HomeMy WebLinkAbout19431130_SPECIALf &f€er the hearing vas concluded, the cauncil, met in execrxEive sessiarr ni€h Lyon and instructed him that the council expects alX members of the polke force to be courteous %CJ all persans excepf criminals, Eanthorne moved Eo adjourn at llt30 p;m. seconded by mya€€ arrd cmri.edl. Oscar Gaarden, president of Cotxntxy Club Dis€ri& Geraice Co.; Thomas Vennm, Ettorney for Gaarrden; Village Attorney Covell, and Per- R. matterrs relating ta fntruoe operation of the oatw spitem in &he village. Eowe, zzttorneg for the vilzage, vere present for dismssfon of Trastee Utley preserrEed the 'f ollaving suggested of Caun'krx €$la% Dfstricz€ SePvioe Co. 8s a basis ckse price or a rate base for future operatiqn the COIBP~~~ VTAk SYS!P&E Points €0 consider in revised franchises Easis of value of property Depreciation rakes proposal far valraap%ion for determfning a pw- af the mter sysEem by Page no. 1 ~rreatmat of cast of Village ppartion of systes Rates for mxker-normal and step Fair rate of return Emagementi conrpensed-i ian Divsdeqds Page Roo 2 affSIS OF SEGESTED PROPOSAL -Eat el? Sener Total $$'E4,35603? ' 246.08 $- OrigixizZ investment -00.00 'S-0- $700.00 Addition h~ pmperties 629 356.37 2360 08 62 602.45 Less contributions 14 801 53 -0- 14 801 53 $ 246.08 $59,800.92 .sm $3 220 15 $51,345 01 Less depreciation recoveted ELlonance ta cover return 0% Less net profit af vafier deparfimentt 25.93 89455.88 5% on inrestment $15,547.35 1-1-36 to 12-31-42 $15,785.77 Legal exqense eliminated ,I, 500.00 17 9 2830 ?'7 EXCESS RETUEE $ X1736.44 Add elirnina-kian of deprecfatian charged on vilbge portion $j&%%% Deduot cash earnixgs crf' sev.ee depzwhen-& applieab3.e to Feh&ursemex& of Eetropolitant Sener District chages # 2,921.53 Less bad debts charged off 1943 424 44 2,4970O9 $48,841095 . , 1*91 1935 1936 1931 193 8 293 9 1940 1941 194 2 193 5 195 6 1937 1938 1939 1940 194 I. 1942 .. Average 4 The vlll&e, proposal and the proposal previotxsly su'fimif; ted by Gasrden %ere escassed in detail. Ha progtess vas made Eoxard a ma€aalZy agreeable purchase price nar €ems for ao&foned operation by %he cmganlp, Grr~aden dispated *he village pssfGion on omership af mater aater and seaEer mins, vater taa qxd real esfiqfie on whicEr.€ke €a& and pmp houese stand. furnishing aster far fire hydrants unless the afhge =dean immedi&e agteement fcv pay hydmnk Eental. . Rmre adyised the coanoil. that Rfthat %he viIlage should do is just sft &ere.& re&& at any time. x&ersystem appeared to he impossible because af Gkre mide variance betmeen company and vfllage proposals, Eoore said tno ~oa~rses -ere open to the village =- either acquire the compargrts in€eres€ in the wter system tlwongkr condemnation or proceed &o set rxater Rates. Haxthorne mbsed the cou.ncil meet as' a commitfie6 of the ahole at ?:3Q 3.m. Fednesdqy, December 15, ho es€ablish a rate base for the water system and to set watera races to be charged fn the village durS.ng 1944, seconded by T;Fyatt and carried. Dming %he meeeing, GaardePr requested the conncil to authorize him €0 purchase 8 lot in the viczinity of Fifty-second s2;reet and Ealifax avenue for a pumping statian, poillting out that; residents ir, the area nould object if advance notice uete given of his intention eo parchase a 10% in %he neighbmhood. the compazq~~s %omeetiiarZ charge'stt in Soul31 Harriefi Park. The council took no action on eithes Pequesg. Basrrderr delivered a cheek in the amount of $LS864.35 in paymen€ af snppeme oomt costa due the village, aithoet inEeresE. Ba%h Gaarden and Venrmum stated %he check 088 nat tendered in full settlement of the eonpmqr~ s accomt. Emthome moved to adjourn at llr3Q porn,, seconded bs "&a€€ and carried. - i artd secrer mains in %&e Brotrtn and Fzfrmg sections, FifZietb &re& At one point, Gaarden threakened %a discontinue He hointed oat the village had made EO agreemen% on hydrant Sinee pwchase of the companyts interest l'n the Ee furthee sequeaeed the couzxzil to qprave EII-ES t?P Tm BI!iiETXITG OF EDINR VII3*AG'E CAR'VMSIEG BO&RD, HELD IN VILLAGE EiLL AT 8 €'.KO THURSDAY, DE-= 9, 1943. sour membem of the boqrd =ere present: Eanthor ne. Ee~~bezs of €he haasd'exam&ed'€ally sheees and vaterst records of the village electiarr held Tuesday, Decem'FreE 7, 1945, and found the follow- ing la be st crorreat .tabulation af election resulks. Sharpe, Utley, Villson md 'iFAfrLY 03' VWBS CAST AT EDIEA VILTXGE EKECTIOE OF DEG- 7, 1943 Precinct Precinct Precinct PrecincC One mf3 Three Foal? Total. FOE PRB:SIDE&T OF COIEJCfLo TI L. Tad& . si 182 199 21 453 Earl C. Shape W - 4 7. 11. .) 1 - 1 - - - - - E. B. EFiorse "I 28 - 204 ---3 182 __L ToliaL for President - 51 FOR 'firIUGE mesTEE: Leais E. Jones 131 28 98 1 138 George A. Villson 45 159 13'1 27 368 I, 54 ..) - 1 188 -/ -..LI 255 -c.ll- ... .., Io - - H. Reeves 177 .I- Total for TreasuPer. , - 54 1 209 - - FOR. JOSfI@E OF PEACE: 444 444 - 29 29 - 188 188 __I 176 176 - 51 51 VWd Be Leea - Total for Justice - - - - - (Continued on Pa&E 1% 1