HomeMy WebLinkAbout19440214_REGULAR203 A. letter from Wilbur Skierrnan Eck, 5024 Ewing Avenue S. , Minneap olis, applying for employment as patrolman was received, read and filed. Fire -Chief Phil Bailey appeared and suggested the council consider revisions of the fire ordinance, increased pay for members of the fire department and future equipment needs of the department. Utley reported the public utilities committee had requested Schmidt to make a study of water rates in the village and allied problems of the water system. Hawthorne moved adoption of a public safety committee report recommend - ing establishment of a *warning tag system for the purpose of recording minor violations of traffic laws in the village, seconded by Utley and carried. Hawthorne moved adoption of a public safety committee report recommend- ing use of release cards in connection with motor vehicles impounded by the police department, seconded by i'dyatt and carried. A letter from Joseph Justad, St. Louis Park village clerk, quoting a resolution adopted by the St. Louis Park village council relative to development of Minnehaha creek for park purposes was received, read and referred to the planning commission. Willson moved that a council representative be sent to meetings which may be called by the Hennepin county board of commissioners for con- sideration of Minnehaha creek improvements, seconded by Utley and carried. Utley moved that checks No. 14408, 15620, 17464 and 430, in the amounts of $2.579 $23.25, $2.26 and $44.119 which have net been presented for payment, be cancelled and the funds represented by such checks be returned to their sources, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Wyatt moved that the Minnesota public examiner be requested to audit records of the village for the year 1943, seconded by Utley and carried. Utley moved that the village treasurer be directed to withdraw from the Hennepin county treasurer funds which belong to the village and to deposit said funds in Midland rational Bank and Trust Co., seconded by Wyatt and carried. Wyatt reported Agaard Sign Co. had prepared a drawing of a proposed service board honoring Edina men and women in the armed forces and offered to erect said board on the village hall grounds at cost of $512. After discussion Todd appointed the entire council as a committee to study the question of erecting a service board in the village. viillson moved to adjourn, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Village Clerk hiII,IUTES 014' THE r�EGULAR 1,,EETII1T(x OF THE EDITTA VILLAGE COUTICIL HELD IH VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P . h. EEBRUAF ' 14, 1944 Trustee Wyatt, president pro tern, called the meeting to order, the roll was called and four members of the council vie_re present: Utley, 11illson, 1,7y att and Havithorne. 14inutes of the regular council meeting of January 24, 1944, were read and approved. Petition sinned by 30 property oviners in Sevier District Ho. 8, objecting to completion of sewers in the district until costs are more favorable and requesting that assessments against property not served by lateral beviers be, adjusted to cover cost of completed trunk sevlers only, vtas received.. Problems of Sevier District ITO. 8 were discussed, v;i th several property owners and. representatives appearing to make coi- ornents and. inquiries. �1 -�Y ,tt explained the council does not intend to a_.tternpt completion of the project immediately. Petition of J. A. Danens & Son for rezoning of property at 5 Brookside 2-04 avenue to permit construction of a stor-,,'-,e C9-rq--e and Y-'areh011se building and a petltfl.on ziLned by n(--1fhbor-!nG- property owners objecting to such rozoninf- were received.. Hav,thorne m-o7.Ted to refer both petitions to the planning comyAssion, seconded. by Utley and. carried. Hav;thorne that the contract submitted by Suburban Hennepin Count- Reliel' Ex rd. for ad-mini.-:trn-tion of village poor relief for tne -mear be approved- and tb.-t proper villa-e of-ficinis be authorized. and directed to e.1:ecute the contract, secopJod by '.,illson snd. car-ried.. ,)resente6, a. letter from the H(7:mnepin county land corer liss-1-oner Hawthorne iL 0 re.q,:uc-E:t1n1�" t'jt.-t tAc- council approve clos--ification of certain tax- forfeitec- 1Jmjo in tn,� vill-ace as non-conservation and for sale. Havthorn(-7- no,.Ted thre-t tl-ke vill:�.,re on7inco(( be directed'. to inw?ef:ti-ate the lands 3-1-2te-01. b- tTie ln-1d co: two? -; to determ-Ine if the villa,c-e T qic,ht de:sire to acquire title to the lands for pares or other purposes, seconded by an(.1 carried.. Letter ves reef--�iverl from -,{'ire Uny-deriiAters Inspection E'ureai-z sTmolinciT17- of Clnss 9 ilnsiirenae rntirC for propi-rty in certain port i. o n T, o f t7h e v l T--3 e 3.60 63. SO Letter vas reeeiiv(-:�J. _ "!porn Anton Di-ioos, 5210 2�enitlht 61--)jectinq! to a -2 assel`�7rne-qt le-vle.J for cuttirv�,, veeds on Lot ocl,: 5, Soi)th ��Har-c-iet P ark . n--'7ne,r SmIAh Y.as directe Z;t to inve t jrate th e o b e C t-on. lison rovc( ' and parnent of the folliwn payrolls s e o r t?_ e 0 . by UtlEy an(3 carried: Office, Phi 1 Sl,' -It Al Phil "'.1. S-iith Gretchen Schi.)scler J,Dlxq I..'. Lyon ::in. S. He,,,T6t Streets 1-19-2-nh J. Jol-in,-:zon S. J. -,.oberts P. H. Da:hl,-ren 0. 11.1. Spans John Tracy H,q-rr-,-, Jonas il:,e J. -1,,erfeld Chas. J,:)b-rj,- on S mn J. c C r e S 6. - Silas Herren John Person Sewers S. J. Tautsch CL AL., 17w0 GROSS Ai,iT. ..EIDLG. TA:,' YET A1 T. lZI 41 ;172.50 ,-*1-11. 00 50 Al,,OMTT TOTAL 5.00 1403 2 5.00 1,.'-,12 67. 50 3.60 63. SO 14-1 , 3 67. 50 8.80 r, � 70 -: 14,44 127.50 10. 1�10 117 .10 5 lip'. 50 i'.00 ,z 0 6 107.1 r- 0 11.60 . I 95 210 3.53 12"1 . 50 15. C-0 111.90 S 115.00 9.00 i 0 0' . 0 0 0 105.00 11. 60 93.40 11350 c 5.00 1.90 93 . 10 1r` -51 95.00 1.90 1.152 105.00 9100 96.00 14-53 107. 50 9100 98.150 14017 113.60 9.00 101 i.60 14 x3 103.20 11.60 191. 60 14 59 93 . ,10 1190 21.50 1460 50-.80 .90 53.90 1455 110-.00 12.00 11 i s c e 1 'Ca I e o I'l S Hil(fla Hoar.- C-0 1462 7.50 Tot al ,�l 1809. 50 30 ,?1,663.70 UtleY rl-Ovej aPprO"!r,l cT paynent of th - r- (allot; in -` bills ' ' -e' on e d. by '.illson anti caroiecl- (continueA). on next pn -e) C] I Gen,7r,ql Fimd ITALE CLAII,, 7T.0. Al,,OMTT TOTAL Yorthy.estern Eell Tel. 1403 Farn7hgyi Co. 111-09 2.5S Dehil�er- Pros., Inc. i4l0 League of 'Ann. 1•.1-3-n-in, 1411 , . 00 I fhon,pson �,br. Co. 18 12 13 :,-. S.0 Bud Erooirs -i .