HomeMy WebLinkAbout19440313_REGULAR55fheras this board has made a complete examination of all facts and circumstances relating to such parcels, { Xow, therefore, acting pursuant to said section 1, chapter 386, as amended Be it resolved, that the village council of said village of Edfna approves the classification of the said county board of said lands 8s non-conservation and for sale. Notion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Haivthorne and on roll call there were five ayes and no nays Willson, aye; Wyatt, aye; Hawthorne, a 0 'I -. ATTEST: President Todd presented 8 repork on study of hmxrance proposals submitted to the council February 28, 1944, together with a letter from J. Emil Reiman of Fred L. Gray Coo, representing American Casllaftg Coo, offering to provide public liability and propert damage fnsnr~&ce on various village vehicles for a net premium of $ db9S S@laPn€hg'hct had miscalculated in the proposal submitted previously, Todd stated the proposal made by RezmFln &fariX&the lowest total cost because of plcking up insurance not include& in other proposals. Biotfon to accept the proposal of Milwaukee Automobile Ins&ance Cor to provide insurance for village vehicles at net cost of $282.65 was made by I'lillson but received no second. Hotion to accept the proposal of American Casu'alty Coo to provfde insikrance for various village vehicles at cost of@#$?.BSfor one year from Harch 8, 1944, was made by Hawthorne and seconded by Utley. On roll call the vote. wag Utley, aye; ?Villson, aye; Vyatt, agornpno; Hawt;horne, aye; Todd, Fye, and the motion was carried. Bgtibn to adjourn was made by Wyatt, seconded by Hawthorne and camfed. 3,IINUTES OF THE REGULAR NEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 PoM, NABCH 13, 1944 All members of the council were present. Idotiun to approve minutes of the meeting of February 28, 1944, subject to a correction showing that Trustee Wyatt voted ho on the motfon to accept proposal of American Casualty Coo to provide insurance for various village vehicles, was made by+ Willson, seconded by Wyatt and cwried. ESotion to approve and allow the following payrolls was made by %illson, seconded by Vyatt and carried: NME Office Ph3.1 Bo Smith Phil TI. Smith Evelyn Kjos Gretchen Schussler John TI, Lyon Ellding Dahl Tho S. Efeydt - CLAIM NO. 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 GROSS WITBOLDING $162 .-50 $21.00 25.00 67.50 1.30 67.50 8.80 102.50 9.00 9'?,50 '7.60 112, 50 6040 HOSPITAL NET - (continued next page) {payrolls continued from preceding page) NAME CLAIH NO, - - GROSS WLTHEIOZD~G, HOSPITAL NET 1 Streets R. J. Jbfprson 1500 @12* 50 $11.60 $100090 P. H. Dahlgren 1501 95.00 7.60 87.40 S. J. Roberts 1502 95.00 7.60 87 . 40 - 0. E. Spande John Tracy Harry Jonas NT. J. Merfeld Chas. Johnson Sam McCready Silas Herrett John Costello Mi s c ellaneous Hilda Hoag 1503 1504 '1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 85.00 85.00 . . 85.00 97.50 66 . 00 i6.eo 16.80 17 . 00 1090 83.10 1.90 I 83.10 5.00 8O.00 1.30 64.70 l6.80 16.80 5.00 92.50 17000 1552 4.00 $1,410060 Motion to approve and allow the following bills was made by Wyatt, seconded by Willson and carried: NAME General Fund Geo. Shilson Plehal Heating Coo Bud Brooks Pure Oil Station He A, Rogers Coo Magneto Servide Co. Glacier Sand & Gravel Coo her5can Cast Iron Pipe Coo Young Fuel Co. Minneapo1f.s Iron Storii Edina Feed Store Thompson Lumber Coo Republic Creosoting Co. E. IT. Harris Ilahr coo Ddhlberg Bros., Inc. Harry Peters Hem. Co. Civi1la.n Defense Council Firestone Stores Hennepin County Review Miller-Davis Co. Eugene Lo Johnson 0. E. Reckly Phillips Petroleum Coo Idinnesota Fire Equipment Co. Northwestern Bell Telephone Go. Minneapolis Gas Light Co. Federated Hardware Mutuals Hardware Mutual Casualty Co. Fred L. Gray Coo Borey Shell Station Arthur Peterson Toro Manufacturing Corp. Ted Thompson Chas. Olson & Sons, Inc. Reinhapd Bros. Coo Edina Hardware Co. I Northern States Power Co. Total General Fund Poor Fund Suburban Hem. Coo Relief Bd. CLAIM NO. 1512 1513 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 3. 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 3.529 1530 1531 1532 - 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 e 1541 1542 L 1543 I544 1545 1 546 1547 1550 Sewer District No. 8 hlrs, Laurel Dirks 1548 First National Bank & Trust Go. 1549 - Total Poor Fund Sewer Rental Fund ' Northern States Power Coo 1547 Mrs. Eva Fautsch 1551 Total Sewer Rental Fund Total all funds AMOUNT $420 50 69.99 43.53 45.00 20,40 12.25 . 27.30 206.01 35.12 3.00 7.51 24.57 54.32 1.75 68.62 9.50 4.92 22.27 6.00 162.78 5.50 70.00 1.02 24.70 36.05 73.97 23.66 39.88 324.95 40 00 480.90 31.74 28.12 9.50 1.98 20.53 653.65 $2 , 697 . 