HomeMy WebLinkAbout19441009_REGULAR249 Letter mas received from Ers. Abdiel Kallestad, 4920 France Avenue, urging establishment of a youth center in €he business district at Fiftieth Street and Yrance Avenue. Eotion to adjourn ~9as made by Willson, seconded by Vyatt and carried. NIIXUTES OF TIiE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD Iw VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.N. OCTOBER 9, 1944 All members of the council werd present. Motion to approve and allow the following bills was made by Utley, seconded by Wyatt and carried: NAME CLAIM NO. GENERAL FUND Postmaster -- Linden Hills Sta. Geo. T, Shilson . Minneapolis Iron Store Phillips Petroleum Co, Thoman W. Rosholt Co. Linde Air Products Co. American Linen Co. Dahlberg BPOS,, Inc, Republic Creosoting Co. Thompson Lumber Co. The Improvement Bulletin Harry T. Peters Harry W. Smith Ambulance Aagard Sign Co, Stowell Art Studios National Fire Protection Assn. Warner Hardware Co, Hennepin County Review Country Club District Service Co Jay W, Craig Co, Dr. James Blake Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. Boreyfs Shell Service E. W. Harris Service Sta, Bud Brooks Pure Oil Service Nortgwestern Bell -.Telephone Co. Arthur Be$erson Phil W.- Smt-th-t. Northern States Power Co, Miller-Davis Co, Oscar Roberts & Co. State of Minnesota Dept of Tax. SEWER RENTAL FUND Miller-Davis Co. POOR FEND Sub. Hennepin Co, Rlf . Bd, SEWER DlUSTRZCT NO. 8 A, B. Dick Co, Nrs. Laura Dirks American Typewriter R, & S, Co. JOINT SEUER DISTRICT NO. 1 Twin City Brick Co. Edina Hardware Berg and Farnham Co. TOTAL BILLS 2181 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 221 5 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2234 2236 2227 AMOUNT $ 99.18 20.00 18 , 00 15.05 64 . 80 7.06 7.85 240.05 12.44 6.80 3.50 7.50 1.96 7.50 15.00 6.18 5,40 14.47 735.00 166 . 02 15.10 69.26 -68,45 34.95 486,15 50.00 623.27 2.85 112 . 00 7800 71 . 20 5.25 5.00 $2,933 . 04 n.20 2228 142.88 ' 142.88 2289 6.85 2237 26,OO 37,85 2231 33,75 2232 1.62 2230 5eOO 2233 15870 51 , 07 $3,236 , 04 Motion to approve and allov the following payrolls was made by FQatt, seconded by Utley and carried: L NAME - ADESINISTRATIVE CLXBJ NO, Phil V. Smith 2182 Evelyn Xjos 2183 Gretchen Schussler 2184 Hilding Dahl 2185 Wm, So Heydt 2238 Fra~k Archambo 2186 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. J. Johnson 2187 P, H, Dahlgren 2188 S. J. Roberts 2189 John Tracy 2191 Harry Jonas 2192 N. J. Herfeld 2193 Chas. Johnson 2194 Silas Herrett 2195 Sam EiIcCreadg 2196 Ben Voehler 2197 Blanch Nferf eld 2198 POLICE DEPARE"T 0. BII, Spande 2190 TOTAL PAYROLLS GROSS AMT. $l62.50 67.50 67050 102 . 50 97.50 97.50 112 0 50 95.00 95.00 85.00 85.00 97.50 66.00 61.60 61.60 110.00 7.00 $1,556.20 85000 WITHHOLD IMG NET ASYZT. $21.00 $141 . 50 1,30 66.20 8.80 58-70 9.00 93.50 7.60 Unifm, 89.90 1.90 $6.00 89.60' 11 , 60 100.90 7.60 87,40 I 87e40 83.10 . 83.10 8O.OO 92.50 . 64.70 60030 58.00 101.00 R. B, Copleg, 4533 Rutledge avenue, appeared to present a petition requesting construction of sanitary severs on Brookside and Rutledge avenues. for checking, vrith instructions to report back at a speci'almeeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 11, 1944; seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Utley moved to accept the petition and refer it to the engine& Botion to approve special assessment rolls for weed mowing totaling $77,01 and to certify the same to the Hennepin County Auditor was mde by Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and carried. 'PClotion to approve special assessment rolls for constructinn of cu~b and gutter totaling $4,615.74 md %O certif$ the. Fame to-the- Henneptn county audi$or was made by Willson, seconded by Wyatt and carried, Hotion to approve special assessment rolls for street ofling totaling $1,985.95 and to certffy the same to the Bennepin county auditor vas made by TJillson, seconded by Wyatt - and-carried, - )i Motion to approve special assessment rolls for delinquent sewer rentab charges and to certify the same to the Hennepivl county auditor vas made by Willson, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Hotion to approve application of Minneapolis Gas Light Coo for permission to extend a gas main on Ti. Fuller s%reet vas made by VliLlson, seconded by Utley and carried. .