HomeMy WebLinkAbout19440410_REGULAR21 7 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDIPJA VILLAGE 'COUNCIL HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.N. APRIL 10, 1944 Four members of the council'were present: Todd, Willson, Wyatt and Minutes of the regular meetEng of March 27, 1944, were read and Motion to approve and allow *the following bills was made by Wyatt, seconded by Willson and carried: * Hawthorne. 2 approved. GENERAL FUND - Nm CLAIE NO. Walter F. Brown * 1629 (I Arthur KO Peterson 8 1598 Justus Lumber Coo 1599 Phillips Petroleum Coo 1600 Hemepin County Review 1601 American Linen Coo 1602 Shay Map Go, 1603 Miller-Davis Coo 1604 Lundin's Garage 1605 State of Minnesota 1606 E. W. Harris 1607 Edina Hardware Coo 1608 Borey Shell Station 1609 Minneapolis Iron Store 1610 Glacier Sand & Gravel Coo 1611 Dahlberg BPOS., Inc. 1612 Young me;l coo 1613 Oscar Roberk s 1614 Harry T. Peters 1635 A. F. Hyde 1616 Northwestern Bell Tel. Coo 1622 Country Club Dist. Serv. Co. 1623 BfIfnneapolis Gas Light Coo 1624 Farnham Stationery Coo 1625 Bud Brooks Pure Oil Station 1626 Geo. T. Shilson 162'7 Morine Bros. Go, 1628 Northern States Power Co, 1617 . SEWER RENTAL FUND Northern States Power Co. 1617 AMOUNT $ 24.50 480.90 21084 15.05 22.95 5.25 19.50 3085 25.10 7.00 112.35 51.79 3.00 8037 4x1 96 21 91 18 0 30 256.53 91.00 2.00 16'. 16 63.24 74.75 85000 31.50 35.35 3.95 630.64 $2,543.74 SEWER DISTRICT #8 15.00 1618 F. T. Smisek NIrs. Laura Dirks .1619 5.00 20.00 POOR FUND Sub. Henn. Coo Rlf. Bd. 1620 182 . 42 1621 730% 255.92 . Hennepin County TOTAL BELS $2,820.82, Motion to approve and allow the following payrolls was made by Willson, seconded by Wyatt and carried: NAME -. Office Phil W. Smith phi1 W. smith- Evelyn Kjos Gretchen Schussler John W. Lyon Hilding Dahl Win. S, Heydt CLAIM NO. GROSS AMT, WITHHODDING 1580 1581 1582 1583 -1 584 1585 1586 $162.50 25.00 67.50 67.50 112.50 102.50 97e50 . $21.00 NET AMOUNT $141 50 25.00 66.20 106. lo 58.70 93.50 89.90 (payrolls continued next page) 218 (payrolls continued Streets 5 R,ohnson P. H. Dmlgren S. J, Roberts 0, H. Spande Jobn Tracy Harry Jonas Id. J. Herfeld mas. Johnson E. C. Pfeiffer Biscellaneous Hilda Hoag from preceding page) CLAIM NO, GROSS AHT. WITHHOLDING 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 TOTAL PAYROLLS 1596 4-00 @ ,420; 25 $11.60 7.60 7.60 1490 1.90 5.00 5.00 3.60 I le30 NET AHOUET @100,90 , 817.40 87.40 83.10 83.10 8O.OO 92.50 61 . 90 , 59.45 4,OO I '%1,320.65 Bids for furnishing sand and gravel according to notice published in Hennepih County Review were received and opened. bids to the village engineer for tabulation and report at the next meeting was made by Wyatt, seconded by Willson and carried. Bfds for furnishing tar and cutback asphalt according to notice pubfislied in Hennepin County Review were received and opened, to refer the bids to the village engineer for tabulation and report at the 'next meeting was made by Wyatt, seconded by Hawthorne and carrged, Petitiohs requesting construction of curb and gutter and improvement and oil'ing of Arden avenue from Fifty-first to Ffftg-second streets and con'struction of curb and gutter on Fifty-Pirst street from Arden to Justa avenues by special assessments were received. were signed by a majority of affected property owners, Motion to accept and approve the foregoing petitions and to direct the clerk and engineel. to advertise for bids on constmxction of curb and gUttRr requested by the petitioners was made by WUlson, seconded by Bryatt and carrled . Public hearing on a proposal to improve &d oil Forty-ninth street from France avenue to a point 333 feet nest'of France was held. I&. B-Jorm, 3923 VI, Forty-ninth street, appeared in opposition to to the proposal and a letter was received from Nyrtle,and E, J, pelkey in opposition to the proposal. Ittotion to table the proPosa1 was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Notion to refer the Notion The petitions Public hearing on a proposal to improve and oil Ridge road from Interlachen boulevard to the south line of the Nw$ of the SZ3 of Section 30, Tovmship 117N Range 21N and Interlachen boulevard from the east boundary of Duee*s subdivision of Block 31, Nendelssohn, to the we& boundary of Lot 32, Hendelssohn, was held. Hssrs. Fleck, Eostue,'Grangaard and Kingsley appeared in support of the proposal, No one appeared in opposition, Notion to approve said proposal, a mo$o*ity of affected property owners having signed a petition or appeared in support of the improvement, vas made by Willson, seconded by Wyatt and carried. 