HomeMy WebLinkAbout19431213_REGULAR[Oontfnued from Page 192) I98 Precimh Precinct Srecinct Precinct POR mrnsr'&BI2z:: Lea Blackbarn 2 2 1 3 8 E. A. Qillson John Lyon B. H. Jeutet€ Hilaing Dahl R. R. Ryerse Lester Dah1 E. Driscae Jack S'craf; ton Ted Tilllly Bill Heydt Chas. Thiss Everett &filler Peter Dahlgrea Karl Lave H. BL Xwse Clarence SwitzeE Leonard O'Dell I Be Ha Lamofit ,Leo Nolan Total fur Constable I 2 16 12 * 1 5 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1' 1. - - 1 10 1 - 1 5 - 3 8 I 31-, 26. '1 -5 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 18 1 1 1 1 c1 1 1 - i 1 1: 1 3. 111 - - 173 188 25 - A. C, Eggett - Total for Park Board 53, 1 .L - 189 - - 114 -. Uliley moved to accept ad agpraare the records of election judges and clerks and to deolme that the following village officials~j-em? dalr electedt T. L, Tadd, preside& of village couneil, %or %EO year tern: Geoarge A. Willson, trustee, for three year term; John 3, Duggan, treasurer, for two year itbrm; Vard B, Lemis, justice of the peace for tlmo gear term; 13. E. Jew&%, constable,far two year term, and HosaPd R. Clark, park bamd merribeL:, for three year %em, seconded by Eillscln and carried, I Hanthorne moved to adjown, seconded by Wllson and carriede 4 President; Sharpe called the meeting to order and four, members of %he coancil were peesenfit Willson, TTyatt;, Emthome, Sharpe. Ftrintxtes af the regular council meeting hex& Ionday, Noveutb'er 22, 1943; the special meetirg held Hondag,, NaToem%es 29, 1943, and the specfaf meeting ' held Tpesday, November 30, 1943, %ere read and approved. rl Willsop moved appxmal and payment of the following pqrroX,ls axid payroll, advaxces, seconded by Vptt and carrkd: . (See page 194) ' Tm DEDUCTIOES Phil Fb Smith Evelyn Kjos Gre€c;hen SchnssleE Hildiw Dam J3hn 13. zyon vm. ss Heyas 1172 1173 1174 1175 lX?6 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 13.85 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1301 Offs.ce Phil TFe Smith 1274 1275 1276 127 7 1278 127 9 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 128 8 1289 129 0 1291 1292 1293 12.94 1295 129% 1298 1299 130 0 1302 $25.00 17 50 17.50 17.50 17.50 15.00 15.00 37.50 i5a .oo 25.00 62.50 62.56 115eOO 107.50 92+50 105.00 90 .OQ 85.00 80eOO 80 000 as. a0 92*5@ 80.60 107.90 104.00 850 80 10 boo Z33.00 6.25 $3 25.00 17.50 17.50 17.50 15.00 15.00 370 50 lr.50 150 e00 25.00 62-50 105 .OQ 97.50 92.50 62.50 I 105b00 90.00 85 .oa ao .00 80,OQ 7'5.00 57.20 70.20 70.20 70 20 92b5Q 132.00 $1,764.80 $ -0- -0- -0 - -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0 - 5.00 * 4.00 4.00 5.00 8.06 -0- -0- -0- -0 - -0- 3.75 -0- $25.00 17,50 17.50 17.50 17.50 15.00 15.00 25.00 58.90 53 070 108.60 84, 9Q 102.50 . 135.00 25.00 58.90 98.60 84,90 53, *Po 92e5Q 74.10 69.95. 82.50 50.58 66.60 68.90 66.60 119 000 $1,631 93 Nm ArEhur IT, Petemon CLAIE NOm 1206 -- - Ror€hem S€ates Pcmer Cam (Delinq. )22Ql Rorthem States Power C'om [Ourrent]1202 American Linen Company 1208 Thaman Vm Rosholt Company 1204 Rm Pa EcklUXd ' 3.20 5 Xagne€a Semi ce Compamzy 12Q6 In€emation&l Earveste~ Company 120T lllorton Sale Corapan~a 1208 Charles Jofinsox ' 120 9 Edina Feed. Stare 12x0 Dah1berg &OS. 