HomeMy WebLinkAbout19440828_REGULAR24 2 TrnsZee Ufiley presented for approval a lettee to be sent to the property omnera in 8exxer Diserict #8, explaining vhat procedure the council vztshes ta take inathe matter of completing this sexer system. d card mi11 also be sent nith each letter and is to be filled out and returned to thls office, stating whet;her the property mner rrishes the seQeE completed or not, gillson moved the le€€er be-approved and Wpt€ seconded the mottola, the I.et€erithen being turned over to Attorney Cove11 for fin81 approval. The cigarette license for South Harriet Dairy, 0, E'. Correll new manageE, ms moved approved by WyatZ, seconded by Eillson and carried, 'betaea Arden and Braandale Avenues, requesting that the nitme of said &pee€ he changed from West 49th Street to,Caan€ry Club Road, ms pre- sented for consideration, Trustee Yyafit moved the petition be %tarsea over f;o Engineer Smith and tha€ he cia11 the Post Office to find oat vhat procedure %!e have to ga tbxough Go get the name charged, Uti1ey and carrled. I petikion, signed by 53.?'$ of ~e property owners on V. 49th Street€ Seconded by Engineer Smith plresented a letter from J. 3. Petersen, 4505 GolT.Terrace reqnesting the removal of the s€op sign fmm the middle of the hill on 54th Streef; at BrookQiew Avenue. President Todd said he moald call. Hr. Petersen and discuss the situation with him, pointing ouB the disadvan- tages of removing the sign. Bgineep Smith brought trg %he question of repairing E. Sunnyslope Road and mas advised by the council Eo request 8 petieion for ail sigr,ed by a mqjority of the property owners. Trustee myat% moved the meeting be adjourned a€ 9530 POXr seconded By Utley Snd carried. / MINUTES OF TflE REGULAR NEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL RET;T, IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.M. AUGUST 28, 1944 Four members of the council were present: Utley, Willson, Hawthorne ad Todd, Motion to approve and allow the following payrolls was made by Willson, seconded by Utley and carried: NStU0 claim # - COrnCIL To Le Todd 2060 Bower Eaxthorne 2061 George A, Willson 2062 Dr. A, S. Wyatt 2063 Harold Ueley 2064 Jo Jo Duggm 2065 BY=. Lo Ni. Campbell 2066 Karl H, Cove11 2067 ADMmISTRATTJE Phil W, Smith 2068 Evelyn Kjos 2082 Gretchen Schussler 2070 POLICE DEPARTNENT John Fv, Lyon 2071 Bilding Dahl 2072 Ru. S, Eeydt 2073 Frank Archambo 2074 STREET DEPARTNENT (Regular) Ro Jo Johnson 207 5 Po H. Dahlgren 2076 23. J, Roberts 2077 0. X, Spande 2078 John Tracy 2079 Harry Jonas 2080 ui. J. Nerfeld 2081 Bhldp;. Unit'. Hosp, Net Amt, 70 $%00 50.00 35.00 35,OO 35oOO 30e00 30.00 74.30 162.50 21000 1.50 140.00 . 67.50 1.30 1,50 64.10 67.50 8,80 075 57.95 112.50 6040 6.00 le50 98-60 102.50 9.00 le50 92.00 97.50 7.60 89090 97.50 ' 1.90 6.00 1.50 88.10 112.50 lI.60 1.50 99.40 95.00 7.60 1.60 85.90 85.00 1.90 1.50 81.60 85.00 1,90 1,s 81;60 85.00 5,OO 1.50 78.50 (continued on next page) 95.00 7.60 1.50 85090 9705O 5.00 le50 91.00 24% i' PAYROLLS (continued from .preceding page) STREET DEPARTMENT (Hourly) Name Charles Johnson I Silas Herrett Sam McCready Ben Woehler Michael Kimball John Balich Don McKay Holls Borden - Claim- # 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 Gross AI 67 50 63000 63 00 1120 50 41.00 550 OO 26 00 ' 54.00 1.30 61.70 3.60 59.40 9.00 1.50 102 0 00 370 20 51 . 