HomeMy WebLinkAbout19440814_REGULARc =ii?d carried. XT33TUl'ES OF THE 'EQEGUUR EEETIXG OF TIfE EDINk: mLuw COUNCIL HEIS IN TEIE VILLAGE ICAP~L AT 8~00 Po& AEQST 14, 19440 PresiderrE Todd called the meeting to ardet, the roll vas called, and four members were present: Dtley, Willson, Vyatt and Todd, Biinu€es of the regular cauncil meeting held Jnly 24, the adjomned meeting of the Board of Revievz held July 31, 1944, and the adjourned . meeting of the Council held on Jnly 31, 1944, mere read and approved. Tmstee Sillson moved the follominzg payrolls be approved, mconded by Utley and carriedo Evelyn Hjas Gretchen SehussleE Police Department John IT. Lyon Bilding Dah1 'irEinO So Heydt Frank &chamba §tree$ Department Po Bo Dahlgrea So Jo Roberts 0. Eo Spande John Tracy Harry Jonas 2. Jo 3erfeld Ghas, Johnson Sibs Herrett Sam PScCready 3ohn Balieh Don Ec Kay Ben plfoehler Bichael. Khball John Costello 13-orden Belly Ro 5. JO~SO~ Blanch Xerf e Id TOTAL PAYROLL 2029 2030 203 1 2032 2033 203.4 2035 2836 203" 203 8 2C69 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 204 5 204 6 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 GROSS AEffOuNT $16Z05Q 61050 61050 29% 50 $21 000 10 30 8080 31 IO $141.50 66.20 58.70 26 6.40 8 6.00 100.10 6.40 9 boo 93 50 706Q 89.90- 11060 7060 706Q 1.90 lo90 50 OO 5.00 9000 1090 '7060 6.20 -0- 21000 5.80 90 1.80 94.80 -0- 94.80 100 90 87046 87.40 83 10 83.10 80, ao . 92.50 92.25 920 60 86090 63080 28 60 1% 50 50 '70 95035 150 080 $12000 1,958.60 Eo%iorr Ea approve and all012 the folloQing bills rias made seconded by Wyatt and ca~ried, Name Claim lWhur Peterson 1990 City of Xinneapolis 1991 Country Club District Setvice Company 1992 League of Xinnesota Eunicipslitfes 1993 Hor2hEestern Bell Telemone Company 19 94 Einneh&ia Grange #398 1995 Bud Brooks Pure Oil Station 1996 Phillips Petroleum Company 1997 Shte of Ennesota, Dept. of Taxation 1998 Edina Hardrzare 1999 Einneapolis Blue Prinking Company 20 00 Republic Creosoting Company 2001 Ed Ha,rllris Sesviee Staticm 2002 Glacier Sand and Gravel Company 2003 Dale Gpeen 20 04 _u__ by Utleg, . Genera Pund Atno un€ I $485.45 43.. 60 17.24 241 General Fund (Continued] 3. Q. Gleason Edina Feed Company Gmble Stores State Board of Reg. for LE. & L.5. Xidvreat Cap lknufactuping Company Lynrmhmst X'wrsery Pirestone 8t ores Edim Xolunteer Piremen's Relief Assn. Vsctarc Carlson and Sons, Inc, DahXberg Bros. , Inc* IlfiXler-Bavinr Cornpamy Berg and Pamiham Company John Mlra Boxer Haxtharne . Geo. T. Shilson Si;. Peters Lutheran Church Alex Creighton WinifEed- Cre ight on Viola A. Doe Thompson Lumber Company Evelyn Rjos Assiataat Treasurer Xorthern StatelFt Pomr Company Ben Woehlec 'State of mnnesota Dept. of Public ExzLrhi;ners . Oscar RobePts and Company I ROY Jo APXICSOE Chin f 200 5 Thompson Lumbes Compaszy Evelyn Hjos Assistant Treasures Bwxb.ard Koehls Einneapolis Ci@ Tzeaswer Thompson Lumber Campany Evelyn Kjos, Assistant Treasutrer Northenn States Boxer Company Uinneapolis City Treasurep Suburban Hennepin County Belief Bd, 20QB 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 2011 2012 20 13 20 14 20 23 20 24 2025 2026 2028 2053 2054 205 5 2056 205 '3 2058 2059 20 16 20 17 20 18 2027 20 15 AmODXlt; 7.50 112. 50 4.05 12.30 $8,139 a54 2021 Se%er Rental Fund 20 16 8.34 2017 40 20 18 1.28 20 19 1s90 6.32 $1,917.34 c 1 I TOTAL BIUS PALI) - AIL FUMPfS $11 6 93 . 