1 Public hearing was held on a proposal to itmprove and oil Edina Court vas held. No one appeared 9n support or opposition to the proposal. Hotion to approve said proposal, a majority of affected property owners havhg signed a petition in support of the improvement, was made by Wyatt, seconded by Willson and carrLed. I Public hearing was held on a proposal to improve and oil Blwehaha . boulevard from Fifty-second t'o Fifty-fourth streets, No one appeared a in support or opposition to the proposal. A letter opposing the improvement was -received fr& Charles A, Brown, owner of Lot 35, Block 2, South Harriet Park Second Addition, proposal, a majmity of affected property ovmers having signed a Hotion to approve said petition supporting the improvement or having expressed no opposition, = was made by Willson, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Public hearing was hela4n a proposal to improve and oil Beard avenue from Fifty-fourth to Fuller streets,r; Motion to defer action pending completition of a petition requesting construction of curb and gutter on said street was made by Wyatt, seconded by Willson and carried. A delegakion of residents of the Brookvtew section of Sewer District Eso, 8 appeared to inquire the status Of the sewer projecto HaYor Todd 219 explained that no change in status of the project has been m&e by the council and that work would be resumed as soon as possible. Walter Anderson, 4535 W, Fifty-sixth street, appeared to request action on a petition which he said had been filed about two years ago requesting improvement and oiling of' Fifty-sixth street from Wooddale avenue to St, John avenue. The council having no record of said petition, Anderson agreed to subniit ti new pe.t;ition. \ Martin E. Strand, 4 Edina court, pppeared to inquire what action the council had taken on a petition requesting planting of trees in Edina court. Strand was advised the petition was approved by the council several months ago and work would be started when weather permits,. A de@ation representing Southwest Businessmen's Association appeared to object to location of 8 no parking zone is front of stores on France avenue north of Fiftieth street. to the north half of the block, at a location to be selected by the vkllage engineer, and that no parking signs be moved to the new location as soon as possible was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Willson and carried. Motion to move the no parking zone C, T, Hay and Russell Lund appeared to discuss a proposal for opening Forty-ninth-and-one-half street from France avenue to Hove's parking lot. council. Proposals for renewing insurance on tools, machinery, etc., in the village tool house gnd snow fence wherever it might be stored or erected in the village were considered. Engineer Smith said an inventory of property involved totaled $7,300 value. insurance be carried for the toals, etc., in the tool house. Motion to place said insurance with Hardware Mutual 'Casualty Go., which company offered the lowest rate,. on a five-gear annual premium basis viae Willson, no; Wyatt, aye; Haythorne, aye; Todd, aye, and the motion was carried. Motion eo authorize and diredt the president and engineer to study possibility of securing fleet fire insurance to cover various village motor vehicles and to invite at least six insurance companies to submit Hay and L&d were requested to submit a specific proposal to the fire Mayor Todd recommended $3,000 ' ' was made by Hawthorne and seconded by VJgatt. On rollcalR, the vote I ' proposals for such insurance on Mag 8, 1944, was made by Hawthorne, seconded. by Wyatt and carried. Charles Wessner, 5437 Kellogg avenue, appeared to inquire what action the cowcilmight take to order,removal of an undesireable residence bdlding hn Kellogg. if owners or occupants of the premises failed to comply with health regulationsr Motion to grant applicahons of Brown 6erDy cafe for renewal Of cigarst, pinball machine, 3.2 beer on-salp and 3.2 beer off-sale and of TrisleTfs grocery for renewal of cigaret and 3.2 beet off-sale licenses for the year ending March 31, 1945, was made by Wyatt, seconded by Willson and carried. Motion to transfer $200 from the:general fund to establish a planning commission fund was madk by Wyatt, seconded by Hawthorne and carried.) Hawthorne presented a repprt from the planning commission referx4ng'back to the caunc51 without recommendation the proposal of Douglas Rees for community store rezoning of Lots 1-3 and 15-17, Block 5, Brookside, and reportilng he and Engineer Smith had conferred with MWIinnesota highway department engineers and had 1 earned highway department plans, for construction of a grade separation project at Fiftieth street and Normandale road contemplate acquisition of a portion of the lots in question. Motion to taB3.e the proposal for rezoning of said lots was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Motion to. direct the ordinances and legislation committee and village attorney to study need for an ordinance regulating establishments selling and serving foods was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Willson and carrled. Wyatt said the committee already is considering such an ordinance . Uesner was, informed court action could be instituted . I Motion to deny an application by So W, Makson for a permit to garage building from St, Paul to 3514 W, Sixtieth street was made by Wyatt, seconded by Willson and carried, move a