HomeMy WebLinkAbout19431129_SPECIAL~~ Cauneil reqneats that yon be present at that rmzeetiw and that yon be prepared to disass all mtiktters relaking to sale of Cornpang. proper- ties to the Village and future operations af the Company on %t private basis. Perry Re Eoore, attoslineg for the VilXage, ~911 %e present," Yours verg trtxfg, cc' Eo Thomas Vemmn Bower 3mthorne- Village ele& ' AtZorneg Gavel1 reporeed he had received PO reply from Oscar Gaarden on the matter a9 eosts-da;re the village in the case of Country Club bis%ric€ Service Go. VS. Village *of Edina and had received no reply from €he &ate insamnee ommissioner in the matter of securing larger payment from insurance premiums far the Firemen's Relief association. &atthornre mared to adjoupn at 11:15 p.&, seconded by Wy&€ and carried. 1 /- Village Cl&k /-- I/ Village Cl&k XKUJU~S OF THE SPZCIAL 3iEiZEIRG OF T'HE EDITU VILLAGE COUNCrfL PIJI IN TX'UAG'E €B.I& AT 8 P,'dB* NONDAS, 29, 1943 Presidene Shqe esalled the meeting to order kid all members of the council. were present:, ~LW~QS~ of deiiemining facts relating to a threat by streetcar operators to diseontinne service on France avenue from PorQr-fowth to Fifty- fowtih streets on groan6a €hey mere being harassed by Edlna police. John T~~OTI~ chief of' polhe, qMned the fadden2 aich preeigifated the Zhreat, Lyon sa2d a s%r.ee%ear blocked traffic 012; France avaue nor421 of Fiftisgh skreet for. several minukes abornt 5 p.. m, Em. 24$ forcing =even or elght tzutomobiles ko pass 513 the wrong sfde of th skreetczr. BfZer d-irecting %he maliouman €0 move on, Lyan said he . follamed the streetcart ta the we E& FifQ-ffrst sfrreet, boalrded the em and talked %a the rnab-m~~~~. While he Eits kalkirg to the rno%aman, the conduetor walked to the front of the car and asgued vti€PL Lyon. %hen &yon asked the conductor for his number, the conduetor refused to give it;, removed his cap, looked at the number and replaced %he cap on the conduetior 9s head. The president explained the meeting mas for the I won said he then pushed the condmtor damn in 8 seat, 'IVigstrdm business &gent af the streetcar me&s uniozz, said misunderstanding had existed betvmeen streetear men and Edim police for several yems and thaf; num&~or;rs streetem? operataps had complained of Beiag up%cked-orrN~ by the police fop trafficz. aongestian. ErQia B. Payne, motormarr, .and B. .&, Guter, conductor, to Id essentially the mme atory as &yon concernixg the E5v. 24 incident. President; Shame atated the Pesiden-ks of €he village appreciate the goad ssreetcras service they receive and realiae the streetcar ampany has mmy problems af operation during waE-Bime. Jeff AlexaurdeE, vice pesidenfi af Minneapol%s Street Railvqy Go., s&cl he believed a11 of the reported d-ifffcultLes betaeen stsee2ear operators and village police =ouXa be eliminated if a %m-parking'b zone aere provided for b 1eng;th af a% lease 15 fee% betxeen Edina garage and FifePeW a%reet to pewit mator vehicles Ba pass street- cars vhich rnigh% be stopped there aile waiti% for EenatheP car ta clear the single &rack south of Fiftieth, Ekwtharne moved khat a %no-parking" zone be establfshed for i% distmee of '75 feet south from the souS.a;h; side of the Edim gmage entrae. Four. other atreekcar operators €old of aegurnerrts mfth raemlkem a€ the police farce, dl mare than a gear aga* Eigatrom isaid streetcw operators would attempt to cooperate vith the pokioe but the men objected to being @pushed Etrotxnd't by the police. He %as assured by the council tb€ such incidents muId. ria% QCGUT again. f &f€er the hearing vas concluded, the cauncil, met in execrxEive sessiarr ni€h Lyon and instructed him that the council expects alX members of the polke force to be courteous %CJ all persans excepf criminals, Eanthorne moved Eo adjourn at llt30 p;m. seconded by mya€€ arrd cmri.edl. Oscar Gaarden, president of Cotxntxy Club Dis€ri& Geraice Co.; Thomas Vennm, Ettorney for Gaarrden; Village Attorney Covell, and Per- R. matterrs relating ta fntruoe operation of the oatw spitem in &he village. Eowe, zzttorneg for the vilzage, vere present for dismssfon of Trastee Utley preserrEed the 'f ollaving suggested of Caun'krx €$la% Dfstricz€ SePvioe Co. 8s a basis ckse price or a rate base for future operatiqn the COIBP~~~ VTAk SYS!P&E Points €0 consider in revised franchises Easis of value of property Depreciation rakes proposal far valraap%ion for determfning a pw- af the mter sysEem by Page no. 1 ~rreatmat of cast of Village ppartion of systes Rates for mxker-normal and step Fair rate of return Emagementi conrpensed-i ian Divsdeqds Page Roo 2 affSIS OF SEGESTED PROPOSAL -Eat el? Sener Total $$'E4,35603? ' 246.08 $- OrigixizZ investment -00.00 'S-0- $700.00 Addition h~ pmperties 629 356.37 2360 08 62 602.45 Less contributions 14 801 53 -0- 14 801 53 $ 246.08 $59,800.92 .sm $3 220 15 $51,345 01 Less depreciation recoveted ELlonance ta cover return 0% Less net profit af vafier deparfimentt 25.93 89455.88 5% on inrestment $15,547.35 1-1-36 to 12-31-42 $15,785.77 Legal exqense eliminated ,I, 500.00 17 9 2830 ?'7 EXCESS RETUEE $ X1736.44 Add elirnina-kian of deprecfatian charged on vilbge portion $j&%%% Deduot cash earnixgs crf' sev.ee depzwhen-& applieab3.e to Feh&ursemex& of Eetropolitant Sener District chages # 2,921.53 Less bad debts charged off 1943 424 44 2,4970O9 $48,841095