HomeMy WebLinkAbout19440612_REGULARMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ‘ EDrPTA VILLAGE C0UNCIL”HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 7t30 P,M, MONDAY, SUNE 5, 1944 All members of the cokbcil were present. County Commissioner Einar Jeppesen and Z3merman, deputy county highway engineer, were present with working’ plans prepared by Zimmerman for paving of France avenue from Forty-ninth to Fifty-first streets. Motion to approve and adopt said plans for paving of France avenue from Forty-ninth to Fifty-p’irst streets and to authorize appropriate village officials to open negotiations with the City of Minnkapolis and Wnneapolis Street RaZlway Coo for a joint agreement for proceeding with the project at the earliest zossible date was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Willson and carried. Arthur Peterson appeared to it?i&ques$ increase in compensation for collecting garbage in the village, for‘ recommendation at the next meeting6 The matter was referred to Utley Capt, Kurtz, son of the owner of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 5, Brookside, appeared to 2nquire the attituae of the council regarding application for rezoning of said’lots for community store USQ. He was informed action by the planning commfssion and council could not be expected until plans of the school board regarding construction of ti hi& school ana of the state highway department regarding grade separation at Fiftieth street and Nomandale road and until the planning commission has completed study of the neighboring area. Motion to adjourn was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and carried. BBXNUTES OF THE REGULAR BAEETING OF EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL lfELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P,H, MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1944 All menibers of the cotmoil were present. Ninutes of the regular council m6eting of May 22, 1944, and the special council~meetlng of‘ June 5, 1944, were read and apporved, Motion to approve and dZow the following bills was rn&&,by Wyate, seconded by Willson and carried: 1 GENERAL FUND Name Art Peterson‘ Claim’No. 1751 Village of Hopkins 17 52 Minneapolis Gas Light 00, 1753 Hardware Mutual Casualty Coo 1754 City of? Mpls. Treasurer 1755 Wm. H, Ziegler Co. 1756 Bud Brooks Pure Oil 175’7 J, V, Gleason 1758 Dahlberg Bros., Inc. 1759 Miller6Davis Coo 1760 Mpls. Blue Printhg Co. 1761 American Printing Coo 1762 Berg and Farmham Co, 1763 Ninnesota“ : Tree Service 1764 Tierney-Wiggin Nursery 1’765 To We ROShOlt (30, ’ 3766 Dale Green 1767 E, Perry 1768 ’ Minneapolis Iron Store si- 1769 Northwestern Bell TeL Coo 1770 Harry T. Peters ’1771 1772 3.773 ’ Justus Lumber Co, Mrs, C, Cornelius * Oscar Roberts 2% CO~ ‘1774 Snternational Harvester Coo ‘2775 ’ Herman Gliem’ 1776 ’ Maurice Le Rotschild & Co, 1777 Glacier Sand & Gravel Coo ‘3,778 ’ 4 a Amount $484.75 Total (Bills -- continued from preceding page) 230 Eame - '/ Boreg Shell Servfce Clah No. 1779 &' Hidriest Cap Mfg. Coo 1780 CarL Olson 1781. Stowell Art Studios 1782 Williamson Stamp Coo 1783 Acme Amhg Coo 1784 bdware Hutual Casulatg Go.1785 * George Jensen 1786 Gmce HeckmRn 178'7 Rur. Ilenn. Coo League of BiL 1788 E. %. Harris Service Stn. 1789 Northern States Power Coo 1790 Reinhard BPOS, Co. 1995 G0rOg8 To Shilson 1796 Amount 3.18 10000 9.60 6.00 8005 110 50 73.8090 10.00 107.25 5.00 91.60 75060 112.50 628.90 GENERAL FUEJD Total POOR FUMD Sub, Hem. CO, Rlf Bd, . 