HomeMy WebLinkAbout19440811_SPECIAL238 Assess'-* lent s that I:otion the full and true value of the B. 172 feet of the 1.r-,',7 nad the 117 150 feet of the 2 172 of the S-� of Lot 36, Audit;ors Subdivision 172 1 shall be cozzected -'Go be and is hereby found to be ;`5.250 instead of 39,250 �,az A:. de by '.Tya-tt, seconded by 7illson -and carried. E�otion that assessuent o.Z real and personal property in the Vil2aCe of Bmina as set forth in the assessment books for 19441 by Crei-hton, ville�ge assessor, and as, _reviewed and equalized by this board, is hereby approved and adopted Y-ras made by Hawtilorne., seconded by Utley and I carri ed. I:otion to adjourn was L32--de by Uillson, seconded by Uirastt and ca•riedo Vi lade Gle rL -- .L:E-UTL233 OF TBE ANTOMUMD OF TIM- ==,'A VILLAGn, COMML I"I" "VILLAGE MUM AT 8:00 P.1.7. I.-O-1-DAY9 iny 31$ IOM41-_ All members of the council were present* W. E. Steink-e and J. I. Louis, park board members, appeared to present a recomze-indation, of the board that Kinnesota Tree Service be employed to trim, 74 boulevard trees on Bror.1ndale Avenue bet,qeen Forty - fourth and Forty-ninth streets at cost of 4,511-00 and to trin, and remove certain trees on paric property adjoinirV,, Browndale Avenue. rotion to accept the offer of 1 innesoivn Tree 'Service to trip 74 boulevord trees on 3ro,,.,ridale Avenue betl,,,,een Forty-fourth and Forty-ninth streets .1 at cost of �511.00 and to trim and remove certain other trees on'!_e: nh L.0,009 subject to deten-jination by 1he pro-perty at cost not to et-ceed Q" U U ­ U board that the latter vork is necessary and co.nnot- be _perforlLeCL by par" U the Villzat;-e �CL17-jlic cre7w,, Lita-de by Utley, seconded by U-,iratt and arried. (Ile 1:0tion. to P,.rjl)rove and ,rart the application of Sophia B. Ste-sason fcr off-sale beer license at Country Cash store, 6128 Oahlo.-ra Avenue, for the period endin --arch 61., 1245, aas made by Hal.,.tthorne, geconded. by 11 ,Tyatt and carri ed. 1qV'1j 17-otion to pezaiit 'shk :,Sroo."-s to store one sciui-trailer tractor and tank termporarily"Lon. village tool house C.rounds, -at a location to be selected by ;he vil1,-_-.­e uanaGer2 with rent of 05.00 per nas m-de by I-lawti--Loxne, secoi-Aed by 'J-"ratt end carried. It was the consensus of the council that the Ford sedu formerly designated as a -colice car henceforth shall be a utility car, to be under control of the villa manager for use by all villaCe deparlqcientis. '- --ion that the cler.- ead be authorized and directed to p e- ar 1.0 U _r p e specificec,ions cnd a6vert-2se for bids for purchase of a rtotor truch- for the public uorl-,zs depaxtnent vas made by Willson, seconded by Hawthorne and carried o r.ot-ion to adjourn was nade by Hawthorne, seconded by 'Myatt and carried. OF TIM SM"CIAL IM IT -11'G OF TIM :]D=A VIMIG3 COTMICIL MILD ELT VILLtiGrJ HALL AT 800 P.E. FRIDAY, AUGUST 119 151_L4. A.11 members of the Council were present Clerk Hawthorne moved the adoption of the follo'wii� Resolution: 'OLUrJ'1OYT 170 - 2 r 39 A =-11SOLUTIO17 ORGAI-,I-ITG A 1:U11ICIPAL COURT I-L" AIM FOR TB:3 VILLAG131 OF 1TiOVIDI7G3 A SUITAIM11 PLAME FOR HOLDII:G ITS SESSIOZIS, PR:ISCP-,IB- 1-TG T" --IT.,''u" OF JT-MG:3S A17D OTIEMIR OFFICIALS TIIMEI17119 17D FIXL,G THEIR Co -TTIUMT 101T BE IT