'Inc, 1211 9hillips PetroLet-rm Campany 12 12 3. W. Harris Sefiitze SEatiiarr 12x3 Bwey Shell Statian: 32x4 BorUimeatern Bell TeXephone Coo 1215 Thompson Lnmber Cowpang 1216 Bezlg and Pamham C'ompa;tzy 1217 Bud Brooks Pure Oil Statiarx 1218 Biles S. Rnntaon 1219 Einde Air Praducts CO. 1220 Lundin*s Garage 12w The Texas C'oriipariy 1222 Johnson Auto Supply Cor 1223 Eirmnesota Fire Equipmene tto. 1224 Edina G-ge 12 25 Plehl Heakirig Oornparq 1226 State of %inn, Sep-k, of Tascatian 122"E' Ninneapolls Iron Store 1228 Edim Bhtdszare Company 1229 Glacier Sand and Grayel 00. 12342 BEtrry T, Peters 1234 Eillep-Bavis Cfompaq 1235 EZnneapolis Gas Lighk @ompazy 1256 Repa7blSa ere0 soting Compaay 1249 Hemepin Counfiy Reviem 125Q mka- Ha glieglee 420rrrpa~y 1251 Phjl Wm Smith 13 03. Tot a1 Subarban Hennepikt CymRelief Bdm 1231 ~enrrepin county 1232 lTorth~estern BatlmBEerik & Trust 00.1244 Rorthrsestern Eat1,Bank & Trust 00,1242 Northsestezcn B~~z.B- 8~ Trust ~a.1243 First Rational Bank & Trnst Ca. 1245 Nor thera States POSJ er Company 3202 Genere& Fund - AMOUNT TOTffi 556.68 609 25 1.75 32m4Q 7-75 2-75 37mZiO 111.60 le58 4.00 32.74 28-36 92m34 63. '70 34m90 45m94 21.21 88m3.2 55.11 1.28 38 63 14 050 2m64 . 54*54 7.75 12m50 167m88 41.29 77.09 112 046 1.25 5Q .35 15 a38 80 05 15m75 3.71 199m13 , J, $ 2,983m26 Poor Fund , 137 25 123.00 8, 260m25 535m 71 $ 196m.94 Sm~r Hristpiat #tj 275.41 8, 275.41 Sewer Distgict #7 13683.58 5mOO 8 2,306.12 Sewer Bistri:@t #9 water ESin h~m #2 2 t 259 e54 $$ 2,259.54 561 62 561.62 Total All Buds $269 685 14 1-9 6 Villson maved approval and paymen€ of €he fullawing payroll for -member& af the volunteer fire deparement for the period from XoTlrember 26, 1942, \ to ITavember 9, 1943, seconded by Wyatt aid carried: xm Philip Bail=, Chief AlbeT% P. F. Anderson Barry Bright . Czrl VeFfb Carlson =ne& iT, Wson Eelsrin 0. Holter mrry cb Hansoai Alberf; V. Rubes Donald Jens err Alfred 13, Johnson Stanley C. Lee Roy Lindgren Wl D, Love James Ec EelEis TI. 5, Eerfeld ,Christian Etzel Ronald P. Par€ Joe H. Rush Richard Sonnenberg Clarence 8. Sui-bzer Heman Go Dirks L, V. BilXer, Asst, Chief Ers. John Ne-nbtxm KenneEh V. Jbhnson . Phillip Bacon Se J, Fa~ii~Ch 4 mo. 1x48 114 7 1148 13.4 9 1150 115 1. 115 2 1154 1153 115 5 1156 1157 115& 1154 1160 1161 1182 13.63 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1x69 13.70 1111 mom 20 .OQ 22.50 20050 W.00 30 e00 19000 24. QO 12 008 36 0 50 27.00 3.9 .QO 8050 '.oo 2o.oa 19oOO 24000 44,5(1 26.00 44.00 30.50 ' 2L50 26e56) 4.00 57.75 le 00 Tot QZ $618.25 5.50 Vya€E moved approval and payment of- €he following expenses for the village election held December 7, 1943, seconded hs Willson and carried t ' CLAIN NO. 225 2 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1263. 1262 ' 1263 1264 1265 1266 ' 1261 1268 1269 . 1270 1275, * 1272 1273 1304 Total Payroll and BilPa p,EriOuEpT $10 0 00 ,a 6.35 6.55 6035 6 a35 * 6.85 6085 6085 6.85 6.85 6.85 6085 cia85 6085 6.85 9 .so 6035 6.35 6.35 6.35 6035 7,50 10.00 &68,8O XonP;hly reports of road and bridge, Eelief, smes, palice and fire committees %%e read and approve&* A le%teE mas Peceived from the Hennepilr connty attorney*s offke, enclas- ing a copy of the 8nsrzel' filed by George 3. and Katherine Zitel to pro- ceedings for collection .of delinquent %axes far 1941 on properfiy omed by the defendants in the village of Edina. and arrsner %a the village attorney nf€h instructions to oppose €he motion of George Do and Katherine Eitel, seconded by ITillson