17 &. Dm EcGufre, reptesenting Schoal Diseriet gly at Cahill, ZQ pe&r;ed to request that the raad from the school to Valley View Road-, about 3/4 of a mile, be improved. hard to maintain on account of the drainage but that it would &e graded and the bad places repaired as soon as possible. Trustee Wyatt brought up for discussion the trimming of Iirees on Broimdale Avenue and suggested that %he Park Board proceed with %he trimming of the trees betw.een the sideualk and the curb. It is under- stood that; Park Bowd members Louis and Steinke are to contact the property owfriers to have all trees inside the sidewalk trimmed at their own expense. Trustee Vyatt propoaed betGer methods of garbage disposal and he was requested by the Cotxncil to conhat various municipalities on their methods and cost of disposal. Trustee Eilleon explained that the road is Trustee WilZrjorr reported that certain farm buildings had been destroyed on the' Pat Delaney farm by mind storms and it mas decided to alloa him to proceed with conatructlon to reprace the ones destroyed. A repcat on the sanitary sexer systa survey TEES read. 24 2 TrnsZee Ufiley presented for approval a lettee to be sent to the property omnera in 8exxer Diserict #8, explaining vhat procedure the council vztshes ta take inathe matter of completing this sexer system. d card mi11 also be sent nith each letter and is to be filled out and returned to thls office, stating whet;her the property mner rrishes the seQeE completed or not, gillson moved the le€€er be-approved and Wpt€ seconded the mottola, the I.et€erithen being turned over to Attorney Cove11 for fin81 approval. The cigarette license for South Harriet Dairy, 0, E'. Correll new manageE, ms moved approved by WyatZ, seconded by Eillson and carried, 'betaea Arden and Braandale Avenues, requesting that the nitme of said &pee€ he changed from West 49th Street to,Caan€ry Club Road, ms pre- sented for consideration, Trustee Yyafit moved the petition be %tarsea over f;o Engineer Smith and tha€ he cia11 the Post Office to find oat vhat procedure %!e have to ga tbxough Go get the name charged, Uti1ey and carrled. I petikion, signed by 53.?'$ of ~e property owners on V. 49th Street€ Seconded by Engineer Smith plresented a letter from J. 3. Petersen, 4505 GolT.Terrace reqnesting the removal of the s€op sign fmm the middle of the hill on 54th Streef; at BrookQiew Avenue. President Todd said he moald call. Hr. Petersen and discuss the situation with him, pointing ouB the disadvan- tages of removing the sign. Bgineep Smith brought trg %he question of repairing E. Sunnyslope Road and mas advised by the council Eo request 8 petieion for ail sigr,ed by a mqjority of the property owners. Trustee myat% moved the meeting be adjourned a€ 9530 POXr seconded By Utley Snd carried. / MINUTES OF TflE REGULAR NEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL RET;T, IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.M. AUGUST 28, 1944 Four members of the council were present: Utley, Willson, Hawthorne ad Todd, Motion to approve and allow the following payrolls was made by Willson, seconded by Utley and carried: NStU0 claim # - COrnCIL To Le Todd 2060 Bower Eaxthorne 2061 George A, Willson 2062 Dr. A, S. Wyatt 2063 Harold Ueley 2064 Jo Jo Duggm 2065 BY=. Lo Ni. Campbell 2066 Karl H, Cove11 2067 ADMmISTRATTJE Phil W, Smith 2068 Evelyn Kjos 2082 Gretchen Schussler 2070 POLICE DEPARTNENT John Fv, Lyon 2071 Bilding Dahl 2072 Ru. S, Eeydt 2073 Frank Archambo 2074 STREET DEPARTNENT (Regular) Ro Jo Johnson 207 5 Po H. Dahlgren 2076 23. J, Roberts 2077 0. X, Spande 2078 John Tracy 2079 Harry Jonas 2080 ui. J. Nerfeld 2081 Bhldp;. Unit'. Hosp, Net Amt, 70 $%00 50.00 35.00 35,OO 35oOO 30e00 30.00 74.30 162.50 21000 1.50 140.00 . 67.50 1.30 1,50 64.10 67.50 8,80 075 57.95 112.50 6040 6.00 le50 98-60 102.50 9.00 le50 92.00 97.50 7.60 89090 97.50 ' 1.90 6.00 1.50 88.10 112.50 lI.60 1.50 99.40 95.00 7.60 1.60 85.90 85.00 1.90 1.50 81.60 85.00 1,90 1,s 81;60 85.00 5,OO 1.50 78.50 (continued on next page) 95.00 7.60 1.50 85090 9705O 5.00 le50 91.00