HomeMy WebLinkAbout19440424_REGULAR220 HINUTES OF' TBE REGULAR Nl3ETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL IIET;D IN VIZLAGE HALL AT 8 P.U. APRIL 24, 1944 811 members of the council were presentb Bfnutes of the regular councilameeting of April 10, 1944, were read and approved, County Commissioner Einar Jeppesen arrd Mr, Z2mmeman of %he Hennepin courrtg highway engineer's office appeared to discuss the matter 6f imgroving France avenue as requested by menibers of the village ccsuI1GIL .Nrr Zimmeman presented ske3iches showing variations in grads of the roadway a& streetcar tracks between Forty-ninth and Fift%&Zrst streets and stated the county is wZlling to pay its share of cost of improving the street. It was agreed working plans for permanent improvement of France avenue from 343xmetonka boulevard to Fifty-fourth street should be dram as soon as possible, and it was agreed a meeting of all interested parties -- Edina, Hnnea$olia,. Nornings3.de, St. Louis Park, Hennepin couriky, &ate of Ennesota and Minneapolis Street E&&&say Coo -- should be held to reach agreement on undertaking md financing the project. A meeting was set tentatively for 8:15 p.m. May 15 at the vfllage hall for further discussion. Potion to approrre and allow the following payrolls was maae by Willson, seeorfied by Wmtt and carried: I Bower J3awthorne Geo. tYi1Zson Dr. A, So Wyatt Earold CI Utleg Dr, Lo E. Campbell Karl E. Cove11 Pbil V?. Wth Phil W, Smith Evelyn Kjos Gretchen Schussler 30h.n Lyon Hildfng Dahl Frank Archmbo Rn4 So Heydt 30 Jo I>uggm . Office " Streets R J. rohnson P, H. Dahlgren S. J. Roberts 0. N: Spande John Tracy Barry Jums Po 3. Herfeld chas. Johnson Silas 3errett E, Go Pfeiffer * Sam XcCready Glacier Sand Evelyn Xjos Tot a1 CLAIM NO. GROSS 1630 * 1631 1632 1633 1635 1636 1637 ,1634 1638 1639 1641 1642 16 43 1644 1645 A640 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 16 53 1654 1655' 16 56 162.50 6'7.50 6'7 50' 112.50 78,OO 25.00 102b50 970 50, 112.50 95.00 95.00 * 85.00 85.00 85,OO 97,50 68.25 56.70 56.70 120.75 1661 3.50 16 52 8O.OO 1658 90.62 70 21.00 1.30 8.80 9.00 6.40 1.30 7.60 lL6O '7.60 7.60 1.90 1.90 5.00 1,30 0 90 *90 10,40 50 OO $110.20 $5o,ou 50,oo 35.00 35,oo 35.00. '30, 00 3OoOO 140. 25.0 640'70 57 . 95 106 . fO 92,OO 76.70 8% 90 -3 $2,080 2 Petition requestiqg construction & curb and gutter on ?Voodcrest drive 812d on Sthe east side of' Park place from Fifty-fourth to Fifty-ffSth streets was received. engineer was made by Willson, seconded by Wyatt and carrhd. Frantz Klodt, 6204 Sherwood avenue; the Rev. Dickerud, 'aqd Osca~ Roberts, 5121 Halifax avenue, appeared to bfom the council that the Covenant church now holding meetings In the old Riley school building in Nimeapol3.s has purchased two lots aA the southwest corner of Fiftieth street and kdianola avenue and proposes to build 8 church at that location, matter nf erectiw the fotmdat;iLon of the church building with a temporag Motion to refer %he petition to the village They inquared the attitude of council members on the 6FZ 221 roof for use until building restrZctions are lifted. epxressed opposition to consthaction of less than a complete building. Mr, grant appeared to protest that assessment against his property for construction of Dewey Hill road was too high. Council merribers pointed out he had been notified of public hearing at the time assessments were spread and that he failed to appear. T. So Miller, 4081 Sunnyside road, appeared to conplain that a storm drain discharges water across his property. to the village engineer by Hawthorne, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Council menibers Hotion to refer %he matter ~P~a'gD~at€o~n~~sfarj~m;ogstigation was made Louis Peterson, 2944 Garfield avenue, Minneapolis, appeared to request issuance of a building permit for construction of a temporary bullding on om of several lots -owned by him in Cleveland's subdivision. Motion that no permit be issued and that Peterson b,e ordered to remove portion of the proposed building already constructed was made by Hawthorne, seconded by IAillson and carried. Motion to reconsider the council1 s actfon regarding application of S. W. Makson for pemission to move a garage from St, Paul to 3514 W. Sixtieth street was made by Willson, seconded by Wyatt and carried, Motion to grant a perfit to S. W, Pakson to move 8 garage from St. Paul presented by Makson and under supervision of the village engineer was made by Wyatt, seconded by Willson and carried. , . . to 3514 W, Sixtieth street, subject to conditions listed in a letter Letter was received Prom Paul Kingsley, suggesting fmrpvoement of drainage on Ridge road before the road is oiled. to