1791 131 12 $131.12 LI SEBER RENTAL F"D Bopthem States Power Coo 1790 1.28 Treasnesr, (X%y of Npls. 1793 18.80 I Tom BOtZkO Coo 1794 15.00 #35.08 Xotion to approve and allow the folloving bill was made by Wyatt, Name Clailn No. Amoufitr @6.6af. seconded by Utleg and carried: SBmR DISTEICT #6 FUND mmatl. Bank & Trust Co. lVaS -qzim @!mzf Hotion to apporve and alaow the following bills was made by Wyatt, seconded by Utleg and carried: Name - Claim Xo. Amount TotEil NdV Natl. Bank & Trust Coo 1799 (original) a63.50 NE7 Xatl. Bank & Trust Coo 1799 (supplement) 17.50 $X8l,QU Eotion to approve and allow the following bill was made by Wyatt, seconded by Willson and carried: - Total NallIEl Claim No, Ws. Laura Dirks 1792 BlotSon to approve and allow the following bills was made by Wyatt, secondedbg Utley and carried: JOINT SEVER DISTRICT #l RMD SEWER DISTRICT #7 FUND SEVdZR DISTRICT #8 FUND ,= 3- Total - Name Claim No, AmOUn6' First at^ 1803 (orighal) $586.46 I%'? Natl. Bank tk Trust Coo 1803 (supplement) 118 0 99 $705.45 Eotion to approve and allow the following bill was made by Wyatt, seconded by Utleg and carried: VfATER ESAIN IMPROWT #2 FUND N8me Claim No. m.&t Total MI"bNat1. Bank 8; Trust Coo 1802 -$EKV #siz5T Nvl Natl, Bank & Tms% Co. 1826 (original) 'piz5 Hotion to approve and alLow the following bfllswas made by Vya-bt, seconded by Willson and carried: - Name Claim No. Nv9 natl. Bank & Trust Coo 1826 (supplement) ' 27.25 @08,50 'Idotion to approve and allow the following b511 was made by Utley, seconded by Willson and carried: E€Ull€3 Claim No. hount Total Xotion to approvd and allow the following payrolls was made by Willson, seconded by Wyate and carried: Claim No. Gross Vhldp;, Hosp. Other Ded. Net Llmt; Name BDHIEJISTRATIVE Phil F?. Smith 1804 $162.50 $21.00 @41.50 66.20 SEtlJER DISTRICT #5 FDND 1 Total . - Amount; SETE.TER*DISTRICT #9 FUND mil Natl. Benk & Trust Coo 1801 $W - - Phil V. Smith a 1805 25.00 25.00 John W, Lyon 1808 112.50 6.40 @.OO 10001,0 Hilding Dabl 1809 102050 9.00 - '93.50 ' '1 58.70 Evelyn Rjos 1806 67.50 1.30 Gretchen Schusslsrl807 67050 8.80' POLICE DEPARTfdENT IQn. S. Heyat " 1810 9705O 7.60 89,90 FPd Archambo 1811 9'7.50 1.90 6.00 89.60 1OOogO PUBLIC moRKs R, J, Johnson 1812 1L2.50 ll.60' P. H, D&cKI.gren ' 1813 95.00 7.60 ' 87.40 3 (continued on next Page) PAYROLLS ..- continued from .pPPrcedfng; page) Nme Claim No, Gross Wkddg, - PUBLIC vmFiK:s (cont) ' So J, Roberts 0, M, Spande John Tracy Harry Jonas M. J, Merfeld John Balich Willard Xulkins Don McKay E, c, Pfeiffer Qhas. Johnson Silas Hemeet Sam McCready ' Total 1814 1815 183.6 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 #9S,OO 85,OO 85,OO 85.00 9'7.50 90.00 32 40 16.20 156025 94.50 88-20 $7.60 L90 5.00 10.20 1090 5. OO 030 l4r40 5.00 1.90 1825 88.20 7.60 $1,955*25 I36*00 Other Ded. Net ri 83587 40 83010 83.10 920% 79080 32e10 18e20 141.85 89.50 86030 80,OO - 80r 60 $12,00 $1,807.25 Petition requesthg construction of a storm sewer in Colon5al Grove was received. study was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wyatt and carried, Petition requesting improvement and oiling of Woodland road was received* A delegation of residents on Woodland road appeared and the matters of' constructing a storm sewer in Colonial Grove and impzovement of Colonial Grove streets were diSGu8sed. It was agreed pemnanant;M.nprovement of: Woodland road should be deferred pending construction of the sewer. Motion to scarify the surface of Woodland road and apply a dust coat of oil without a rock base at an assessment of not to exceed 64 per fi.0n.e foot against adjoining properties, with the urderstanding additional assessment would be necessary when full improvement of *he road is undertaken, was =de by Hawthome, seconded by Utley and carried. Motion to refer: the petition to Eng5neer Smitth for A delegation of resident on Park place and Woodcrest drive appeared to discuss the matter of eonstmeting curb and gutter