and carried. Hmthorne mwed to refer €be letter - I I I97 A letter m&a received f~om Yred L. Gray Oo., announcing reductfan of premium for aieekly indemniEy insurance far members of the volunteer fzre departnrerr.1; from $12a ta $75 per year and offering &a furnish medZca1 re- imbmsemez’c insurace vith a; limft of $500 at a prgnimn of $50 per yearb BWihcrrne mcrved to refer the matter 20 %he fire cormf%tee, secorrded by Tystt and cmri.ed. Bmthorrre preaenged %-he report af Eke canvassing board for the village election held Tuesday, December 7, 1943, and mmed $ha€ €he repar4 Be approved and adopted, seconded by FTyaf;€ afId carried. gillson offered %he fa1lomiz-g resolution and moped fts adoption: n\mEtEAS Earl 6, Shqe, having been president of the Edina Village Gonncil .Sal? s5x yeEaX3 AND ’2HX~AS, under his leadership and guidance a budge% system has been installed and i~. competent offfce force and ftxll.-f:ime ViIhge Engineer have bean employed:, THIEt33JiVRE , BE E RESOLVBB tha% me exeeild to Earl 6, Sharpe ow thmk:s md appreciation for his fiae leadership as president of %be TXLage Ooancilr The resalation txas seemded by RaWihorrre and adopted by am~mous vote of the council. President CoanciJ Wyatt moved th& mgineer SiniBh be authorized to settle a bill in %he anaunk of $154 omed to Lyle Culverrt Co. ~OE rn~re than two yeitrs, seconded by Willson and caEr2ed. Rawkhome moved to adjourn, secrorr-ded by Wyatt and carried. mwms or’ THE REGULAR UECETING OF EDTEA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD IN VILLAGE BALL AT 8 P.K., XONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1944. Presiden’c Todd. ca.lled the rmethg to order arid all members of the council em presenl;, LI.T.nu.tcs of the regular counc3.l meeting held Eonday, December 13, 1943, s;e-re read am6 approved, COIVTCIL T. Le ‘17od.d- STFZIITS E. J. Johnson P, 8. Dah!.L:ren 3. J. Roberts 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 13 51 13 52 1s 53 1354 1355 1356 13 57 1358 13 59 1560 1361 1.762 1563 $25,00 17.50 17,50 17.50 17,50 15.00 15.00 37.50 $3. 30 150.00 17 e 00 25.00 62,50 3,60 62.50 8.80 105.00 6.40 97850 5.00 92.50 7.60 $25,00 17.50 17.50 17.50 17,50 15.00 15,OO 37.20 3-33 00 25.00 539.90 5.5 , 70 98.60 92,50 84.90 105.00 11.60 9.5 * 40 82e0,O 85.00 5,00 00 15,oo 90,00 7,60 (continued on page 1%) ~SO.00 80 e 00 75,00 92050 54 . 60 70 . 20 7Ue20 70 20 jil. 90 1090 1.30 . 90 5e60 1.30 3e60 5,00 ..$. . 00 $74 , 10 4.00 74e1-0 >e75 69.95 5.00 82.50 5046 48,24 66.60 68.gO 66e60 0, id. Spa.no'e Harry Jonas Ke J, Lkri'eld Chas, Johnson Sam, ltIccre?cly Silas Herrett John Person , John Trncy -.. SE,-.XKS S. J. Fax-bsch 1372 117 . 00 9,oo I 10s . 00 XZllson moved ap,oroval and payment of the fo110vd5-ng miscellm-eous b5_11s, seconded- by 'i!ya.ti; and carried: CLAIE, I;IO. 1310 1511 1512 1513 1314 131 5 1316 1317 1318 1319 1520 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 TOTAL Dalilberg Erss., Inc . E, Y.0 Ha.rrts Serv. Sta. Village of 6:ornLngside Servlce Parts Coo IIardxmre I&-tw.1 Ca suaity coo Village ol" Boqklns Northern Sttrtes Po.;.ep Coo Glacier Sand 2; Grnvel Co. ITorthwestern Bel1 TeL, CO. Lund-in I s Garsse EClina. Hard\. ,?_re Auto Parts Servica Coo Eorey Shell Sta, Harry T. Pettr-rs Yo3J.n: B1el Coo Fireetone Stores Eud Brooks Pu.re Oil StRO 73%. 