the village engineer. The letter was referred Letter was received from Vern Joslin, acting state commissioner of game and fish, offering to stock Minnehaha creek with small game fish. Hawthorne was instmxcted to write a letter to Joslin requesting such stocking . Motion* that the dllage engineer and village attorney be directed to investigate the existance of a hole on property owned by Frank Garrison on Rellogg avenue was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Willson and carried. Motion tb grant application of Hay & Stenson Coo for a license to sel 3.2 beer off-sale for the year ending March 31, 3.948, was made by jg Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and carried. P 31 Motion to approve a claim by Dr, L. M. Campbell in the amount of $16 @%> for laboratory analysis of blood tests for village employes was made by Wyatt, seconded by Willson and carried. Motion that members of tQe police deparhnent be required to pay full cost of new uniforms was made by Utleg and seconded by Willson, Rollcall vote was Utley, aye; Willson, aye; Wyatt, aye; Hawthorne, aye; Todd, aye, and the motion was carried. Enginesr.Smltb reported tabulation of bids on cutback asphalt and tar, opened at the last council meeting, showed the following to be low bidders: Jay W. Craig Coo, $OB75 per gal. for cutback asphalt, and 3, W. Craig Co. and Republic Creosoting Co., each $0.1075 per gallon for road tar. Motion to award contract for purchase of cutback asphalt to Jay W, Craig Co. and contract for purchase of road tar to Republic Creosoting Coo at bid prices was made by Willson, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Engineer Smith reported tablulatfoq of bids on sand, gravel and crushed rock, opened at the last council meeting, showed the follodng to be low Wdders: Glacier Sa.& and Gravel Co., torpedo sand, $0.42 per yard at pit; Landers-Norblom-Christenson Co., buckshot gravel, $1.1675 per cubic yard at pit; Glacier Sand and Gravel Go., pea gravel, $1.47 per cubic y&d at plt; Oscar Roberts Go,, crushed rock, $1.47 per cubic yard at pit, crushed rock to low bidders as listed above and to return certified checks submitted by the biddera was made by Willson, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Motion to award conkracts for purchase of sand, gravel and 3dOtion gutter and oiling of Arden avenue from Fifty-first to Fifty-second streets a& Fifty-fTrst street from TndianoZa to Arden avenues was md%Yi1lson, reconsider action on a petition for construction of curb ad 222 , seconded by Wyatt and camied. fi IJotlon to set public heaping for 8 p.m. May 8, 1944, on a petikion for cons.f;ruction of cnrb\and gutter and oiling of Arden avenue from Fifty- firs% to Fifty-secoril streets and F$fty-firs.f; street from Indianola to Arden avenues was made by WilEson, seconded by Wyatt; 813d ~arrled. PetigTon was received requesting construction of curb and gutter on Beard avenue from Ffftpfourth to Fuller streets, getition -t;o the village mgineer for checking of signatures was made by Hawthorns, seconded by Wyatt snd carried. Petition was received requestlng oiling of Fifty-sixth street from Wooddale to St. John avenue. v5llage engineer for checking of signatures was made by Willson, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. UotLoa to refer the I Motion to refer the petition to the Notion to adjourn was made by Wyatt, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Village Clerk -w* 8 IKDKJTES OF THE SPECIAL REETING OF Tm ’ EDINA VILLAGE GOUNCIL HmS) IN VILLAG4 KAU AT 7030 P.N. APRIL 28, 1944 Four members of the council were present: Willson, Wyatt, Hawthorne and TOM, Hawthorne offered the follorrfng resolution and moved its adoption: V II RESOLVED, that Phil Executive Officer and Hanager for the Village CbuncTl of the Village of Edina and d.1 of its Committees. RESOLVED, further, that he shall have chapge of and dire& all the ministerial functfons and activities in charge of each such Committee in its absence. Smith is hereby appointed as I RESOLVED, further, that nothing herein contained shall‘ be or is to be construed as a delegation of legislative or d€ scretionary administrative power of th8 Village Council. Xotfon to adopt the resolution was made by Hawthorne, seconded by * Willson, Rollca21 vote was Y?j.llson, Hawthorne, aye; Todd, aye, and the resolution was ad +I ATTEST: a 1. t Motion to set public hearing for 8 p.m. Bay 12, 2944,’ on a petition by J, A. Danens and Son for rezon5n.g of certdn residentral property on Brookside avenue for eommercfal development was made by Wyatt, seconded by W€ll.son and carried. ltrfotion tp adjourn was made by Wyatt, seconded by Willson and carried. - * r”