HomeMy WebLinkAbout19440710_REGULARAll ambers 02 the csur,cil ::.ere present. I3nutes of the regukr cotlncil meekins held June 2G, 1942, and che Bar& of 3evie;i meting held June 26, 1945, nere read ardn apsroved A h 1905 &162,50 :b210 00 1913 19 14 19 15 1916 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 19 23 1924 1925 LE26 1917 1927 1929 193 0 192s 112 o 50 85 e00 95000 85000 E5 000 85 000 97050 105,OO 60075 50 .do 53090 30 000 15060 110 000 28 000 513.25 45000 a 11.60 7 060 7 e60 1.90 1.90 5000 5eOO 6040 1030 090 090 30 9.00 I 15,60 101.00 28000 56 o 25 45000 Eoti OE -bo a13i3rove an6 sllow %he Sollonin~ miscellaneous bills nas nade by J@tii5 secondeb by Utley and carried: 0 Oscar Boberts CO, Jo To Glcason 1867 50204s 1868 82000 [ cBndiiltzed on next page) 236 (Bills -- cmtinued from preceding page) In-k er laclie n Gr e e-dio u B ep I:imeso-i;a Fire Squipment Co Aagard Sign Co. Chris Larsan J. IT. Bailey 3Turseriex Lynnhur s -b Iiur s er i e's Beecher-Cmiings I Ilrrc e Cdim Garage, I~C. American Sinen Coo Industrial Electric Co e Lind-e-Air Products Co . Phillips I?e%roleur,r Co, 226- I-lailrix Service 3ta. C0i.m. of Tm:a-i;lon, Fet, Dive Regublic Breoxotiag Co. 'Jarner Ear dvar e Co e Ben SEwbware Co Watt f s Ecpress Co 3 6- ha, Har dvmr e IIinneapolis Gas Eight Coo Bahlberg Bros. Iilco Glacier Sand S Gravel CoQ D-A Lubricants Coo Tliller-D8vis Co . Burroughs Adding EacBine Co iTorthves-bern 3ell Tel, Coo Bud Brooks Pure Oil Co. Vic-kor CarlsoQ 2~ Sons, Inc, George To Ghilson . !&?in City Brick Coo Iyortliern States Power Go 1570 1871 1872 18 74 18 75 18 16 1877 187'8 18 79 1880. 1881 1882 18 83 1884 1835 1886 1887 1888 1839 1890 1891 1892 1900 1901 190 2 1903 19 04 1931 1894 1893 ia 73 ho tal% c9.00 65.80 3 092 4 oOQ 78.09 46080 92,40 12.50 2875 5075 6.20 5094 37055 105e10 15 e00 - 3,643 e24 56 035 4040 11 e 25 58068 1.74 34.55 193.12 145 e 77 3.70 9.80 35640 67 017 3,003060 66.25 8 *44 $7 546 86 620 a69 Motion to approve and allow the following bills was made by Utley, seconded by Willson and carried: Sewer Rent a1 Fund Northern States Power Go. 1893 1894 1895 Twin City Brick Co, Bo H. Bradley Poor Fund Sub. Hem, Go, Rlf. Bd. 1896 Sewer District No. 8 Fund F, To msek Krs. Laura DLrks a 1897 1898 WATERMAIN IMPROVENENT Xo. 1 Fund First Natl. Bank & Trust Coo 1899 $145.56 $1 5.00 xzm5 5,OO $3,169.75 R. B. Copleg, 4533 Rutledge avenue, appeared to inquire how soon completion of lateral sewers in Sewer District No, 8 would be possible. Todd and Utley explained the council is making a study of financing of Sewer District No. 8 with the hope of making adjustments and revisions to permit construction as soon as labor is available. Motion to direct the village engineer to revise plans and complete specifications for construction of lateral sewers on Brookside and Rutledge avenues in Sewer District No. 8 as soon as possible to permit completion of those portions of the project as soon as financial problems of the district are adjusted, seconded by Utley and carried, Motion to authorize the village manager to rent the Bucyrus shovel. owned by the village to responsiblepersons, subject to terms of an agreement to be drawn by the village attorney was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Willson and carried. Motion to transfer $@89,20 from Sewer District No. 7 fund to the General fund in repayment of items of $500 and $489.20 owed by the sewer district to the general fund was made by Utley, seconded by Wyatt and carried, Motion to charge Sewer District No, 1 fund for all costs of putting im roverne ts of the district in completed construction condition wgs Joint mti8e UgleY, seconded by Wyatt and carried. 236 ) \ Letter was received Brom Lee L. Whiting, 5316 Kellogg avenue, objecting to an assessment of $50 made against him by Country Club District Service 00, md inquiring whether such so-called connection charge had been authorized by the village council. answer the letter, explafnfng that minutes of the vzllage council do not record any approval of such charge. Letter was recefved from George H. Herrold, Sk. Paul city planning engineer, inquiring whether the village still is operatin@; under the zoning ordinance adopted in 1931, with amendmenlx, directed to answer the letter. Hawthorne was directed to Hawthorne was Petition requesting improvmient and oiling of Drew avenue from Fifty-eighth to Sixtieth streets was received. petition to the village engineer was made by Wyatt, seconded by Willson and carried. Petition signed by 27 persons objecting to erection of a church at Fiftieth street and Indianola avenue was received and filed. Notion to adjourn was made by Wyatt, seconded by Utleg and carried. Hotion to refer the , Villl'age C3. erk 1962 5963