56 39.45 4.00 11.50 4.06 45.00 623.35 145.92 25.00 16.03 20.69 7.10 6,OQ 190002. 1.75 52.62 56.75 3.24 12.50 25.00 230,47 17.50 4.69 9l 08 me50 525,OO 35.25 90.76 13 84 . 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1331 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 erg 13.40 $2 , 983.26 Poor Fund 182 78 Subu-?ban Henn, Go. Rlf . Ed . 1511 20,oo I 1,503.68 13-46 1.62 771e60 I irionthly reports of sever, road and brid-ge, police and relief cormittees were read. Utl,ey moved the road and bridge cornittee be instructed to proceed with lnsta.lLat5.on of a concrete floor in the fire d-epa.rtment section of the village tool house, second-ed. by Dyatt and carried., PresTictent Todd offered. the following recommendations for appointments of ztmding committees and officers, explazning he had consolidated some old cornrnfttees under new names in keeping with the grovj'ch of the vfllage and. had set u-p a new committee to codify present villa.ge ordinmces a.nd to $tu-dg need for new ordinances: ORDIT'TANCES c"; LEGISLATION C01vib11TTEE -- Ylyatt , chairman; Todd, Hawthorne PUPLIC UTILITIES COFi.ITTEE -- Utley, chairman; Todd., Hawthorne , Utley , ?Jill son I Tiillson, bjya.tt Q Hawthorne, chairman; Utley, Y!yatt, I?;flleon, chairma.n, Utley, Yiyatt, Todd, chairman; Hawthorne , W-llson, VILLAGE AT'I'C)B$EY -- Karl E. Covell, on monthly basis BTJILDIKG II?TEEECTOR -- Phil Ye Smith XEALr~?H O>''F'ICE?? -- Dr. Lowell &i. Cmqbell, on montbly basis PLIli.sFt?;XFTG LI'SPECTOh -- S. J, Fautsch, on fee basis Mllson moved. ecceptmce of the appointments recomxended- by the president , second.ed by TJtley and carried-, Todd e;rplained. it mlight be necessary for him to be out of the vPllztge on business occasions-lly and recom3iended a. presid-ent pro-tera be desipeted -i;o sszimie hls du-t5es 6hning such absences. ?Ellson Eoved that Trustee 13ynkt be cl..EtsL;;nPte2,. as president pro-tern, second-ed- by HavJthorne and. cl;lrri ed Haethorne offered the following resolution and moved its aG.opk5.m: EE IT RZSOLVED, that 1hidla.nd- Xatfonal Bank and Trust Co, of ~dinneapolis be desL~:"a"ceci as Off~Ci3.1 depository for fund-s of the Village of Ed.ina I for the ca1end.a.r year of 1944, The resolution was seconded. by Y!ill five ayes Pnd no nays 2nd the resol Ha\i:%;aorne offered the followLng resolution and moved. its adoption: BE IT RESOLVSLi, that the persons holding office as presid-en-t, president ppa-tem, tressiner or clerk of this village be, and. they hereby ape, authoriyed- to act for this vlllage in the transaxtion of any bmkbg '1m~ivaess with T:lid2.m-d Nationa.1 Eank md- Trust Co, of Xdinneapolis (hereinafter referred to as the bank) , such. av-thority 5.ncludinZ a.uthority on b~&s3!f of or ri_n the name of -this village, from time to tirne and. imtfl vrrritten not5ce to the cork rnry to the bank, to sign checks aga.inst said mcov.nt, vrhlich shall- be sfgned by the pres5.d-ent of the council or pres5-d.en.i; pro-tern, vlllslge clerk amd village teasv-rer, The bank is hereby mthorized mri directed. to honor aiid. pay any ch,eck ags-inst E:uch account 1p ri.rach 1- -* to the OS?d.el? Of, OP d.epos5tecl. %o the credit of, any officer OF offfcers Of this srfllR.ge fnclud-ing the signer or signers of the Checko $z e?-;m.r.cl R:? above a.ixl2mrized whether QF not said ch-eclc is p~yable c-r 'Apt.