HomeMy WebLinkAbout19440925_REGULARMotion to adjourn was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and carried, ) MmTES OF THE SPECIAL AilEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL RELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.M. SEPTEMBER '22, 1944 All members of the council were present. Also present were Perry Moore, attorney for the Village; Karl Schmidt, consultant for the Village; Oscar Gaarden, pres%dent of Country Club District Service Co,, and Thomas Vennm, attorney for Country Club District Service Co. Matters relating to water rates charged by Country Club District Service Co, were discussed. Motion to continue the hearing on rates charged by Country Club District Service Co, for water service in the Village until 8 pImt Friday, OCtOb8r 6, 1944, was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Wyatt and carried. EIMUTES OF TRB RZGULAR EEZTIMG OF THE EDI" VILLAGE COUXC!IL HELD IIT VILIAG33 HALL AT 8.P.l'do SEPT. 25, 1944 All members of the council mere present. Llinutecs of the regular council meeting held September 11, 1944, an3 the special council meeting held September 22, 1944, were read and appr o ve:d . Letter was received from Jqnex Thorne, Jr. 5504 OaklaWn Avenue, requesting information about removal of a privey at 5505 Kellogg Avenue and about inatallation of a street light at Pifty-.fifth street and Oaklavm. The Village Health Officer was instruc&ed to inspect the premises at 5505 Kello,-g Avenue. \Tillson moved approval and 'payment of the f olloving payrolls, seconded by I'iyatt alzd carried: CLAIE # GROSS ALT. '63HLDG. NfiB - Council T.L. Todd 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 - 0- - 0- - 0- i 0- - 0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0 - -0- -0- -0- 50.00 50.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 50.00 50.00 35.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 @340.00 35 00 75.00 Bower Havt horize Geo. A. VJillson Dr. A. S. Wyatt Barold C. Utley J. J. Duggan Dr. Le E. Campbell Karl H. Cove11 - 0- $pj= 74130 $39.30 . 70 $ .70 Administrative Phil W. Smith 2160 2161 2162 162.50 67.50 67.50 29'??50 21.00 1.30 8.80 31.10 Evelyn Kjos Gretchen Schussler 075 57.95 3.75 862.65 Pol ic e Depar trnent Hilding Dah1 2163 2164 2165 102.50 97.50 9.00 7.60 1.50 92.00 -0- 89.90 6.00 1.50 88.10 6.00 3.00 270.00 V&n. S.-Heydt Frank Archambo 97.50 2954.50 1.90 18.50 Street Department 'R. 5. Johnson 112.50 95.00 95.00 85.00 11.60 7.60 7.60 1.90 1.50 99.40 1.50 85.90 1.50 81.60 1.50 85.90 2166 2167 2168 2169 P. H. Dahlgren S. J. Roberts 0. X. Spande John Tracy 2170 85.00 1.90 1.50 81.60 Hury Jonas 2171 85.00 5.00 1;50 78.50 a. J. Eerfeld 2172 97.50 5.00 1.50 91.00 Chas. Johnson 21 73 67.50 1.30 1.50 64.70 Silas Herrett 2174 63.00 1.30 -0- 61.70 Sam EccCready 2175 63.00 3.60 - 0- 59,40 Ben Toehler 21 76 110 00 9.00 2.50 99.50 Johvl Balich 2177 10.00 968.50 - 0- 5.5. 80 -0- 10.00 13.50 295,30 6.00 20.25 1,7'71*1 e TOTAL PAYROLL 1,903.50 1060 10 TJyatt moved approval and, papnent of the following bill, seconded by Villson and carried: b) Geo. T. Shilson 21 78 27.50 - Bids on a truck for the public msrks department were received from Northwestern Terminal Company and General Truck and Zquipent Company. Uotion to refer said bids to the Village Engineer for recommendation was made by 7Tlillson, seconded by Uyatt- and carried. Ferrill Eutchinson appeared to submit a proposed replatting of Rolling Green, Section 2. Billson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: FL8SOLUTION VEEXEAS, manay Driive, as platted and dedicated in the recorded plat of Rolling Green, Hennepin County, Einn., Village