HomeMy WebLinkAbout19440228_REGULARMINUTES OF THE FBGUTLAR ldl3ESPING OF TB3 DTNA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.N. FEBRIJAKY 28, 1$44 -. All members of the council were present. Minutes of the regular council meeting held February 14, 1944, mere read and approved, Blotion to approve and allowsthe following payrolls was made by Wyatt, seconded by Willson and carried: Council To L. Todd Bower Hawthorne Geo. A. Yilllson Dr. A. So Wyatt ' Harold C. Utley Dr. Lo Id. Campbell Karl H. Cove11 Jo Jo Duggm Off ice Phil Ti'. Smfth Phil 17. Smith Evelyn Kjos Gretchen Schussler John I". Lyon mlding Dahl Em. So Heydt Streets R, J. Johnson Po H. Dahlgren So J. Roberts 0. I&. Spande John Tracy -Harry Jonas E1I. J. Eerfeld Chas. Johnson Sam ElcCreadg Silas Herrett John Person mlda Hoag GLXm NO. 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1490 GROSS. WITBHOLDING HOSPITAL. 162.50 21.00 1.50 140.00 25.00 25.00 67.50 8.80 075 57.95 112.50 6.40 10 50 104.60 102.50 9.00 10 50 92.00 97.50 7.60 89.90 67.50 1.30 1.50 64.70 1120 50 95.00 95.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 97.50 60.00 54060 54 . 60 50.70 4.25 f;Ii scellaneous Geo. Shilson 1489 3-75 Total 1.50 1.50 . 1.50 1.50 1050 1.50 Io 50 1.50 99.40 85.90 85,90 81.60 81,60 V8,50 91.00 57.20 I WE w. 1 v *18,75 91,739.75 Ha~horne presented a list of property in the village which has been forfeited for tax delinquency and which has been classifed by the Hennepin county board of commissioners as non-conservation and.for. sale. HarJthorne and Smith were directed to check the list to determine if any of the property is suitable for parks or other village pu~poses, . A delegation of residents of Rutledge avenue appeared to inquire-the status of Sewer District No. 8 project and to state they desire completion dr ' 209 c of sewers in the district as soon as possible, Proposals were received from representatives of three insurance companies to provide public liability and property damage coverage for various village trucks, police cars, hired autos and non-owned vehicles. rate of $389.86 Tor one year;.Milwaukee Automobile Insurance Go., $282.65, and Amelelcan Casualty Co,, $336.60. in amounts and types of coverage offered, the proposals were referred to the entire council for further consideration, on motion of Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and carrfed, Motion to renew group accident insurance for mkmbegs Gf %he volunteer fire departmend with Standard Accidezhh Insurance Coo at premium of $75 for one year from larch 1, 1944, was made by Utley, seconded by Willson and carrfed, Notion to close book accounts of Sewer District No. 1 and Sewer District No. 2 with balances W3taling $234.02 and to transfer the funds to the general fund as recommended by Minnesota public exminer's office, was made by Utley, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Willson and Smith reported William Ziegler Co, had offered to pay $75 cash or $100 credit order for an old road grader owned by the village. Motion to sell said grader to William Ziegler Go, for $100 credtt was made by Willson, seconded by Wyatt and carried, Motion to direct the village attorney to draft a 9r30 p.m. curfew ordinance including the general provisions of the Xinneapolis curfew ordinance was made by Hawthorne, seconded by WZllson and carried. Motion to direct the village attorney to draft an amendment to the taxicab ordinance to reqnire display of rates and a photogra h, name and chauffeur's lfcense of thecdriver in the passenger comp J artment of each taxicab operat5ng inkhe vfllage was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Motion to adjourn until ?:30 p.m. Thursday, March 3, 1944, was made Eardware Mutual Casualty Co. offered a policy with a %%et Because of variations + ' by WilLson, seconded by Hawthorne and carried, ' MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED PORTION OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF TH3 mINA VILLAGE COUNGIS OF FEBRUARY 28, 1944, HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT lr30 P.E. EARCH 3, 1944 All members of the council were present. I@?* Virket of the Minnesota public examineris office appeared to .outline his report of examination of village records for the year 19435. which report mill be submitted formally to the council through the examiner's office, Problems of Sewer District bo, 8 were discussed and Utley suggested that Ehgineer Smith make 8 study of e€ assessments levied in the district indicating what has been spent for various portions of the project with a view to possible adjustment of assessments. RESOLUTION President Todd offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Whereas, the village council of the village of Edina, Hemepen county, Nffnnesota, has reeelired from the land commissioner of Hefmegin county, a llst of land in said village of Edina which has become the absolute property of the State of ESnnesota under provisions of laws declaring the forfeiture of lands to the state for taxes, which Lands have been classified by the county board of said Eennepfn county as non-conservation and for sale, pursuant to laws of Binnssota for 1935, chapter 386, L-marg 32, aP944, and ection amended, which list of land is designated as List 93 "Ctr, 55fheras this board has made a complete examination of all facts and circumstances relating to such parcels, { Xow, therefore, acting pursuant to said section 1, chapter 386, as amended Be it resolved, that the village council of said village of Edfna approves the classification of the said county board of said lands 8s non-conservation and for sale. Notion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Haivthorne and on roll call there were five ayes and no nays Willson, aye; Wyatt, aye; Hawthorne, a 0 'I -. ATTEST: President Todd presented 8 repork on study of hmxrance proposals submitted to the council February 28, 1944, together with a letter from J. Emil Reiman of Fred L. Gray Coo, representing American Casllaftg Coo, offering to provide public liability and propert damage fnsnr~&ce on various village vehicles for a net premium of $ db9S S@laPn€hg'hct had miscalculated in the proposal submitted previously, Todd stated the proposal made by RezmFln &fariX&the lowest total cost because of plcking up insurance not include& in other proposals. Biotfon to accept the proposal of Milwaukee Automobile Ins&ance Cor to provide insurance for village vehicles at net cost of $282.65 was made by I'lillson but received no second. Hotion to accept the proposal of American Casu'alty Coo to provfde insikrance for various village vehicles at cost of@#$?.BSfor one year from Harch 8, 1944, was made by Hawthorne and seconded by Utley. On roll call the vote. wag Utley, aye; ?Villson, aye; Vyatt, agornpno; Hawt;horne, aye; Todd, Fye, and the motion was carried. Bgtibn to adjourn was made by Wyatt, seconded by Hawthorne and camfed. 3,IINUTES OF THE REGULAR NEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 PoM, NABCH 13, 1944 All members of the council were present. Idotiun to approve minutes of the meeting of February 28, 1944, subject to a correction showing that Trustee Wyatt voted ho on the motfon to accept proposal of American Casualty Coo to provide insurance for various village vehicles, was made by+ Willson, seconded by Wyatt and cwried. ESotion to approve and allow the following payrolls was made by %illson, seconded by Vyatt and carried: NME Office Ph3.1 Bo Smith Phil TI. Smith Evelyn Kjos Gretchen Schussler John TI, Lyon Ellding Dahl Tho S. Efeydt - CLAIM NO. 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 GROSS WITBOLDING $162 .-50 $21.00 25.00 67.50 1.30 67.50 8.80 102.50 9.00 9'?,50 '7.60 112, 50 6040 HOSPITAL NET - (continued next page)