HomeMy WebLinkAbout19440508_REGULAR228 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR EEETING OF TE[E EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.M. MAY 8, 1944 All members of the council werk present. I PBinuges of the regular council&eeting of April 24, 1944, and the special council meeting of April 28, 1944, were read and approved. Motion to approve'and allow thb following bills was made by Willson, seconded by Wyatt and carried: CLAIM NO, Oscar Roberts & Coo Dahlberg Bros,, Bc. Jasper Jasp erson Warner S. Nelson Warner Hardware Co, Young Fuel Co. M. J, Hoffmann, Comm. of Hwys, Minneapolis Blue Printing Coo Justus Lumber Coo Hennepin County Review Glacier Sand & Gravel Coo Bud Brooks Pure Oil Arthur K, Peterson Dr. L. M, Campbell Ed Harris Serv. St&, Harry T, Peters Reinhard Bres. Co, H, A. Rogers Go, Linde Air Products Go. Lydia Rogers, Publisher Minnesota Fire Equip. Coo Republic Greosotlng Go. Wm. H, Ziegler Go. Diamond Sign Co, Federated Hardware Mutuals Minneapolis Gas Light Go. Northwestern Bell Tel, Coo Brooks Oil Coo Walter C. Hue1 8c Go. Comm, of Taxation, Pet, Div. Geo. T. Shilson Northern States Power Coo Phillips Pet, Co. 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1106 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 . 1712 1713 1718 SEWER RENTAL FUND Northern States Power Coo 1713 Minneapolis Iron Store 1714 POOR FUND Sub. Hem, Co. Rlf. Bd. 1'73.5 SEWER DISTRICT #8 FUXD Wlrs. Laura Dirks 1716 Cash Register Sales Go, 1717 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1 . AMOrnT $93,15 11.25 184,OO 6.00 10.87 23.40 16.19 122.60 251.50 67 . 43 481.95 166.46 33.00 5.00 1.02 11.64 5,50 20.09 154.95 87,86 13.50 68.70 83 9.32 . 16 00 51 27 35010 18 . 34 18.30 41.25 629.29 15,*05 $2,677.81 70 00 1.28 8,79 1OoOV 116 61 116 . 61 5.00 7.50 12.60 $2,816.99 Motion to approvecand allow the following payrolls was made by Utley, seconded by Wyatt and carried: - CLAIM NO, GROSS AMT. WITHHOLDING NET. AMT, Office Phll We Smith 1663 $162,550 $21.00 $141050 Evelgn Kjos 1665 67.50 1.30 66.20 Gretchen Schussler 1666 67.50 8.80 58,70 John W. Lyon 1667 112.50 6.40 106,lO Wm, S. Heydt 1669 97.50 7.60 89,90 Streets R. J. Johnson 1671 112050 11 . 60 100.90 I Phtl W, Smith 1664 25.00 25'00 Hilding Dah1 . 1668 102,50 9.00 93. 50 Frank Archambo 1670 97,50 1.90 95.60 7.60 87040 P. K, Dahlgren 1672 950 00 S. J. Roberts 1673 95.00 7.60 87.40 (continued on next page) . ..._ - I. , PAYROLLS (continued from preceding page) 224 NPCPBE CLAIM I??). GROSS hdT. - r! 0, EB. Sparide 1674 85000 ) John Tracy 1675 85.00 Harry Jonas 1676 85.00 Chas. Johnson 1678 66.00 Sam McCready 1679 58.10 Silas Herrett 1680 58.10 E. C, Pfeiffer 1681 90.00 I, J. Eerfeld 1677 1 97.50 Miscellaneous Hilda C. Hoag 1719 4.50 TOTAL PAYROLLS $1,664.20 WITHHOLDING NET ANT. 1.90 83.10 4.50 s6l.564.40' I E1 - u- Letter was received from George C, Christopher, 5656 Wooddale avenue, complaining of storm waters flooding his basement and urging that the village start construction of a stormsewer in that a~ea. Public hearing was held on a petition for construction of.curb and gutter on Park place, east side, from Fifty-fourth to Fifty-fifth streets and on both sides of Woodcrest drive. Roy C, Drake, Dr. C, G, Ruud,-C. A. Kuntz and E. B. Voneman appeared in support of the petition, W. E. Eugler appeared 3.n opposition. F. Go Cotey and 3. €3. Hagee requested their names be withdrawn from ehe petition supporting the proposed improvement. seconded by Utley and carried. Motion by Wyatt to deny the petition was Hotion by Eawthorne to direct the village rmnglneer to establish lines of' a 30-fOot roadway on Woodcrest drive and to order that all obstructions within the roadway be removed was seconded by lrUlson and carried. Eloi Bauers appeased as spokesman& for a delegation of residenes on Golf terrace to inquire what steps might be taken for establishment of 8 storm sewer district in that area. Motioneby Utley to direct*the village engineer to make a prelhinary survey of possible limits of a storm sewer district including Glf terrace, Woodilale avenue, Colonial, \ Grove and adjacent meas was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. J, G.. Clark appeared as spokesman for a delegation of residents in the vicinity of Sixty-second street and Brookview avenue, requesting change of grade on Brookview from Sixty-second to Sixty-fourth streets. The delegation was inf'omed the work would be undertaken when previonlsy scheduled work is completed. I Public hearing was held on petition to construct curb and gutter on &den avenue from Fiftieth to Fifty-first streets. the petition was made by Willson, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Public hearing was held on petition to construct curb and gutter on Arden avenue from Fifty-first to Fifty-second streets, east side, and on Fifty-first street from Indianola to Arden avenues. Lee Parris, 5019 Arden avenue, appeared in opposition to the petition regarding constmkction of curb and gutter on Fgfty-first street. Exaxhation of' &he petition showed only one of' four affected property owners favored that portion of the project. to Arden avenue and to deny the petition 8s applying to Fifty-first Public hearing was held on petition eor construction of curb and gutter on Beard avenue from Fifty-fourth to Fuller streets. Motion to approve the petition was made by Wyatt, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Motion to reqaest Hardware Wtual Casualty Go. to amend policyN0. 