on Park place and Woodcrest drive. Appearing tn opposition to the project as previously authorized were Nr. Pagee, HI?. White, We Roberts, EBr. Voneman, Mrs. Cotey and Mrs, Kugler, Appearing in favop of thO project were Mr. Drake, Dr, Rudd and Mrs, Kwrtz, Letters expressing approval of the pro3ec.f; were received from Er. Cowan and hk. Curtis. Dr, Rudd read a letter from Simon Meshbesher, attorney, expressing opin€on proponents of the project could bring mandamus actlon to enforce their rights to the contract let by the council for the project. Afte~ discussion, Mr, Drake, Dr. Rudd, and Mrs. Kuntz said they were willing that other portions of the project be cancelled if they could have cphrbing on the frontages of theis property. BBotion that all portions of the Woodcrest drive and Park place curb and gutter project as adopted May 89 1944, be abandoned, wtth exception of the frontages of Drake, Rudd, Kmtz, Cowan and Gurtis, subjec2; to consent of the contractor to modification of the contract and that khe portions of the project to be oarried tboue be+constructed at at prtce to be set by the contractor was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wyatt and carried. I Firs Chlef Phil Bailey appeared to discuss means of elhtnating calls to Minneapolis fire depmtment and suggested discs bearing the Edina fire department telephone number be dfstributed to all buildbgs in the dllage, for installation on telephonecdials, Letter from George Eo Herrold, St. Paul planning engineer, suggesting that the village owed him a fee sfor work on the village building code several years ago*. Hawthorne was instructed to write 8 letter advising Mr, Rerrold that present nrexibers of the council have no knowledge of work he may &me performed and that he should submit an itemized c3.h if he feels compensation is due. 'Engbeer Smith reported petition received Mag 22, 1944s s?eques%ing improvement and oiling of Josephine avenue from Forty-eighth to Forty- ninth streets, Furty-eighth street from Josephine to Pukwana land and Millpond place from Josephine to Pukwana, did not contain sufficient sfgnatures to permit consideration. Motion t;o deny said petition was made by Willson, seconded by Utley and carrfed, Motlon to approve application of Sophia B. Stenson, Country Cash sto 6128 Oaklawn avenue, for a cigaret license for the period ending March 31, 1945, and to grant said license was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Motion to authorize transfer of $318.91 from the general fund to Sewer D%strZq$ #9 Fund to cover deficit as of Ma9 31, 1944, and $241~92 to cover coupons an& charges due July 1, 1944, was made by UtleY, A. I. 33 seconded by Wyatt Motion to adjourn * 1 ana was J Carried. 'rn83.de by Willson, seconded by tVyatt md carried, , - ViZEage Clerk Todd announced he lxzd been no%ified by Village Assessor klex Creigh'Con that h& assesanen'c rolls of the villase for 1344 had not been cou- pleted an6 nou.lii not be ready for consideration by the boa~d ~?iitfZ the kther part of JuPyo &m%Ce D. Davis* owner of Lots 24 and 15, Block 4, "Jest 2inneapsolis Beishts, appeared to discuss assessmedts on his ppogerty, s'Ca-bi~g 'his tzes mount to about @50.00 annually Tibile his neighbors pay about 00Oa Todd expla3ized present ascesSneiI% of Dz~is' ypoyrty could ilot be diccussed until assessrnelik rolls cere before the bozrd. and that he ;:~u1Ci be riotifled of the tine of 2x1 ccijotrr-ned liieeGi-ngS, -0- -0 - -0 - -0- -0 - -Q- -0- 70 o 70 21eOO -0- 1030 31*10 8.80 EO 000 !XI 000 35 *oo 35.00 35000 30000 30 .OQ 2!3:.,QQ 64-70 57-95 287e65 112050 Go4Q 6000 1050 98 $60 102o5Q 9000 1o5Q 92, OQ 5?7,50 7060 -0- 84030 lo90 SEiolQ 97.50 6000 lo5Q 24.0 90 1200 4.50 968,642 -- 4IQ 00