- Eotion to direct the clerk to appoint election boards for the f,rluleral ' electfon to be held Nov. 7, 1944, from the personnel \vhich served at the primary election, with authority to make replacements as necessary, mas made by IVyatt, seconded by V?illson and carried. Notion to fix salary of Patrolman Frank Archambo ab $205 per month effective Octo 15, 1944, vas made by Hawthorne, seconded by Utleyrand carried, . c Todd offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the President of the Council make formal request upon IJr. John R. Coan, Postmaster of Minneapolis, Llinnesota, for the establishment at the earliest possible date of an Edlna Postoffice or a Government-financed branch of the ILLnneapolis Postoffice to be known as the Edina Branch, the same to be conveiently located in .* Edina in the community shopping center at the intersection of Fiftieth street and France avenue, and establishment at Fiftieth and France of a temporary Postal Station-to conthue in operation until the permanent Edha Postoffice *r mfna Branch Further, that request be made upon the Postmaster for the ' i Postoffice be opened for public use, and Postmaster, and a copy of this resolution and a copy of the letter of the President of the Council to the Postmaster be sent to the Honorable Richard P. Gale, Congressman, J Further, that a copy of this resoiution be sent to the Motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was made by Willson, seconded by Utley and on roLlca11 there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Utley, aye; Willson, aye; Wyatt, aye; Hawt the resolution was adopted. ATTEST: Clerk Motion to approve text of a letter submitted by Todd for transmission brb John R. Coan, Minneapolis Postmaster, was made by Willson, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Motion to approve budget estimates totaling $105,750 for various Village requirements during the calendar year 1945 was made by Willson, seconded by Hawthorne and carried, Utley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, that the tax levy for the Village of Edina for 1944 be and hereby Is: General Fund, $95,750; Poor Fund, $3,500; Delinquent Principal and Interest on Special Assessments, $6,500; Total, $105,750, and that the same be certified to the Henaepin County Audit or , Motion to adopt the foregolng resolution was aeconded by Willson and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Utley, aye; Willson, aye; Vyatk, aye; Hawthorne, aye; I . was adopted. ATTEST Motion that the Village Manager be directed to notify A. R. Blackbourn, 5015 Wooddale lane, that construction of a concrete wall along Minnehaha creek adjoining his premises fs Sllegal and that removal of the wall is demanded by the council was made by Wyatt, seconded by Willson and carried. &lotion to transfer from the General Fund to Sewer District No. 8 Rmd the following amounts improperly credited to the General Fund in 1943: Proceeds from Sale of Equipment........... 497.55 Proceeds from Rental of Equipment........, t 466.96 was made by Utley, seconded by Wyatt and carried, Motion to authorize the General Fund to acquire from Sewer District No, 8 the District's fnventory of sewer tile for the sum of $2,812.35 was made by U-bley, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Motion to accept %he bid of General Truck and Equipment Co., St. Paul, to furnfsh a meral Motors dmp truck with 2&-yard dump body conforming to specifications at $3,098 was made by Willson, seconded by Hawthorne aad carried, Motion to adjourn until 8 p.m. Wednesday, October 11, 1944, was made by Wyatt, seconded by Willson and carried.