(; rooveci appro-rrpl and acceptance of the bond- posted. by J, J. Du.Lgan, villgge treasu.i5er, in khe amount of $7, 500, second-ed b7 H.;.i;ithorne and. , cwmied., 20 0 l*;gztt %orTed. *%he salary of the villn~e health of2b”ricer be set at month, second.e*i by %:illson and Carrie& “30 per Xpatt moved. a.ppori_n-tment of S. 5. ?mtsch as superintendent of secers a-t sal227 of ,,1.50 per hour for time served in thnt ca.pacity, to be paEd from se-mr r’unds, seconded by Hai.thoi-ine and c3.r~i ed, Havthorne mayred appointment of John Lyon 8s chief of poLice at salary of j21O per month, Brfdinz DSKL as petro3-mcm at 83.95 per month and. ?’:, S, Heydt as patrolman at ;la5 per month, a.11 on a month-to-month bzisis, seconded b~ !‘gaP.t md carried, Todd instructed. the public safety conzdttee to stu-6.: pa: si’ole rev-js%on of the polhe ss29,ry schec?iJ.le, A letter \-;as received rrom Attorney Covell reporting he 1s collaborating ci%h %h.e Henneph cou~t~ attorneg’s ofL’i’ice 4n opposPnC the motion of George Eitel to set aside the aesesmenb for Sev.er Sjizbrict i43 e5.ith rsference to a lot omed by Eitel, - Applicatilm 02 EET~ L: S-tenson Co, for renewal of off-sale liquor,liceqse for the ye~r beclnEZng April 1, 1944, a.ccomg~n:icd by check in the abbunk of &XI and the bond and affidavits required. b.;r 2m, ’cras received. and referred. to the pu3lTc safety com~%tt~e.., mstter of erecting a ssrvice board honor Ed.ina men and tuomen servrng in. thr; arroed. forces. Eavithorcne moved- that 2yatt be nsmed. a com-cfttee o:C' one to stu.6.y the ma.tter ,and- report back to the cr~uncil at the next meeting, second-ed b~ 1;:illsori ana carried. Utleg moved- %hit sa.lary of the villa.g& treasurer be set at 1,130 per month %or th.e gem? 1944, seconded by 1;Jillson and. carried.. Utley reported he had conferred. viitb 1,Jinnesota. hi,$..r;ay p~trol concernZng eet~b3.iskmx-it of a vrmn-iny; tag system In the E6.ir-i~. police d.epmtrmnt and. th:3t mpresentg.ti.ves of the state were enthusiastic about $he proposal, Hacthome moved. tl3.a-L the pinblic safety cortlrnit.i;ee be empowered. -to act in ?;he matter of setting up a. vmwiry tag system, seconded. by !:yaJTJt am3 cr?rriecl. Havithorne moved the cha.irman of the public utilitiies corrcmittee be &&borized. to d..etemnine thc a.vaila.bilfty of Schmidt, engfn e er to under t &e P. survey crf Country C3.i~.b District Service Go. properties Tor the plrpose of determining a rate base, seconded by *i'Qa.tt and ca.i*ried-. &rtglneer Smith presented a letter from S, J, Groves and Sons, eapressj-ng 9ii.teres-k in bid-d-ing on work to complete construction of seviers in Selnjer District i48, Proposals were received from Fid-elity and GuarantiJ Inm.rrance Co. and. k''ed.era.'r;ecrl Ii~rrduare Iiutual Insusance Coo to finn5-sh fire, lichtnfng, trannpo~,?tati on, theft and. viindstom insurmce on 1-941 1ntsrna.t.ri onal tru.clc. Hawthorne moved- the insu-ra-nce be pl2.ced- with Fed.eratFd. Bardwarre Iiu-tu-als l:tccwu.se of a lotior net premium offered, for the period end.Eng Lnrch 8, 1945, seconded. by Zp.tt an& carried, I 1,Ly ,,jatt I moved. .Lo ad-jou.rn, seconded. by Utley and. carr5ed. All memhers of the couac-il mere presene. ainutes of the regular council meeting held January 10, 1944, were read and approved. U-bley moped approval ar,d payment of the following payrolls, seconded by Wyatt and carried: (See Bext Page)