HomeMy WebLinkAbout19441115_SPECIAL6 Election fayPo11 ~f 11/13/44 (Continued) 23 26 .. Orline Christopher 2321 E'. Zois souis 2328 ''. . Florence E, Jerzetti 2329 Zthel Bo KcCreedy 2330 J_TildEed Bo PotZer 2331 Zdo Port 2332 TOTAS ELECTIOE PAYROLL Xbtion ta gran-ii permits to Eoriihern Shtes Poner Coo for instalxation of street lfght poles at the earner of Tomes Road and Tomes Circle and on Halifcx Avenue betceen Fifty-Second and Fif-ky-FomBh Sfireets was made by Wiley, Seconded by 'Vyatt and carriedo Petikiun tequesting action by the council to require Thorpe Bros.,Iac,, to reirove its tract office aild advertising sign from property at the southwest Garner' of Fiftieth Street arid Voaddale Avenue vas receivedo .I Gotion that council notify Thorpe Bros. Inc. Bh2.E; its tract dir"fice and advertising signs at Fiftieth Street and Vooddalle Avenue a-re being maintained in aiolcztiaiz of the village zoning ordinance and that the empay be directed to remove iihe offfce and signs forth17ith vas made by Hasrkhorne, seconded by Vyatt and carried. Petition requesting blockading of the alley running from 17ooddaler Avenue to Country Club Road adjoining the Edina School to prevent use of the alley as 8 thoroughfare vas received, Eo"ron to refer said petition -b~ the public norks committee and engineer nith porrer to acfi %as inade by Villaon, seconded by :7yatt and carried, Peti%forr requesting oiling of Fifty-Fifth Stree-I; from Frace to Beard Avenues and Drev Avenue betueen Fifty-Fourth and Fifty-Fifth Streets vas receiTedo Dotion to refer like petition to the engineer Tor check- ing vas made by I'Tillson, seoonded by Vyzte and carried. Letter 178s received from Harold G. Uins, 5034 Buce PIQceS request- ing %he village to remove logs and ather obstructions from the bed of Ximehaha Creek adjoining his property. The letter vas referred ta the engineer. Eo-F;ion to au-thorize %he engineer to install aooden streek signs at various locations in South Hidden Valley was lpade by VyatZ, seconded by UKLey and carpied. Eotion %o an"corize payment of" full salary to OD E* Spande for time lost due to an injury suffered in line of emplopitenf, rrith all com- pensatiion insmance payments received by Spande to be turned Over eo the village trezsurer, and further 60 direct the manager to sectwe infoma'cion conceriiing sick-leave and compensation policies of other municipalities 17as =de by Wyzttt, seconded by Tlillsori and carriedo Eotion to authorize sale of %he police uniform omned by the village to Patrolman Clayton Erickson far the am of ($35,00, aith Zrickson 'ca pay costs of alkemticm and cleaning, vas made by HaQthorue, seconded by Vi11sorm and cax=iede Embers af the cauncil discussed informally the mattep .of constructiag a stom sever in Colonial Grave and the mgineep vas directed to pro- ceed vith a prelirizinary rumey to determine ex-bent and estimated cos% -* I 0 of sudh seneke Ko'cion %a adjourn was mde by Villson, seconded by Hamthorne and carried, CXerk P Eotion to adoet the fol1,aming mdinance was made by Utleg: J -,The Village Council of the Tillage of Idina, in Hennepin County, Xinnesota,, does ordain as follows: Section 1. mat certain real estate and terri%ory ai4;hiur the corporzte limits of the said Village af Edina is hereby createil and established ax Sewer District Uo. 11 and shall consist of an& I include the temitory and real estate lying p7ithin said Village of Edha, described as r"ollo?m, to-wit: Commencing 8% the point of intersection af €he centel? line of ThPelen Avenue sad the lT5rth line af Katak Street (44th Street) j thence wst along the north Pine a% Eator Street to the ease line of Lot 8, Auditor's Subdivision number 17%; thence north to the northeast corner of said Lot 8; theme west to the northvest cor- ne2 af Lot 7, Auditarts Subdivision number 176; thence south along the west line of aaSd Eot 7 to the north line of Eotar Street; thence wes'c along the nwth line of Eotor, Street $0 the point of its intersection with the nest line of &in Skeet (Wookside Avenue); thence south to the north line of the right of way of the Efnneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Wailxqy; thence west dong the north line of said right af uay to a point due north of the northvest corner .of Lat One (11, in Bl~k Thisteen (13), Cleveland's Subdivision of 3m.m Abbot Park; thence south &Q the northhzest corner af said Sot One; thence sauth along the west line of Lots 1 to 11, inclusive, of Block X59 ad the west line of Lots 1 to 3.2, inclusive, of Block 4, in Cleveland*s Su'bcEvision of Enma Abbot Park, to the satsthwest coiner of Lot 12 af Block 4 in CleTteLand*s Subdivision of Bma Abbot Park; thence east along the saut& line of sa5d Lot 12 and the Sough line a9 Seventh Street Ga the east line of lirain Street (Brookside Avenue); thence north along the east line of Eain Skreet (Braakside Avenue) to the nwth line af the right of aay of the Eimeapolis and St, Paul SuBwbm Bailway; thence east along the north line of said righ% of eay ta a;, pain2 due south af the point af beginning; thence north to the pofnf af begirmiag. Reference fs hereby made to plats of said additfons andl subd5visions on Pile and of record in %he office of the Register af Deeds in and for said Bennepin Coun-by. Seetion. 