� -3 -,, r o i- i I'M 711::1.16 AU t 0 --'- i e c t ri C Sup. Co. 1,t14 1:.33 Justus Lbr. Go. 3.53 11 endell Co. 1 z-16 3.00 Lundint', Gera. e 141117 10.50 (continueA). on next pn -e) C] I 1 1 1 2®6 (BILLS continued fro-m precedinp�• page) General Fund r ;;E CLAIi,t i10. Al,�i�itT i�T ' TOTAL Hennepin County Re-view 1418 ';;52.00 Lior:i_ne Bros. ; :_i_ndo`r Shades 1419 5.00 Ginc7 er Sfnd. & Gravel Co. 1420 255.02 Edina Ha.r jv are 1421 5.68 sound Fuel Co. 1422 35.49 City of 1.,innca.polis 1423 42.14 E. ;5. Harris Service Station 1424 4 -0.69 Heinrich J. Kuhlman 1425 6.65 Country Club Dist. Service Co. 1426 17.39 Acne Av;n_i_n-- Co. 1427 5.75 International Te «tile Co. 1428 11.86 Arthur Peterson 1429 480.90 Lyle Si-m Co., Inc. 1430 10.10 H. A. Ro:ers Co. 14.31 14.04 - Im. H. Ziegler Co. 1432 1.76 Northern States PoLer Co. 1433 640.47 Joyce Insurance Co. 1436 75.00 Villa Se of Hopkins 1437 45.00 hardware biutual Casulaty Co. 1438 724.9x/ Federated. Hardware i,,iia.tuals 1439 238.17 Geo. Shilson 1461 1.25 .;3,224.26 IAr- neapolis Gas Licht Co. 1454 173.73 33 224.26 Poor Fund Subur''lan I1ennepin County Rif. 1435 151.89 151.89 Sevier Rental Fund Northern States Pourer Co. 1433 1.00 Kinneapolis City Treasurer 1434 1,887.52 1,888.52 Sevier District No. 8 Firs. Laura. Dirks 1456 5.00 5.00 Total all funds ;5,269.67 Hav4thorne offered the following resolution and moved its ac1option: BE rf RESOLVED: 1. That part of !:lest 50th Street described as follows, to wit: Beginnin" at a. point on the south line of ,lest 5oth Street 4'_-14.5 feet west of France avenue, thence viest along said south line 12 feet; thence at a right an�Zl_e northerly to the north line of 'luest 50th street, thence east along said north line 12 feet, thence south to the point of beginning; is hereby established and designated as a crossiialk within the l ean-ing of as ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance Regulating The Use of Highvrays -thin the Vill_arre of Edina., and Imposing Penalties for the Violnti on Tb.ereof , " adopted June 13, 193S. 2. That part of ::lest 50th Street described (a)That p.a.rt of the southerly half between e line parallel vaith and Avemie South and a line parallel France Avenue South; (b) That Bart of the northerly half between a- line parallel vrith and AT,emie, South and a line parallel Pf,ance Avenue South; and as follows, to vait : of VIest 50th Street lying 400 feet wept of France vrith and 448.5 feet wrest of of Vrest 50th Street 1T/Ang 400 feet crest of France with and �1126.5 feet vest of 3. That part of 1_ s :s_o ='ualy ;� �'��lry�.� T N range I3venue South described a.s follovrs, to c:j_t; '1n9-t part of the westerly half of France Avenue South ly 1-ni between a. line parallel with and 93 f ePt north of ' Test 5Oth Street and a line parallel with anO 186 feet north of ,`!est 50th Street; are each hereby established and designated as a place where official_ s.i�7ns Prohibit sto1O:oiry within the meaning or said. ordinance. 1 06' �I* Official F-7 -no, prob-ibitinC be rort'hy.ith inSt,9,11ed 8nd hereafter moint-n' ried on all ol' each of the curbs and side on the tr?.cts in parat--raphs One T%.o D- n6 . I ree (1, 2 and 3) Th hereof. 5. T-hat the follq­.ln­ streets ann. 'hir,hways -to .,it: e � e e S . 1.