RZISPOL =0 , by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: -1. Th,7-t a llunicii?,al Court, to be hnovrn as "The Yunicipal. Court of the Village of uaina,, Hennepin County, lannesotall, be and hereby is organized el.nd established under and pursuant to Sections 215 to 236, inclusive, and Sections 2391 and 240 of L'ansonts Yinnesot.a. Statutes, 1927, and acts a- end- atory thereof and supplemental thereto. That the procedure in said Court shall be as provided in said sections, ezeept as b'dierwise hereinafter provided. 2. That said 11unicir-al Court shall have tuo judges, one of whom shad, be called the Municipal Judge and the other the Special L-unicipal Judge, The Lunicipal Judge shall receive a salary of 1)900 per annum, payable by t*ho Village in e-, u-al Li-onthly installments on the last secular C ay of each )_aonth colmajencing Sept amber 30, 1944. The Special 1--Ain ic iparl. Judge shall receive COM-1) onsen,' ion at the rate of S'PlO per day for oe.ch such day, or fraction thereof, of service in presiding over said Court while in session, payable at the end of each month upon presentation by said Sj�,ociazl Lunicipal Judge of a verified claim. [mll in 3. Th:,,,t said '6'_uni6ijj,-_1,l Judge and said Specil-.1 11"'Unicil.zl, Judge sl the first instance be appointed by the Governor of the State of to serve until their successors are elected and riu;--,.lified at the ne.-Ilt regular election of the Vill�-;Lge of 13dina, in Decey-3ber, 1944. Tho, t at said election the said judges shyll be elected for a term of four (4) years. That each of said judges shall be a. resident of the Villc.­--e of B B 1.;1 idin,2. and. 'o. man learned in the law. 4- That the Clerk of said Court shall be appointed by the 17LU-1icilial Judge and shall receive such conpensation as the Village Council sha11 design- te. 5. That the sessions of said Court- shall be held in the Council Chz:bers of the Village Hall of the Village of Edina, located at 4801 11'. both Street. The Villa.,Ze Council hiay by resolution change the place of 1101(lilIL; Cot:,rt frog, tiiile to and the power so to do is hereby reserved. G. That the fees to be charged by the Judge and Clark of said Court Latia ozziciers servinL; process and as those allowed by law to the lit Hennepin County. 3-"id fees shall to the Villo.Se TreaOUrero other papers therein s-- h�. 11 be the s nmo : :e officers of the District Court, of be collected by said Clerk and paid. 7. Mat tae ; ^esi6ent of the Village Council shall one or y1ore I)olico of- icers of the Village of 7Mina, but not ell.ceeding three, to c a lz.� is aaid -perforri the duties Of 'Court Officers of said Court., oithout e::tr;a, or actCLitional salary. All'fees collected by soid. Court Officers in civil cases, for their services, shz:,,ll be retained by theLt as cojz,,-ieus,-,tion for such services. The iaotion. uas seconded by Trustee A. S. 7-,yatt. The roll was called an the iaotioa to adopt the Resolution as read, Toad-, Utl---,,-, r ilisorl, Myatt, and Hawthorne voted "Aye". There i-ere no XI-l""eS a T'Lle resolution .,7as unaiairnously adopted 3T. Pre-esidel -0-z' "ounciff- C, ar S. Tlz,.t SUI-Lu-ions in said Court shall be subscribed by the plaintiff. or his atton-iev I-Inc, nay be served by any person not c� party to the action. V