HomeMy WebLinkAbout19431122_REGULARBdfMJTES OF TE€G spECTp;L MEETING OF TfFF: EDIN& VILLAGE COUNlllX HEI;D IX V'IJ;zAGE HKL AT ?:30 Pol.$, %EDNEFDAY, EOB3NBEEt 10, 1943 Presiden2 Shape called the meeting to- order, the roll was celled and all members of the council =ere present. Engineer Smith and Perry R. Eoore, attdrney representing the village in litigation with Country Club hstricii Service Co. were present. IBogosals suEmitted by Oscar Gaa.rden, president of Country Club District Service Coo, for sale of the companyts property to the village and fur future operation of the mater sys%em by the cmpany mere discussed in detail and it mas the sense of the council that neither proposal was acceptable to the village. Hawthorne moved that the clerk be authoriked to notify Gaarden that the'council had studied his prclposafs and found them unacceptable and tb& a special meeting of the council would be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Xfivembes 30, 1943, €0 consider adjustment of domestic mater ra€es of Country Club District Service Co. and cereain revisions of the company's franchise in view of the Einnesota Supreme Court decision in litigation beeween the company and the village, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Hawthorne moved to adjourn, secctnded by Wyatt and carried. A President SWpe called the nreeeing Bo otdeR arzd ah1 members of Pkrs council %ere present. Minutes of the regular eoancil meetiq held NoPembes 8, 1943, and the special cauncil meeting held Noumber 10, 1945, were read and approved. Fillson moved approval and payment af the follovzing payrolls, seconded by 'Vlyatt and carried. Counci 1 Earl a. Shstrpe 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 Of€jtce Phi1 IAT. Smith 1116 Phil W. Smith 1116 Evelyn Kjos 1117 Gretchen SchusslerlllQ John B. LYQ~ 1118 Hilding Dah1 1120 @inz, S. Hexdt 1121 Stxeet Bo 3. ZO~XISOZI 1122 Po E. DahXgEen 1123 S. J. RoberBs 11 24 0. M. Spande 1125 John Tracy 1126 Harry Jonas 1127 E. J. Mesfeld 1128 Chas . Johnson 1129 $25.00 l7.5Q 17.50 17.50 15.00 15, OQ 17.5Q 37 . 50 150oOO 25.00 62.50 62.5Q 91.50 92.5Q ia5.00 105,OQ 90,oo 85. OQ 80.00 80.00 75.00 9%. 5Q 57.20 -0- -0- -0- -0- -9- -0. -0- 030 17.0Q = 0- 3.60 8.80 6.40 5. OQ '7.60 lL6Q 1.60 5.00 109Q 1.90 1.3Q 5.00 . 90 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0 - -a- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0 * -0- -0- -0- -0- 4, OO 5. oa 4. oa 3.75 5.00 5.72 $25 00 17.50 1% 58 17.50 17.50 15 00 15.00 37 20 13& 00 25.00 58.90 53e70 98e60 92.50 84 . 90 93040 82.40 15.00 74 010 74.10 69.95 82.50 50 058 (Continued on Page 188); - *. - WITHKOIJIIEG Born KET _-.- - Em CLAIE NO. GROSS &ET. TlUC DBDUCTIBNS ALW. fitreees f@o&inaed) Sm XeCready 113Q $5? 26 .90 -0- $56.30 L Silas Herrett 1131 57 a20 . 90 -0 - 56.30 Geo. Shilson 1133 48 83 -0- -0- 48.83 Dale Green 1136 420 00 -a- -0- 42.00 E5ke Raslaski 13.3 3 14.95 -0- -0- 14.95 John Costello 1138 15.00 -0- -0 - 17.00 Carter Caldipell 113,9 4.40 -0- -0- 4. 40 Eis cellaneous Simen Strand 1132 1134 42.00 28.00 0 60 -0- I -0- 41.48 -0- 28.00 HiIda; Eoag 1135 4.25 -0- -0- 4.25 Wiles J. IEnutson l14Q 10 63 4- -0- 1Q 63 - TOlfALS $1 , 748.66 86.30 2'7 . 45 $1,634 . 89 Hearing 798s eondwted on a petft2crasfor improvement and oiling of Kellogg, Brro akvBerr and 0akX~;en~n svennes from E'iftg-fifth to Fifty-sfxEh streets, Fifty-fifth street from Park place ta goaddale avenue, and Fifty-sixth street; from Brook~iesn aveme %a Vtooddale avenue. J. E. Blomberg, representi= his son as omner of proper9 fronting on Fifty-sixth s€reet bemeen Oaklam and Wooddsle; Bk. Sundheim, omer of property at the northwest corner of FiftyLf ifth and Brookvie\E; I&. EcGowtn, omer of Lo% 6; Block 12; South Earpie% Park, and Thomas H&lvorsan, owner of Lots; I'ldand 184crn Rrookaiem, appeared to objept to portions af the pm- posed improvements. James Thome, 5504 Oaklab, vha said all residen€s on Oaklam hztd signed the petition, and E. J. Halloran, 5525 Oaklam, appeared in support of the petition. from affected property owners, some favoring and wme opposing the improve- ments. mimtiaa of izheeher the majoriw of affected property omers favor or oppose the proposals. Engineer Smith presented a report shoving several bills of Northern Sfiates, Baser Co. tataling $356.66 and dat2ng back to Ety 19, 1936 for electricity furnished to the V5118ge had no€ been paid. SlnfEh explained Ben Bo Xoore, fomer village recorder., had refused €a pay %he bills on: graunds theg had been paid when original statements mre received but study of bo%h village and company recorda failed to ahorr such payments. WZllson maved that the bilks be paid, seconded by Bmthorne and carried. A letter vas received fmm J, E. Brooks, 5224 Rhlifax avenae, eonmending %he mark