�v onue, approi7�cbinC from the vest at: 56t'a Street., Soi),.thi,est Corner �ljth Street., if If 2rn -a P e Avenue, ap-nm�.cbin` fron, the test at: A-7th Strret5 Southi.est Corner /Il a t h tt tt it -'1- 9 t 11 a tr If 50tl-1 rr it 11 (stop and Co sign) F- 1- jToptl t)Cltlrl 1 ;e Ct it (Cto-l-) anc). ­0 sJq:,Tl) 52nd tt Southwest it Sz- ,t*h tt if 1--,r'th , �zj 62nd Fr,,once Avemve, PnpropchlnL; frwn the east at: I Street, Yortbeast, Corner 7 oodl--onle Aveotv_Iz., from the x.est at: 50th Street , Soutvv.est Co-r-ner (school sign) Terioace, A-verme: )-moronchrync fro- the east at: Strltet 0th llorube -st Corner (,chool si`n) 5 5 2: -rid it 11 tt rd it If tr th If It tl Churcli stop sign. In centcr of ILY�tercer-,ti-on of _P.J 50th Stj-.eet, Simi.-lays only . Avenue - fron ' e at: ., 8ppronchln�� I. I "'D 4 - , "til Street, Southvest Corner I Avenu_e .11,n -c'-,! - from t', 1 e east t ,pro- t �--th Street, TTorl;lieast Corner St,,:',t(!; "'100 �-o2ro_. -11 -iL Cr j it, -cl -1i 1ni-r-i the, vest ot: jlvenut,.), South%.est Corner lrileri,; llo.ad it u 63rd Street 6 t b. -3 "Ith 66th 70t Cj State - -i, -,Ir-, �.,q y fnDri th,- east at: 2jen Avenue, l7ortheact Corner Road I? it tt ,'_roTj' Trz:rvade it L-17-eview Drive IT tt , 2, , �LO_ It It R q d . SoiithiT.-9,'_evi Lane V�73_ley Vicv., Road rr it 6 ',� nd Street 63rd It it C, nth it C, ClS th 70th State Illif'hv:0 p o:j cl-, .ink from be q I , t t at Cascade L`?Xte, Sou-'U-hv:eqt Corner St r,-et if 11 Int-erlrlclier It it State h='_ b_W:ay W'169, a-ppronclhim, fro-,i tlae north at: Brool,loide Avenue, Comer Avenue tt If !!9_nl:t-rson 11 it it T_,lalce Road 7fl .7, 1 - e 11 St-ttr, Hlljlwa- _W 1169, appr o,, c h i x 2rori t1h asl at : 50t'o Street, (2 int r _e cti ons 1 si`n at e7 c h Stl.te �npn �oachir­ from thesou'lh at: State Iii -,liway ,,100, Southosast Corner Arcn,Jla Aveni_7e If It If If t it it 77!anson Road it 11 i r17 li Av e, m). e oliwr_er Road "'ooC lt,5_ale i I intersection) 1 I 1 r- -7 L 207 State H-i. -hway ;11690 approaching from tbr. south at (cont, } Gleason Road, Southeast Corner County Road t18 it n Bl_e —Re Road., approaching from the viest at: laaloney Avenue, Southeast Corner County Road ;418, appror.chin,-� from the east at: i:ia.loney Avenue, ITortheast Corner 44th Street, approaching from the north at: Thielen Avenue, T ?orthwest Corner Interlechen Boulevard, approaching from the Cooper Avenue, Northwest Corner i•ierilane it It Rol 17 nC Green Parkway " It BTiood It IT Inte.rla.chen Boulevard, approaching- from the SumY,i.it Avenue, Southeast Corner Hankerson " it it 50th Street, approaching from the north_ at: north at: south at: France Avenue, Horthvrest Corner (stop and go sign) Plaple Road IT ►► Ar, en Avenue n n Bruce '�"-"ooddale r' tf rr Sround ale rr n rr East Svnnyslope n rr Dale Drive ;'lest S»nnyslope rr rr H_i- hv, a.y ir100 IT rr 50th Street, a.pproachin" from the south at: France Avenue, Southwest Corner (stop and go stun) �, Hall ax Avenue, Southeast Corner Indianola tr a It Arden it It u Bruce .foodd.ale IT It r► Eden it tr It State Hi �hvj ay ; =100 TM ,t Josephine Avenue " it Eden Avenue, approaching froia the north at: Brookside Avenue,. North.iest Corner 54th Street, approaching ffMom the north at: BrooLvievr A�Tenue, Northv:est Corner HP- Ii )'al IT r, IT 54-th Street, approaachinu from the south. at: Brool_vieva Avenue,,-Southeast Corner 62nd. Street, approaching fron the north at: .,-Doddale, Avenue, Yortlavrest Corner 62nd Street, approaciciinL from the south at: ';.'ooddale. Avenue, Southeast Corner Muth Street, approachinu from the north.. at: Prance Avenue, Northwest Corner 66th. Street, appr. o achi n" from the south at: France Avenue, Southeast Corner State Hich.