h 9. That the Villase of Udina shall furnish to the said Court all nocessar,y cznd proy);;r forms, blanks., filesq file cases and record books for the records of all actions, civil and critjjjjc:l, in -,,aid `L-1--lo first C-, onex-ral 'L ern of said. 17unicip;al Court shall cod --ti:ience on the 5,ikxh day of Septe::aber, 19411., �-;lnd said Court shall be in full -force czc� effect fxolal said date. The iaotion. uas seconded by Trustee A. S. 7-,yatt. The roll was called an the iaotioa to adopt the Resolution as read, Toad-, Utl---,,-, r ilisorl, Myatt, and Hawthorne voted "Aye". There i-ere no XI-l""eS a T'Lle resolution .,7as unaiairnously adopted 3T. Pre-esidel -0-z' "ounciff- C, ar 240 a,oti on to c.jot? °;a .,mss iuzcIe by H--wthorne seca�;ucc ay .7;11 on, and carried. r MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD IN THE VILLAGE TIM AT 8:00 P X. AUGUST 143, 1944. President Todd called the meeting to order, the roll eras called, and four members were present. Utley, Willson, 17yatt and Todd, kinutes of the regular council meeting held July 249 the adjourned meeting of the Board.of Review held July 31, 1944, and the adjourned meeting of the Council held on July 31, 194 4, ,.ere read and approved. Trustee Willson moved the following payrolls be approved, seconded by Utley and carried; NAM CLAM j2 GROSS MOUNT WITHHOLDING UNIFORMS NET.,:", T. Administrative Hilding Dahl 2033 102.50 9.00 Phil W. Smith 2029 $162.50 $21.00 $141.50 Evelyn Kjos 2030 67.50 1.30 66.20 Gretchen Schus sler 2031 67.50 8.80 58.70 1996 410.00 297.50 31.10 26 6.40 Police Department John V. Lyon 2032 112.50 6.40 6.00 100.10 Hilding Dahl 2033 102.50 9.00 1991 93.50 ft. S. Heydt 203.4 97.5G 7.60 1993 89.90 Frank Archamba 2035 97.50 1.90 6.00 89.60 Bud Brooks Pure Oil Station 1996 410.00 24.90 12.00 373.10 Street Department 1998 7.00 Edina Hardware 1999 9..34 R. J. Johnson 2036 112.50 11.60 2001 100.90 P. H. Dahlg ren 2037 95.00 7.60 2003 87.40 S. J. Roberts 2038 95.00 7.60 87.40 0. M. Spande 2039 85.00 1.90 83010 John Tracy 2040 85.00 1.90 83.10 Harry Jonas 2041 85.00 5.00 80.00 A. J. herfeld 2042 97.50 5.00 92.50 0has. Johnson 2043 101.25 9.00 92.25 Silas Herrett 2044 94.50 1.90 92.60 Sam McCready 2045 94.50 7.60 86.90 John Balich 2046 70.00 6.20 63.80 Dan 21c Kay 2047 28.60 -0- 28.60 Ben Woehler 2045 172.50 21.00 156 50 1lichael Kimball 2049 56.50 5.80 50970 John. Costello 2050 96.25 190 95.35 Borden, Holly 2051 37.80 1.80 36.00 19406.90 94.80 19312.90 Blanch ITerfeld 2052 7.00 -0- 7.00 1,413.90 94.80 10319.90 TOTAL PAYROLL 2,121.40 150.80 $12.00 19958.60 Motion to approve and allots the following bills was made by Utley, 1 1 seconded by Wyatt and carried. General Fund Name: claim-A Amount Arthur Peterson 1990 Q448545 City of Minneapolis 1991 41060 Country Club District Service Company 1992 17.24 League of Hinnesota Municipalities 1993 70.00 Northwestern Bell Telelahone Company 1994 38.41 nnehaha, Grange #398 1995 3.00 Bud Brooks Pure Oil Station 1996 59.85 Phillips Petroleum Company 1997 15.05 State of 11i.nnesota, Dept. of Taxation 1998 7.00 Edina Hardware 1999 9..34 Minneapolis Blue Printing Company 2000 37.22 Republic Greosoting Company 2001 12025.97 Ed Barris Service Station 2002 94.78 Glacier Sand and Gravel Company 2003 340.87 Dale Green 2004 5000