28.60 11.00 115.50 44.80 45.50 31.20 $1,683 . 85 -0- -0- - 0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -30 17.00 -0- 30 60 8.80 6.40 5.00 7.60 11 . 60 7'0 60 5.00 1.90 1.30 5.00 -0- -0- -0. -0- 1090 = 0- -0- -0- -0- -Om. -0- -0- -0- -0- 5.00 4.00 4.00 3.75 5.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- 9.00 -0- 1.30 6.82 3.60 -0 = . 90 -0- m A&E. $ 25h 17.50 17.50 17.50 15.00 37.20 17.50 15.00 133 . 00 25.00 58.90 53.70 98.60 92.50 84.90 93040 82.40 75.00 74.10 74.10 69.95 82.50 18.85 28.60 11.00 23 040 106.50 36.68 41.90 30 . 30 Willson. moved appraval and payment of the following bills, seconded by Utiley and earried: .-L1- llTxbTE m1x EO. Einneapolfs City Treasurer 1053 E. FB. lkrris Service Station 1054 105 5 1056 105V 10 58 1059 1068 10 63. 1062 1063 10 64 1065 87.48 40OoOO 3.40 1.75 28,228 ,3!.25 10.80 46.25 40.55 13.18 120 000 2.30 (Continued on Page 8186) VarYer Hardwe Company Phf llips Petro lemn Coo ReptxbXc Creosai;ing Co. lhtd Books Pure Oil Station Blacier Sand and Gravel Co. XortPmestern Bell Telephone &thtEr F;. PetePso= Berg and Farnham Ca. - Norf;hern Stases Pomes Co. &gneto Service Company 1066 106P 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1OV3 1073 10 77 POOR FUmD Subarbaz Henn. Go. Relief Bd. 1074 €ks. E. B. Dornbleser 1075 SEWER DISTRICT 88 76.43 150 18 75.87 301.16 635.37 34.80 480420 600.96 11 25 65.95 135. 59 5.00 8 39838.41 138.59 IPS. Laura Dirks 1104 5.00 5.00 *. Reports af rmd an&bi%"dge, police, sever, relief and fire cornmi ttees were read and approved. A petition signed by 15 residents of the village requesting tht Xks. Harry Van &€a be maintained an public relief rolls vas received and referred to relief committee. Hawthome reported EprS. Van Atta had been placed on full relief status following refusal of the Einneso€a division of social welfare to assume supervision of EsL Van Atta. A check in the mount of $513,26 was received from the State of Hinnesota for VQlunteer Pire Depzrtment Relief association, respresenting 2 percent of fire insurance premiums listed as paid on Edina property in 1942. Ee&ets of the council expressed belief the village 5s receiving only a . fraction of the amount due on such premiums because many owners of paperty i'n %he village show their dddresses as being in El'inneapolis on insurance policies, Attorney Covell vas direeted eo investigate means ~f securing. the full amaunt due to the village. Fire Chief -ley requested installation of a hea€ing unit fn the ffre- rnents meeting mom. ullrt mould be most suitable. Engineer Smith vas instmc3ed to&termine ahat type of President Sharpe set a special meeting for 7530 pa, TIednesday, Xovenber 10, to discuss matters relating to future operation of Country Club District Service Go. Haathozrme mmed to authorize 6ngineeE Smith eo pos€pone *he study of Serrer Distriee Xo4 8 financial nast-8, vhicb was requested by E. A, Eonfigomery, attorney from one ar more property owners in the district, until such time as it would not integere with his regular duties, seconded by Villson and cerri ed, kwthorne inquired mkat action menbers of the council wished to take on appointment of judges and clerks for the villsge election- to be held December 7, 1943. It vas the sense of the council that the same judges and clerks vho served at the 1942 election should be reappointed, vith Hanthorne authorized to fill vacancies HaEthorne moved to adjourn, seconded V-i'lhge Clerk