HomeMy WebLinkAbout19441113_REGULAR4 i All members of Engineer Smith the council =ere present. reported an examination of sanitary severs in %'Ere vil'lzge shins leakage of 500,000 gallons of vtater per day inh the trurik seiTer linesp and recomaended immedfate employment2 of a set7er cclntractor to make necessary repairs to the €runk: se';Eer. James Xtasnetti, represen%- kti'cfve of ketti rSC LametGi, SI;. Paul, appestred and stated his corapany nould undertake the serper reapips on ai basis of cost plus X5 per cent. Eo-kian ta anthurize the proper village offfchls to execute an zgx?eemen% mi€h &metti 6% betti for mpah aP leaks fn the trunk seuer system on the basis of cost plus 15 per ten€, said agreeme=€ to be dram by €he Village Attornex, nas made by Utliey, seconded by Vyatt and czpried, I Eotion i;o appram seconded by WyaJit and a3.10~ the folloxing payrolls mas made by ViPBsorm, wd carried: GROSS - mAm AElOfSlJz" 2353 8162.5Q 2334 77.50 2337: 10205Q me s. Eeydt 2538 97.50 et1ayt;on @zi&son 2359 SgoOO 382 50 SfX-eefi Department (Regula?? Een) Ro 3. John~oYl 2540 112.50 Po E. Bahlgren 234.1 95.00 S. 5. Roberts 234 2 95.00 0. E. Spande 2343 85.00 John Tracy 2344 85000 2345 85000 2346 97050 655 .Ob StEeet Bepafirneat (Hourly Een) Chas. Jabnson 2349 95 063 Silzzs Hesreft 2350 89025 Ben Voelrlei? 2552 165oOO O.fJ.CardarelXs 2353 68 0 80 Sam EcClready 2351 85,45 Blanch Eerfeld 2384 7eOQ 512.13 UveE t ime-Pol5 e e Department Fra-nk a. Archavnbo 2355 186,96 8/29-11/15/44 Hi2diw-c D&J, 2356 2612.52 S.-Heydt 2357 59.22 448. 70 $21.00 1.30 8.80 31,l.O $14L 50 76 20 68 0 10 286.40 5.00 1*90 7e60 21eQO lo30 -0- 36 0 80 - 133.90 19 080 29 e00 * 90 49 o 70 183 e 60 100.90 81,40 87.40 83 0x0 83 e 10 80oOO 92.50 614.40 267016 173 52 58.32 399.80 6.00 29 126 23 Dation iio approve and allou the PolXoning bills vras made by VyatP;, seconded by 'PCillson and carriedt 5' Victor Carlson & Sons 00. Einneapolis Gas Light 00. H. rS. Bell Telephone Co. Dr. Lowell E. Campbell Village of Hopkins Oscar Robwts EC C9mparzy ITort-hweatem Terminal Co. Ci%y Treasurer ai? Xpls. Gamble Store #lo3 Firestorre Stores S. Jarvis Ed. ITarris Service Station Bud Brooks Pure Oil Station Glacier Sand and Gravel (30. Einneapolis Iron Store Young Fuel Company Jay 17. Craig Co. Dahlberg Brotis. Inc. J. Q. Gleason Arthur Peter son 'I"aol?lpson ZmbeF eo. Simde Air Products. Coo Fred 91. Gray Company izorkhepn States Poaer Cro Eiller-ISlavZs Company Borey Shell Station Phil W. Smith J I He A. Rogers Coo 2213 2294 2275 2276 2271 2 278 2279 2 280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2291. 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 234 7 2348 Suburban Henn. Cy. Relief Bd. .2300 Gilher -&mi s Corapany E. T. Xmisek Hennepiyr Connky Reviea Viola Havlish Laura Dfrks Eorthern States Poiyet @o o To'i;al Billa - All Fmds 2299 General Fund '( I18 . 64 2 .%"2 38 . 30 17.00 400.00 49 079 173.01 783.00 34.50 101.05 4.00 56 52 69.95 92.67 62 52 14 . 34 525.00 19.85 7.56 105.00 486.15 40.40 11.52 15.00 626 98 262.25 19 70 50.00 $4s 193.81 POOP Fund 115 044 $$ 115.44 s. Do ITO. 8 7.35 2301 15.00 2302 8.25 2303 22.50 2358 5oOQ $ 58.10 2298 Smer Rental -1 . 28 4; -1.28 $4,366 07 Eotion to appmve and allow the fallowing e1ec't;iox-i payroll mas made by V'tt, seconded by Villson and car~ied: EIZCTIOIT PAYROLL OB NOVEEBER 13, 1944 EliaaUe%h good t"Jehx 2304 9.85 Lea Vlillims 230 5 9.85 Albert 0, Farmer 230 6 9.85 Sigrid Vesterbemtg 2307 . 