of Edina, has heretofore been vacated; and, I'JHEREAS, there was also platted and dedicated a small park at the Jesterly terminus of said drive and another small park at the Xasterly terminus of said drive, vhich parks are of no benefit vhatsoever to the public and vould only be a burden upon the Village; XOB TEEBEFORE, BZ IT RESOLVED: That said parks at the Besterly terminus and at the Easterly terminus of said Annanay Drive, as they appear upon the duly recorded plat of Rolling Greeno Hennepin County, Yinn., be and the same hereby are vacated and abandoned by the Village of Edina as public grounds or parks . Eotion to adopt the resolution Was seconded by Ha-i'&horne, On rollcall there were five ayes and nonnays as follows: utley, aye, Ytillson, aye; ii'yatt , aye; aye, and the resolution \?as adopted /- EotSoa to agprove and accept the replatting of Rolling Green, Seceinn 2, presented by Er. Hutchinson Was made by Hawthorne, sec3nded by Sillson and carried. T:.L Perry, 4800 E. Sunnyslope Road, appeared to request, in- formation concerning plans for completion of laterals in Sewer District Eo. 8 and to request improvement of the street passing his residence. H, S. Reeves, 4424 Brookside Avenue, appeared to repart a nuisance in his neighborhood. Ilawthorne said the police de- partment would be instructed to take appmpriate action. Todd reported C. A. Kuntz, 5437 Uoodcrest drive, and Roy C. Drake, 5443 i'loodcrest Drive, had requested that the Village clean the channel of kyinnehaha Creek at the rear of their premises. The matter aas referred to the Village Engineer. 249 Letter mas received from Ers. Abdiel Kallestad, 4920 France Avenue, urging establishment of a youth center in €he business district at Fiftieth Street and Yrance Avenue. Eotion to adjourn ~9as made by Willson, seconded by Vyatt and carried. NIIXUTES OF TIiE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD Iw VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.N. OCTOBER 9, 1944 All members of the council werd present. Motion to approve and allow the following bills was made by Utley, seconded by Wyatt and carried: NAME CLAIM NO. GENERAL FUND Postmaster -- Linden Hills Sta. Geo. T, Shilson . Minneapolis Iron Store Phillips Petroleum Co, Thoman W. Rosholt Co. Linde Air Products Co. American Linen Co. Dahlberg BPOS,, Inc, Republic Creosoting Co. Thompson Lumber Co. The Improvement Bulletin Harry T. Peters Harry W. Smith Ambulance Aagard Sign Co, Stowell Art Studios National Fire Protection Assn. Warner Hardware Co, Hennepin County Review Country Club District Service Co Jay W, Craig Co, Dr. James Blake Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. Boreyfs Shell Service E. W. Harris Service Sta, Bud Brooks Pure Oil Service Nortgwestern Bell -.Telephone Co. Arthur Be$erson Phil W.- Smt-th-t. Northern States Power Co, Miller-Davis Co, Oscar Roberts & Co. State of Minnesota Dept of Tax. SEWER RENTAL FUND Miller-Davis Co. POOR FEND Sub. Hennepin Co, Rlf . Bd, SEWER DlUSTRZCT NO. 8 A, B. Dick Co, Nrs. Laura Dirks American Typewriter R, & S, Co. JOINT SEUER DISTRICT NO. 1 Twin City Brick Co. Edina Hardware Berg and Farnham Co. TOTAL BILLS 2181 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 221 5 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2234 2236 2227 AMOUNT $ 99.18 20.00 18 , 00 15.05 64 . 80 7.06 7.85 240.05 12.44 6.80 3.50 7.50 1.96 7.50 15.00 6.18 5,40 14.47 735.00 166 . 02 15.10 69.26 -68,45 34.95 486,15 50.00 623.27 2.85 112 . 00 7800 71 . 20 5.25 5.00 $2,933 . 04 n.20 2228 142.88 ' 142.88 2289 6.85 2237 26,OO 37,85 2231 33,75 2232 1.62 2230 5eOO 2233 15870 51 , 07 $3,236 , 04