49 175.76 5.00 406 00 411.00 1.17 225.00 226 17 $39 510042 212 Pdotion to purchase miscellaneous sewer equipment and tools owned by %he late So J, Fautsch at cost of $225, pursuant to inventory, was made by 'I.Jyatt, seconded by Willson and carried. Notion to refer the matter ofaemployfng a sewer inspector to succeed the late So J. Fautsch to the public utiL5ties committee and vlllage engineer for recommendation was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wyatt and carried. . Xotlon that the public safetyRcodttee and village engineer be authorized and dlrected to have identifying emblems of suatable design painted on each side of each police patrol car was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Hotion that the public safety committee and village engineer be authorized and directed to bave two-way radio equipment transferred from the 1941 model policeccar to the 1942 model police and to put the 1942 model police ca~ into regular service was made by Hawthorne, :+. -. seconded by Wy&t and carried. Notion that the clerk and engineer be authorized and directed to advertise for bids on road oil, according to @ecfflcations drawn the engineer, to be opened at 8 p,m, April 10, 1944, secord*d bY Wyatt and carried. $$torneg Cove11 presented the fOllOYJing proposed ordhmce and the clerk read the ordinance aloud: CURFEN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING PERSONS UNDER SIXTEEN YEARS OF AGB FRON BEING ON THE PUBLIC STREETS, ALLEYS OR PUBLIC PLACES IN THE VILLAGE OF EDlNA AT NIGBP, AT NIGHT, AFTER TITI3 HOUR OF NINEi;t.THIRTY O'CLOCK PONO The Village CouncSl of the Village of-Ediaa do ordain Sec, 1, &S follows: 1% is hereby made unlawful for any person under sixteen years of age to be or remain in or upon my of the'streets, alleys ur public places in the Village of Edina at night after the hour of nine-thirty pa., unless such person is accompanied by parent, guardian OP other person having the legal custody of such minor person, or is in the performance of an errand or duty directed by such parent, guardfan or other person having the legal custody of such minor person, or whose employment makes it 'necessary to be upon the streets, alleys or public places during the nJight time after said specificed hours. or other person havirig the legal care and custody of any person under szxteen years of age to ~110~ or pemit any such child, ward or other person under such age, while in such Legal custody, to go or be IQFWJK hi or upon any of the streets, alleys or public places in said village wi*&hin the time time prohibited in section one (1) of this ordinance, unless there elrists a reasonable necessity therefor, the provisions of this section shall, on conviction, be fined any sm no% exceeding ten dollars ($XO,OO), and stand committed until such fine an"d costs are paid. hereby authorized and instructed to arrest, without warrant, any person wilfully dolat5ng the provisions of section one '(1) of this ordinance. The person or persons so arrested shall, for a f2Ps-t; violation of this orainance, be taken or sent by the officer.to their homes, and their parents or guardians notified of such violation of this ordinance; upon a subsequent violation of the provisions of this ordinance, the person or persons so arrested shall be taken or sentvhome by the officer and the parents or guardians served with subpoena3 to appear in court with the person or persons so arrested, and show cause why the ordinance has been a second time violated. therefor is offered, the parents or guardians shall be fined according to 'the provisions Of section two (Z)+ poEice officer arresting such child or mfnor person, if the.said child. or'minor person either has no home or @;uardian, or refuses to give the name and address OS such home or guardlan to the officer, to place such child or minor person in the care of the proper authorities. d%l%ence Shall be used by the officer so arresting such person, liable un'er lnriaor Sec. 2, It is hereby made unlawfu2 for any parent, guarclhn Any person violatimg See, 3. Eachmember of the police force while on duty is 3T no 'syifficient excuse It shall be the duty of any All due ordinallee to find Parents Or guardians responsible for such Pending necessary illV8Stfgati0nss such minor charges shall not be detained in custody by the police more than twenty-four hour s . from and dter its passage and apFroval and publfcation, according to Law. Motion to adopt the foregoing ordinance was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wyatt and on rollcall vote there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Utley, aye; Willson, aye; Wyatt, aye; Hawthorne, aye, and Todd, aye, and so the ordinance was Sec. 40 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 'i - Motion to refer a proposed amendment of the Taxicab ordinance to the ordinances and legislation committee for a report at the next meeting was made by Hawthorne, seconded- by UtLey and carried. Utley reported receipt of a telegram from Carl ScMxtdt, engineer re$ained to study matters,relating to operation of the water system in the village, stating he would. come to Edina March 20 for. conference with members of the council. Todd instructed Engineer Smith to determine whether Art Peterson carries publis: liability and workmens compensation insurance covering vehicles and men employed,in collecting garbage in the vlllage. 8 Motion that pnblic hearings be set for 8 p.m. Monday, April 10, 1944, in the village hall.on all pending petitions for oiling and improvement of'streets an@ roads was made by,Willson, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Notion that assessments for street and road oiling be spread against benefited property during.1944 at the rate of 13 cents per front foot was made by Willson, secoaded by.Hawthorme and carried. Motion to refer various license applications to the public safety committee for report at the next meeting was made by Wyatt, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Letters were received from E. R. .Burton and H. D, Roach Coo, requesting relief from certain sewer.assessments on lots owned by them on Swinyside avenue. andwer and filing was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and carried. Motion to refer the letters to Engineer Smith for Motion to adjourn was made by Utley, second . 4