80 3080 26.00 3.20 5.80 48020 . BlanGh Merf eld 2091 7.00 7.00 $2,191.50 $125.30 rm 2x075 $2,032.45 - Minutes of the regular council meeting held August 14, 1944, were read and approbed. . Merrill Hutchinson appearet to ppesent a petltfon requesting vacation Motion to set public hearing on the a petition for 8 p.m. September 18, 1944, and to authorize and direct the of Annaway drive in Rolling Green. clerk to public notice of said hearing was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Willson and carried, Hawthorne offered the follomlng resolution and moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION CHANGING T€TE NAME OF WEST 49TH STREET BETWEEZ3 ARDEN AVENlTE AND BROWNDALE AVENUE TO COUNTRY CLW ROAD. BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the'nname of West 49th Street between Arden Avenue and Browndale Avenue, in the Village of Edina, is hereby changed to be and is "Country Club Ro ad, Motion to adopt thecresolution.'was there were four ayes and no nays Motion that there be included in the general tax levy for 1944 the SUM of $5,490.83 for Sewer DistrZct No. 9 and the sum of $1,060.22 for Water Main District No. 2 for the following purposes: Sewer Dfst. #9 Water Main Dist. #2 Bonds due 1944 $2,000.00 $500 0 00 Bonds due 1945 2,000.00 500.00 Interest due 1944 480.00 108075 Interest due 1945 450.00 96,25 @, 930.00 $1 , 205.00 Balance 7/31/44 560.83 144.78 $59490.83 $1,060.22 was made by Utley, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Motion to adjourn unt€l 8t30 p.m. Wednesday, Agust 30, 1944, was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and carried. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED mETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL EIELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8t30 P.M. WEBNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1944 Four members of the council were present: Utley, Willson, Hawthorne md Todd, Perry Moore was present and matter pertaining to operatfons of Country Club District Servfce Co, were discussed. Motion that it is the finding of the courlcil that the propOsal, statements and data submitted by Oscap Gaarclen, pres5den.t of Country Club Bistrict Service Co. under date of August 10, 1944, are unacceptable to the council md that Mr. Gaarden be SO notified Was made by Utley, seconded by Tiillson and carried. Notfon,that the clerk be authorizied and directed to give notice of 8 hearing .for revision of rates of Country Club District Service Coo ' .to be held at the Village Hall at .8 p.m. Idonday, September, 18, 1944, .said notice to be in such form as the chairman of the ultilities . .committee .shall determine, was macle by Utley, seconded by Willson and .car2 ed. I -Hotion to accept resignation of John W. Lyon as chief of police and a member of the police department was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Willson and carried. Motion that John W. Lyon be requested to surrender his police uniform to the village manager, with provision the village will repay Lyon for his investment in the uniform if it is delivered to the manager in good condition, was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and carried. I Notion to adjourn was made by Utl'ey, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. /gi+&/& /+ Glerk *'&% NINUTES OF lCRE SPECIAL IBETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HFZD IN VSLLAGE HALL AT 8 P.N. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEBBER 6, 1944 All. members of the council were present. &lotion that the chairman of the public safety committee be authorized and directed to extend to Detective Ed Ryan an offer of the position of chief of police for Edina on his retirement from the police force of the city of Minneapolis and that the chairman shall make such arrangements with Ryan for his advice encX consultation on police department matters in the Interin as ~h@lr.be:.imtuallg satisfactory was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wllson and carrQed. Todd reported receipt of a letter from Oscar Gaarden, president of' Country Club District Servlce Coo, announcing &hat he is considerfng taking steps to shut off fire hydrants unless the village pays hydrant rental charges. I Notion to adjourn was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wyatt and carried. - .