9085 Ers. Earion A, Young 2310 5.80 Rose A. Leo 2311 5.80 Lillian E. Lundquist 2312 14.85 Agne s Ewenson 2313 14.85 Virginia Beard 2314 14.85 Alice Bxom 8315 11.85 Alma Duus 2316 14.85 Election (General) of ITovember 7,1944 Earjorie Voad 2308 9.85 PSellie S. Ibdlin 2339 5.80 Ella K. Berray 231r 10 030 DoroGhea S. Obemaeyer 233.8 10 050 Louise Weseerberg 2519 11.35 Laura Dirk8 2320 11 03 5 Eellie StPate 2321 11.35 Plilds Holeer 2322 11.35 Ds. Frances Somenberg 2323 11.35 Us. 0182 E. Bye 23 24 6.30 Lks . John E jort 2325 G 03Q (Continued on Page 6) 6 Election fayPo11 ~f 11/13/44 (Continued) 23 26 .. Orline Christopher 2321 E'. Zois souis 2328 ''. . Florence E, Jerzetti 2329 Zthel Bo KcCreedy 2330 J_TildEed Bo PotZer 2331 Zdo Port 2332 TOTAS ELECTIOE PAYROLL Xbtion ta gran-ii permits to Eoriihern Shtes Poner Coo for instalxation of street lfght poles at the earner of Tomes Road and Tomes Circle and on Halifcx Avenue betceen Fifty-Second and Fif-ky-FomBh Sfireets was made by Wiley, Seconded by 'Vyatt and carriedo Petikiun tequesting action by the council to require Thorpe Bros.,Iac,, to reirove its tract office aild advertising sign from property at the southwest Garner' of Fiftieth Street arid Voaddale Avenue vas receivedo .I Gotion that council notify Thorpe Bros. Inc. Bh2.E; its tract dir"fice and advertising signs at Fiftieth Street and Vooddalle Avenue a-re being maintained in aiolcztiaiz of the village zoning ordinance and that the empay be directed to remove iihe offfce and signs forth17ith vas made by Hasrkhorne, seconded by Vyatt and carried. Petition requesting blockading of the alley running from 17ooddaler Avenue to Country Club Road adjoining the Edina School to prevent use of the alley as 8 thoroughfare vas received, Eo"ron to refer said petition -b~ the public norks committee and engineer nith porrer to acfi %as inade by Villaon, seconded by :7yatt and carried, Peti%forr requesting oiling of Fifty-Fifth Stree-I; from Frace to Beard Avenues and Drev Avenue betueen Fifty-Fourth and Fifty-Fifth Streets vas receiTedo Dotion to refer like petition to the engineer Tor check- ing vas made by I'Tillson, seoonded by Vyzte and carried. Letter 178s received from Harold G. Uins, 5034 Buce PIQceS request- ing %he village to remove logs and ather obstructions from the bed of Ximehaha Creek adjoining his property. The letter vas referred ta the engineer. Eo-F;ion to au-thorize %he engineer to install aooden streek signs at various locations in South Hidden Valley was lpade by VyatZ, seconded by UKLey and carpied. Eotion %o an"corize payment of" full salary to OD E* Spande for time lost due to an injury suffered in line of emplopitenf, rrith all com- pensatiion insmance payments received by Spande to be turned Over eo the village trezsurer, and further 60 direct the manager to sectwe infoma'cion conceriiing sick-leave and compensation policies of other municipalities 17as =de by Wyzttt, seconded by Tlillsori and carriedo Eotion to authorize sale of %he police uniform omned by the village to Patrolman Clayton Erickson far the am of ($35,00, aith Zrickson 'ca pay costs of alkemticm and cleaning, vas made by HaQthorue, seconded by Vi11sorm and cax=iede Embers af the cauncil discussed informally the mattep .of constructiag a stom sever in Colonial Grave and the mgineep vas directed to pro- ceed vith a prelirizinary rumey to determine ex-bent and estimated cos% -* I 0 of sudh seneke Ko'cion %a adjourn was mde by Villson, seconded by Hamthorne and carried, CXerk