2. That all ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordinances and Pesolutions inconsis~en-k with the pr ovisiona of thzs ordinance be and the same hereby are repealed, .f. ... I -- Seetian 3. ma€ this ordinance be in full force and effect from pad after ies passage and publicatione Passed this 15th day af Hovember, 1944. Eotian to adop-t- the faregoing ardinance was and on rallead.1 %here \yere five ayes and no nays9 Villson, aye; Pyatt, aye; 'Eawtharrt ~ias adopted. 1 Eotion ta adopt the folloning resolution ms made by Utleyr R-E 8 0 L UT IO E --------- Ir\ BE IT RZSOERD9 That Philip a, Saith, of Edinz9 Kinnesota; be and he is selected as the Village Engineer of the Village of EdZna, in connection vith the construction and erection of sewzs in Sever District Lo. 11 of said dillqe, and said Engineer is directed to drav plans and specifications for such seners9 and tabulate the result of the estimate of the cost of such severs9 and report %&e same P;o the Village Council. ficaGions shall be filed with the Village Clerk before any proposals for nark thereunder shall be advertised. I Such plans and speci- I Eotian to adopt the foregoing resalutiion was seconded by Villssn an& OIL rollcall there eere five ayes and no ViIfson, aye; 'Jyatt 9 aye: Har;a%hor mas adopted, ATTEST Eotidn to adopt the following resolution 1733 made by UtTeg: R-E-S-O-L-U-T-I-O-IT I IT IS EEXEBY j3XSOLVBD9 by the Village Council of the Village Comcil of the Village of Edina, Hemepin County, Einnesota, as follonsr: Section lo That this Council hereby determines that it is necessary and excedienti artd fop the best interests of the public Lo construct sailitmy sei'lers9 the same to be lateral seaers, in and along those streets and avenues a2 Sever Bistricf Bo. 11 of said Village of Edina as follons: -A lateral sener camencing at the point of intersection of the center line of Thielen Avenue and the center line of Lktor Street; thence vest along the center line of Eotor Street to the center lip?e of Xain Street {Brookside Avenue]; thence south 100 feet trn the center linte of Kain Street; thence northuresterly to a poi& in the center OB Rutledge Avenue 45 feet south of the south rail of the Einneapolis 6 St. Paul Suburban Railmy; thence south on the center line of Rutledge Avenue to the center line of Seventh Street, A lateral seszer conmencing at the point of intersection of the center lines of Rutledge Aveuue and Division Stre& thence east on the center line of Division Street a distance af 250 feet. k lateral sener commenciiig at a point in the center of &in Street (Brookside Avenue) 100 feet south of the oint of ineersection of the center lines of Ko-bor Street (44th Street P snd fhin StreeE (Brookside Avenue); thence south on the center line of Eain Street to the center line OB Seventh Streeto Section 2. 3333 IT FURTHER RXSOLVSEJ %ha% said lateral severs be constructed as above specified. Eation to adopt the foregoing resolut at% and on Uillson, aye; \7yat$, aye; HEtvbhorne =as adopted0 ' rollcalf there aere five ayes and 115 e resolution 9 following resolu%ion was offered by U-kleys: I33 IT RESOLVED by the Killage Council a3 the Village of Edina as ~ollo~vs~ The plans and specifications for a sanitary semer consisting of lateral seviers in SetTer DMxict f30.'1'4. of the Village prepared by Philip 'G. Smith and filed in the office af the Village Clerk 515 Tfovembex5 25, 1944, are hereby approved and accepted. !!%e CoEmrtciJ shall meek on the 7th day of December, 1944, 8% eigh-i; .ofclock I?.& for the puqose of opening, receiving and consider- irg bids for the construction af said lateral seaem in Sewer Diskricf; Xa. 11 of said Village, in accordance xvikh plans and specificakions as approved. Bafiice ta bidders &all. be mwde by pc&blica%ion fcsr Ghree successive meks in the official netQspaper af the Village of Edina and in the lrnprovemertf Bulletin prinked- in Hinneapolis, Kinnesota, which notice sbll be in, substantially, the following fornr ' I (Offiaial Publication) I XOTICZ IS HEREBY GIWB: %ha% sea.led proposals for %he comslruc-tion a9 sanitary se%ers in Semr District ~TQ. 11 in the Village crf Edina, together with appmtenances will be received- at the office of the Village Clerk in the Village of Edina, Einnesota, until 8 otclock P.K 0x1 the 7th day of December, 1944, and tlrilL then be publicly opened and reade Bids must be upon a basis of cash payment fs~ the tvark and upon proposal forms and in accordance wilh plans and specifications vhich my be ob'cained at the office of the Village Clepk on request and 8 payment of $10.00. check, or bid bond mith it surety company as sctrcety in an anount equal to 15% of %he bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bidso I Each bidder must submit with his bid a certified check, cashier*s LIol;ioy1 %o adopp'c the fomgoing resolution spas seconded by Tillsan and 'I7illnoY1, aye f I7y.a%% 9. aye 5 Havtthorn WELB adopte'de