�tay -- 1"--5, epproachin- from the north at: Cahill Road, ITo rthwest Corner Last and "lest alley between 49th and 50th, and running from 49th. to ;Jood.dale : S_i_Cn at 49th Street Sigr at :roodr� ale Avenue -roods- ale Avenue betv.een 49th end 50th Streets: 1.nile rerlovable school_ stop i s erected. 70th Street, gdjacent to Edina school property be and they hereby each are established and designated as rrThrt,rr street v ,,'it'nsn the rsea.n_i_n. of said ordinance. i,:otion to Adopt the resolution vras seconded by Utley and on rollca.11 vote t'-tere were aye s and no nays, as follows: Utley, aye; ".i11^on, a'ye; ?± �.t: c Borne, aye, and ?. %yatt, aye, and the resolution vas adopted. ATTEST: /"4 Vi la`;e Clerk President of Colinc_i.l *08. .'ryatt regv.nsted Attorney Covell to yarepare a vritte.n opinion conce-rxnin the poss:i_ble. liability of the vil.l.gEe to po.1 •intc-re-st c`3,ncl principal on warrants of Sr -,weer District No, 9 and 4.?h.*a.t recou -,,se he C:oul_d have to collect such payraent s in full or in p!--rt. urIte. a letter -to i. :rs. S. J. l;autsch; Has..ta�orne. S.� _.s �.-i r��cte� -1 �.o c, e :Tress_i_n the re-ret and s,xnpatL-_ty of merfoers of the council r-,,ni ;villq"e employes st tb d :ath of !,ir. Fautsch. wg-i llson moved. to ;!7-ul journ, seconded. by hc.i'.thorne and cr.rri ed at 10 :,10 p.n, "TillaL;e Clerk EM MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.M. FEBRUARY 98, 1044 All members of the council mere present. minutes of the regular council meeting held February 14, 1944, were read and approved* 1.50 140,00 Phil W. Smith motion to approve and allow..the following payrolls was made by Myatt, seconded by Willson and carried: 25.00 Evelyn Kjos Nin'm CLAM NO. GROSS. WITHHOLDING HOSPITAL. NET Council Gretchen Schussler 1474 67.50 T. L. Todd 1463 $50.00 $50.00 Boger Hawthorne 1464 50.00 50.00 Geo. A. Willson 1465 35.00 35.00 Dr. A. S. Wyatt 1666 35,00 35.00 Harold C. Utley 1467 35.00 35,00 J. J. Duggan 1468 30.00 30,00 Dr. L. M. Campbell 1469 30,00 30,00 Karl H. Covell 1470 75.00 .70 74.30 Office Phil -W. Smith 1471 162.50 21.00 1.50 140,00 Phil W. Smith 1472 25.00 7.60 1.50 25.00 Evelyn Kjos 1473 67.50 1.30 1.50 64.70 Gretchen Schussler 1474 67.50 8180 ,75 57.95 John W. Lyon 1475 112.50 6.40 1.50 104.60 Hilding Dahl 1476 102.50 9.00 1.50 92.00 Wm. S. Heydt 1477 97.50 7.60 1.50 89.90 Streets R, Johnson 1478 112,50 11,60 1150 99.40 P. H. Dahlgren 1479 95.00 7.60 1.50 85,90 S, J. Roberts 1480 95.00 7,60 1.50 85,90 0. I&. Spande 1481 85,00 1190 1.50 81.60 John Tracy 1482 85,00 1.90 1.50 81060 -Harry Jonas 1483 85,00 5.00 1.50F8, 50 M. J. Merfeld 1484 97.50 5.00 1.50 91,00 Chas. Johnson 1485 60,00 1.30 1150 57.20 Sam McCready 1486 54,60 190 53,70 Silas Herrett 1487 54.60 .90 53.70 John Person 1488 50,70 .90 49,80 Hilda Hoag 1490 4.25 4.25 Miscellaneous Geo. Shilson 1489 3.75 3,75 Total 42,857.90 X99.40 18.75 1,739.75 1 Hawthorne presented a list of property in the village which has been forfeited for tax delinquency and which has been classifed by the Hennepin county board of commissioners as non - conservation and -for sale. Hawthorne and Smith were directed to check the list to determine 4f-any of the property is suitable for parks or other village purposes. A delegation of residents of Rutledge avenue appeared to inquire -the status of Sewer District No. 8 project and to state they desire completion