HomeMy WebLinkAbout19440104_REGULARmstter of erecting a ssrvice board honor Ed.ina men and tuomen servrng in. thr; arroed. forces. Eavithorcne moved- that 2yatt be nsmed. a com-cfttee o:C' one to stu.6.y the ma.tter ,and- report back to the cr~uncil at the next meeting, second-ed b~ 1;:illsori ana carried. Utleg moved- %hit sa.lary of the villa.g& treasurer be set at 1,130 per month %or th.e gem? 1944, seconded by 1;Jillson and. carried.. Utley reported he had conferred. viitb 1,Jinnesota. hi,$..r;ay p~trol concernZng eet~b3.iskmx-it of a vrmn-iny; tag system In the E6.ir-i~. police d.epmtrmnt and. th:3t mpresentg.ti.ves of the state were enthusiastic about $he proposal, Hacthome moved. tl3.a-L the pinblic safety cortlrnit.i;ee be empowered. -to act in ?;he matter of setting up a. vmwiry tag system, seconded. by !:yaJTJt am3 cr?rriecl. Havithorne moved the cha.irman of the public utilitiies corrcmittee be &&borized. to d..etemnine thc a.vaila.bilfty of Schmidt, engfn e er to under t &e P. survey crf Country C3.i~.b District Service Go. properties Tor the plrpose of determining a rate base, seconded by *i'Qa.tt and ca.i*ried-. &rtglneer Smith presented a letter from S, J, Groves and Sons, eapressj-ng 9ii.teres-k in bid-d-ing on work to complete construction of seviers in Selnjer District i48, Proposals were received from Fid-elity and GuarantiJ Inm.rrance Co. and. k''ed.era.'r;ecrl Ii~rrduare Iiutual Insusance Coo to finn5-sh fire, lichtnfng, trannpo~,?tati on, theft and. viindstom insurmce on 1-941 1ntsrna.t.ri onal tru.clc. Hawthorne moved- the insu-ra-nce be pl2.ced- with Fed.eratFd. Bardwarre Iiu-tu-als l:tccwu.se of a lotior net premium offered, for the period end.Eng Lnrch 8, 1945, seconded. by Zp.tt an& carried, I 1,Ly ,,jatt I moved. .Lo ad-jou.rn, seconded. by Utley and. carr5ed. All memhers of the couac-il mere presene. ainutes of the regular council meeting held January 10, 1944, were read and approved. U-bley moped approval ar,d payment of the following payrolls, seconded by Wyatt and carried: (See Bext Page) !! 202 PAYROLL PAID JANUARY 24, 1944 TIITHHOLDIITG Boner Hau€ ho me Geo. A. Villson Harold C. TTtley Dr. L.E. Capbell Karl H. Cove11 DP. A. So VYEL%% Jo Js DUggaEI Phil V. SmiEh Evelyn Hjos Gretchen Schussler John v. Lyor, Hilding Dah1 Vi. S. Heydf; P. 3. Dahlgren S. J. Roberts 0. E. Spande John Tracy Harry Jonas E. J. Eerfeld Silas Herrett Joh~ H, PeEson Sam EicCready Chasm Johr-soB Sewers S. 3, Fautsch Eiscl. Simen Strand BiIda Eoag 1314 1375 13 76: 13 71 13 78 1379 1380 1381 1382 1385 i3a6 1383 1384 1387 1388 1389 1391 13 9 2 1393 13 94 13 95 1396 1397 1398 1399 13 go 14 01 14 QO 14 0.2 GROSS ABiT. $25.00 32.50 17.56 17.50 17.50 15 000 15.00 37.50 175.00 25,OO 72.50 105 000 97. 50 92.50 72.50 129 000 100 md0 104 020 123 20 94 20 114 0 10 70.20 70.20 108.80 59.80 . 70.20 54.00 12.00 4.25 1,932, 05 TAX -0- -0 - -0- -0- -0 - -0- 030 030 21.00 -0- 3.60 8.80 6.40 5.00 7.60 15.60 11.60 9.00 3.80 7.80 5.00 9.00 0 90 2-30 3.60 3.60 . 90 -0- -0 - 125 . io -0- -0- -0- -0- -0 - -0- -0 - -0- -0- -0- -0- -0.. -0- -0 - -0- -0 - -0- 5.00 4.00 4.00 3.75 5.00 5.98 -0- -0- -0 - -0- $25.00 32.20 * 17.50 17.50 . 17.50 15.00 15.00 37.20 154.00 1 25.00' 68.90 63.70 98.60 92.50 a4 . 9Q 113 040 88.80 90.22 101.00 111.40 85.45 100.10 52.92 68-90 66.60 66.60 -0- 4.25 27.73 1,779m22 Hactthorne moved that Phil Bailey be reappointed as chief of the volunteer fire department for the year 1944, seconded by Utley and carried. Hanghorne moPed that salaries af members of the pol;iize fome be set as follows: John Lyoh, $225 per month; Eilding mhl, $295, and V. S. Heydt, $195, on a month-to-month basis and retroactive €0 January 1, 1944, seconded by Utley and carried. Villson moved that salaries and stages of employes of the public: works me= be see as folloris: Re J. Johnson, $225 per month; P. H. Dahlgren, $190; So J. Roberts, $2.90; 0. E. Spande, $176; John Tracy, 8170; Harry Joms, $170; ET. J. Eerfeld, $170, all on a month-to-month basis, arid Charles Johnson 75 cents per hour; Sam EcCready, 70 cents per hour, and Silas Herrett, 70 cents per hour, all retroactive to January 