of garbage collectors in the village. Baathmne inquired as t~ the tvishes of the cotxncil in the matter of appbpntment of election judges and clerks €or the village election to be held DeQem'lzer 7, 1943, and he vas directed to appoint the same persons Rho served at %he 1942 election, with replacements as necessary. Eac-khorne reported he had writ ten the follorring letter Eo Oscar Gaarden., President of Couatqr Dlub Disfirciit Service Go., in accordance 175th counci 1 instructions: Er.'Oscemr Gaarden Pr esi denk Cc~uhtry Club Distritct Servicze Coo 4611 Vooddale Aue. De& E&, Gsarden: Several let€ers also nere received The matterms referred to Emthorne and Engineer Smith for deter- November 25, 1943 Edim, €€inn. ''1 have been directed to notify you that %he Village Council has studied your proposals for sale or futare operation of Country Club District Serviee Co. and the Council finds neither pmposal acceptable. "The Cormmil has set a special meetiag for 7t30 p.m. Tuesday, Ravember 30, 1943, to revie= domestic r&Oe structures of Coant~y Club Disfiricti Service Co. and eo consfder possible rewisions of the Company's franchise in line x?th the Einnesota Scrprene Court decision in %he litfga%ion betaeen the Coqany and the Village. ~~ Cauneil reqneats that yon be present at that rmzeetiw and that yon be prepared to disass all mtiktters relaking to sale of Cornpang. proper- ties to the Village and future operations af the Company on %t private basis. Perry Re Eoore, attoslineg for the VilXage, ~911 %e present," Yours verg trtxfg, cc' Eo Thomas Vemmn Bower 3mthorne- Village ele& ' AtZorneg Gavel1 reporeed he had received PO reply from Oscar Gaarden on the matter a9 eosts-da;re the village in the case of Country Club bis%ric€ Service Go. VS. Village *of Edina and had received no reply from €he &ate insamnee ommissioner in the matter of securing larger payment from insurance premiums far the Firemen's Relief association. &atthornre mared to adjoupn at 11:15 p.&, seconded by Wy&€ and carried. 1 /- Village Cl&k /-- I/ Village Cl&k XKUJU~S OF THE SPZCIAL 3iEiZEIRG OF T'HE EDITU VILLAGE COUNCrfL PIJI IN TX'UAG'E €B.I& AT 8 P,'dB* NONDAS, 29, 1943 Presidene Shqe esalled the meeting to order kid all members of the council. were present:, ~LW~QS~ of deiiemining facts relating to a threat by streetcar operators to diseontinne service on France avenue from PorQr-fowth to Fifty- fowtih streets on groan6a €hey mere being harassed by Edlna police. John T~~OTI~ chief of' polhe, qMned the fadden2 aich preeigifated the Zhreat, Lyon sa2d a s%r.ee%ear blocked traffic 012; France avaue nor421 of Fiftisgh skreet for. several minukes abornt 5 p.. m, Em. 24$ forcing =even or elght tzutomobiles ko pass 513 the wrong sfde of th skreetczr. BfZer d-irecting %he maliouman €0 move on, Lyan said he . follamed the streetcart ta the we E& FifQ-ffrst sfrreet, boalrded the em and talked %a the rnab-m~~~~. While he Eits kalkirg to the rno%aman, the conduetor walked to the front of the car and asgued vti€PL Lyon. %hen &yon asked the conductor for his number, the conduetor refused to give it;, removed his cap, looked at the number and replaced %he cap on the conduetior 9s head. The president explained the meeting mas for the I won said he then pushed the condmtor damn in 8 seat, 'IVigstrdm business &gent af the streetcar me&s uniozz, said misunderstanding had existed betvmeen streetear men and Edim police for several yems and thaf; num&~or;rs streetem? operataps had complained of Beiag up%cked-orrN~ by the police fop trafficz. aongestian. ErQia B. Payne, motormarr, .and B. .&, Guter, conductor, to Id essentially the mme atory as &yon concernixg the E5v. 24 incident. President; Shame atated the Pesiden-ks of €he village appreciate the goad ssreetcras service they receive and realiae the streetcar ampany has mmy problems af operation during waE-Bime. Jeff AlexaurdeE, vice pesidenfi af Minneapol%s Street Railvqy Go., s&cl he believed a11 of the reported d-ifffcultLes betaeen stsee2ear operators and village police =ouXa be eliminated if a %m-parking'b zone aere provided for b 1eng;th af a% lease 15 fee% betxeen Edina garage and FifePeW a%reet to pewit mator vehicles Ba pass street- cars vhich rnigh% be stopped there aile waiti% for EenatheP car ta clear the single &rack south of Fiftieth, Ekwtharne moved khat a %no-parking" zone be establfshed for i% distmee of '75 feet south from the souS.a;h; side of the Edim gmage entrae. Four. other atreekcar operators €old of aegurnerrts mfth raemlkem a€ the police farce, dl mare than a gear aga* Eigatrom isaid streetcw operators would attempt to cooperate vith the pokioe but the men objected to being @pushed Etrotxnd't by the police. He %as assured by the council tb€ such incidents muId. ria% QCGUT again.