404044 to provide $500 theft insurance on one 1940 International dump truck instead of #,2700 theft insurance and to adjust the premium accordingly was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Notion to approve Notion to appove the petition as applying street was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wya%t arid carried. \ I .Revised petitzon for construction of curb and gutter on Park place from Fityfeurth to Fifty-fifth streets, east side, and on Roodcrest ,drive, with exception of the frontage of Lots was received. .Hotion to approve the petitlon and to extend the proposed curb and "gutter from Park place to Hnnehaha creek bridge on Fifty-fourth street .was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Utley ant3 carried. C, A. Kun%z, 5437 GVoodcrest drive, appetwed to complain the course of IEinnehaha creek adaoining his property was changed by construction of #the SaitmY trunk sewer, forcing the channel of the creek entirely on .his property. complaint. and The village engineer was directed to inve%stgaee %he 225 i Letter was received from M, J. Dillon, Hennepin county attorney, transmitting a grand jury recommendation that police officers be instructed to proceed with greatest possible regard for human life and saf'etg when regponding to emergency calls, The letter was referred to the public safety committee. Application of George T, Shilson from transfer of 3.2 beer on-sale, received. Motion to refer the application to the village attorney was pinball and cigaret licenses of Village Inn Cafe to his name was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wyatt and carried, Motion to approve application of Edina Village Bowling Center for license for a second pinball machine was made by Hawthorne, seconded Willson and carried, Claim in the amount of $1,195 fos damages to his 1941 Studebaker automobile in a collision with W::;uillage police car at Fiftieth street and Normandale road on April 11, 1944, was received,from Belv3.n Halverson, 20 Circle W, attorney was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wyatt and carried, ;ii 6 Notfon to refer the claim to the village Motion that the v%llage engineer bv directed to notify Frank Garrison that he must build a house or fill an open excavation on property owned by him on Kellogg avenue was made by Hawthorne, seconded by UtLey and carried. I) Motion'to pay $5 annual dues for village membership in Hennepin County League of Munztkfpa2ities was made by vdillson, seconded by Wyatt and carried. 9' $;- Bids were received for construction of curb and gutter on Arden avenue, Fifty-first street, Woodcrest drive, Park place and Beard avenue, in accordance with advertisements published in Hennepin County Review, Victor Carlson and Sons were the only bidders, offering bids of 961.20 per running foot for curb and 18-inch gutter and $1025 per running foot for curb and 24-inch gutter. was made by Wyatt, seconded by Willson and carried, Motion to remove thi sign marking Juanita lane on Fift$eth street was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wyatt and cmried. Motion'to authorize the village manager to proceed with securing repair of ,the police car damaged in an accident was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and ,carried. Motion to accept the bids Motion to adjourn Willson, seconded MINUTES until 8 p.m. Friday, May 12, 1944, was made by by Hawthorne and carried, Village ,~ Cle OF TH33 ADJOuRmED M3ETIMG OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.M. MAY 12, 1944 All members of the council were present. Public hearin was held on petition of' J, A, Danens and Son for rezoning of Si of Ut 8 and Lot 9, Block 3, Grandview Heights, for commercial use. Mr, and Wfrs. Joseph Smutney, 5105 Summit avenue; Mr. and Mrs, Peterson, owners of property at 5110 Brookside avenue, and Mrs, Fred N, Sewell, 5109 Summit avenue, appeared in oppostion to the petition. property zoned for commercial use and that lots for which he requested rezoning had been tax delinquent, until the next regular meeting of the council and to direct the village manager to investigate extent of tax delinqunecy in the vicinity of the property in question and availability of commercially-zoned property in the district was made by Hawthome, seconded by Utley and carried. Danens explained he had made unsuccessful efforts to purchase Motion to defer action on the petition Public hearing was held on petition to improve and oil Arden avenue from Fiftieth to Fifty-first streets, Motion to approve the petition was made by Utley, secondedl by Wyatt and carried. Public hearing was held on petition to improve and oil Arden avenue from