1, 1944, seconded by Ti'yrztt and carried. Proposals to furnish fire and extended coverage insurance on the village tool house were received from Federated Hardaare Uutuals and Harry ButEs, representing Indiana Lumbemenfs Eutual Insurance Coo Utley moved tcx accept the proposal of Federated Harduare Uutuala because of saving in net premZm due to a 30 per cent dividend rate, seconded by H[arrZhorne. Op? rollcall the vote aas UEley, aye; Fillson, no; I'lyatt, aye; Haathorne, . aye; Todd, aye, and the motion vas carried. k /e d r HaQthorne moved that application of Hay 8 Stenson Go., 3922 VI. 50th stme%, far reneaal of an off-sale liquor license be approved and tha€ sakd license be issued for one year starting April I, 1344, seconded by V~ytt and ~mrled. 203 A Letter from llilbur SQernkm Zck, 5024 338ing Avenue S., Einneqolis, applying far employment as patrolman mas recezved, read and filed. Fire -Chief Phil Bailey appeared and suggesEed €he council consider revisians of the fire ordinance, increased pay for members of the fire deparkment ar,d future eqnipnerit needs of the departmen€. UtPey reporEed the public: u€illties committee had requfrsted Schmidt €0 make a study of ma%er rates in the TilXLage and allied problems of the water syskem. HaWhorne moved adoption of a public safety committee report recommend- ing establishment of a warning tag system far the purpose of record-ing minor violations of traffic la~ts in the village, seconded by vt7ley and H8ktthorae moved adoption of a public safety commit2ee report recommend- ing use of release cards in conneetion with motar vehicles imponnded by the police depar€ment, seconded by Fayat€ and carried. d let€er from Joseph Justad, Sf. Louis Park village clerk, quoEirrg a% resolation adopted by the St. Louis Park village council relia€fve to developmen% af Einnehaha creek far park purposes w8s Peceived, read and referred to the planning commission. , carried. I Villson moved that a council representzxkive be se~t to meetings Which may be called by the Bennepin cou-nGy bawd af commissioners far con- &deration of Einnehaha creek improvements, seconded by Utley and carried. U$ley moved that checks Eo. 14408, 15620, 11464 and 430, in the amounts of $2.57, $23.25, $2.26 stnd $44.13,, which have not been presented for payment, be cancelled and the funds represented by such checks be returned to their sources, seconded by EEmthorne and carried. Vyatt moved tha% the Eimesota publfc examiner be requested to audit records of the village for the yew 1943, seconded by Utiley and carried. Utley mox?ed that the villzge treasurep be directed Eo mithdrav from the Benrtepin county treasurer funds which belong to Ithe village and to deposit said funds in Xidland Eational Bank and Trust Go., seconded by kTyatt; and carried. IYyatt reported kgaard Sign Co. had prepared a drawing of if. proposed service board hanarfng Edirra men and vomen in the armed forces and offered to eree€ said board on the village hall grounds at cost of $512. Bfeerr discussion Todd appointed the entire council as a corrunT%tee to study the qtu3stiorr of erecting a setyice board in the village. Killson moved to adjotlrn, seconded by Eavdihorne and carried. * I* +h I Tru.s-l;ee Ihyatt, presid-ent pro tern., called the meeting to ord-er, the roll SJGS called. and- four meuibers of the council mere present: Utley, Y!illson, TJJya.-S;t and. Hawithome e lifiinutes of the regul~r council mee'c5ng of January 24, 1944, merEt read and. approved e Petitlon sisned by 30 property owners in Sewer District No, to completion of sexers in the district until costs are more favor:ible and rmpes'ring thait assessnents a-gainst property not served. by lakeral bewers be ad-jiisted- to cover cost of completed trunk sewers onl-y, aa.s received.., property owners sr-nd. representatives appearing 'eo m&e col-ioents a.n.d. inquriries. !?ya-bt explained the counc il does not intend. to attempt completion of the p~o ject inmed-iately. Petltfon of J, A, Danens i;: Son for rezonillg of property 8.t 5 8, ohjec'ebg Problems of Sewer District Fo, 8 were discussed-, v3th several L - Brooksidme